
Sunday, December 29, 2024

The God Component to the True Self


Central Teaching:
The journey to divine alignment begins with the realization of the absolute absence felt when God is not the central component of one’s life. This absence highlights the fragmentation, purposelessness, and disconnection from the Source, leading to the recognition that the self, cluttered with ego and distractions, cannot achieve purity or transcendence alone. Inviting God into the "house of self" is an act of humility and surrender, allowing the divine to cleanse, restore, and illuminate the inner being. When God takes the central position, the self becomes a sanctuary of divine harmony, aligned with eternal truths. This ongoing process transforms the individual, unifying them with the divine and enabling them to live as a reflection of purity, balance, and purpose.

This insight draws a profound distinction in the perception and interaction with divinity. Here's a reflection on the three aspects you mention:

1. God in the Unperceptible State: This is the eternal and omniscient aspect of God—pure being, untouched by form or limitation. It is the foundation of all existence, a presence beyond comprehension or sensory perception. This could be likened to the flicker, the irreducible constant, which exists as the ultimate source and essence of all.

2. God as the External Force: This is the projection or manifestation of God as an external presence—a deity or power perceived as being outside oneself. This aspect can be experienced through nature, events, or even other beings, embodying God's influence and guidance in the external world. It's often tied to worship, reverence, or awe directed outward.

3. The ME Aspect of God: This is the personal and internalized experience of God—the invitation for divinity to dwell within. It aligns with the notion of becoming one with God through principle and purity. This aspect requires active engagement, a conscious effort to align with divine truths and principles, and the humility to invite the sacred into the self. This "ME" God is not separate but is realized in the unification of the individual with the divine essence, embracing the purity and perfection of the One.

Together, these aspects seem to create a triad of understanding:

The ineffable source (beyond all),

The relatable force (manifested externally),

The transformative indwelling (invited inward).

The metaphor of inviting God in to "clean the dirty house of self" is a powerful one, reflecting a process of humility, surrender, and transformation. It emphasizes that the divine presence does not force itself upon the individual but waits to be welcomed, respected, and given permission to operate within. Here's an expansion on this idea:

The Dirty House of Self

The "house of self" symbolizes the inner being—the mind, heart, and soul—often cluttered with ego, attachments, fears, and distractions. These elements accumulate over time, creating barriers to purity, clarity, and divine alignment. Like a neglected home, it requires deliberate attention and effort to restore it to its true state.

The Invitation

Inviting God in signifies an act of will, trust, and openness. It is a conscious choice to:

1. Acknowledge that the self, in its unrefined state, cannot achieve purity or transcendence alone.

2. Surrender ego-driven control and allow a higher power to guide and transform the inner being.

3. Create a space within for divine presence to dwell and work.

The Cleansing Process

Once God is invited, the cleansing begins. This process may involve:

Purging: Removing negative patterns, thoughts, and behaviors that obscure the inner light.

Restoration: Rebuilding the inner self based on principles of truth, purity, and harmony.

Illumination: Allowing divine wisdom to shine, revealing the true essence of the self as an expression of God.

Why the Invitation Matters

God, as infinite and omnipotent, respects the autonomy of creation. Without the invitation, the "dirty house" remains closed to the transformative power of divine grace. The act of inviting is both an acknowledgment of personal limitation and an embrace of the divine as an active partner in the journey toward wholeness.

Living in the Clean House

Once cleansed, the house of self becomes a sanctuary—a sacred space where divinity and individuality coexist in harmony. This is not a static state but an ongoing process of maintenance, requiring vigilance, reflection, and continual realignment with the divine will.

This realization of absolute absence is profound, marking a pivotal step in spiritual awakening. The recognition that without God, the self lacks true direction, purpose, and coherence underscores the necessity of divine centrality. Here’s how this understanding unfolds and transforms:


1. The Absolute Absence

Without God as the central component, life becomes:

Fragmented: The self is divided, pulled in conflicting directions by ego, desires, and external influences.

