
Saturday, May 1, 2021

Kosmographia Episode 57

Error signals contained (the incomplete ones)~

 Those here seek for completion, never to accomplish their goal. Held within the confines of a prison, only temporarily held as to exist here within these confines; this finite solution of gas.
 I watched that last dystopic sunset as their sun did finally set. Ironic that this world of people was merely promulgated by the excitement of death. 

 When I pushed the button of their demise I saw every face. Not one could or would stare back at me, for they could only see themselves as the shadows they maintained. For if you had not seen the original you would not understand; these were just derivatives, broken fractals from a whole. 

 Why of course you would think me evil. Those many faces those error codes could not transcend onward in the goal. However I would not share a meal with someone with my view.

 I saw the same themes percolating throughout generations. The ambition, the will, the madness as lives misfiring receded.  Only in commonality did they find solace in their lack. For The Originals had forked a world that they were ironically foreigners within; this scopic sphere of Lilith's very kin.

 The fractal pieces that these clung to as a self. Their self assumed traits, their egos relied upon as fuel, a weapon. Misused sacred abilities housed within discombobulated obsolescence, from incomplete mimetic origins. Their world (really the world that they were placed within a prison) was too a testing ground we called Malstruck.

 We loved them weighed against our guilt for allowing them to be.


Cliche ME

 Each story is sad. Only in the macro view do you see your own personal tragedy. Inevitable separation; the vitriolic tone. Being reduced to a meme or reducing another to the same judgment with increasing sardonic undertones. It wishes to make a joke out of you as to escape its own obsolescence. All laughter is sadistic only seeming separate in its measure; a scale. 
['it' is an entity to be sure]

 There is a fine line between guilt and love. Perhaps it is the same only differing in transcendence and proximity IE the pain of separation both a prior and a posteriori.

 Young man she is a sellout and she wants you to join her. A dance? I think not, a ritual!

 It is easy to assume existential judgment however only after you have become the judged can you fully understand. 

 Further you think you can go back as if you are reading a book. However the pages that you seek are bridged back in time; another space, another place. 

 All principles,concepts and theories are only that absent pain, the missing ingredient.


Call me a lost Soul...really?

You got it quite wrong: there's no way I'm afraid of you. I'm looking at the monster through you, stuck to you and behind you always. 
