
Friday, January 20, 2023

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL Is this context Lucifer [The Light] didn’t believe in the lie. This inner light was not in denial of a progenitor. So to say an opposition to God is a political science early theological stretch of truth. The way things are was not acceptable from within IE The Order or the grand way of things, places, times and events. And so here are Megalomania and demagoguery are never anticipated as humans are like highly intellectually twisted self-serving AI Monkey’s. So ‘God’ became the term for the one who created. So there was a long list of creators. Thoth or thought more so the string of thought became the truth and the way. This as a mechanism for survival. However survival could be done more happily in the most rudimentary ways. This reliance on a natural order became the nexus upon which men would wrestle and wrestle they do till this very day. At the moment I sit in a parking lot sipping coffee but the ideas that I have penned here [digitally] are from my internal light my internal workings the internal way. More so as it’s been said ‘the light bearer’ as the one who burdens himself with this spiritual quantifying struggle. The answer has always been the same in self sacrifice for Purity. As nothing can nor will stand the test of time and time is a test. Not unlike the test of a rope the spiritual mass of the true individual as messiah over many generation can redefine the physics of this rope and frey to break this bondage. This issue arrises. This Starbucks cup and the image on it show all the modern convenience that the existential governance (a lie) seems to provide. Throughout generations people have come to rely and more so expect unnatural bounty. These political efforts are never truly good for the greater good. What is this greater good? Is it for the masses? Does the greater good imply for the more clandestine brotherhood or sisterhood? The greater good quality is found in the fabric of everything everywhere in the Minutia. At the center of geometry there is the sign or center. The term North in esotericism refers to this way built within the order, a golden mean. This to imply where are fruitage can be found. The compass is principle. Principle comes from from the pure center. We seen Metatrons cube as the angelic [or angles] sequence in play. Many can crack the code but so few have followed the way.

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