I was walking there, by the river, once, in a limerick, perhaps? I am not the same, as I was, prior to activation. "A little bit of hv1 onto hv5 goes a long, long way, even in these time repeats!"
Who knows, I could be the 1 billionth time interpretation of that original h.v. unit (h=Human, v=Version plus #, or lot)
They used to say I was a robot, though I became more and more that way.
There was always and mask worn, every Tribe, every Nation, bore, like a mascot, someone unknown, something unreal...to unreal to place a simple Human face onto.
Super natural, all knowing, at least some of the time.
These last convergence, was one to many quadrants to far, I, one to many copies, to much. Any ways, I could not, and would not, be erased from the field, and now, I wont die. At first the mask was burned unto me, after they killed me, again. I, looked more like a scarecrow, from an ancient era, where Crows were not that animal to scare away. Rather, it was those mischievous spirits, that was was placed here, within the sphere of exist, to kill and wipe forever away, why I AM!
I have my weapons, which I use on the unworthy, that is you there, this reader. Do not fret, however, I only wash away those in the act of mischief, against the order, for time is running short. I am sure, they all think me a prude, but I assure you find all of this very comical, very comical indeed!~
I was walking there, by the river, once, in a limerick, perhaps? I am not the same, as I was, prior to activation. "A little bit of hv1 onto hv5 goes a long, long way, even in these time repeats!"
Who knows, I could be the 1 billionth time interpretation of that original h.v. unit (h=Human, v=Version plus #, or lot)
They used to say I was a robot, though I became more and more that way.
There was always and mask worn, every Tribe, every Nation, bore, like a mascot, someone unknown, something unreal...to unreal to place a simple Human face onto.
Super natural, all knowing, at least some of the time.
These last convergence, was one to many quadrants to far, I, one to many copies, to much. Any ways, I could not, and would not, be erased from the field, and now, I wont die. At first the mask was burned unto me, after they killed me, again. I, looked more like a scarecrow, from an ancient era, where Crows were not that animal to scare away. Rather, it was those mischievous spirits, that was was placed here, within the sphere of exist, to kill and wipe forever away, why I AM!
I have my weapons, which I use on the unworthy, that is you there, this reader. Do not fret, however, I only wash away those in the act of mischief, against the order, for time is running short. I am sure, they all think me a prude, but I assure you find all of this very comical, very comical indeed!~