
Sunday, January 31, 2021

JRNY 'Bullish News'


End Game


Alex Jones


The Perfect Climate for War

 Wars are as planned and rigged as the stock market itself. In fact they are tied together at the hip. There is a financial war occuring right now, there always is. However this time coincides with several planetary events. 

 What will end the government over throw that is taking place right now? War!

 A small trigger will shift the tides from HODLing Bitcoin towards huddling under the skirt tails of the largest militia organizations currently. We patriotize because of War. We differentiate because of opposition.

 The time has come again. The most  malevolent oligarch organization must end liberty so that liberty becomes the number one saught after commodity. One that we can never achieve because we exist within this evil organization's makeshift stew. When this organization even begins to feel it is losing its grip on its corruption of humanity? It folds up the entire band wagon. 

 We are now presently in that time. This organization would say that we brought this upon ourselves.

Bitboy 'Rigged System'


Goldman and Interactive Brokers Execs Claim Wallstreetbets Trend Could 'Take Down the System'


NewsIndia Renews Crypto-Hostility With New Proposed Ban


#1652 Keiser Report


Mutus Liber


#292 Crow777; Body Salts


#291 Crow777 Mutus Liber


CoinBureau; Biggest Ponzi Scheme


January 9th 2021 @5:56pm Pacific; seems like such a long time ago

Live Cheeky Crypto: New Crypto Assets Coinbase (44)


Intellectual Wave; Alan Watts

'American democracy is like a runaway truck'

As the number is known

Some coins to watch in my opinion. 


 These coins are being used by newly minted millionaires that are robinhooding their own preemptive strikes on system redundancy. 

 These coins are what I call Cypherpunk Weaponized; tools towards True Anarchy. 

 The system that has been in power is done. There is a massive sea of energy awaiting the call.

 The call is heavily based upon the overnight demise of traditional markets. Companies will need to adopt their own alternative currencies in place of stocks on the international stock market exchanges which are corrupt and passΓ©. 

 For a time in the near future our wallet addresses will essentially become personal cryptocurrencies. Your value, your name, your Exchange.

 It wasn't long ago that names like Smith referred to the familiar occupation. Now numbers will designate status and expertise in holdings. 

 However soon each person birthed under this new corporate socialistic sign will be given a wallet address as well as adequate monetary digital representation and use. Autonomy shared will become the mantra. 

I'm not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. I'm looking way beyond that.


Corporate AI Socialism: Essential Tools for Future Survival in a Post-Apocalyptic New Cyber-Civilization IMO

Brokerage Exchange

Gemini Platform:

Synthetix SNX

*Loan as Collateral

BTC Bitcoin
ETH Ethereum
LTC Litecoin
LINK Chailink
BCH Bitcoin Cash

*Early Visa CC 
future use

CRO Stake

 In the not so distant future, your personal robot banking system will need to pay other systems in digital currency. 

 If you buy now you are early on.

Many who buy now will become nodes which will be future Banks. 

Much like Blockfi, Nexo, Celcius and others now, collateral in digital form will become the axiom to asset wealth and management.

 Bitcoin as a staple is future property ownership. As many of the concepts of mutualism shall be embraced, not excluding land ownership and what that means. 

 Land will be shared and not hoarded. Utility metals will be part of the common good. Production will be a responsibility protocol by AI robotic maintenance and distribution of personal property. There will be very little differentiation between digital custody and arbitrage (fungible non-fungible Altcoin transliteration) of robotic AI semi-autonomous systems of support; work robots, taxi service, shared mutualistic collateralized banking institution etc... .

No centralized system; the algorithmic codes will rove from node to node. Wallet addresses will become the new social security number. 


'JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon’s pay package held steady at $31.5 million, while Goldman Sachs Group Inc. cut David Solomon’s pay to $17.5 million after a penalty for the bank’s 1MDB scandal'


Spotlight on Citadel


Orange Pill Podcast [OP26]


Saturday, January 30, 2021

JRNY Crypto XRP Pump


Crypto Zombie


CoinBureau; technical analysis pt3


Crypto News Alerts; Max Keiser, Ray Dalio, Elon Musk


Bitboy; Wall Street is Dead


New 🍊 πŸ’Š Podcast (Orange Pill)


Sophia and Cardano


Billionaires become Trillionaires to Quadrillionaires

 I personally believe that cryptocurrency in general, and its value, is vastly underated by even the most Bullish Sharks and Whales.

