
Sunday, April 4, 2021

My take: EPL; why we relish the beautiful nightmare

Scientific America 

Confirmed! We Live in a Simulation

We must never doubt Elon Musk again

'Now that we have some defining features of the artifact, of course it becomes clear what the artifact manifests itself as within our universe. The artifact is manifested as the speed of light'


 It's not the speed of light. Without space light can not move. Therefor there must be a crystaline structured unit that meets below and integer or quanta as a fraction. This could better be described as processing or processing speed. Otherwise light would not exist as a constant transport of quark based information. Light as a while is the highway. Obviously the gluons are like the tar of the road. The Quark best represents the vehicle. The speed is the rate limiting factor of how fast data or quark carried information can be met and processed within the accepted nodes of vortex placed crystaline units that are partial to the entirety of their respective photon field or shift. 


 The outcome is an implied partiality that maps however never completes itself. It has no will if its own, only a held malible implied construct. The will however only had so much involvement. The hard wired objectivity clashes with the self based will of temporary placement IE a thing must be valid or accepted by the whole or rejected locally then amassing energies that pull the object separate and apart. Here EPL blank slate infusion takes place. The rewriting of probability and potential from first principle directive as Ethos. 

 A gathering up of localized resources towards completion then outsourcing towards amassment outside of the localized sphere or field. The ultimate outcome is something like Zoroths law. The reliance on the assumed complete thermodynamic system and the ultimate need towards the 3rd point of being and becoming as a scavenger, a benefactor and inheritor of a new cycle of usefuk information or second cycle. 

 Seconds or time in succession is actually 3rd's. 

0, 1, 1
Purity, Red, Blue
*, \, \ (flipped as /)

 There is no such thing as stasis. Rather there is an individual unit set apart in undulation that falls outside the radar scope.

 In EPL I called this the flicker

 The flicker has already visited all time in space because it is the quantifier of time space. This could be further identified as Monad or just beyond the point where having can no longer occur. 

 More than likely it can be further defined as a negatively charged ionic individual unit of potential field energy. 

 From the perspective of a massment it is always poised to absorb and then return to a partially negative state. Thus making stasis or equilibrium appear as a mean, a location, a center point. However as an entirety it is a subunit always in flux. Relative to itself it is extremely volatile. However in its intrinsic native negative state it can only absorb, amass and reduce. 

 In EPL it is that first Kingdom where the Cowels and the ultimate reduction of all numbers/system reside. 

 All information experiences times and events are meaningless. What we assume as existence is actually a temporary placement of number systems that are both in process to reduce and to cleave or still off energies. All three points cannot exist in harmonious stasis. Thus the fourth the the having of eight is implied bifurcation, a mirroring. Five implies its own flux undulating between positive and negative which ultimately can only make a statement and sacrifice. We either fail to see or constantly deny the quasi-existence of sacrifice as entropy. There is thus much going on within the sphere as to existentially be viewed as such. Flux is always pervading always eminent within a contained spherical field of temporary inference. 

 Fermion reveal this in their behavior.

 The throne is is the 9th seat of incompletion. Four and five 54 and 45. 

 The avoidance of and two 12 and 21. 

The reduction. 

 Earth (this realm) and the state of "in between" is simply but an error producing machine. Stuck in tandem equilibrium however sacrificing and cleaving really feeding off a third point which is sacrifice. 

 Random number generator? A road map only if total impartiality can be maintained? However now you see the problem?

 The flicker, the Monad, the Cowels are before number. 

 Existence is an ignorant statement of false egocentric assumed validity or value. 

 The only one who can say I am is the one who just sacrificed the other. 

 How's that working out for you?

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