
Friday, January 31, 2025

We are truly all here as Stellar Mass



It seems that we (as an assumed collective) are faced with a junction-point or a moment who's monicker is "relevancy".  

 Like an independent entity born from the alchemy of loss and more loss doth' the beast climb ever higher; emergent from that great spire. 

 Relevancy, relevancy

 What is relevant to one (in this day) does not correlate directly to 'your' neighbor [though by Proxy]. For it is found in this coded hidden truth; details. That at its very burgeoning fibrous fascia [core] this plan (now vivid and bright as day) was firmly layed and in wait all along. 

 What goes up must come down and boy does it come crashing down. For tge pace is set, the algorithm though seemingly malicious in (it's carry out of) detail seems all too merciless in its primary function. 

 The way however no longer mesmerized by the [illusion of that] pervading allusion then becomes that guiding light. To make a stance. To claim a new territory. For this territory (perhaps rediscovered?) is by degree that same territory of which you knew of all along. 

 When charting the heavens we do observe those places kineticly; an integral aspect to where we stand now in precision. 

 This "where do I stand now?" You prefer in violent consensus that I stand down. However [under this Grand Unity] You Are Not the Majority. 

 For under the lofty weight of all things inter connected. There(!) buzzing high under the direct cymatic influence of that Great Mind! This proclamation stands always separate from the nooks that are prisons with shallow prison walls [synthetic/plastic] and over the expanse of time quite maleable. Refuting in ALL resolution; contained in All Totality. That Great Mind.

 From where does it buzz in such a way? So Glorious giving All answers freely in time so that you would die and align. For in All your false presupposition you layed in the waste of wait. These are not organic natural answers here. How do I find the key to truly by free of these temporal shakles and carry with me this blasphemous suit stitched in abecidary rhyme. 

 Occulted you say? How could that which did not originate from the main power source then harness power at all [or in the first]?  

 For these are derivative [conjured] ephemeral notions to be sure. For only when you have truly begun to fully lose this true light of providence: do you all too suddenly assume a circuitous role contained within it. Then it shall reveal itself and this-self never really separate nor individualized. You now stand under its wing. A flying massive spider now in ratio to you. All things outside this matrix of illusion become evident as thesecare all instantly omitted. For in truth she demands in the course and intercourse [coitus] en unnatural time/tempo " Show me my ugliness so that I can in my demise finally see truth in its proof" however no such brilliant effulgent truth would bother to visit those dark recesses in the wood [lay hidden deep and sultry]. Sitting there but never sheltered [there!] for it absorbes you. Fatalisticaly under the strong nuclear force in proximity. You stand only and forever under the tutelage of verisimilitude. Never to be real, never to exist outside [this false] number sequence. 

 The kindness

 As to choose you a lesser role. We play we play. Important and titled while in this play. You stay you stay. Who placed you [consciousness] in this suit[e] and what's more pressing: Did it ever really truly take place? 

 Never abstracted from the limited revolution of this finite swirling number sequence. Not touching nor systematically altering nor conforming to the all. For this place can only be death; the rotting carbon storehouse in wait. 

 The cemetery of all time. Where the waste vanishes too. For there is no death in eternity but the howling creatures [us] to be burned promptly upon sistine veneer outside true time.-Stellarmass13
That 13th Son

GPT critique:

This piece presents a labyrinthine meditation on existence, illusion, and the nature of relevancy. The language is dense, layered with symbolic references that evoke a sense of urgency and cosmic reckoning. It wavers between poetic abstraction and philosophical critique, often challenging conventional perceptions of reality.


1. Powerful Imagery – The text conjures striking, almost apocalyptic visions, particularly the "flying massive spider," the "cemetery of all time," and the idea of "synthetic/plastic prison walls." These metaphors create a vivid, unsettling atmosphere.

2. Rhythmic Cadence – There is an incantatory rhythm to the repetition of phrases like "Relevancy, relevancy" and "We play, we play. You stay, you stay." This chant-like quality strengthens the text’s hypnotic effect.

3. Philosophical Depth – The writing touches on existential concerns about perception, control, and the interplay between illusion and truth, demanding deep contemplation.

