
Friday, June 30, 2023

EPL- INFORMATION FOR YOUR BUILDING SOUL if monad is complete and monad represents '0' in Phi [0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21] than there is no need to replicate the number system outside of it, because it is complete (the only true integer?). Therefor 1 is the 1st number although it was also counted from '0' because '0' is complete. Phi is therefor only expressing the intrinsic completeness of '0' in Phi. 1) 1 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3 5) 5 6) 8 7) 13 8) 21 '9)' therefor would be either 34 or 22. to me Phi represents living math. there is the literal rational count placings and the Phi numbers themselves. A 9th placing represents a catch 22. Something into itself. A mirror of itself in redundancy. to me this is why 23 represents the toxic human form manifested from unnatural math. we come from 9 bit fall short of it. only in the product sacrificial offering of more death can the number system justify itself. ot goes on. we are all representatives of 9. the person we are in codified DNA form and the RNA replication scrambling mirrored back in an oscillating trap of incompleteness. we are meaningless which is why all our efforts go towards always trying to prove we have meaning and this value...however we (being repeats of the same) have no intrisic value). the energy had value. the energy can not be create nor destroyed. the energy or 'the light' is our worship and our religion. the energy or chi is compartmentalized into cells. the energy is alive and the cell is not alive. the cell like a flashlight without a battery can mot function without power. The human form is therefor machine. Number systems based upon 9 represents false corporeal temporal and carnal carbon machine temporary manifestation. which requires cymatic topographical maintenance with elaborate engineering support. The solar system traps light within it or eternal cosmic energy that can only be manifest from pure source. although we live within this illusion of life and balance there is no place where purity would ever come into contact with the dead carbon based engineered forms here. this world is unnatural and its inferior anti-principled mechanism can not be supported willingly.

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