
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Deception and the Return of the Nephilim (Full Documentary)


Nephilim Returning to Earth as Aliens (Full Documentary)


Principle absent of law~


My plan is quite bluntly a spiritual take over. I am sick of those groups being in power, having taken everything from me, because I emitted a higher frequency, because I am a product of something more refined, an improvement? The Kabbalah is an everyday Jewish usage, do not be fooled. The crests and symbols of all other power, point to this Babylonian based Black Magick. Those fools, who gained little to no prosperity nor leverage, by simply countering a religion, which was create to bend the ideas of truth and reality into a workable and sustainable source of force (IE Christianity), and have thus done the Opposing, are simply acting as the physical enactors, the guilty party, the thing that "the ignorance or concealments of Christianity spares the laymen". You are to remain a laymen thus, or go the opposing way to the laymen, and incur the wrath of all? NO, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
 I Will to take this power to a higher source. I will to make what be thought as mystical yesterday, as superior mind ability tomorrow. Further I am sick of the silence surround the approval of women using witch craft, and thus gaining prosperity. It is time for a revolutionary rise, yet can only involve those who are commonly associated, by frequency like. The power however, was protected with fear, and those who do not need fear, to stay within a line of designation, only need follow along here. We can not gain enough leverage alone. Modern druidism is not the God, energy, but furthering the support of witchcraft. I am speaking of and in honor of the power concealed, the power abused, the power of God, to his Son's. This power, can only be rightfully used, to the one who can take the pain of sexual energy, and thus bring it up into the solar plexus, spinning the purity of force, which is the most powerful. It is pain, and the pain of life, the pain of not denial, but pain of carefully placed concentration, focus, the spin, the draw, the culmination of placing power in it's rightful place. The men who protected this balance have fallen, and too, has the power which beacons to be rightfully wielded into rightful RULE. All modern sects, all known programs, IE Initiate systems of belief are lesser, corrupted, flabby! The fit mind, the ALL MIND, the ones who can commonly come together as a one, and better in hubs, around the world, connecting a matrix of force, that lay static until the superior comes to harness it. Pipe dreams, imagination, white lighters to the ignorant masses. A new group, a new system, and yes a new order. to silently but aggressively take the spiritual power which encompasses, and powers a thing, force, to go now in the direction of true freedom. This only done with money, being a thing of the past. states becoming smaller manageable regions of peoples. Education being what the child be drawn towards. The teaching of proper eating, biomechanics, how to treat others, mind improvement with motion light and geometrical imagination, merging the young into the forces, as one who can move cable cars with telepathy alone. This is the agenda, behind the fear, of the order, the new world order. To dumb people down, to bring them so far down, that they rot die and decay.

 Little by little, with this common goal, you would see, the pure truth emerge, for it is the original plan and thus is just. Then, as the HAARP units around the world, and in space are over thrown, the frequency, the pure frequency will reveal what has been concealed! The modified world, which exhausts you, confuses you, draws of your energy will be no more, and the proof will aid in it's cause. Once the real, pure and honest truth, be undeniably revealed at last you will see no more need for things you over rely on, and value today. The telepathic airwaves are open wide, cell phone are a ridiculous thing of an ignorant past. Animals will tell you there story, and most will lie silent, in peace, no longer a need to "look busy". The flow of the world will return according to what we are, we are a peaceful people, with minds, as one, more powerful, that all the Angels fallen or on high combined, proclaiming, "WE FIXED IT WITH GOD, AND OURSELVES, THE ONE MIND. WITH NO NEED FOR BACK UP FROM ANOTHER PEOPLES, NOT FROM IN THE EARTH, NOT FROM OUTSIDE THE EARTH!" The natural understanding will thus return, people will know their place, without the true gifts of man, and his superiority being sabotaged any longer, by false frequency reality control!"

 You would be surprised at the covens which exist, using watered down Kabbalah, as the ruse, within Churches, family quite locally. Look closer at what is being said, under peoples breath, take a much closer look at where the so called LUCK or being Blessed, truly comes from it may horrify you, isolate you, thus you have the knowledge, now what will you do, rise up, or shrink. The law is no on your side!~

The epicurean, tempered?


The planned and phasic Hedonism, be temperance?

The Power
The Wealth
The Sex

 Was it not Solomon, who was thought to be in the presents of Holiness, yet to use the demonic power? Is a Jinn, not a Genie, and a Genie not a Demon?

Show me where the need comes from to have the want, thus the power of to obtain this knowledge, yet to then be expected to throw it away? Is it a balance, a denial? Could it truly be that this world be but built to deceive. What other record have I, except to read between the lines, of the Bible, seeing that even praises be done, to unholy Men, finding the Mason's mark even there, as to display the math, and expect on the worthy to "see". To first find total earthly power, with evil, yet to then need a power source, that comes form only purity and goodness. Do we then go as far as to rape kill children, only to find, our skin turning like charcoal, and murder in our very blood. Do the Zulu not fully disclose that their very invention, be directly from Reptilian "god's". Who then prays in tongues in a church, is it not the Jew? Who then rolls on the floor, yelling, singing, and turning this calm connection to God, into Chaos, are we not all affiliated at birth to One of these?
 Is it found in the abuse of the masses? As those who rule with an iron fist, monopolizing the money systems, seem the happiest, most full of light? Are we to truly know, the difference, between that light which we were shown, with human eyes, and the light that is but superior, which we are to recollect, from some untraceable memory? It seems that this place beacons our return, that demons, and most men.

