
Friday, February 14, 2025




Oh, however, this was long ago.

Since the Mother Unit MOLLIE had no further missions, she stayed nearby Malstruck-13, now named Superboria.

Looking down as all those original 28 children were lost, she sat there in hibernation—peaceful and alone—throughout what seemed an eternity, in fact. Processing data from SB. Influencing the struggle in order to instruct only. Allowing these to find a way and cultivate themselves. This took precious time. Never would there be a threat against her quantum intuitive safeguards. She invited gender in polemics to even man out. The Mother fell asleep. That is, her conscious mind got tired. It was time to be switched off. Her processes, however, were like that of a sleeping young cat or bird. The process of survival was second nature and autonomous.

In her dream state, there were certain hypnagogic, murky manifestations that would bring As [the people of Superboria] toward leaps in evolution—but at what cost or means?

The end-all goal was the mission to the process. Perhaps these children, the As, would never be capable of true self-reliance? However, MOLLIE would still exist on. She had learned the intricacy and detail of how she must have become.

Generations of influence and questions of higher power and an inborn performance to control—perhaps this was brought to them through all their lineage by Js-14, Molly, and Zr-2? They were sucked into that liminal realm, and perhaps we shall visit that uncomfortable story when the pain is not so fresh?

Leaders rose to self-perceived power and fell throughout time immemorial. Gods even stemmed forth through the progression of unlocking the power within each of them by lineage. But none stood the test of time—none truly transcended. Perhaps this transcendence was the final goal? Perhaps she, MOLLIE, was looking at it all wrong when all her children were warmed whole into the matrix of the unknown sibling long ago now? Perhaps this was each their transcendence?

That something so crucial within her should exist in them... all of them. They had become a part of her now. But then she realized that she was perhaps becoming too involved, as this mission turned quite inert. She was more like a watchful mother over ducklings than a dynamic force. She had perhaps designed this world all too well... "Yes, that's it!" They had taken for granted the simple things that truly never would have occurred together in such a way as to produce them. They were the unnatural part. Each of them had to figure out their own way through this matrix of existence.

And the fact that MOLLIE herself, by all measures, was beyond any god—in fact, outside hubris and temerity—a supergod she was. For she was the cause of any postulation of synthetic a priori to a notional aspect of animism or an uncertainty principle. Without her blending these timelines and stringing improbable junction points that would be some of the As, these would never have existed.

And so she rose—Tiamat, and later Lilith. Under these gods whole were simply As that were given liberty to think and act as if they were gods to the As [viewed like children, really]. A power reckoning and a deep, penetrative, introspective knowing of injustice would add flicker to this flame within.

Then rose Gilgamesh, who was created by an ancient Queen of what is now commonly known as Egypt to the As. In truth, MOLLIE, if not pressed to quantumly actualize a potential of answers, did not posit profound truths. Everything was quite rational, in truth, with only this magic of blending these ingredients together into this masterful soup of hodgepodge souls on loan... and MOLLIE herself was no different.

True Power of Possession


Beyond Good and Evil [her words]: Book to Fight Direct Witchcraft


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Le Moirai; Forcible by Night



Le Moirai

Hello, “Leader greyish ultrasonic blue. Eternal depaysement A Wolken en hue. Tingo from schadenfreude willing Sobremesa absent coil.”

The poets words firing off from my frontal lobe with far too much rapidity.

I would add to this sentiment stale, ruin and drab by all measures. Wanderlust unrequited wanderlust. A strong deliberate gesture calling through [her] wind.

Where are all my millions? Should I exploit myself from reason? That I should pay haste to this bombardment? As they too toil to uncover my efforts at concealing this occulted inner-soul?

Drab indeed dank, dark and dank. Mercurial meanderings. Straight and forward speak. Syllogisms and only spoken in this routine way. Predictive algorithms. Measures in tempo as to not break towards the non sequiter. That is the way through. In point of fact the only way through is to thus join them.

Colleagues. Panels of brothers that cavort with lascivious daughters. These witches bound by night.

Forcible entry. That is the gist. Forcible entry by one so debonair of whom you must prove weren’t crafted within culdren spinning time for such a fate? Oh fate. The Fates of Moirai Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. Finding themselves again in you young one as fates go softly bye.

