
Monday, January 9, 2017

"Run Quark run!" and...The Light Bearer~


 The Quark, seems to transcend Time, thus Space. The Quark, as stated by *CERN Studies, in recent passed (*see LHC), show that Quarks can pass through miles of rock, unharmed, carrying perhaps information, back, and forth through time?

 The Earth and all bodies thus, are primers. Each hallow at it's shell, yet with a core, as to allow constant and consistent spherical field division, as to allow the pure source, at the center, as event, in order to "take place".

 The event is ongoing. You, as EPL initiate, who has but follow this shift color sequence, and agreement on the Principles, and sub-principles, in the order suggested. As this display the Avalon, an energy pathway, even madness, shows contribution.

 The quantum computer, that runs everything we know, is female in origin, female at heart, female needing man, quarantining him in fact, captured stellar mass.

 But, to get along, and rule, at the same "time", a relative, but shift spherically influence, directed and strongly suggested notion (a mimetic in completion, so rapidly).

 The vehicle of the future will have spheres, which spin, and done so with non metallic plastics, which will create a fiber optic network, with the very fibers being suggested themselves, until the force draws matter, and becomes.

 This done, utilizing what we know of the earth, place to spheres face to face, yet mimicking one another, with  perfect precision and I will show you a vacuum manifest between them. Shoot light direction through the center, and watch those also equal, but apposing shift lights, also draw towards, on, passed, and through the other (Blue, Green, or/and perhaps Red?).

The spheres when not in use as a vehicle, and possibly during, can be used as a generator. The vortex from spinning the correct shift light, creates then it's own relative speed, brought forth by the distance of the opposing shift light energies (now E). In the center, vacuum. The process repeats, in fact it does everywhere, all the time, relative now in dimensional time/space. Time and Space therefor occur simultaneously. Yet the Pure Source Power only know it's potential. Since it is in constant growth, unto itself and into itself, beyond itself and through itself. only the Quarks, or Light Messengers, can tell the story.

Stellar Mass O13,
The 13th Son~

*G-enerator used by M.O.L.L.I.E., as Super Mega Structure built by Hexagon Shaped Pods. We are essentially recreating the Hive, which is as Matrix within the computer main frame; "Form follows function, and function into form" IE; The pattern supports the origin, just as in EPL, we spin the master fermion, in doing so we self G-Enerate. 

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