 I believe that with the full deployment (ejected) from the advent of AI Robotics...we are literally in a new era. 

 Space mining and Neurolink advancements will transform our Trillion 'Dollar' idiology into Quadrillions and on...

 This will happen within the next 1-4 years, not 10 or 20 years. The doubling concept with technology will cause a financial quantum leap. 

 Even people that get into the game late will benefit immensely. 

 Those who can hang on, and are getting in now, will amass small investments into vast fortunes... that will continue to grow with new planetary colonizations. 

After a billion, of course, is trillion. Then comes quadrillion, quintrillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, and decillion. One of my favorite challenges is to have my math class continue to count by "illions" as far as they can

Bitboy interviews Altcoin Daily


Where did the road go?; UFO History Redux pt2


Mark Cuban: DeFi, Not Robinhood, Gives Money Back to UsersIn a tweet thread on GameStop, Robinhood, and short selling, Mark Cuban made the case for decentralized finance.


Charles Hoskinson w/ADA Cardano; XRP Ripple responds to SEC


Friday, January 29, 2021

RT TLDR version GameStop and Walstreet


Democracy Falls

 From the time of that day a Faustian deal. I knew that when I started stepping, a force would neither permit me to step further into life nor death. 

 Now I exist as a mediocre mundane smudge. The truth; as to await and rot into death with only the suggestion that there was ever really any choice?

 If you happen to be too good at any given task, you will not be permitted to continue on with it long. 

 Once.. perhaps in my imagination, tangled up into the twine of this human bent reality?
 A strange signal barely readable by some archaic technology long since past. A cymatical ringing, that sounded like a low dense death tone, a call out to the blood hungry. The initiates, I suppose, react as a singular unit of inferior throw away lesser men?

Looking back not long ago?

 When the river was mostly empty and frozen, I used to like to challenge myself by standing on the edge. Democracy falls, named that in the mid 1800's. An old Gold my ning town. I will not say the name. 
 Granted the task, had to be done on a very cold day, but never the same day each year. I remember I would pick out hiking boots specifically for this task. There I would stand on the edge and look down. A frozen water fall, who's potential relied on a shared chaos of nature and seasonal patterns. During the summer months, the snow would melt and create a great cascade of waterfall to hasten. Though tucked away from grandiosity. Over the years I've heard of a couple fatalities. Some folklore that goes way back. Corroborated, a drunken teenager pushing it to far, and too near the edge. Also later on in time, an elderly sightseer, boating too close to the edge. Perhaps distracted by a bird of the season? However during the times of which I speak, small streams would peek out, like the many eyes of God looking through a Swiss board. Bound energy behind the icy covered rock and cliffs edge. Waiting for realease. 
 The seasons partitioned a shared identity of the place of which I speak. A different sort of wonderland would occur months from now, if that time surely ever came? So much as assumed don't you think? Winter seems to have the potential to go on forever here.

 I began to test myself after strange events. 

 At first I'd go back to remind myself that I was alive in the first place. Then it just became a death risk, a habit, I think?
 I was only 9 years old when I came across what would forever change my life in the here and now. A massive 9-ft tall hairy beast with ablazened eyes of a strange pure pulsing blue. The experience wasn't at all a physical threat because I felt quite safe in the great beasts presence. Rather there was an expectant tempo that was shared between the two of us (and probably many others unseen). Perhaps it was just the field around of this here and now, that reminded me. For if I stayed in limbo of shock and awe for too long, this being's presence would surely erase me. 

I mentioned that it changed my life, but I'm not sure if for the better? If one ponder's on all life events, I guess the same conclusion can be met? Was it worth it?

 Looking back and recollecting: Then it came. The object so thick and dense. Surely beyond mass and reason. I could feel the presence of the many, however was made aware of the one. This experience seemed to exist outside of time. As if a subject such as myself could not last the true time lapse(?), nor the exposure of energies involved. 

 A pulsing denura of cymatic satanic pentagonal etching upon my soul and being. The same light would unlock that double-ringed inverted pattern on my forehead where my third eye should be. An instant reckoning of the one true language. A mind-shattering awareness of the uniformity of numbers, patterns, symbols, shapes and signs. 

Did I reveal the wrong color?

 An opening, and awareness, a presence, a state of mind outside of space and time. I seemed to be reminded of another self entirely. There only temptation, and the awareness of limits I must impose in a limitless existence. 

