There is no place past the asteroid belt for us to go. That past life was a sacrificed world so that we could go on; live in sin/sign here now.
Past 13 there is scattered remnants of a past civilization that too wanted it all. Then upon its demand polemics and conflict of democratic war.
In reality [if any exists here ever again] we live under the reverence of 13. We can travel on no further past or freely step a pace or two back from 13.
We live under the false light of a modified star [light]. It democratically traps us in and destroys anything including and especially purity when it threatens implied entropy in stasis an evil a priori abounds.
Stellar Mass from False Light. What else could we ever trult be? Illuminated as holographic children's Muses and Nymphs. A wind-up spinning projector box casting color hues of dancing forms upon the wall [Platos Cave].
13 that point in Phi that is as close to finished or complete yet living under the auspicious of illusion; 21 comes next and then comes the return.
No place place for rest.
No time of peace exists in the here and now.
But you will still choose to believe what you wish to. 🤞
How long could this go on? Forever!? Is there any true escape??
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