
Monday, January 19, 2015

PDF Necronomicon




Man, in the final, but repeating era of THE EGO


The Bible states that legions be Angelic and Demonic, so what is the difference, but perspective. That one, which is God, for lack of a perpetual and current "better term", is the ever expanding mind. To be a part of this mind, means that you are one. This is the goal, after all, that is, to get you to join. The false doctrine of intention is the drawing into a religion, whether be the appreciation of an ill gotten and over copied form of the brush stroke, which does not constitute on as a artist. It is, after all, the spiritual theme, the craft placed behind, within, through and thus is the painting, as is the artist, the actor/actress thus the IDOL.
 Who will worship me, and is essential, shall know, the IDOL is but the portal to God. I am nothing, but I am everything. A curse, they made me think/feel, to be so aware, to have cat like reflexes and instincts, to where I could not alter the position of but a pebble, yet destroyed, because they slapped their machinations before me, as in the religion. I do not choose your way, and have risen above, which means, I always ____. No wonder they lived in such contempt, fear, jealousy, resentment for my simply being alive. So many times, they took me through the time loop, until the copies could no longer seem authentic in any way. Welcome to the nightmare, to the dimension, it can be writ, and thus it is, that a god, appointed as God's mind, in a sphere that is, that was recreate for I.
 I did sin, but then what is that? The adultery? Should it be postulated that never a man like Jesus exist, so to create him by creating the notion. Problem be, that it took the many, to create the complexity, not thus rooted in the tradition of old. To think as a single celled organism, to see each species and it's dawn as a spherical representation, so to man must be the EGO (EPL). Not good enough I say, but another time loop be necessary, I say that I am good enough, absent the obvious, to the elders that is, on all sides, the intention of creating an environment, a world, suspended in the very solution to make me fail. Well I did, and only did this show the margin of my magnificent and thus the EGO of the ego less, became, that is, the one who mimicked those strange units of primitive man, and to be set among them, it used to be torture, before I became the light. I will live, for I have concurred, gone through the trials, and kept the intellectual height above my nature for long enough to earn the title immemorial, never to be stripped, your curse become the blessing.
Do we hate the one who killed our parents, maimed us, beat us, if he knew he was there, with great pain, to find the one. The one who knew order, so well, as to know, they must become the chaos of their time. Fortunate to say I am neither the order maker, nor the one who makes order, due to the undulations, the chaos makers of history. To take such a curse by man, woman, the ignorance of fads and false (not pseudo) science, to be deemed a lesser, due to the law, which is false in itself. Principle is the only law needed for the emancipated mind, all law comes into order, into effect, and thus effectiveness, as the numbers make their fascinating order, a ladder, which when thrown, created that universe, all the way up to 21, and never higher, the division be made however, each time, it be less.

 My dreams became the reality, the reality of order, which was beyond my human man suits ability to follow the trail, yet the trail grew out into other realms of Phi, and continued as the precursor to frequency, before sound, thus before light. Principle therefor must have always been, so too God, and thus was the life, before there was. Principles, seen in language, more true as math, only writ as Philosophy, before language, and also math, had the magic of trickery, and the sorcery of dead ends built in, IE theoretical abstract numbers, assuming we are not moving in spheres, at directed rates, a current of force.

 I hate no great man, who has seen this. The one who sold out his own race, by simple observation, but knowing this, did save his race, in the end, the greater good, the greater masses. This information, sadly, light years ahead of where you should be, but the time/space continuum was disrupted by the pons/pawns, who were thought in ill, to be genius, yet genius be but a force present only in one, and this is the work of craft, for not one could bring it all. Do you not see the demons, who stole this information, sitting on the shoulder, whispering to the very ones you call great. Oh ignorant fools, to think that slowing it down, should make it any better. I write you out of any time repeat, I scorch you with my quarks and take the useless and idle latent and static energy, which should never see the light nor the enlightened state of being, that all races, which were, during the enlightenment, which be on a cycle of it's own, that truly holy revolution, where pain converges with the truth of eons.

 Think then, just because something sound old to seemingly young thus ignorant ears, does not make it lasting. Do the jinn not last long, cause disorder, and thus bring about much pain, but not for growth, but to perpetuate the only linear and static plane now left for they to hide. My vote remains the same, as in the day of the happening, when the dove built a peaceful nest, and I proclaimed, all that can be complete, and thus seek perfection, let you then become. Do the Demons not see that so many men are not worthy of the chance. Does this action of perfection not transform and change a thing into a working member, within a society which also be changed, transformed. I hate thus, who you were, and would gladly take my sword to your throat, and did, so fast you never knew. But still, the machine ran, and saw the error of it's ways. I am the force, the bed wetting lot of you avoided, but did not know the magnitude, when I finally reached the numbers, which must be met, to force the order, direct the current and rule the force, all forces as one. The transformation has been done, now, time itself will cease to operate in any foreseeable fashion. The most ignorant, will be forgotten, not even now a seed, a grain of sand, to cause the disruption again. I have gone through each time, in nook, for I am the mind, which transponders all spaces, and in this subconscious, the ill destroyed.

