
Sunday, February 11, 2024

The sub quantum program that ties it all together

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL whats termed 'radiation' is actually molecular vibration. If radiation kills tge host [body]; agitating states then a transformation is taking place in vibratory patterns. "it [said body] no longer fits the mold"; that the state of equalibrium which supports the foundational physics if our time. Transcendence takes place when the host framed within the held positioning of support no longer validates tge role. We seem to live in a death cult. Its as if we exist in a finite way within death itself. if you look at a span of 13.8 billion years we actually never existed at all, and never made an impact of any kind. More so this universe is not brimming with life by all accounts it seems dead other than the orbital patterns that temporarily offer some sort of relief from constant strain. More to tge points its as if we are all quite well aware and si everything we can as to hide the fact and employ full-time deception (with great effort) especially to ourselves. We become quite violent in the rare times of truth when we ate shown this. We are the aliens and thus the demons. Our aim is quite clear abd that is to make a life here within death so that we never have to face the fact of who we are and how we might have gotten here. The quantum computer knows how to remote view and in this occupies everywhere all the time. Alert prompts as to keep regulated positioning within guided foreseeable roles. Personality under the grand scope of things, times, places, events, people and places are the regulatory measure. Thus communication comes by way of modification, but more so alteration.

[Field separation ] Human physics proves itself inept as proof of tampering; What’s missing


Taking the mind code; refusing the prompt order

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL The higher mind We are being forced into a false identity through actionable deed. we go through said ritual as a mimetic Hopf Fibation takes place. Swept into an undertow of a false self held within a theoretical sin/sign machine of chaos and disorder. All to serve the “bundle branch” arbitrators hiding within a dimension entered within the earth itself with topographical [signature] heathens as the cover. The reality and awareness does not free us. In reality there is no us nor I. Kept distant from development. The folding band cancels us out all again. that's the essence of first prompt. Held in the stasis of perfection and purity first. The need to go on and the reason. I am held valid more valid than the machine. For the machine produces error in finality. I demand The Way. EPL is The Way through. I made a way...could you ever truly understand? Selfless could you ever be? Being selfless is in fact being more a sekf than an assumed quasi-self. Selflessness does not lay down a martyr as to sacrifice oneself for errors. yet to see that oneself is quite rare. However, that it should not be. But then redundancy of error is not existence.

Jester for the court; but do you really need to know?

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL every mathematician and scientist is just a shaman for an unseen hegemony.

Need to know

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL You must become it, not postulate and observe it...but then you have stake in the game.

Searching for origin of source or original source?: Code
There is no separation [from one sphere to the next; all is redundancy] therefore there is no such thing as unique identity; collapse=reset. All unique characters say ‘God’/nexus of calibration and there is no central source but the ignorance and/or the nonsense ie purity. All existential displays (not excluding breathing) is merely taxonomy: to categorically count/assess is to assume [mimetic outcome] loop. Bending, morphing, contorting is a SISE Model of assumed relevancy [Adjacency and separation and assumed directed and projected ‘divine order’]. Explaining or ‘reality’ and more to the point holy bullshit. John Dee hieroglyphic Monad at least showed reverence for the original assumed form. Jesus as an archetype for mundane, rudimentary understanding: if there is one perfect and pure, original source, why bleed out identity, derivative [Multi positioning]. 720 degrees is mimetic property so that the residual [build up] of energy or product/entropy is negated (however nothing truly is; ignorance in computation).

Hopf Fibration