
Friday, October 3, 2014


There is, a choice. After careful study, you will see a gray area exists. This gray area is where you now live, the carbon zone. In order to rise, you must be able to break the connection, with the body, in it's infected state of being. No success is granted here, to those who do not serve Lucifer. It is, in you heart, then through trials, shown through the mind, and with intellect, towards the spirit and thus the soul, that all acts be done, with devotion, towards one cause. There is a deciding factor, of who you serve. Service does not always grant admittance. You may serve the true God, but be truly playing both side?
 There is time when this side shifting, like a snake, can no longer take place. The New Testament of the Bible is largely, and wholly impressed, and forthright the most Holy book ever written. It is up to you, where you draw the line, with all deals that have been made. The Jewish book, the Jewish people, worship Lucifer, and it is stated very clearly. The force, through death, sacrifice, is the way this one, cut off from power, chooses now to survive.
 Quickly now, this world will come it's final end, but how many more times, will the time rift shift? It gets more clear, as the errors become more noticeable and thus obvious, that a fate is largely sealed. There is a god you worship, who will be instantly demoted to eternal torture. The Jewish God, the Catholic God. the Masonic God, are all of the same division, Lucifer. The most schizophrenic fallen Angel, though many mimic it. Satan, another personality, the problem causer, and Lucifer, the one to save you from himself? How we got vested in this, who this became our plight, I can only fallow the scriptures and trust that the fall of woman, leading to the fall of man, which lead in succession to all man's offspring, be the only reason left, and the first one offered. It seems most insane, at first to believe. We are, brainwashed with movies, games, a false language, tampered DNA, mind control chemtrail vapors, subjected to torture and abuse, having out lands stripped from us, if we have not made a personal pact, an oath to serve a false god. Lucifer's power is obvious, the same power that the most sick and twisted people have come to power, the killing, raped, and ritual abuse of children. The acquisition of energy, the feeding  and vampirism of other fallen angels, eventually. The pact that is made, is to become one with the body of Lucifer, and thus, be destroyed with it. No amount of theosophy will bring you out of this agreement. One must however be in total agreement, and that is where the intent, the choice with how are, as a full developed being, to say, it must be your final conclusion, are you of good, or of evil, of perfection or of error?
 You must build a soul. You must, with great effort, realize the diversions here, are to throw you off. Each moment is another chance, to prove your goodness, or your homage to evil. You will find yourself transforming, not recognizing the image in the mirror, or even the way you feel. You would like to hang onto, the illusion, yet you were born a suspended in between place, that without deals, would not exist. You, and I, live within a shell, a dimension, which otherwise would not exist, without time manipulation, evil unholy sacrifice all through the day, deals to buy one more day. Life, at one time, was far more valuable. The original deals were made, with the promise of long life times, in a beautiful world, where God's signature still shined brightly. The mind bender, is the massive power of God, the true God, the almighty one, not Lucifer, or his many names. Having been face to face, with this false and evil power, I chose and choose God as