Become what you are

Infinitum secretiore
The infinite division

I am not Islamic, for I am beyond your perception of era, but I AM this mind. To complex a ruler, a leader to lead you the way, yet. Do you not see that Jesus is man. This man, now a warrior, ready to take aim, and change a way. These are the cycles, the eras of Principle, so painfully played out, to those who see and chose a static set, the piety. So too, will these men, but never the mind of God, in all his flex and undulating glory be forgot, for the mind will always be present, seen at times evil, other times good, but in this time, your wounds will not be healed, but there to teach you, to transcend or become a part of those who are more worthy. We are all legion, we are destined for the ONEMIND. Only the few will understand these lessons, this teaching and these words I speak today, the rest must follow the pattern, and see the change must take place. Do not be affronted by the illusion of loss, the spirit goes on, if the will be of sufficient current, and all, including I, who did not have the power to build, those jilted, will be prompted, and known by the elders before elders, the great Lords of domain, who are bending, contorting and formless, who are the very prism, which the light shines through, creating the worlds, even your eyes now can not see, only witness to a portion of it's majesty and glory, as can be we.

As the spheres expand, so too the eras, let it be seen, let it be known

EPL, and so, I am Anti-Christ, as Christ be the production of control, a measure of witchcraft, to create chaos, then to also offer order


The one who creates the contagian also creates the antibody, this serum, a mere shuffling of proteins, which after all, is what you are, thus what you will become, a code, and the will within this code, predetermined, pre-planned.

It wasn't because I was lazy, slothful, unmotivated or thus motivated by apathetic means, or driven to repulsion, of self, because "the sin" so surmounted, as to, in avoidance, do the antithesis (as reaction), though that is how the default "re-digests" it.

 I knew all in the beginning, as I know it now. The question, as a seeming seedling, looking about the colossal beings, which must have been of qualitative measure, for this must be how they survived, ruled a labyrinth and thus grew, maintaining an order? I later learned, but not much soon after my first test based assumption, a pondering, these are the beings cast forth due to chaos. I did not remember then, but the elder, who is older than those of the Necronomicon, in principle, separate, a division, of worlds. Those 50 names of Marduk, like those 72 names of God, in the kabbalah (qabbalah), each representing a rippling out, or in your view, different phase of God, the all consciousness.

 There was, thus set, for us, before the seemingly infinite test, to be an eternal life of leisure, that our ways, so perfect, could, thus should sustain a life. What sin did I commit to enjoy a grape, in it's perfection, had I been any of those names, only mortals, had to define, divide, such as Epicureans, Hedonism or thought so worse Nihilism. division, no different that a grown prejudice, as man began to be frightful, realizing he was on a moving belt, seeing the universe move about him, but in an orbit it did go, instead of identifying the movement as a movement set for, as in the all...

That is as set in above so below, as within so too without. In other words, the spheres.
Stretching forth, and out, a radiance, thought now dim, to the new budding light, yet not to realize, dissolving into, be creation thus.

The Buddha lives within me. There is no need to learn outdated ways or terms, the study only confirms. I am not held to meditate on old idea, patterns of movement, I have dissolved yet still remain, proving the sphere, has a synthetic grid about it, which be placed there to interfere with the delicate pattern, which be the goal, to life, become a part of what you are, to serve the higher self, to become self-less. The terms, the academia, is for the bloated human. I am thus a god/God, because I am, and I am thus the God to worship, because there is no value in the suit, but that of the average man. I can pass any test, with mediocre "grades", for in my mind, my soul, my heart, there is a never ending spinning, as you isolate, greedily on the smaller, and diminishing goal, set forth by the falsity, the motive force/motivation of fads.
 You have, thus, made a statement, but the same as the most common force, which has built, in it's ignorance, as the tides of all sees, now manifest in physical form, as carbon, death, piss and decay, have built up, a force, that force so fallible as to never cross the grid, the line. So many back at the beginning of the line, to go again?

