
Monday, November 28, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL There are those whose sole aim is to convince us that sex, courting, marriage and societal integration is the norm...however these are sadly mistaken as well as short sighted. Our sole/Soul aim is to first Purify as we always Perfect in order that we each should transcend unto Wholeness. This is what I believe...though I have failed miserably however I will continue on
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL we're in Hell and its a demon production factory. No one can die forever, but souls do sour.
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL What is broadly regarded as genius and intelligence is actually just compliance as well as malleability.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL upon my discovery of what truly matters there is no place for me here
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL lies lies lies yea they're gonna getchu'
EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Only those who can be that easily understood can be known