
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Super Massive Aliens invaded our planet, raped our Women, took them for wives, and justified their actions by teaching them how to use Sex Magick.


 Let's see. God is the boss of these so called 'Angels'? He sent them here, to Earth? If this entire God thing is just a cover-up for Alien Rape, then why is it that Human Woman could get pregnant from the Angel seed? It is because the Angels are simply larger humanoid Alien Beings. The hype of Heaven, which is referred to more often as The Kingdom. God is called here, "Your Majesty", as in Magi and Magic(k). Who is God? More so, is this also but a Title?


This is a portion in the Gnostic Library [link below].

Q Why would the so called Angels know sorcery and spells, as well as herbal magic?

 They came from above. They are Giant. So the molecular structure various in other zones, related to this one. The molecules as well as particles are most likely larger. Therefor the Quarks, if from another quadrant or dimensional multiverse, cluster together, they can not co-mingle with our own. Oh but they can, because they had Children with assumed Human Women. Therefor they are not far removed, dimensionally speaking [distance and location] Therefor there is a tether between what is called "Heaven" which is the next zone, separated from them, yet accessible by them [or God].

 However we look further, and we see that these Angels would not need to know Magick, unless it was their power? Why would they need it? Why would they need to be Master's? Unless that is what made them powerful? Magick, or mind power, ritual tapping on past and future time in order to manifest a greater vibratory force. Obviously Sex Magic(k) is also involved here. There is this snippet left from the Dead Sea Scroll Archive, and it contains the fall, the works, and the byproduct or rendering of these Giants.

 DNA of Giants? Or normal size from where they hail from? Therefor they came unto a miniaturization of a world, or people like from where they were/are from?

 We were invaded by those from another dimensional realm. Our Women were essentially raped by them, because they were so terrifying in their abilities? This was documented in the past 3-5k years. The US has finally admitted a similar phenomenon is taking place now, with many other Alien races. I would say there is a s**t ton we are being intentionally blocked from.

 What people seem good at, when you get to know them, it's what they do all day. I think Angels are the same way. Therefor they are Sorcerer's, as to teach Sorcery. The Goal was Sex, because they practiced Sex Magic(k).

 Super Massive Aliens invaded our planet, raped our Women, took them for wives, and justified their actions by teaching them how to use Sex Magick.

"Scratch my head"

We live in a completely corrupted world, everything is falling apart, and you're going to tell me that Sex Magic(k) isn't being done today!!!

English Translation of Enoch (Hanokh)

4Q201 (En ara)
Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority (11)
     Ena I ii

12.  ...But you have changed your works,
13.  [and have not done according to his command,
     and tran]sgressed against him; (and have spoken)
     haughty and harsh words, with your impure mouths,
14.  [against his majesty, for your heart is hard].
     You will have no peace.

     Ena I iii

13.  [They (the leaders) and all ... of them took
     for themselves]
14.  wives from all that they chose and
     [they began to cohabit with them and to defile
     themselves with them];
15.  and to teach them sorcery and [spells and
     the cutting of roots; and to acquaint them
     with herbs.]
16.  And they become pregnant by them and 
     bo[re (great) giants three thousand cubits high ...]
Transcription by J. T. Milik, amended by J. C. Greenfield; translation by J. C. Greenfield

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