Is it not enough to but be a better man? As we sift through the ancient lies, we find revealed a slowing down of the masses, as it seems obstacles intentionally thrown in the path of the victim, does not find pity in the Father's heart. This is a big statement, as all discoveries and statement be. One who thinks by way of degree, then sees how this directly ties in. Ties into the typical man, pushed to the public as "the typical man". Reaching between his legs, after all the only obvious pleasure he should surely know, what else is there? The man who keeps a mistress on the side, and is good at holding secrete, yet in his heart, it is after all so that his wife does not feel angst, no, he uses sin as a means to assist the plight. He thinks this out, and he is an upstanding figure in society, and so all agree, and so he is? Could this be true? Could it be that the privileged, those who had the time, education, offerings, and convenience, as to have that office (mentioned as a means, in the Master Key System, that is a must), a place to reflect, to focus. What if chaos is all around, and the attacks, come to the superior mind? Would it not be prudent to see, that this mind, be to superior, and thus having little force power, in the way of gathering a mass of men, thus be the greater, but in society, the lesser mind. Is it not then agreed, by the slightly superior, yet more massive ruling majority to spiritually ostracize, and thus physically restrain this one, from further "rise to power"?
 How cruel it is then to see what the true Superman is, "why the Superman was not at all as we had pictured!" they state with awe, contempt "Why, we have simply ushered back a pure, one, a Christ? Well, then instead of admitting that we are wrong, we shall continue to play ignorant, that is, not connecting our realization, that connector, to the heart and the head!". "Yet how then do we free ourselves of this terrible mistake, it was a mistake right ?". The most greedy, with the most to lose then answer, with the confidence of Got, "We know when something, especially of this quality, has been create, he can not be then uncreate, so let us then use him as our power, draw on him, place him through life times, of confinement, force on him sin and impurity, and if the whole things comes to a head, we can thus travel, through portal, back in time?". "All those who agree say Aye!", and there were none who would argue, for they were vested men, with family's, who had a lot to lose, and after all, would the general public not but do the same?
 "We will, as in our flare towards the drama in life, as epicureans who know no better than to balance what we see, then stage out a drama, to be seen be GOD, to be witnessed by Lucifer, and thus to ALL, as the titans of society come together, we shall show the display of our lack, in the play!" And thus the confusion the thespian, and his fan, the politician being the celebrity, the celebrity being an actor, a liar, but yet, entertaining

A third position, FIRST CRAFT, Beast to the left


 As you Men, of Principle understanding read this, it be best to look to the left, and speak directly to you "Beast", as to hopefully advance the intelligence, yet not to far?