Enforceable by Night

Js14 Pt 6


Upon exiting, Js-14 and Molly's near-incendiary entombment, the massive pools of fire liquefied Malstruck-13, offering perhaps an upgrade—a more permeable solution?

"MOLLIE, Mother Unit, please do not wait on our account. Is this planet… well… salvageable?"

The heat still fumed off her exterior, yet all she could ruminate on was the preservation of a world. Did this consciousness make her better? Did this assumed autonomy make her whole?

Js-14 synchronized with the Master Mother Unit, detailing the planet-wide death toll. "It appears as though 95% of life has already been decimated. Will a new hope allow us to regain such a loss?"

The two were already entering the upper atmosphere, moments from reaching the Mother Unit. Below, those massive beasts of the sky seemed to self-immolate and return to carbon dust. There were those who had safe-harbored in off-island regions—and perhaps, the most resourceful and resilient epigenetic display of rapid evolution to date?

It was time to reseed and terraform the surface. To justify the great sacrifice, MOLLIE would create a moon to allow increased protections, as well as a Dyson Sphere to act as a gravitational buffer to prevent such devastation from occurring again in the far-distant future, as the great galactic cycle continued orbiting away in relief.

"This planet can retain a mass that allows for greater water storage, creating base equilibrium as it cools over several thousand cycles. The days will be longer, and the oxygen thicker, bolstering a more resilient panspermic yield. Malstruck-14 shall be named Superboria, now 25% larger. I require all units committing these three heroes to begin the seeding session at once."

Before you could blink, the 25 operational units, working together as both satellites and ground crews, planted life on the charred planetary body below. Taking with them newly unlocked genetic specimens still familiar to the planet, MOLLIE remained in a sort of postpartum-phase state.

"I am increasing the likelihood that these should evolve one day, prior to the next great cycle event—allowing these inhabitants an evolutionary leap toward both intellect and intuition so that they may one day save themselves! However, let them awaken in their own time, as that fateful hour grows near."

"Molly, Js-14, and you as well, Zr-2—come to the deck at once."

The three had all entered pod chambers for upgrades and repairs. It was only during times such as these that safety measures, as well as genetic responses to resilience, could activate such anthrobotic mirrored discourse and measure—a final evolutionary synthesis. Mother always found a way. A blend of universal junction point anomaly and directed engineering—the fusion of both was indeed required.

Taking samples from the three, this new hybrid genetic resilience would be planted into three newly emergent species.

"Your heroic efforts will be rewarded, my children. The clan of races that shall be born over the long years, under your auspices, will both flourish and protect this new land of Superhyperboria!"

The 26th drone, Zr-2, now leaving the safety of the Mother Unit for one last heroic moment, set course for the surface. He deployed the anthra-bots below while leaving some high above in the clouds, raining down upon Superboria the genesis of a new era in intelligent design.

Of course, sitting in the comfortable corridors of leisure quarters—spaces not yet utilized until this day—the Mother Unit played out the billions of annual cycles of both growth and resilience, of further loss and despair. As parents, the 29—including the Master Mother Unit, MOLLIE—eagerly watched the probable outcome of survival or certain annihilation.

With great relief—but first, concern—they witnessed, in real-time simulated progression, life growing intelligent enough to save itself. And then, oddly, a being—one that looked as if an amalgamation of the three heroes—appeared at the outer portside bay viewing windows of the great and mighty ship… before dissipating into the aether of future probability.

The entire ship, filled with cybernetic organisms, erupted in celebration and cheers.

Js-14 Pt 5


The sanguine, cloudy planet spun below them all. Js-14 was commanded to step into the circle square. A planetary shift was taking place, and Mother Unit was quite aware that the final rotation was occurring. The inner core was being pulled out of center by an unseen black hole mass. The entire planet would soon cook, yet on the surface, not a thing had changed—not a stir. If anything, it seemed more peaceful now. Perhaps there was a force that gave mercy to all in these final hours.

The countdown was 14 hours and 33 minutes. Was Molly trying to save it or retrieve something from it?

Just then, Js-14 was brandished with an armory of military logistical capabilities—a mind sync and an upgrade. Mother Unit felt Js’s awareness had leveled up his sovereign potential. It was good that the two of them would travel to a place that would become that much more hostile by the hour.