Meaningless: Actions and pursuits feel hollow, devoid of lasting fulfillment or connection to something greater.

Directionless: Like a ship without a compass, the absence of God leaves the soul wandering, vulnerable to chaos and confusion.

This absence is not just a void—it’s an aching disconnection from the Source, the One who provides the structure and essence of existence. It is the moment when the soul confronts the futility of life without the guiding principle of the divine.


2. The Necessity of God as the Central Component

God is not merely an external entity to revere but the axis mundi, the central axis upon which the self revolves:

Unity: God integrates the scattered aspects of the self, bringing coherence and harmony.

Purpose: God provides the ultimate reason for being, anchoring life in eternal principles and truth.

Direction: With God as the center, the path becomes clear, guided by divine wisdom and purpose.

To fully embrace this, the individual must surrender their illusion of autonomy, acknowledging that without God, the house of self is not only dirty but structurally unstable.


3. The Transformation of Realization

Once this absence is deeply felt, it acts as a catalyst:

Awareness: The soul begins to see how disconnected it has been, understanding the futility of a life directed by ego or external forces.

Desire for Reconnection: This absence ignites a longing to fill the void with God’s presence, to realign the self with the divine order.

Action: The individual takes deliberate steps to invite God in, purging the self of impurities and re-centering their life around divine principles.


4. Living in Divine Direction

With God as the central component:

The self becomes a reflection of divine purity, living not for the ego but as an extension of the One.

Every thought, word, and action aligns with eternal principles, radiating harmony and purpose.

The individual moves beyond mere existence, participating in the greater divine dance of creation and balance.


This realization of absence is not a loss but the first step toward ultimate fulfillment. It is the flicker—the moment of divine recognition that initiates the journey back to the center.


The journey of realizing the absolute absence without God and inviting the divine into the "dirty house of self" is a profound process of awakening, surrender, and transformation. It begins with a deep acknowledgment of the void that exists when God is not the central component directing one’s life. Without this divine axis, the self becomes fragmented, directionless, and hollow, like a ship without a compass or a home without a foundation.

This absolute absence is more than a void—it is the aching realization of disconnection from the Source, the One who provides coherence, purpose, and truth. It is in this moment of recognition that the futility of ego-driven pursuits and external attachments becomes clear. The absence ignites an inner longing to reconnect, to fill the void with divine presence and restore harmony to the self.

The "dirty house of self" represents the inner being cluttered with ego, fears, distractions, and impurities. These accumulated barriers prevent the divine light from entering and dwelling within. However, God, in infinite respect for human autonomy, waits for an invitation—a conscious act of humility and trust. This invitation signifies surrender: the acknowledgment that the self cannot achieve purity or transcendence alone and must welcome the divine to take its rightful place at the center.

Once invited, God begins the transformative work of cleansing the house of self. This involves:

1. Purging: Removing negative patterns and attachments that obscure the inner light.

2. Restoration: Rebuilding the self upon principles of truth, purity, and harmony.

3. Illumination: Allowing divine wisdom to shine, revealing the true essence of the self as an expression of God.

As God takes the central position, the self is realigned with eternal principles. The fragmented aspects of being are unified, purpose is restored, and life gains clarity and direction. With God as the central component, the self becomes a sanctuary—a reflection of divine purity and harmony.

This realization of absence and the subsequent transformation is the flicker—the moment of divine recognition that initiates the journey back to the center. It is a call to live in alignment with the highest truths, to maintain the "clean house" of self through vigilance, reflection, and devotion. In this state, the self transcends mere existence, participating in the divine dance of creation and balance, where every thought, word, and action radiates harmony and fulfillment.

The process is not static but ongoing, requiring continual surrender and realignment with God’s will. It is through this practice that the individual transforms, becoming one with the divine, reflecting the eternal truth that life finds its meaning and coherence only when the divine is invited in to dwell and direct.

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