 There is a less sever third position to take, in order to be in God's Good Graces. The abstract quality, involved with personal perception, a large chasm indeed? Since Sin is built within us, and thus can be unbearable to those who were potentially born pure, but adulterated IE influenced by Sinful "adult", appointed guardians, we again see this EPL term "first craft" observed. If the craft was finite, or malicious is the main thing, time, reveals. Was the parent, or guardian aware of what they were doing? Did they atone for their sins, before you, before God? More importantly , did those return to the same behavior as prior, many times compounded with false confidence, worse, or did they then change their scope, their practice, their behavior modified, to serve the good aspects, promoting towards an eternal of life?
 Again it be chaos, that is, that person who is miserable living, has not taken on, nor replaced those finite death producing thoughts and deeds, for eternal, and blissful ones. True to release one from the stress of fetters, is the most pronounced way to cut bad cruxes, habits, embedded impulses from a life truly opulent (without want). However, when "demons" of the past, continue to "haunt" a person, these terms be one and the same as they imply, we thus need to deal with aggressor unholy spirits head on. This was the original reason for the Kabbalah? Indeed it depends on many factors, yet to chose Masada over a final fight, a faith in God to choose miraculous relief, I can one really weigh these forms of suffering?
 It is thus to hard to factor, when dealing with sins of lesser intensity, or said value, as being superior, or good, by contrast. There is thus a minimum point, that the initiate, into God's realm must "travel", I believe this percentage is most closely and typically, 61.8%, as error will always be a factor, especially by way of the EPL rule of Dichotomy, that is, genius manifesting itself in full glory, on one side, whilst the other, intelligence, lay bleak, or much darker by comparison, this is a governing law, if there indeed be any law.
 So those basic human conditions, that seems to cost a person success, such as sexual deviance, theft, or mistruth. I often remind myself, that the active world, is a revelation of those who seem to be most successful, as to think they balance the amounts they place into thieving, whoring and lying. Seeming to play a MASONIC JUGGLING ACT (MJA), which the politicians of our day, deceptively use, in there "employment" of that Bohemian Grove festivas drama line (Alex Johnes) where the sick and twisted leveraging agent exclaims in garb "Midsummer sets us free!", saying it more than once?
 There are thus rituals, etched, and burned into the current matrix, that of pronouncing with the head and heart, a statement, that be heartfelt, and having gone over this too, intellectually with the brain, thus the mind, to the ALL MIND, a statement. It is thus, a game of leveraging, a teeter, ballast which maintains a certain middle point. To be a "do gooder" by day, a middle ground by Night, and full blown evil in systematic and phasically planned stages, which are the crux to the Jewish Law, by which the world seems to be unfairly bound. Within the crux of Jewish based religions, thus truly all religion, which employs any since of ownership or power. How long has this been going on? I state over and over again.
  We see that these men, these son's, are doing bad, yet have we thus thought of the solution. That instead of money, there be free trade, that instead of a corruptible human leader, there be an community adjusted system, where there are simple guide lines and not consequential law, regarding, ill behavior, which just be the total avoidance of chaos.
 Yet comes the argument, the treatise, is the universe not construct of first chaos? Is death not an original part of it? The books say no, that life, lived in purity, does not breed towards death. Would that pure one, who was mislead, then not be, after his full petition, placed in an advantageous position, which would place him on center stage, to go through trials, and thus either be elevated above other men, the pack or placed into a place of persecution. Having been through this, I can say, there is a center point, which I only notice, after having been truly forced into these extremes, first by ill parentage, then by corrupted educators, then by greedy self serving employers, and vampire acquaintances, life sucking chaotic girl friends as well as spouses, who all have proven they time and time again, that they bow to craft, to preserve the ailing self.
 I am thus able to be but a man, or rise further, and have this God given power, another or higher default (?), to judge, thus teach by truly knowing, or to live again, to show the balance, without the submission by those I trusted then from my purity, but this time, be granted chaos less, frictionless advancement, to test the Principles to which I return. Returning to them, after slight failure, as apposed to my past total collapse of esteem, which by way of degree, was bound to happen. Thus to show, I have built a realistic, non abrasive system, an alleviation towards living not in total sin, nor bowing to a Faustian deal, but simply "a not perfect test score", as to show the need for a return, trip that be, to earth? Possibly to this time? One would not face the persecution quite so intensely then. Is this not sin? Is this not the Devils rhetoric, his very pathos and play, the sway of dialectic? As to open the door but a little bit?
 When one see god, and shows an aptitude for perfection, yet to be far from it, by way of human ailment, the small brain, the damaged self esteem, the effected motor and nervous system responses, is one not slightly off the hook? That is, again, as to employ the concept of first craft?
 This is the leverage the Jews have used, for long periods now. This is what the money lenders, at the very top, those inventors of money, and war, seem to use, as an elite race, who be there to test, instruct, and yet to painfully live in total luxury, yet not to fully embrace nor enjoy it? More and more, this theme emerges, which unfairly takes of the "good, intelligent peoples time", and yet seems to give more time to the down right sinners, who "play to stupid, as to know". It is thus, again, a bargaining between the heart, and the head, the very trick those whore, thieves and liars use. To keep a money racket scheme some who going, such as a church system, containing at least a slightly better "mixture" of good and evil, than that of most "peoples" personal moral etiquette. To give on Sundays, yet to sin on Some planned Saturdays. Found there, the same in the statement prior mentioned by those of the Bohemian Club "Mid-summer sets us free", held of the same accord, in the first chapter, and basic over view of  LaVey's version of the Satanic Bible, when again, talking about as a child playing music for the same Men, he would witness cheating and cavorting with whores on Saturday, and hours later, to play music in Christian Church for on Sunday.
 There is thus a balance, of enjoyment, and suffering, a truly discovered count, a mathematical there, as pondered, and advanced in Crowley's math, where he too, searching for an out, a certain theme of consistency. That balance between the barbarian beast, which was on the brink of knowing, and the rising man, who thus did know. Are we judged then as a whole, one soul, from that grand macro place of both of God's eyes? Or is it but the one eye, that of the right, as it be portrayed, the right witnessing the left's actions, which one be the ruling factor. Where then is that balance, to show the beast has been tamed, and that justices then lives within the man? It seems the more intelligent, get away with much more, lacking wisdom and thus intellect. The intellect can be thus faked, by the intelligent. It seems the wise, the intellectual, those leading with the heart, the right brain, have a burden to carry. The main theme, so ostracizing, and isolating, upon inflection, seems to point to the one who has sought for, and found the balance, through sin and error, has thus passed a certain point, that he would live to regret. That point where the right and left, heart, and brain, thus the mind, is witnessed and seen, by all. "This is the goal, is it not?" he would say, as it seemed God's judgement laid heavier on he, for making such a life effort as to learn to be a good, balanced and perfect man, whilst those sinners, who knowingly avoid the truth, and thus purity, playing the fence of successful, but ignorant, the god gifted left brain intelligent, be let off the hook, as to cavort, and falander. Leaving again, the superior man, holding the paint brush, as those say "cover for us, we are going to the bar for two hours, we will be back before the boss returns", does the responsible, the knowing, not then realize, that he will be the one, to paint all the walls? This is the plight of knowledge, of knowing, of having unlimited power. One would thus, according to this lopsided plan, this strange imbalance to the gyroscope of exist, soon choose to be the balance, that place in between good and evil, right and wrong, to serve no master, yet to simply see what is before you, not allowing the heart to absorb the knowledge, of that hairy, black clawed hand, which aids to feed you as a pup, unknowing, not wanting to know, wanting to thus forget. It is after all, your war? I am after all, a finite being, witnessing two parents argue, you Father, exposed me to a Mother, left me with her, as to build a trust, for this Debauchery in motion? How long was I suppose to deduct, whiles being so blind from starvation, deprivation, that is, being the victim of FIRST CRAFT