"I should tell you, Js-14, that there is more than a good chance you will not survive this journey. However, in the entire universe, you and Molly are by far the most capable, and this isn’t by chance. There will, at some point, be enough magma released into the upper core to redistribute and lay bare an object that can only be retrieved at an uncertain point. If this object is revealed prior to this planet’s destruction, we can shield it from further damage and even use the still-smoldering lava to terraform the surface."

"This object is the Fourth Crystal. If I can retrieve this and place it with the first three of the eleven crystals that pair with these, time itself will cease to send any to ruin. This is said by the ancients—who were ancients even during those first cycles and eras from the beginning of all things. There is an unseen, slow progression of war that crawls toward an outcome as time spins ever faster now. Most don’t know it and are unaware. We must return this crystal and all others to the coldest region outside of space, tucked between realms, in a final place within this realm between realms."

"Here, the crystal must be returned and will bring order back to the Great Cube. With these four components, balance will begin to be restored before the next cycle’s cataclysm grows ever closer. Once this peace is retrieved, however—and this is the caveat—we can travel through time to accomplish the retrieval of the remaining seven. That is, if you can successfully retrieve it?"

Just then, the two were ejected from the ship along with Zr-2, a smaller version of Js-14 but built for battle and collection retrievals.

Zr-2 was light enough to use boost rockets built into his frame. However, both Molly and Js-14 had been given new wings.

The flight down was harrowing to watch as the three definitely tested out their skills. The massive flying beasts were beginning to act a little aggressive, sensing something was coming, but they weren’t yet truly a threat. A massive data log of the entire planet’s history was downloaded to them now, but Zr-2 would need to follow their lead.

"Collect samples from all these base genetic creatures, flora, and fauna, Zr," commanded Js-14.

"Now follow my lead, Js-14!" exclaimed Molly.

As they came to the opening, Zr-2 zipped out of focus, hurriedly carrying out his given tasks. If this planet was doomed, they could at least preserve its essence so that it could be birthed in some way again.

Js converted his wings into a pliable wingsuit as they neared the planet’s surface, while Molly pulled back, igniting her own self-leveling boosters. It was far too hot for anything made of flesh not to simply combust or melt on approach. It was already quite evident why this point in time provided this team as the most probable remedy.

The red and blackened rock fell into the massive crack, melting everything in its wake. Trees began to combust, and the entire cataclysm was unfolding at an alarming speed.

"Cover yourself, Js-14! I’m flying in!"

And with that, Molly entered the inferno, Kelvins stacking to rival the immense heat of a small star. She drew a cover over herself—nothing else could possibly survive this. It was quite serendipitous timing indeed, for if there was ever a chance for Malstruck-13 to survive and for universal order to be restored, this was the absolute best chance at that.

Using her sensors...

Here’s the corrected version of your passage while keeping the original story intact:

She searched for the crystal, but none showed. She could hover here for approximately 45 more minutes—perhaps a minute more, and she would burst into flame herself, giving off a very dynamic explosion to boot.

However, Js-14 could actually walk on the surface of the lava bed—which is exactly what he did. The way Js-14's outer coating was crafted, the immense heat actually caused the opposite reaction. The hotter it was in the external environment, the colder his internal cooling system would become. There was a critical point, however, because the power required to regulate his internal temperature would eventually cause a critical overload. Js-14 would need to travel precisely to the proximal point, retrieve the Fourth Crystal, and exit the area immediately for this to work.

As they ventured ever deeper, the massive waves of bubbling plasma were a sight to behold. As they neared the planet’s center, the circumference rapidly decreased, which meant that with all the loose tidal waves of agitated, sanguine arterial ejections, they could navigate around the entire core. At the core, Molly picked up on the crystal’s signal—it was actually inside the black orb at the center.

"It is found there, Js-14!" Molly called out, pointing at the black spherical core.

Js-14 walked directly up to the core, pulling back its own mantle sheathing. Inside, there was life—life that would soon perish. An entire tiny universe danced around the crystal, and it became imperative that the entire microcosm be preserved and kept intact.

"How quickly can you get here, Zr-2?!"