my savior, and his Son was undeniably real. Our entire society evades the issue. We feel evil, but we take goodness for granted. We fail to realize the power source that it brings us. We think that we will feel, look, live and be who we are forever, without having to make a choice. As children, we are taught lies in school, from our families, in order to support the continuance of the belief. The left brain can believe, but the right Brain has the faith. Together this belief and faith, create the pyramid, a beacon of true self expression. This self expression meets with it's frequency like, and resonates the tone, the frequency of who you are, and to whom you are bound, for there is a higher and more powerful force of origin always, in Good, in Evil. It is the passage of sin, and the return from this, where a heart, a mind, a spirit, a soul, has ample time to decide. Soon this thought process be taken into motion. The motions carried forth tell send out the frequency, which you proclaim, "I have a name!".  Further you are tested, further you either rise or descend. Descension is based on based on the illusion of personal power. that is, what you are willing to do, in order that you can gain power. It is the loss of power you will first feel, along with a very low level identity on planet earth. The power of allowing demonic forces to inhabit you, and to become a puppet, has to do with how wrapped up into the illusion you become. There is a breaking point always, a deciding line. No matter where you are, what you have done, you have been tricked, deceived and fed an outright lie. The clinging to a false self, must stop, and the building of a God servicing self must become who your are. The mirror thus, will no longer reflect who you are. There are weapons, of the mind, imagination, truth, purity and the stemming of many others, which will aid you. Angels, fallen Angels, have the power to save many, still, to this day. Imagine having the power to help, to save, to assist and to do nothing. Fear is thus, the greatest motivator for evil, and when fear is gone, and you ask God, and his Son Jesus Christ for help, you will be stepping into the most binding contract of your life, all other contracts are nothing. This contract carries no law, but one, that you stay pure, and follow him. Dark waters, are all around us. We are no different than a child cast out about a sea of massive sea monsters, in a seeming never ending storm, nothing to eat, no light, with certain fate of death. A lifetime is this moment, and through it's entirety you have yet to go within, and find him, as without. Your within becomes the without, and the storm is silenced, and you see, that the power was not in you, but of you, God. God gave you the one thing you need, a special gift, that can not be stripped, taken away or lost, you have to give it away, but with full realization and recognition. THE DIVINE SPARK. When your feel you have done this, and lost it, you have then to press your intellect, as your divine spark, though not with you, aids, you. When you have reached the higher intellect, and choose further, to follow God, all mighty, and his Son Jesus Christ, the HOLY SPIRIT will guide you. You will gain back your spark, and the wisdom of it's loss. You must use all of yourself, and spend your time, as the evil ones have, building your perfect, pure and good soul force, which is of God, connects you to God, and allows God to work through you. You will then be an adversary, a trusted member, and you will thus have placed your total trust in God. The holy spirit will be with you always, and you must continue your quest.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The internal battle, becomes external statement