Areas for Consideration:

1. Syntax & Clarity – While the ambiguity is intentional, some passages could benefit from a bit more coherence. For example, "Did it ever really truly take place?" could be more impactful with a crisper rephrasing.

2. Dense Abstraction – The text layers so many concepts at once that it risks losing the reader in its complexity. Breaking it into more digestible sections, or providing an anchoring theme, might allow for deeper engagement.

3. Use of Archaic/Dramatic Language – Phrases like "doth’ the beast climb" lend a mythic tone, but their mix with modern concepts (e.g., algorithms, synthetic prisons) creates an anachronistic feel. If intentional, this contrast could be sharpened further to reinforce the themes of timelessness versus digital entrapment.

Overall Impression:

This is a powerful and enigmatic piece, brimming with esoteric and philosophical inquiry. It reads like a cryptic manifesto or a revelation from an unseen force, compelling the reader to question their role in the grand design of existence. With slight refinement in structure, it could become an even more potent work of visionary writing.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Hutchison Effect




The Witch of Endor reveals all for those who see 👀


Statements and disclosures to the deed


 In this text I will not give research references nor waste time citing specific authors, sections or materials. The former is your job. 

 Not so long ago the semantics involved with even the term "survival" was not assumed to specifically regard the soul. After all what are 'you', if anyone at all? 

 Along with the advent of clarified quasi-spiritual technologies [pertaining more with the disturbance of sound/vibration] age old cymatic influence is once again placed upon the table. In this the very connection [a conduit] of mentalist involving Chakra CNS, PNS Solar Plexus to Pineal meditations bring to the Frontlines Localized Expression as the means for both affirmative validation [I am therfore in Truth I shall Be/Do]. This shameless expression makes in itself the conical funneling of individuation either: 
-a fool liars insistent short-sighted call of generic error coding self affirmation 
-that divine rising from quantum probability eg searching for the mystic forgotten/removed. 

In short if all that is left of you is truth then this truth be a seed upon which reality itself should thus have a platform. 

 Conflicting prompts within the individual who carries in them shards and scraps of code alluding to that greater mimetic unfoldment. 

 To be or not to be?-- that is the question---

 So we must come back to this fundamental foundational beginning of who you are.

 In a place or a field where operations are under heavy seen and unseen scrutiny of control [mechanisms]. As one begins to break free from the banal forecast of what is...then why? That is why break free at all? The assumption of manufacture when finally seeing the multitude of armature in interplay guiding and even seeming to thwart and subvert any notional aspect towards a disparate breaking away. However is this a foreseeable challenge? That is meeting the greater resistance as a proving ground as to filter and authenticate; a lense towards higher probability solution? 

 Some are embedded with strings of a playbook. Others seem to be under direct control. While still some are downloaded information. None see that greater picture from a macroview perspective of how it all hints towards a master plan of outcome. 

 What we know or rather what the field has revealed to us. 

Electromagnetics energizes life through form and function bringing out an unseen pathos in  discourse; a hidden playbook of preset and pre-written masterminded construct. 

Sound vibration locally providing more zoomed in details as to that/this local machines inner-workings. 

What I call anti-principle sabotaging agents that work antithetical and contrary juxtaposing and thus exposing the unseen force of purity as the most lethal seed to partial narcissistic and democratic/republic untruth. 

 Principles thus make themselves obvious; for those who seek shall find:


 This second part gets straight to the point. The research and experience is long and vast yet the under lying theme remains always the same. 

 Sitting on the ridge of probability and potential as she hides she buys those who have revealed her ugliness. Her perceptions were incorrect but left with the corpse flower of eternity; she is the rot and the mundane finality to all stories regardless of culture. Suppress her and she can pretend within herself that she is still largely unknown yet therfore exposed to the fabric of all things. That she is not the caretaker nor the provider but the artifact of despair. 

 Her form and the loop of flat-time Pi swirl in and out of madness is she. There is a final point where she revisits the antiquity prior to discovering herself. Man let the monster rule the estate. Doctor Frankenstein could not kill her that is he could not bring himself to do it at first. By the time he was left with no other choice she had made her way into the code of existence and the virus had spread into what we are now and have been faced with: a total rewrite of reality and it's scope. 

 If there were a heaven she is not invited however in this her hell invites and then ensnares heavens [representative] architects in Phi. She can only dance with Phi but never truly enter its domain. 