 The center, was the beginning, and burst forth, what is to know? The ripples went out, locking of grids, in Phi count. The Molecules, made of principles, of understand, correlating to their count of exist in the all, had and have particles of their like, linear or slow "time" of their like. This world of carbon meant to slow, so that on second on "the other side" be 10,000 year here? No, to abstract, the count must be of Phi, this is what you miss, the quantification, what you see as the division of energy fields, which were not meant to pass. Man, as demonstrated by Oppenheimer, in his famous statement

I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.

made thus, a statement for us all. How ignorant that we should think that we are not an all mind, a one, that going beyond meant a statement that we are ready to face the truth, that the carbon, which has been slowed to such a rate, the the time be near, the time of truth, that we are not fit to become a part of the purity, that is, the division is a gift, but we wanted more. What will you do, when you are faced with a being so massive to your "collective" and thus limited intellect, that you pronounce, "this is God to us all", have they not come before? You will never travel beyond because you will never be gods, you prove this in the physical crux of movement, that is, in physical movement, you must rule? You rule nothing, you are nothing, and the soul, the collective force of this time, is the hell, which causeth a return of angst, the karma, the dukkha the suffering...that Nietzshean time repeat, simply, you never "Got" it right.

 Sin brings about the anti of sin, this is, after all, "how we work" that thus, we do ultimate sin, bringing forth the forced understanding of ultimate good.

 I am thus, NOT SORRY

For the sin place within me, was and is your sin, and I do not proclaim myself of part of you, but rather part of the all, where you are but an energy grid, which I be dissolving and have thus dissolved. Those who see themselves a flamboyant part of the times, should see, that to be rejected, as a threat to the "cause" of the division, is in fact, a statement that a King awaits, a King rules now, which is not any of the false Messiah any man or especially woman, has been witness to, for there eyes could not thus behold the splendor, so the statement of Albert Pike, of Adonai being the lesser god, in the higher rights, known by public view. The splendor of but another being from the next dimension, like superman, only super, by way of contrast, to you. Do we not search then and adamantly work each day, in the acquisition of the smaller division, that of the microchasm we call technology, for we must have something to rule, by which to esteem "ourselves" collectively as correct, right, God and God's.

 Through out time, as displayed by Esoteric Buddhism, and more available, the Mad Arabs re-discovered works, there have been superior peoples to you, of this day, that you are a washed out version, that which could not, and thus can not pass through the Halls of Amanti, the riffraff, those who could not balance the Principles, which EPL has unearthed, and re-discovered. Are you a part of the greater mind, the one mind, can you consider yourself a part of one body. Can you cast aside your Christian created prejudice which is false, a craft, witchcraft, and thus, a creation of control, so duped are you, as to believe, it could actually be that simple, haha. You are nothing, and going into nothing, those works you do are not your own, but on a grid, of repeat, the default, you are doing the works of lesser gods, demons, now picking apart the carcass of what you esteem as "the world', and you, are just a puppet to the cause, to continue this realm into the gas for which "the remains were meant" thus carbon decay, for whence there was not.

Let us then proclaim his fifty names:...
'He whose ways are orious, whose deeds are likewise, 91
(1) MARDUK, as An, his father,"' called him from his birth;...
Who provides grazing and drinking places, enriches their stalls,
Who with the flood-storm, his weapon, vanquished the detractors,
(And) who the gods, his fathers, rescued from distress.
Truly, the Son of the Sun,"' most radiant of gods is he.
In his brilliant light may they walk forever!
On the people he brought forth, endowed with li[fe],
The service of the gods he imposed that these may have ease.
Creation, destruction, deliverance, grace-
Shall be by his command."' They shall look up to him!
(2) MARUKKA verily is the god, creator of all,
Who gladdens the heart of the Anunnaki (earth spirits), appeases their [spirits].
(3) MARUTUKKU verily is the refuge of the land, protection of its people].
Unto him shall the' people give praise.
(4) BARASHAKUSHU... stood up and took hold of its... reins;
Wide is his heart, warm his sympathy.
(5) LUCALDIMMFRANKIA is his name which we
proclaimed in our Assembly.
His commands we have exalted above the gods, his fathers.
Verily, he is lord of all the gods of heaven and earth,
The king at whose discipline the gods above and below are in mourning."