A fleeting moment that may have never happened. 

...and suddenly like a vacuum, the ringing stopped. The ionized excited electrons seemed to stand back down into cumbersome dialectical tone. 

 They were aware of me, or at least were reminded so. Whatever I was connected to? Whatever I truly was or am?  Returned back to the shelf of mediocrity. Strangely a reminder to all parties involved, even unto myself. I had to be returned back onto the shelf. 

 The month was January. The day was the 23rd. The year is not important now. However I advanced 33 years plus 9. 

 That I look down. Attempted the melting patterns more each and every year. Truly I knew down deep in my, within my very bones that I should not be here for at least another week. That is until just after the big storm blows through. I could already tell when crevassing the frozen frugal watered Rivers edge, is the rocks would move beneath my rubber impacting soles for the purpose. Maybe this would be the time they'd come? Maybe I would have to fall first I thought as the years advanced? The more hatred I had of this world and its people the less insane it sounded to fall these 89 ft to the adjacent River bed below. In my short time on this planet I had lost more than my fair share, let's just say. No man is an island but we are surely all made to feel this way. 

 Even though this past time took me towards very similar hobbies. Such as bungee jumping, skydiving doing single leg backflips in a pond, they were all inauthentic training exercises with one primary focus; to be here now. The warm mist that escaped my nostrils, and the dense fog that released from my nervous quivering lungs to mouth. A crick was left in my throat. Surely this would be the time? Somehow in case I step too far? It was one of those moments where nothing alarming seemed to be happening. However moment by moment The edge gave way with no movement at all. My toes parabolically seemed to vanquish out too far a degree from my body to stay alined. Maybe I was seeing things? Maybe every year I pushed it a little further? I don't truly recall each step like I used to, in awareness. I seem to be getting sloppier and less caring, as the years go by.

 However I was reminded of why I had done so much training around this moment that I created for myself. Was this all to undo myself? To find my true self? Asinine, the inner conjecture of the human animal form. That's ridiculous arbitrary notions that go on inside our heads and manifest as selves. I did not react not one muscle nor a quiver. I stepped back. Just as I began a sigh of relief, I must have stepped onto an open Pocket that wasn't quite Frozen enough. I slipped back so fast that I became airborne. I must have fallen down with all my weight from a 3 foot height, right onto my bum, not a legs length from the edge. Depending on the time of the year and the bloodlust of the river that never runs dry not truly, this situation would have been my last. Although I was relieved my relief was less pronounced than my instantly missing what could have been. 

 I imagined instantly as I heaved and moaned. My body was thankful and reluctant to trust the force that lurks within. It (the body) greedily breathed in the cold air, leaving a billow of smokey frozen breath (negative electrons) scattered orbiting about my head. My heart beat ecstatic in recovery. However this ganglionic mass behind my solar plexus missed the negative potential moment in event. A part of my limbic system fell that day. Fell into an imaginary death. One where my body would surely hit the icy rock below, but where my soul would be free to travel on beyond these dimensional restrictions. The tug of war between realities is enough to split a man in two.

  I never thought about the name much 'democracy falls' to me it was just another name of familiar nostalgia from the town of which I grew up. The Cabin that I lived in not a half a mile away was left to me by my grandfather. Humble as it was, it became my only place of refuge so many years ago. No matter how a man may feel about it, he is prone to fish and hunt and kill for his own survival here. I will not disclose the location but let us just say I cannot quite see the northern lights. Plenty of fresh water if you know how to store it properly, and I do. I also know how to cure my meat and stow enough for those hard months that lie ahead in wait. Down in my soul so deep however, I never wanted to hurt anything much less kill it, for my own survival. In my soul I feel like everything is equal, in fact I think the music that comes from a simple songbird is more beautiful than I've ever heard coming from any human mouth. 
 Out here survival pushes a man into the mind of supremacy, else he becomes food for another beast that has the will to do so. 

 Strangely I somehow felt rejected that day, that night, that is so hazy to me now. I will however never forget those eyes, nor the feeling and the imprint into my very being. 

 What doing here? 

Did they just happen stance upon me?