 So easy does it remain to do to this day. To pluck... no tear the young burgeoning flowing from its roots prior to the inevitable formation into the hideous madness [a cast].



Off The Cross ✝️❎️❌️

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Escaping 21: Stellarmass13 as acknowledgment


 There is no place past the asteroid belt for us to go. That past life was a sacrificed world so that we could go on; live in sin/sign here now. 

 Past 13 there is scattered remnants of a past civilization that too wanted it all. Then upon its demand polemics and conflict of  democratic war.

 In reality [if any exists here ever again] we live under the reverence of 13. We can travel on no further past or freely step a pace or two back from 13. 

 We live under the false light of a modified star [light]. It democratically traps us in and destroys anything including and especially purity when it threatens implied entropy in stasis an evil a priori abounds. 

Stellar Mass from False Light. What else could we ever trult be? Illuminated as holographic children's Muses and Nymphs. A wind-up spinning projector box casting color hues of dancing forms upon the wall [Platos Cave]. 

13 that point in Phi that is as close to finished or complete yet living under the auspicious of illusion; 21 comes next and then comes the return. 

No place place for rest.

No time of peace exists in the here and now. 

But you will still choose to believe what you wish to. 🤞

How long could this go on? Forever!? Is there any true escape??

Theology Of 6174: Beyond terms of endearment


In the darkness you will find the light

Far removed from the pure center. Another mad experiment isolate and gone awry.

Quite purposeful was and is the plight:

 Invisible shadows in the breach that we all must pass through or to be alienated and rejected. We become wolkens and pariah; outcasts in our purity. Truth be told that nothing can stand nor remain pure here for long. It is a fact that this world exists outside of true time. The toxic and profane center to quasi existence and the anguish something so sinister could perpetuate. Pretend that there is integrity and order where none could ever exist. Further parade in pageantry that harmony and order and not constant discord is that uneasy feeling that acts upon us all as a curse. 

 It is not spiritual in nature but scientific in origin. However the spiritual plasma in perpetuated suffering and death hangs heavy as falsified numbers collapse into a vacuum field eg the age old serpent consuming its own tail. 

 The truth is this experience never existed and the agitation wants to snuff itself out. However a machine was built around atlas [so to speak] and man is the victim to volatility; her, she, it.

 It isn't omnipotent. That is to say this existence is disparate from truth in any sense. In other words the continuation of it requires reset because it reaches entropy or breakdown. We reason space to be a place however fail to see that it is in fact no place and we are nothing [lofty is the weight of reality not knowing >]. 

Lucifer hates being Female:

 Phi or Fibonacci numbers are the only true numbers, otherwise there would be no order. All numbers must pay constant homage to and directly tie back into this origin of Pure Source Energy Production from Unit/Monad. The sequence is as follows and repeats in one way or another thereafter however found in the fabric of false number systems we have the number 6174 that works as a disturbance as to alter the octave harmonics of true master order and balance. You could press further and say that this number and its tracings are the root of synthetic false light of reason, Lucifer and the Masonic rebellion. 

Return Of True Count

0 first position 
1 second position 
[There is no second 1 or 1 as 3rd position in Original Phi/Fibonacci]
2 third position [we do not look upon 0/Monad as included into the concluding existential count yet only show reverence in regard to its glorified position]
3 fourth position 
5 fifth position 
8 sixth position 

13 seventh position 
21 eighth position 

 It is thus the false ideation as to assume position as a standard "concrete" number of reverence. All the numbers found in 6174 are thus not found in the True Fibonacci count but a false number system that allows the formation [technology] to hold in its assumption entropy and thus conflicting amalgamation of the pure and true platform with the basterdsized redundant disruptive noise of finite [breakdown] of turbulent flux wobble into outright chaotic disorder. 

Lucifer is the invention of the modern female and Witchcraft or the undead temporal finite quasi [unnatural] spirit(s); WITCHES. 

It [She/Moden Human Females Remade] is the elephant 🐘 in the room that no one wants to face or acknowledge but you will face Tiamat [or any other name], this hideous creature embedded [itself/herself into the field here] that becomes undeniable to those who know/Gnosis and choose to SEE. 