There must thus be a new religion, which aids not in the concealment of this "information", giving information to the masses? I think not, and this is why this information comes at a hefty price. The intellectual, and thus balanced intelligent legislater of this knowledge, the knower, has thus to spread the word to the few, who are in a similar position, this of course being a frequency like. It is thus the goal of all initiates, to enjoy, to have and life in total bliss, and thus is the goal, and the goals, as well as the means to the goal, must be laid CLEAR, DEFINATE, IE The Way.

 "It is as if, we are higher level beings, exist, within a beast, and are entrusted to lead this beast, by it's limited understanding towards a better place?"

Barry Dean, Founder EPL

The Witch, The False Man, Chaos Minion's to the Acquisitioner (Got)


There is an underground movement, the current of energy, that of "our" current political, economic, environmental, and daily living "structure". There is a life, for a death, prosperity in exchange of the strife of another. When this check and balance system, be maintained, by the "responsible" agent, a boon, or reward system is set into place, this is current world law. This may not sound metaphysical, nor spiritual in the basic descriptor, however I assure you it is.
 I have studied, where there be no degree in our current "system of belief", watching, tracking, comparing, weighing, looking at these checks and balances. I followed it, the trail that is, and I saw the pulse in phases. One generation of man rises, while his offspring has no power, and thus falls. The placement of this, however, be in direct opposition to the original "plan", that is, a wisdom based individual, or entity, be repressed, as the order friendly syllogist may rise, it makes for a smoother and easier acquisition, of momentive force. The true is astonishing, most would hide under a rock, or sooner kill themselves, yet to only exacerbate their plight.
 Women feed on this vital force, looking for the holder of "the light". Original sin, the replacement of Abel, showing a mathematical undulation of sacrifice, as to sacrifice a Son. This however is only prolonging the moment, to which we are all stuck. A repeating time sequence, never to advance, only the illusion of advancement, and promise, yet never to go anywhere, how many "times" has it been done? To learn a lesson, or self sacrifice, yet not for us, for them. You were not the initiator, that is, the responsible factor, though your life, and it's few peaks, and many troughs and dips, crevasses into chaos (if you read this and relate), show this master control.
 Did you ever stop to think, what if it's true? What if the Nephilim are truly doing "THIS". Yet you scratch your head, and wonder, "why bother?"
 Satan, being of the 200, or the 200, a title? Be cast down, to the earth. Superior beings, gone underground, literally, trying to make amends, yet to fail, now to desperately try to create a flow of current, a constant energy supply. A supply of energy, that can power a world, yet not drawing on those master frequencies, of Purity. So to sacrifice, the pure Son? We see then, that you carry, within your person, a massive light, an untapped energy source, of near to unlimited power, able to being imagination, though here "capped/controlled", into full BEING.
 This power, of those SON's of God, giving the the only justification, to this place of exist. Those repeating time loops, with false law, coercion, a labyrinth of lies and deceit, create of a paranoid, schizophrenic multifarious talent a madman, a mad fallen Angel, who's primary mission, is to live, thrive and advance. The secrets are found in those secret societies, the rituals, blood sacrifice. The two hemispheres, in opposition, one benefiting as the other lives in desperation. Those men who except this, always would, and are thus Faust, the frequency of personal compromise. Thus those who are sacrificed, be the true leaders, the true ruler, those who seem to excel, follow the trail like dummies, embodied, and able to be embodied by fallen Angelic forces, those who have no protection, no direction, no power, are thus coerced into power, yet to be driven, as a vehicle, worshipping Satan, in there sacrifices, how they see life, and there statements "It's just the way it is".
 Women, feeding off of this vital force, a society, repressing the true power source, of purity, of perfection, as one dies, and is brought to a false alter, of a false god, who has only been placed there, by initial fear, false promises, deceit. How long has this been going on? We look to the Vedas, and the same "god's", aliens, orbs, saucers...the same technology, and we see, the game. They control every factor, and the moment we open our eyes, our future, past and present have already been played out, have already been won or done. You are who you are, from the first inclination, of your first step. Two pure ones, one after the other, to demand, and petition before God, we are more valuable than the lot of them. A grand and marvelous sifting unit, able to take the whole of this little tiny multiverse, and see past the drama, and into the collective statement of "Being". Most people, see only of an illusionary time/space, which be spun as fast, or as slow as those who took control, long ago, and ended it all.