Though it didn't seem to be so. Did I disappoint them? I definitely felt that (as I recollect) "yes, yes I think that I fell short of their expectations some how?". Within a part of me I was so certain of this. However quite completely I felt at peace with the situation. Maybe it left the rest of my life seeming as so..well boring and inauthentic (as I stated prior)? As if a soda bottle that was opened up hours before consumption. The carbonation was lost, the effervescence had faded in glory. 

 I scraped myself up, from the lake bed. Strangely I felt the sense of shame and cowardice. It was too cold to feel the bruising. I wanted to remind myself to live. This just happened a couple of Winters ago now. Since then, I lost my strength for dare. Perhaps I was aware that the risk was worth it then? Perhaps a part of me knew that I would never be the same again? 

 I wonder nowadays what is life? When we lose the risk do we also lose the muse?

 One thing I know is that something very dark and ominous is awaiting.



Where did the road go; UFO History Mega-show 91/2 hrs pt 2 (for Youtube max upload time)


Kevin Svenson Elon Musk BTC Doge Pump


Dahboo77; SEC 'short squeezes'


Congress members refusing to work together


Crypto Zombie; Elon Musk Bitcoin


Live Bitboy; Elon Musk Pumps Bitcoin!


JRNY; Elon Musk just bought Bitcoin?


CoinBureau; Tips for Crypto


Reddit exposed illegal practices w/Max Keiser


Doge Coin Special Charles Hoskinson


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Where did the road go?; πŸ‘½ UFO History Redux


Aimstone $33k to $1M


Michael Saylor Interview; Energy of Money


Bitcoin; Winklevoss Brothers


Bitcoin: Wall Street (Dogecoin AMC) Corruption


Keiser Report #1651


Billionaire investor Chamath Palihapitiya won't confirm whether he'll run for California governor, but he wants Newsom out


Crypto News; Recall Gavin Newsom


The retail revolution


Ben Geortzel and Charles Hoskinson


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

OP-EDTether USDT saga: Is Tether actually behind Bitcoin rallies?

I would like to know how much Tether Coin or Stable Coin JP Morgan and Guggenheim procure.

With a push of the bottom $50M here and there, mark it sway. 

Money is a rate limiting factor, not God


GameStop-Style Revolts Spread, Prompting Halt by TD Ameritrade, Nasdaq Monitoring

"πŸ“£ It's called the Millennial takeover [repeat] it is inevitable πŸ“£!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Crusty old baby boomers will never have their way again!

Live; Orange 🍊 Pill πŸ’Š Podcast


Bitcoin Dominance Chart link


 It appears that Bitcoin dominance is not dropping further. Rather the market cap of the entire Market is dropping together. DaVinci j15 has some insights on this if you want to look him up on YouTube. Much of this cross correlates back into the stock market with GameStop. 

 This entire dip to me is an orchestration. A machination set about buying time. However truly it is a futile effort to fight the principle based Bitcoin with antiprinciple cruxed mud slinging. The hedge fund babies who have never been told no are passing away from their hardened hearts and clogged arteries. See how beneficial all those steaks are and long martinis at lunch are now.

 Millennials will not carry this torch. They see a longer further future that extends deep into space and space exploration. It is not measured in obtruse concepts and ideas like a dick measuring contest. Thankfully those baby boomers are hitting their last note. 

 Things are only ugly now because of them. Further human Americana experience has only been ugly for the last 30 to 50 years because of their lineage. They are old, they are desperate and they are finished. 

 When a grand unified polarity shift of this magnitude takes place there will obviously be lulls before absolute highs. Bitcoin in all its principal and morality will emerge as victor for the patient and the few. What else is there that compares? The answer is nothing. 

 There will be people indicted for their roles in market manipulation, mark my words...though it may not surface for up to 2 years from today. 

 There is a desperate and uncouthy melodramatic brooding tone. The barbarians at the gate have lost their keys. 


Bitcoin’s Price Could Top at $300,000 if History Repeates: Analysis


Blackrock CEO calls Bitcoin an untested asset in a 'very small market'


Trump opens "Office of the Former President" in Florida


Tuesday, January 26, 2021



coast to coast AM is our world cgi?

  1. an advisory, deliberative, or legislative body of people formally constituted and meeting regularly.
    "an official human rights council"
    advisory body
    advisory group
    board of directors
    • a body of people elected to manage the affairs of a city, county, or other municipal district.
      "a ban on school buses using the road was imposed by the county council"
      local authority
      local government
      municipal authority
      civic authority
      legislative body
      governing body
    • an ecclesiastical assembly