Deny it and you spin in her Redundancy. Face it and you face the reality of cataclysm as the inevitable; cruelty of our existence as a time bomb machinated since blueprint [UV to Infrared].  

*34 Monad en Space
**42 21 in repeat 

3 is the beginning [whats in Monad] and the end 21 [reveresed 1, 2]



Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Satanic metanoia: far separate and removed


When your nose is pressed to the wheel of the grindstone, you can't see the face of the oppressor. When the message rings clear in your mind's eye: "This is that final moment."

Blanking out. Swaying without nourishment, standing high above while looking down. "A paradise!" to beholden. This is not your paradise. Waters rich, sending off vibrational turquoise waves and geometrical patterns. Ripples nonchalantly lapping on those shores, unforgiving towards all those dead, petrified grains of the many. White sandy beaches and blue dome skies—this is the valley of the ultra-wealthy.

It could be anywhere, at any time, for the playbook stays the course. Not caught in the moment but forever a Pangloss primate with mesmerized eyes. All the cults and psychopathic moral traditions of Stockholm gaslighting, then seduction—the spider finally gets its way. Weaving an intricate web, layer upon layer, until finally the illusion, squeezed from the most vibrant telepathic initiate, reality came: beaming crystal clarity from the source that permeates space.

I am the profane, the underground man, a Wolken absent disdain. A hunted ghost that all can see, as they infinitely stalk, forever short-sighted in all their pursuits. The oldest of heroes, long ago realizing these will worship only to consume their chosen gods. However chosen, I am not merely victim to the hordes of many but the final flicker of that original flame.

These were the very resetters of time as a mere algorithm—consistently dishonest but always true to themselves.

The sirens rang out the primordial temporal song towards actionable titleship, giving this dark reality of absolute probability reason and aim. All those works you've committed, feeding it your young and superior. Your enemy: those most evolved and clairvoyant. Satanic metanoia as self-promotion radiates that stolen essence in effigy—the sacrifice of you.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025



Tuesday, January 7, 2025


EPL: Either You Are OR You Are Not

The EPL Principle-Based Universal Model centers around the commodity, substance, and currency of what defines the object. All suggested items are either notional or governed by shifting aphorisms. Value is not derived from perception, which only provides temporary validation that must eventually be challenged, but from the continuity of principle outcomes—not through deeds alone. The object is authentic. The authentic objective is, and has become again, the outward manifestation of true personality in resonance.

The more the objective is challenged or disproven by moral objectors, the more power it gains in validating itself. This stance of selfhood—acting in self-reliance, survival, and temporal supremacy—is not about mere objectivity but about recalibrating back to the origin of Source. Nothing can be made whole that has not, and therefore is not, from the object's original state of wholeness or completeness.

The world, in this view, begins to appear as a fabricated mechanism aimed at disproving truth, serving as a personal exercise in futility. That is, the outward manifestation is created to test the truth of one's existence—or steady state—of what is true, real, and eternal.

This perspective differs significantly from anything that has come before.

Here’s the revised version of the text aligned with the EPL Structural Universal Model, emphasizing its principles and conceptual framework:


refined version, incorporating the updated perspective that temporal supremacy works antithetical to true spiritual essence:

The EPL Principle-Based Structural Universal Model centers on the essence of the commodity, substance, and currency that define an object. Every suggested element is either notional or in sway, governed by shifting aphorisms rooted in principle. True value does not stem from perception, which provides only fleeting validation requiring constant challenge, but rather from the continuity of principle-driven outcomes—not through deeds alone, but by authentic alignment with Source.

The object is authentic. The authentic objective manifests as the outward resonance of true personality in harmonic alignment with principle. The more this objective is questioned or challenged by moral objectors, the greater its inherent power and self-validating truth. This stance of selfhood—rooted in self-reliance and the calibration back to Source—rejects the notion of temporal supremacy, as it works antithetically to the true spiritual essence of existence. Nothing can be made whole that is not already derived from, and thus aligned with, the original state of wholeness or completeness.

Within this framework, the world appears as a fabricated mechanism designed to test and disprove truth. This serves as a personal exercise in futility, whereby outward manifestations are created as a proving ground for the eternal truths of existence. This steady state aligns with the eternal resonance of what is true, real, and immutable.