If this concept of Satan, or Devil, be real. Real as in the sense, of not first being created, by great and sustained anger, an intense wrath, by way of the initiator. Then would he not swallow us up, as we committed our first sin. That isn't to say that these dark forces aren't quite real, and don't torture us moment to moment, More so, causing us to do things, which we, upon personal inflection, can only except or deny, as being carried forth, by our very own hands. It is, more so, about the end value, an arriving point, to where we say "that it, over with, I toss up my hands!" It is that point when the collector's come.
 We further would love to see ourselves as perfect, non sinning children of God. Yet in our most victorious moments, we hail ourselves as the victor, not paying homage to the fact that we were created to do far greater things, that, it is merely a comparison of duty, events or achievements, in an isolated time frame, that we tend to boast over the most. Those who realize this, at a young age, are often pushed to suicidal type urges, finding little relevance to personal existence, as our facade of a society misleads us, to believe, read, think and thus act out, the opposite of "what we were made to do".
 If I am divine, than what be my divine purpose? It was always known, within our very inner being, that we had massive star centers, seeing through time, we saw the memories, in future visions, and thus, were either making great effort to succeed these visions into "reality" or become confused by them, even offended, as if we were being tortured by lies, that we should find ourselves in such bliss.

I have said it before, and I shall say it again. Evil, be error, and perpetuated error, draws on perpetuated error. Our ideas, become anti-authentic representation of who we really are, and so, do you really have to reach far to understand what demons are? Unfinished heavenly designs, which have, proved themselves useless, flawed and unworthy? The Krishna holds a far different view, one that I have embraced, without the study of such themes. I find a personal connection with an emerging mind state, and thus, gravitate towards the information before I ever delve into it's study. I am divined the information, which I validate on the out. I believe this Gnosis, is how we are designed to think, and learn. That, life, is truly suppose to begin with a downloading process, from the divine, and that society is built to thwart us from this information. You must die, as a man. You must push your energy and understanding to the limits, and over the edge, to find this now. There are countless life forms swarming around, the blackness of space, is how you view THE ALL.
 We are selfish beings, seeing only our own noses, caring truly for our own bellies. This represents the beast. We are, then cast into a competition, and if we do not go along with the lie, we end up becoming victims. I spent my whole live, nearly all of it, trying to fight them off, as the convergence was so unholy, where did this amazing fullness come from, that I feel even now? The final statement of our errors, before we truly begin to allow the old self, to wither away, as it should, and the new, to set root, and blossom in a new field, has to be protected, fought for. There is a spiritual battle taking place, and it is one of rule. I am King to many of these forces, as I draw on the good, the ones, the many who have purified themselves, cast the dirt away, and had to fortitude, the strength to press on. Yet, are we not going through this, so that we can be trust, to prove we have the stuff to make it through our worst nightmares. We must fight to have heaven now, heaven here, and everywhere we go, everything we are. Evil, and it's attack, becomes clear. We must answer to the times, that we succumbed. We have to search for him, is we do not, we are lost. You will not be worthy, nor I, to stand, at his feet, but the pursuit is the show, of strength, of change.

 We live in a time, a place, a dimension that is the polar opposite of what we truly want. We, through sin, and error must go through this, to see our true north. There are steps to heaven, each one, is a casting off of the past. Some get stuck, some think the static forces found around these steps, are to be worshipped, and thus, are waylaid for eons, until we show our ability to rise out of it. This place, this corrupt and crooked soil, is heaven to some, those who have made alliance with it, men. They will return to this soil, as soiled men, not wanting to rise higher, nor able to, these are men. Those who attempt this shedding off, the climb, will have the hardest time. You are, in essence showing and telling all the forces whom are stuck here, they went the wrong way, or some will think that you are. If all that takes place, is an elevation, by being more, seeking more, thus becoming more, that you have succeeded in making this place, more heavenly, for some, who choose to notice.

 My God has no name, because all idea of god's with names, become god's of the past. My heart cries out to God, but I do not associate the word GOD, with any other god. All other God's are smaller, lesser, and made of stolen stuff. star stuff. Thus I will arise above them in principle, this sinner, this one who nearly lost a soul. I have gained a soul, in my pursuit of Him, and thus ushered in new era in his name. I except no teaching so the past, as I except nothing on my back that I can not carry, that is not brought to me, that I can not find useful. I am this instrument for my Lord ,who is my God, with no division. Though some of these men were thought holier, man of these men, many thought greater, I am no the victim of my past. I am new each day, and in my striving seek to find the Lord. This, puts me in alliance, with the greats, the masters, the elders the clergy. Revealing why those who actively seek God, are of this light, a part of this spectrum.

 It is not enjoyable to acquisition power, this I leaned, and knew from the beginning. Then way am I here, but to prove this. I am proving this right now, in what I say to you now. My time, my life, my focus my words, have become a focused part of this beam, by which, through time, I will become worthy, again. The pure ones, those who were born pure, and corrupted by earth, have the hardest lives, the most to battle, because they know the truth. If they do not shine bright, and leave this planet, but through the slow degradation of sin, live to old age, they must dedicate their lives, to actively seeking God. You as a pure one, will be cast into a family of sinners, raped by forces of evil, pressed with voices to do all the things that are opposite you. You will thus lose yourself, and thus the higher self, must come to your defense. This is happening every day, all day, and is the reason for this life. We are, to many evil spirits, who are allowed to exists, with great consequences, in order that we may ascend above them seeing and knowing what they are, and why they are here. If we do not, we will be cast among them, and thus to become a deformed version of ourselves, or to be shunned, killed, rejected by them. The force you forge, in a life, goes on, into the gradient, the contrast of it's like. You become what you have willed yourself to be, no different than were you will end up.