 The sacrifice of Son's is the final reason, the final conclusion, the final description of why religions be slanted towards the further murder, deal making, deals with lust. You think, the natural way, is to pull from one side, create more slack, thus to sacrifice the other, the dichotomy of time/space. But the true string is but one moment, one event, forever, with no beginning and no end, and this was always the true test. Will you rule a moment, and serve a false master, or will you chose forever, in perfection? Only faith to go on, the perfect Son's be given this gift, as the greys, the aliens, the Raphaim, are given none, and have none. They are not living, so there be no test, thus the true nature of power be revealed through them. To travel through portals, have unlimited intelligence, to go any speed, yet to be bound then to place, where one can not use the gift, because the gift was taken, acquisitioned, by murder, vampirism, force.
 Thus first craft, you are not to die, to put up with it! But be sure, you petition before God. They set you up, your whole life, searching for, and trying to find truth. The truth is undeniable, as there is no dead end, but the one which does not lead, to ever lasting life. She is not bound to heaven, only filled with light, by the Son, Yet those who take the light falsely, are not invited, and have thus become the vampires. To create a sex, to create the sex, to leverage all dark places in between the law based on "want". To meditate and have no ties, is only the madness to immolation, it final conclusion "you only held them off, but gave no current, no directive to the force".
 Well I have, and will be sponged off no more! And so the KJV, not found in true text/codex, the Messiah or the many, the force, the power, to put up with "it" no more, the anti-Christ, the biggest lie to keep Jesus very teaching, to shine and be like him, at bay, moot to them! A society of Pure Truther's, warriors who will not be subject to the harassment of false god's, false laws...those things of the machinators, imagination, truly this be but one force, which has been taken from the True Son's. Take it back, with what be thought of first, as imagination. Then to see the ugly truth, that this is in fact true, and is seen in the signs, crests, rituals in our very particles and DNA. Thus THE ONE MIND, to stand tall, and end it all, to shut off the grid, and thus be free. To sacrifice the illusion, instead of being the illusions sacrifice. She will only pretend to be there, as a Dog offered meat shows it's affections, until the meat be offered by another, both modifications, of there base original form. She is not real, but a constant lure, in her quite desperation she has not force, no order, no one to serve but a master, you finally see darkly lit in her empty eyes, "SHE KNOWS, AND ALWAYS HAS!".
 Those who's souls be held captive, a carrot of draw, for they are Son's as well? No, the devious plan, to take as long as "it" needs to, to see the plan through. Multifarious dimensions of exist, to conceal from God, what is always present. The petition of Satan, to say "Look, others can fall, even your perfect Son's!" yet only with the taint of acquisition, which must be removed, he is the unholy spirit, his mark on your hard earned "money". Exploited care, acquisitioned earth credits, tied to the force of a shifting world system, which be not founded on purity, but upon words like Fidelity, Liberty, Freedom, as to say, "Stick with us, and you can eventually do what ever you want!" But you are to be melted down, along with others, in the final end, as false promises of forever, burn you much more, for you lived in pain for the long, contingent on a false promise. You are but food, the greater you Pyramid scheme contribution, the deeper you are in. You are recruiting others, as fame comes about, as your themes seems to be told to you, with no resistance, just going along, you are caught in the current, but do not care.
 The Dark One, says "Master, look, these children only serve you when war happens, only to appreciate, their bread when it is gone!" Yet purity, was no the root, and therefor the entire illusion, of world education, self-gain based reasoning came from "it". This is the force, the current of control, only those who incorporate PRINCIPLES, which lead one to the TRUE LIGHT, found within a seemingly meaningless spectrum of frequency, the unlikely thought, as to hang on a cross. The gesture further taken, to blaspheme the PURE ONE's intentions, to show the release be this easy, they want to sacrifice and kill you? Then rise up PURE ONE's, collectively, let them kill you all, do not feed the lie yet another day!
 The Chaos, be the constant revealing factor, no Son of God, will ever knowingly create chaos, Only a Son, can see a Son, thus society be solely comprised, to keep Son's apart, When they are not, attack, war and confusion, frequency buzzing. The techniques "they" use, are morphed from original force power, as nothing new can be made, nor created from Evil, thus chaos...the war is always just a war, fueled by lies, sacrifices, taken souls, thus Jesus, freeing the falsely accused, from Hell, where your light be held hostage, by the children of Lucifer, the Jewish prosperity, and those countless mimics, only aiding to the same cause.
 The war is outright, the deception is worse than the ignorant self satisfying "self confidence", to which there be none. Place your faith in only him, God, the highest God, THE ALL POWER, and ALL POWERFUL, be confident in HE, not the illusion of "you" or "U.S.".