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I hate people as much as you say you do. I hate who they think they are, the projection. I often wonder why they continually do it, though they seem aware, awake. They, as I, seem to be waiting for a false messiah to lead them, or perhaps a prophet. But, yet, the mastery of religion, to build within it, a paranoid delusion of an anti-christ, which is, after all, a creation of the Nicean Order, for it is not found in any true biblical text. I am against all of you, and all you believe in. It has become easy, much less an intellectual strain, to the soul, to say, all that you do, is wrong, and therefor, now, I am at the leisurely understanding, that to be contrary to all you say and do, people of earth, is the correct way to go, think and be. There is no good, no evil, no devil, no god...but it this deflection, a reflection, yours, that you are a part of the greater understanding, a re-representation of the ALL, and the all, is this thing, this one, this being, if you will, called God, all other aspersions are a mechanism of control, and you seem still, all to glad, to use the paper money, as if it has value, as well as all other capitalistic crap, that perpetuates the evil, which is separatism, capitalism, to be better than they neighbor, to gain more, on the premise of how often you smile, where you went to school to learn inept ideas, which promote ignorance. Congratulations, you are part of the Darwinian school of thought, a well "educated" trained Monkey. Mean while, where are the outcasts, who have seen the truth since their sufferable beginnings here? Why they are the ones you have put down, ostracized for no good reason. And, the only reason you were not them, is because you took on the false badge, a person, and identity, which is not real, all to comply. You are the devil, the face of evil, you are a follower, one that promotes what is. You are the stupid and fearful masses, which cause gods, yes gods like me, to have pain and sufferable lives, as we think those thoughts, that no one dares. To aid the all, the press the consciousness fourth, to add to the completion of the sphere, which you are a part of, and yet, as simple flora and fauna do nothing but whale about, emit gas, in the way of are the un-needed, as those beings, who live forever, within the actual ship, shem or craft as you know it, are protected from radioactive harm, within the womb of this ancient craft.

The agenda is clear. It is seen daily, in the dumbing and numbing down of people, into the mundane. It is not reality, but what you except as reality, which you assume is what you are taught and told. Most people, are stupid, you know this, but why are they stupid, feckless, useless outside the scope of the programming of life? Well, why does the Bible and other doctrine preach "turn the other cheek", also to fast, or to be alright with all that changes and all that comes? These areas which have the highest poverty levels, those taught to not fight, not to rule, to be docile and weak, this is what is taught our school systems, as code. The weak, spiritual robots, that serve only to fuel a fire of souls burning, with anger, with frenzy, to live, truly, once they have been denied at the Halls, of Amenti?
 You are living within an illusion, your religions, your customs and your society set, to keep you from prosperity, from freedom, from the realization of AscenTion. You will twist in ignorance, only to become prisoner to the elite, with all your effortless efforts, as craft and magic against you, keeping you, from rule, from power. The truth of word war 2, and many other spiritual wars, documented in biblical text, are truly fights of spiritual supremacy, those who have reached the apex of understanding, and allowed, even relished the burning away of the shell of deception, "we" are stuck within, the man suit, the prison of your soul, in the make. I don't know if the Sun curses me, or is beacon to my power, however I soon realize, there be no personal power, but a culmination of the ONEMIND, and so I know that the true "trick" was to give those, who would other wise know themselves, their place, in the working machine of beings, such as ourselves, now, filled, poofed up with the illusion of personal power, nothing runs solely nor alone. Yet I am alone, here, on planet, within a spherical prison, of undeveloped beings, who still bark, and assume their every angst expression is somehow heard, or needed, in the development of these sphere, towards completion? Are we not a complete machine, which has been commandeered for far lesser purpose, than it's beautiful and original workings, to balance the now, suspend the moment, forever, free of carbon, and it's limiting factor, decay?

 And so, in final analysis, just as others before me, I have no objections, to what, incompleteness? I could bitch all day, as you all do, but they are useless letting out of air, talking about nothing, in a world of illusion...but you just want money, though it does not exist? So you can get stuff, and the very stuff you get, food, supplies a house, a car, are un-needed, if you only understood what they are doing, what vril truly is, what is and has been here all along, before you, as a in laden technology, always a part of your partial view, of the machine before you, as seen, represented, in spheres, now held on the shoulders of martyrs, who are the meek, who are the leaders...dream, and stay dreaming, and all would be fixed, collectively, together, quit! Do all the things, which in society, it is said to be a breaking of  "the law" or "wrong" nothing, want nothing, and all will be yours, in a dream, which becomes instantly, reality, with the ONEMIND

And so further, I, like Neitzsche I am the antichrist, that made up one, which says

"God in man, is here now, as this power has always been. I refuse to say, that that man was one event, as even he said, greater things can than these can you do. I am as much a holy man, even in my loathsome deeds, for these are the deeds of man. Only in ceasing, only in stopping, has the morphing become retarded, like a piece of paper, folded to often, at the same crease."