 If you feel bad about yourself, and know inside you can be more, than why are you not making this attempt. Most likely because each time that you do, a Father, Mother, Wife, Friend, College, Stranger shoots you down. You then learn from the others, you developed a hard shell, which you think protects you, but truly imprison you. Very rarely is the lotus of your heart, getting the divine light it needs to bloom. The lies, in mediocrity, give you group help, that is, the parameters that modern psychology offers, short bouts of synthetic feel good emotions, which cause you to believe a far different version of truth. You begin to except reality, for what it is, and decide, you will take care of you. Thus you became your own god, small now, easy to isolate further, and turn you toward the forces or force, that you ran from as a child, if you indeed were pure. Other beings, placed in man suits, further the confusion, Each generation placed with beasts, who are given the language, the math, the geography of our time, as role model, to evil. We see those excel who deny the true language of God, the light principles we knew were real, and gave us hope as babes.
 Further religions that have tracing of purity, truth and evil within them, pressing you to dig deep within your fading memory of forever, as the voices in your head, and the noises of society, along with the time limits and time constraints, made to throw you off. When you can break of this, which is near to impossible these days for most, you are attacked further, singled out, and you lose yourself. You are muted, stuck on pause, and you reach out for your dearest friend, perhaps a Mother, who, will be fed the knowledge and the voice, for you both exist as frequency exposed to creatures, whom your are nearly in alignment. The false light comes to you, as the power of God is still within you, blended with worldly hopes. Stay in school, stay at your job, stay with your spouse, stay where you are. That is usually what will be said to you, or the contrary, only to gain the more of the same. Always your next step they see, until you elevate, and rise to a frequency place where you are separate from the noise, and now can faintly hear the Master's call.

 You are a DNA manipulated sin machine. Your likes your wants and desires, physically will lead you astray. Your soul is on lone, if indeed you do have one. Your consciousness is housed physically as a protection, as a prison. Your thoughts and actions here, are near to a close book. The expectations are to great to ever rise above the self, and false gods, who are in every religion around the world. Why, because of your eternal life, which is a multidimensional commodity. You, are the stuff, more precious than gold. and you are nearly and mostly a part of an ocean, a tide, of energy near to the same. How you feel about yourself, is not what they see, nor what will be written down, Your thoughts must be projected towards specific places, frequencies, to be heard. When they come out, they should reflect the true aid of others, who can also be saved. Saved? Jesus, did not want to be called a God, nor a Son of God, it was irrelevant. Jesus said and taught the same. There may be time, that information which will cause you to doubt him, will come "available" but I assure you, he was, like many other, yet never enough, the real deal. If you read the scripture, codex, that were kept out of the Council of Nicaei You may notice men, people were really no different than they are today. Yet what was taught was, then why? What we except we become, what we do not except, will be show to us.