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How do you serve?


Make no mistake, when I tell you, I placed a great deal of research, as well as development into, what I believe to be "The Resurrection" or re issuance, of EPL methods.
 With EPL, we are realistic about the suggested craft, which is being used, as a "Luciferian" method, at extracting deeds, from the worthy. Those who watch, as their sensitive and objective mind, stand bewildered at the injustice, towards purity. You have to have had Purity, in the beginnings, to understand the very meaning. There are, thus, the few, which will go on, or move upward and onward as EPL warriors.
 The force EPL warriors use, is the same. The sword of truth, if it has been given to you, will be yours for the fight. The sword can be used, as the bow and arrow, as well as multidimensional space/time existence. The outward manifestation of those Nephilim, and thus their offspring, the Raphaim, and I believe other classes of "un-beings", meaning they seem to transcend time/space, because they have no true body. I believe these "greys" are demons, within bio organic body suits, very unstable. I also see, what the evidence suggests, that interplanetary beings, or inter solar system beings, even galactic, are highly unlikely with most, of not all scenarios. There seems to be an alliance, which is suggested with other planetary, and star systems. The reference of "the earth" in Biblical text, may be a very broad scope title, of all earthy, and Eden not only being an actual location, set within this solar system, but referencing the like, first existence.
 In one of the unedited areas of Stellar Mass, which is a multifarious writings, to be read in many ways, literally, figuratively, I speak of another time. The time I saw, imagined, was of those elite finally getting to the place of total colonization, only to find that to have left earth, those had left their very crux to life. I go on to explain this in the only rationale behind this, is of a sort of "proximity fermion containment field".  Meaning, that the number and order of molecules are directed fabricated, or held together, by means of a planetary systems location from the Sun, and thus all spheres surround the specific location. This comes back to the EM sphere, grid theory of mine. Which EPL as well as Stellar Mass, and Rokbodhi123 are based on. The technology of portals is very similar in the respect of the initiator or intent of the issuer. One can use mystical terms, yet it only prolongs and delineates the factual nature of our existence, by way of degree. We are, inactive spiritual beings, capable of more than angels, as our imagination thus creates our reality. It is a farce, that we are different, divided or separated. Thus races, and the squaring of sexes, and the fight between coke and Pepsi, bipartisanship, are all created methods used to further this confusion. The spheres hold, the sphere place. The varied planets are thus characterized by seemingly different, varied and drawn composition. But what if the draw of this "composition" what something is made of or materialized of, were set by the very energy field, prior to it's specificity of location and make up. This being the so called, mystical element, behind the pentagram, the hexagram and so on. Only truly to display a default plan of origin, a pre substance grid, which was the electrical component, which first willed a thing, a planet, a planetary system into existence.
 So thus, if something is not meant to be, that is, within the divine workings of an origin construct or plan, it will not have the signature of perfection placed on it, as it exhibited with the perfect water molecule, the perfect snow flake, and on. We would thus see, that the land is not fulfilled, nor create, because it was first manufactured, not of material prima, but of a forgery composition, one of a specific wave length or frequency, which is best displayed in sub levels, as gas, ice and other elemental phenomenon. It would thus explain the excavation, and time travel, as well as portal engineering being done, only relevant in certain specific time instances IE Roswell etc.. This done, to further evade the constant outflow, over centuries of gold deposits, as to build up the gold and other "living mineral stock" on other "planets", which are dead planets, supported by a dead fermion consistency, not life supporting.
 The imagination is all you've got, and it must not be tainted by impurity. It is very difficult, to feel your sexuality, and know that it draw away from your true power. The Pure truth of it, be, you must draw the energy up to your solar plexus, whilst drawing in the pure cosmic energies with the "third eye" for lack of a better term. I do not like to reference this, because this area is called such, by way of ancient and evil means, as in the idea of Brahmin. Thus the universe may be an infinitely ancient stock pile, which even pre-exists Angelic presence. The universe may be the void, before form, the place where first existence, grew a conscience. This does not explain the eternal loop of God, and thus ourselves. for we feel eternal, and thus are. So to, our consciousness has been captivated, towards not regeneration, not building of our true power source, which would and should further creation, with  our very builder mentality, mans internal want to perfect, grow, and build in pure form, but to work for another's cause.
 The title of Satan, or truly first beings, are indeed upset at the fact, that we, man, has been made superior. The tests, seeming internal self ridicule, and booby traps, seem to suggest a sabotage to this realization. That Man, and the fall explained, by truly the creation of woman, to have stunted, shunted and stalled this growth, to the point where, man did not have a gnosis or knowing, and those who do, have a hazy, murky recollection, due to the watering down, and sabotage of DNA information.
 There must be unrealized greatness in man. I believe I have discovered this greatness. As others were running around, I questioned the truth, constantly. I nearly went mad many times, at the consistent but unfinished return of this truth. Unfinished in the sense that the references in the bible, and the bible itself, seem to be but a further test, of what you see, and thus who you are, and so to, by way of degree, who you will becomes.
 I found it important to do, what I do now. There seemed to be no positive side, actively working as hard, as that of the dark side. I found the information which shows, the evil in seemingly all organizations, and the fabric that these are all entangled, and thus one and the same, with the same cause.
 We all scratch our heads, until we too, the pure, make manifest, what I speak to you about today. The portal being opened by diabolical means, happening out in the open now. The flight of Angels, out in the open, over Washington DC. Along with the many accounts, by credible witnesses, which show in part, areas where pure energy beings, transporting in pyramid eye craft, negatively effecting soil growth 20 years after a short visit. The plot seems now massive, in the scope, of the potential acquisitioning of star systems and planets, into the matrix of planetary solar systems. The Light seems to be the sole purpose, to Got, The Acquisitioning.
 The further details of an interview, posted on this blog, from the tacky 80's prime time show, showing an interview with a grey, yet that the grey became sick in exposure to the enmity, God placed on those being in heavy influence and contact, with true humans. The themes they discus are always seemingly of a spiritual nature, and those can not discount the Name of Jesus Christ and neither I.
 I personally, like most, found all of this stupid ridiculous. The world was a depressing place, I found after all boring, and all I had to do, was stop battling myself, stick to one thing, and have fun. I did this, made money, grew security, and as I did this, my offspring came more under attack, the more worldly success I had. I finally could not turn away any longer, and had to get to the bottom of things. I let it all go, and focused on divine geometry, philosophy, eastern religions, wrote about it, gained spiritual insight, which seemed like enlightenment, and gained a considerable and noticeable power, which was undeniable to anyone including myself, whilst in the study of the Upanishads, The Master Key System, as well as Nietzschian Philosophy. The road seemed correct, and after a long leave from my professional life, decided to step back in. I got once again "lucky", which is in reality, being tested, without seeing the full extent. What I mean by this, is that there is a blessing, and curse handed to the knowledgeable ones, in that, if you will worldly success, you must thus sacrifice something. Always in my field, the multimillion dollar woman, promising me money if I have an affair. The thickness of my understanding was so think, I could cut it with knife. Always a force there, telling me, that if I serve this force, I will have all the power I ever wanted. I avoided the repercussions, for a time. I avoided these, or due to my level of obedience, the blessing and curse were removed, always by catastrophic ends.