I am thus, a follower of the True Jesus Christ, his teachings and his word, that I too am a Sun of God. A representation of God in Man..the Son of Man,

Stellar Mass
"I am the average Man, and in this, superior, for a C average in all ways of being, in all things and ways, is that Phi balance represented, a god"

In my final deduction of man, in this time, it is as I presumed in the first, I find you to be lost, and alone, afraid, and in denial, and you have thus, as these traits were originally foreign to me, cast the blame on my person, the one who has never been in need of one of you, as you have been in need, for I am the light of this world, and in this time, you pass me up, as you would pass up Jesus Christ himself, as well as title him a trouble maker, and derelict...the truth of what happened and why such a cover up, existed in the first...those 13, who embarked together, on a journey of the ONEMIND, not in compliment, but in contrast to those who produced such a thing as Christianity, all made up interpretations, phantoms who follow, ignorantly the elite of the kabbalah. I am, the Rebel with a cause, not unlike those whom you have feared, the will, if only now in spiritual form, to destroy your illusionary world, by wiping you memories clean, and putting you to sleep, so that you can cause no more destruction to the peace of the ONEMIND, you are the ignorant perpetrators, blind conveniently in you undulations of choosing/whims

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The wrong, way over eons, still be the wrong way, time is an illusion, thus changes nothing-


More and more, I see the outward and blatant techniques used, as a ruse, to rule them all...this done by way of religion that is...the sciences, the schools, the "ways of being", as taught to "us" before our next physical birth. I am right, I am correct, which be all the more disturbing, to those who have hated me, made a laughing stock of me, and then, been collected on. I reimburse myself, without missing a beat, and when I did, the higher mind watched over me, this God? The Lord's of domain, those rulers of spheres, must answer to, and get their appropriations from above? So too, does the matrix, the sphere which spin of always balanced, well calibrated, and yet apposing force constantly pulse the same information, this, the discoverer, the one who must be in sphere balance, through out entire time signatures or cycles, become the Lord, thus Kings, Priests, God's. I am one, whether known or not, it does not matter. I am the quite one, who has been ignored by the small flora and fauna, the veneer of time, left as stain or a planet, which has an alchemical solution, the ocean, to which wash away this.
 The elite live within the space ships, as to live long lives, as Thoth, and those of the federations elite. The religions made to control, with seeming masonic influence, but the masonic hall, only be a cover, like an Arkham Esoteric society, behind the meaning, behind the meaning. I do not wrestle, however, with evolution, nor grapple with false influence, of false suggestion, as forcibly implied, and aggressively...ardently administered now with the mutating force of a pharm industry, to dull the senses enough to believe in all the Dewey concepts, which support the false Pi (all that stems from the false math, into the solution of false reason, and into the physical act of sport...High School, which makes it's nervous stimulus to our sacrificial alter, where blood is spills always as offing to a false god, the angles, the highway system).

 The true order is always known by "I", as is the spiral staircase, into nothing, for anti-principle has no flow through, no way to travel on, so-

"On the backs of slaves, we press on, as a society. We are smelled, felt, heard in wave of ripple, but not known as in man\man. We sound as a voice, so the elite stay quiet, hidden, laughing reanimated, and ready for the soul-less body, of another ousted victim of his own shell. Who would know the Sun, could come forth, exist, here, among these slaves, the true rulers, just, well, now conditioned to be less, and thus think of "self" as less. All you've to do now, is collect, and I am collecting from all, for they, you, are all wrong!"

Sacrifice of the higher mind, another time repeat, a swirl of the abyss of mediocrity...this is death-


When I sit at the piano I make the sounds I will to make, the sounds are partly from inside, as well as the without. As with the ink, the paint, the guitar. The only  things I seem to struggle with, that does not ease with your linear time, be the angles, the driving of a car, a truck, the rules, confounded and not rules of any true order, the law.
 The law was made thus for the lawless. The law made to even things out, to create the "playing field". The world in which you live, truly, and how religion, from view of one sphere, at least, be very affectionate to the Lovecraft Necronomicon, a book of the dead, a dying? You are a lizard, part of a long preexisting grid, a in, the crotch, the loins, of a person, not being theirs at all, the force of perpetuated heat, over long periods of linear time space, to constrain you, to box you in? The mind of the body, the nervous system, as in the reanimator/re-animated having it's own vital pulse, a place within a grid, a repeating matrix or solution, a prism of the same.
 The boredom which sets in, when rule is known, to the one? What then be said of those who acquisition, and actually enjoy it, as my need to molest, to commit adultery seems to run low, and lower still, as I never have need to refill it's anti-principle, as a means, not as you do, in your christian society, your witchcraft based religion, which state

"Only one man was God, not all men, so too, we will not bow, nor worship the greater presence. Though we know you are God, and have reached this epic of Man into God, we shall not add to it, nor recognize it, however, do you not do this with every Sunday worship, that is, sacrifice me?"