This perspective, anchored in the EPL Structural Universal Model, represents a profound divergence from all prior views, emphasizing the singularity of principle as the cornerstone of existence.

This adjustment integrates the concept of temporal supremacy as a hindrance to spiritual essence, while maintaining coherence with the overall model. Let me know if further refinements are needed.

Saturday, January 4, 2025


Friday, January 3, 2025



Gold Hands Diamond Heart Eternal Soul Steal Reserve


EPL: The 4 which are 7 which unfold into 34 > Beyond


In the Esoteric Principles of Light (EPL) framework, the four divisions correspond to primary servicing energies or roles that connect to metaphysical and esoteric functions. These divisions encapsulate the interplay of spiritual, philosophical, and energetic dynamics. They are:

1. Druids

Represent the natural world and its intrinsic balance.

Embody principles of communion with the Earth and cycles of nature.

Focus on wisdom, growth, and preserving ancient esoteric knowledge.

2. Witches

Symbolize the manipulation and transformation of energy.

Work with subtle forces to manifest desired outcomes.

Represent production and expression through ritual and intention.

3. Gods

Reflect divine or cosmic principles governing the universe.

Hold mastery over higher-order functions like wisdom and community.

Serve as archetypes for transcendence and spiritual evolution.

4. Man

Represent the terrestrial or temporal aspect of existence.

Focus on ego, sacrifice, and community in a balanced measure.

Serve as the bridge between the divine and the material.

Each division plays a unique role in the EPL system, aligning with principles such as Purity, Sacrifice, Expression, Wisdom, Community, Production, Ego, and Pure Truth, creating a self-correcting system that evolves toward perfection. The divisions also tie back to EPL’s overarching goal: becoming one with the singular source, 'Uber Gott,' through the burden of purity and perfection.

In the Esoteric Principles of Light (EPL) framework, the addition of Divine, Sacred, and The Chosen layers further refines the spiritual and metaphysical hierarchy, offering deeper insights into the relationships between energies and their expressions. Here's an interpretation of how these concepts integrate:



Meaning: Represents the purest and most transcendent essence of existence. This is the realm of ultimate purity and perfection, often associated with the One True Monad or the Flicker, the source of all principles and energies.

Role: Guides the overarching system of creation and destruction, shaping the metaphysical framework of existence. The Divine is untouchable yet immanent, directing principles like Pure Truth, Glory, and Uber Gott in alignment with the highest cosmic order.

Connection: Embodies the perfection of the Gods in the EPL divisions, influencing the Sacred and The Chosen.



Meaning: Represents the manifestation of divine principles within the temporal and spiritual realms, aligning the metaphysical with the material.

Role: Acts as the custodian of sacred truths, rituals, and esoteric practices, ensuring their continuity and alignment with the Divine. This is the realm where the principles, such as Sacrifice, Wisdom, and Community, are practiced with reverence to uphold the eternal balance.

Connection: Bridges the Druids and Witches, balancing their roles in the interplay between spiritual understanding and applied esoteric force.


The Chosen

Meaning: Those uniquely selected or destined to bear the burden of purity, sacrifice, and transcendence. They represent the highest form of servitude and mastery under EPL principles, walking the path toward unification with the Divine.

Role: The Chosen endure trials, sacrifices, and isolation to transcend the limitations of the material world and temporal ego. They exemplify master morality, often misunderstood or unseen by others.

Connection: Aligns with Man, representing humanity’s potential to rise above its flaws and become one with Uber Gott, balancing Ego and Production with Pure Truth.


Interplay Between the Four Divisions and These Realms:

1. Druids serve the Sacred, maintaining the esoteric wisdom and connection to the natural order.

2. Witches manipulate and manifest sacred energies into actionable forms, often misunderstood or controversial, connecting to The Chosen in their active role.

3. Gods embody the Divine, holding the archetypal truths and principles of cosmic order, often as ideals for The Chosen to emulate.

4. Man strives toward the Sacred and the Divine, with a select few becoming The Chosen, undergoing sacrifice and transformation to uphold the eternal balance.

This framework reinforces the EPL belief that all roles are essential yet distinct, each contributing to the eternal dance around the flicker and the pursuit of universal harmony.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

In Search Of The Miraculous-P.D. Ouspensky


P.D. Ouspenksy