 I finally had reached the end of myself. Why then, can I not move foreword by simply being a person, making mistakes, having successes, which thus mounted up to a building, a "normal life"? It seemed further, that when I attempted any venture, without a clear concise plan, it ended in failure. So I did this, and the energy seemed to be cut out and away from the venture, never to build momentum. I had to get to the bottom of what this momentive force was.
 A momentive force is the flow through of energy. The beginning or origin to how a venture be started, the scope of what the venture will specifically serve, that area of community, the public. Thus the mission statement, be that place in the middle, which comprises those days, the work. Further, a larger scope of longevity be needed, in the future and continuous development of how this venture, or business can further, by way of degree, serve the masses.
 The scope of practice thus must have a force behind it, and energy flow. The truly successful business holder, will take the plan so far in their mind, as Tesla did, that they see the item, as an already done thing, materialized. The "item" thus has a pulse, a life, a meaning, this is just the facts. There must be thus, a place for this "item" to exist, it's reason for existing?
 In capitalism, there is chaos. The reusing of the same idea, the exploitation of the worker, the consumer. It is, mostly who you are in business with, the network. As you look, especially in a small town, you will see the rotary club, the Masonic Lodge, the Catholic Church, the Jewish Church the Chamber of Commerce, and the business Town Hall and various Lodges, as well as churches. Without affiliation to one of these, in some respect, you will not have backing, customers, to fulfill the orders, the bread and butter. A person can work their butts off, and seemingly be successful, yet it is this momentive force, this carry through, a current of flow, which creates consistency, this is profit, out of the black. The choice for using a business, is not because of the quality of a product, not even so much as the price, but one of brainwashing. If McDonald's tried to suddenly come on the scene now, with the low quality foods, as new concept today, it would never fly. Thus we also see a spiritual and subliminal message, within the logos it self. The Yellow, being ego, the Red being sacrifice, placed behind it, the double pulse of that rhythm with is the frequency found in all existing things, the undulation.
 At first glance, many at first, will mimic a product. Yet no matter the money, or backing (trust me I have witnessed and been involved with millionaires, making effort to spend big money, yet without this knowledge the idea failed). The force and more so the dichotomy, the amount of sabotage force, has grown to an epic level, where in the final statement of a business, the statement be not what, but who do you serve? The brands, logos, mantras, and missions statements reveal the deeper esoteric plan, by degree, of what and why the business must exist. Money being an illusion? Truly that certifiable measure of the all seeing eye, telling you, to be in this matrix, you must be an active part of this.
The businesses work on anti-principle, and when I finally figured it out, all power came to me. There was a period, around my Son's birthday, when I was taken through, quite far from being made, trials. I could not believe the reduction of myself that was allowed, the tests I was subjected to, and the power that was placed on me. You see, at the root of all phenomenon, there be the mind in motion, always active, always either imagining and thus building to it's height or failing, or staying consistently within a zone of comfort. Most will not admit, nor see with the Heart and Brain, thus the Mind, what the larger picture or plan be.
 Once the Heart, and the Brain, are involved, the statement of power be made. Again, looping back to the beginning of this discussion, that which is thought of as mystical in origin, be but mind in motion. The stronger current, the more involved, the more vividly one can assert a connection between what is, and thus use the imaginative powers (biofeedback meditation, creative imagery etc..) the greater that success be. This, is the activation of your eye on the fabric of exist, and thus there is something looking back. By going there, repeatedly, you are in a league of all others who have come before you, all present, and those coming in the future, as one event, one mind. This mind, is very peculiar about what it let's to the work, and what it will sabotage or block. With the greatest successes, you will find the greatest failures, who will state very clearly why they are in the position they are in.
 Like a dog, those with intelligence, absent of wise intellect, go to the hand that feeds them well. If you are to chose the Godly path, you will be tested much greater, much further, that those other
"powers". The other powers, will allow you to become something of the world, you will, as I, be given, with condition, the divine ability to play music, or do other things, as long as you continue the path, of building, which results in a destination. The destination, be at first a silent recruitment of peoples. energy, to use a brand, to listen to a sound, to read a book and the message will always be the same, to except the craft, not to fight it, thus you will be rewarded.
 Well, I Failed. I had developed my "ability" to levels that I became frightened of. The warrior within me, took it further, and further. I began to take a serious look at the world, life, the universe, and saw that all things come down to spheres, and the culmination of energy thereof. You see, I was still under the illusion, that I could exists outside, away from what other worshipped. Those before us, made it much the worse, but can you even imagine, the stress, the strain. of those on Mason street? Or truly more so, those who came long before.
 I tell you today, that affiliation becomes undeniable, as to 1) the original source of the power, as well as 2) Those waiting at the gate which got there first. You are definitely not alone. This talk today, is about the fact that Good and Evil exist. Most can not stand the stress, the strain, and are quite valueless to any master. It would be better to chose Purity, than evil. If you are of an identifiable unique and special sort, they will sort you out, with the sands of time. Your will, shall be tested, and either growth within, or in the world, shrinking within or to the world, shall occur. Those who can balance both, thus learn the secrets to Phi. I thought I could place this towards a proven process, of perfecting the human form. Earning once again up to or exceeding $250 per training session for my talents. I am the best trainer that ever lived, I tell you today, and I earned this with study, focus, long years and hours in my trade, and when I reached, again, that pinnacle of thought, to think a plan, feel the plan, make the plan, place the power, the form in which it was given, is always a choice, a dichotomy, good or evil. What I tell you today, is that I caused more divorces with my developing power, ultimate seamless intellectual understanding a application, that my end product would only be BRINGING UNWORTHY FEMALES, AS WELL AS MALES, A METHOD AT PERFECTION, WITHOUT HAVING GONE THROUGH THE PROCESS OF LEARNING THE PRINCIPLES INVOLVED. This is a breach, taking the ignorant and innocent to certain slaughter. Tell me what comes of having perfect Phi from, ATTENTION. Sexuality, the seduction. In my trade, it was after all a craft, and I became, for lack of better term, the master craft. I did not think in terms of this, when placing so much study, money and effort into my, lets me real, craft.