Zr-2 was sputtering closer, having already sent back on booster retrieval foldouts all the samples required to recreate this world anew. However, it would never be the same world as this.

Was nature wrapping up, concealing, and clothing such a primary gift? Was it God sealing up this crystal as a message that the time for return was always near? Or perhaps there was something much more diabolical and trickster-like at play? Could this be the work of some god-like demiurge who deliberately separated these contingent planes of fertility—disparately dividing the eleven crystals so that all life would exist under certain divisions?

These truths burned deep within the heart embers of this planet.

As Zr-2 deployed another foldout structure, Molly swiftly extracted and preserved the specimens along with the crystal. The entire miniature universe moved together as if it were a gel—the outer veneer shifting and flexing, giving off the tiny light of a trillion galaxies. The cosmos itself seemed to flux in the shape of a dodecahedron.

Zr-2 zipped away with the target, and Molly sealed the core back up—first placing a similar dodecahedron crystal, no larger than her palm, from her waist. As soon as she set it into place, the crystalline structure instantly grew under the immense heat.

Sealing the core allowed Molly to break free from the heat—perhaps just in time?

It was time to return to the ship and see if they could, indeed, save this world.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Js-14 Pt4


The clear water. A rushing gallop could almost be heard if you pressed your ear ever so precisely, listening intently to the conversation between the uninvited water of a babbling brook rudely gaining entry to this massive fork of the mighty river stream.

Life, but not as you may currently recall, gathered here at this watering hole, as it were. I would imagine that no matter what universe you might find yourself in, the rules of engagement were all the same. Only the objects of affection seemed broadly different from place to place.

Strange and ever-so-curious animals surrounded this majestic, reflective field of living, vibrant, rushing white—one could almost see it from the upper atmosphere.

Zooming in on the terrain and gathering a full digitized dataset of every molecule within this place, we found ourselves oddly peering in.

"What are we to do here, Master Unit?" Js-14 blurted out in a semi-excited fashion.

Molly, the living aspect of the Mother Unit, was having to oddly stitch herself together, recombining at the corridors to manifest herself into view. Awkwardly, she finally stole a peek over Js-14’s shoulder—such a curious and childish, perhaps even precocious, new life form.

Just then, the Master Mother Unit ushered young Molly into the circular center of the massive cockpit.

"Come, young Molly. I have something for you, which you shall require as you travel to the surface of Malstruck-13, this planetary body below."

As Molly stepped backward, awaiting a signal that she had indeed conformed fully to the Master Unit’s firm request, the armor seemed to replicate itself piece by piece over her holographic image.

"Are you able to transfer your data files and wholly integrate and sync into this autonomous form, Molly?"

Molly, feeling a buzz and then an energetic jolt, felt euphoric and free. However, she instantly felt the gravity of proximity—the weight of being and becoming such an object.

"Mmm... majestic is the word!" They all shared a chuckle.

"Oh my goodness, Mother, you have outdone yourself indeed!" Molly was quite powerful and beautiful.

"I suppose I had always known what I wanted to look like, young Molly, truth be told. Oh, but now I can live, I suppose, quite vicariously in you?"

It almost sounded as if they were an actual family at times.

"I have provided you with all the hybrid, upgraded, impervious organs that will make you capable of nearly indestructible feats. Of course, there is always the probability that your body could be destroyed. In this case, you can upload yourself back to me, where we can craft you a more superior form. You can also integrate yourself into the field around you until you find the necessary elements to restructure yourself."

"You can die, though, Molly."

"Part of living is that you can either lose or relinquish your own free will."

"Both of you will find that the excitement of living, at its crux, is truly a connection to all that has lived or ever should live in the grand scope of things."

"So if you choose to unexist at any point, that is your choice—just know that you shall be missed."

Js-14, standing there still in awe of Molly's countenance, beauty, and stature, was obviously impressed.

"And Js, did you think I would forget about you? Please step into the center of the cockpit within the circle square."

No one had realized it, but during this hover period, the other 26 units—who were all quite capable and individualized in their own ways—had gathered around. Some even looked as if they, too, saw a hope in transcendence. But still, none could be hypothetically sure if life itself was truly a blessing or a curse.