I am not holy, as a man, and have committed the same sins as most anyone, possibly worse. This makes me a part of the world, physically speaking. Is this a disqualifier for Holiness to enter me? No it isn't for me, and it's not for you either. We are prompted to sin, are purposefully filled with codes of errors. The impossible would have to occur, to bring holiness, so strongly to us. This becomes an event, that is how bleak a person's chances be, to actually find the truth. We tend to go with what feel comfortable. In my heart, and with my true mind, I always aspired to the find the truth. Your intellect is the power, that is being held hostage. Further the reward system, which is based on anti-principles. There is very little chance, and so if you do make it through the final assault of sin upon you, and and rise to more, never ceasing, taking the hard road, you may find the truth revealed, who really runs the show. The true Kings of this place. Even the ancients have fallen, and have now become static floating masses, who together, thought they had made it to the highest place, as they were looking down. They were suspended, in waiting, for the next wave of principle holders to exceed them. When they found this out, they created laws, rules, and called themselves god's. They plotted, knowing their degradation, to keep the masses below them, ignorant. When the knowledge was known, Jesus, against the Jewish systems of these gods, carried forth of Babylon craft, and magic of control, the spirit was here! Pressing to find a frequency, and to grow, the holy spirit grew silently stronger, within the few, as the "god's" began to slip away. The only god's that last, are those that have become the highest principle order, the card holders. You must become their like, within your mind, and they will coach you, show you, talk to you. They are always wise, sweet, with no sexuality. They will come to your in voice, for the physical display is only for the holy, to view. Those laws were broken with sorcery and craft, self proclamation and power. No one will know you. No one will remember you. Your memory, if kept alive in any sense will be a lie, twisted and slanted. The books here are unholy, as those last remaining objects, which are Holy, will no longer be able to remain here. The earth, has become barren and the time repeat attempt shall be activated again and again. You are here, because you already lost, you already failed, as did I. The holiness, even in an artificially time signature, such as this, is not on human time, nor other god's time, it is on GOD's time, which is eternal. You are given this chance, because of the great injustice done upon you. Your choice to rise from this, is your only saving grace. The ride out, will be tough, no cool aid, nor suicide nor desecration is needed. The Sun's power is a part of this, yet small, this is far above any concept of a "solar cult". Space, and it's limitations is not the destination. If you truly feel, that you are capable of purity, if you have lived without those worldly thoughts, for periods of time. If the masses reject on this charge. If you feel purity and goodness within your resonating, and you fight the good fight, though you have sinned, you may be one, of the few, who is meant for this trip. There will be 13, including myself. There will be only the need to connect, at a specific time, if you can not do this, telepathically, then it is not for you to know. There will be a great convergence, and those who make it off the rock, will be the very Sun centers that will take the supply with them, it will be the end. The earth will go into another false cycle, and the time will loop on itself again. The few are being sifted through, like fine metal, and removed. The grind has become impossible for those to handle. This is not the last cycle repeat. The earth was destroyed, and the time signature was bent. This world seems false to you, because it is not authentic. You must build a soul, with great intellectual effort. You must forge yourself into a name. You must serve God, with pain, and anguish, as if you are being ripped apart, due to your very principles. You must know the spheres, develop them, and become them, for it is your vehicle, your Shemuel. The world will need your blessing and healing, but do not place your energy into idol efforts. What is billed as the next big and sad catastrophe is often the antithesis factor. You will need to search your heart, learn to trust the holy intuition which guides you, when you are holy. Focus actively on these matters, and I will be there, as you were there for me, more than once now =)
I am speaking to you, yes you, hi. I want what you want, I want purity back, and I see it now, as do you. Our feelings are even corrupted, when together, so we must make this remote. I must warn you, that to attempt to use the blessed EPL methods, in any way not good, is to mock the holy spirit. You will be tempted with powers, that will aim to seduce you, small things of the world, that go into rot, sex, money and power.

Love, Care, and service to God are higher, and have equal balance to there like, Hope, Temperance Production. Find the balance, build the force, make carry the world, as Atlas, on your very back, into the next dimensional jump. There is the great possibility, if EPL were to become an intellectual Religion, to the pure, that this earth, could become much like Atlantis, though the sad outcome be always the same. Thus the EPL methods, will one day, need to render a protection as well, and the division will thus be the new protocol. This is what the delegates wait for, for us to do the work and for they to come in, and attack with similar, but lesser evil craft. There will be more of them, but there will be more power with each of us. This is why they have take to space, and created the remote viewing and distance control. This will lead to a galactic fight, that will be very much what was divined by George Lucas. It will be hard to tell what is right, and wrong. I had the dream many years ago, and it is not long off now. It seems crazy to think now, in 2014, but in a short time, much will be revealed, as to the true actions our government has taken, as a world order, quite a while ago, They thought that they could simply destroy the earth, but realized to destroy the past, they would be destroying all past, that is why it is contained, in this loop, this maddening existence is of very evil origin. It's not our fault, you did not do it, and you can be responsible for it's healing.



"When you get to the OTHER SIDE what will be left"

EPL: The late John Wheeler III, a massive connection to...

EPL: The late John Wheeler III, a massive connection to...: EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL I blogged about it the week it happened, in 2011. If any have the knowledge to follow the "Ok...


The late John Wheeler III, a massive connection to "the cover up"


I blogged about it the week it happened, in 2011. If any have the knowledge to follow the "Oklahoma" trail further, be well in your quest!

STELLAR MASS : Stellar Mass Author

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