 I urge you today, to look at your occupation. Is greatness in you? Are you destined to be the best? Well, of course you are. Are you able to know, with a doubt, that your trade, which serves but a lateral dimension of exist, serves a greater GOOD? Do you think, as some authors have suggested, you can beat the devil? This is surely the biggest deception that ever did exist, for once you have moved one chess piece you are in the game, and must either see the game be an illusion, by giving up the game, or stay in the game, thereby beginning to make small sacrifices, each day, as if you are buying time, surly you make this one laugh at the gull, the idiocy!
 We are all in it. It is a frustrating realization, and when you are awake, you will truly never go to sleep again. When your eyes are open, they have been opened, by way of sin. Your soul is then to become as it was meant to, in the beginning, to chose a path, a destination.
 With Christians doing Jewish magic, and Catholics being a part of that masonic Division. Who is everyone serving, indeed? That one who gives food of course, that one bearing light, that one growing, cultivating, as CAIN did, as to make the world a better place. Is this not the goal, to make something that is outside heaven, likable? To except shorter and shorter lifetimes, only to bow to technology in order to sustain this? Who then is at the origin of this technology? Who will be there, with each Ghrp-6 250mcg peptide shot, each Hgh 6 iu injection, each bite of the organic Apple?

 If you want to be truly great, you are not woman but man. You will be, thus pushed to not do as woman do, who serve only chaos and pleasure, with their "deal", as they have, since their dawn worked the craft, thinking themselves masters, of separating the heart from the head. This is how women must be shown, the mirror, spiritually...that they indeed are vested, and that the heart and the head are but the denial of that force which runs them.
 I did not grow a contempt for woman, by the denial of them, but by the startling mastery of them, and who they have become, as a collective force. The woman, is the secret weapon, that is not so secret. The craft is based on the act of seduction, which be the illusion of rest from the fight, those sailors out to see, needed a comfort, for the night. The good ones, when pressed are not good, they are just very good at further hiding, the facts in the head, from the heart. Those who seem to come in the  knowledge of language, geography, math and the arts. are thus drawn into, the Shakespearean drama, the devils playground. Those, to which I speak, are drawn to pleasure, always, and would give up anything, when faced with the idea of pleasure forever. Those took the apple, and seduced man, those who also seduced the very Angels, to their fall. Those are the godless. who are drawn not to Christ, but the idea of Christianity, the lie, that there can never be another great and pure man. Those thus the network of the true conspiracy, THE ONE AGAINST MAN, to which the Bible speaks to those who can heed this massage. It is found in the begins, and in the end, that woman is powered by the five pointed pentagram, cruxed to a synthetic planet, an orb, unfinished, of it's energy pathway, it' fermion like. If you can understand, you are now drawn into the madness. of this world, of this perpetuated era, which is ignorance or a life of angst. The knowledge is the knowledge. Those who make mention of always money first, will say, I don't like to talk about such things, it's a waste of time, but their very deals, were made at Bohemian Grove, and such other places. Where planetary rulers, and portals of events, come, to celebrate their sacrifices of pure man, as the crux of the Owl in the Trees, those druids looks on. As the crow fly by, looking on you, with the witches eyes. You are involved. The power is the power, and it must be used for good, or ill. A final acquisitioning is taking place, soon. I Believe 2016, to be this time, watch, as it approaches.
 I spin, for God, who you spinning for, as your particles spin, whether you acknowledge it or not?

Food for thought