
Thursday, October 16, 2014

A third position, FIRST CRAFT, Beast to the left


 As you Men, of Principle understanding read this, it be best to look to the left, and speak directly to you "Beast", as to hopefully advance the intelligence, yet not to far?

 There is a less sever third position to take, in order to be in God's Good Graces. The abstract quality, involved with personal perception, a large chasm indeed? Since Sin is built within us, and thus can be unbearable to those who were potentially born pure, but adulterated IE influenced by Sinful "adult", appointed guardians, we again see this EPL term "first craft" observed. If the craft was finite, or malicious is the main thing, time, reveals. Was the parent, or guardian aware of what they were doing? Did they atone for their sins, before you, before God? More importantly , did those return to the same behavior as prior, many times compounded with false confidence, worse, or did they then change their scope, their practice, their behavior modified, to serve the good aspects, promoting towards an eternal of life?
 Again it be chaos, that is, that person who is miserable living, has not taken on, nor replaced those finite death producing thoughts and deeds, for eternal, and blissful ones. True to release one from the stress of fetters, is the most pronounced way to cut bad cruxes, habits, embedded impulses from a life truly opulent (without want). However, when "demons" of the past, continue to "haunt" a person, these terms be one and the same as they imply, we thus need to deal with aggressor unholy spirits head on. This was the original reason for the Kabbalah? Indeed it depends on many factors, yet to chose Masada over a final fight, a faith in God to choose miraculous relief, I can one really weigh these forms of suffering?
 It is thus to hard to factor, when dealing with sins of lesser intensity, or said value, as being superior, or good, by contrast. There is thus a minimum point, that the initiate, into God's realm must "travel", I believe this percentage is most closely and typically, 61.8%, as error will always be a factor, especially by way of the EPL rule of Dichotomy, that is, genius manifesting itself in full glory, on one side, whilst the other, intelligence, lay bleak, or much darker by comparison, this is a governing law, if there indeed be any law.
 So those basic human conditions, that seems to cost a person success, such as sexual deviance, theft, or mistruth. I often remind myself, that the active world, is a revelation of those who seem to be most successful, as to think they balance the amounts they place into thieving, whoring and lying. Seeming to play a MASONIC JUGGLING ACT (MJA), which the politicians of our day, deceptively use, in there "employment" of that Bohemian Grove festivas drama line (Alex Johnes) where the sick and twisted leveraging agent exclaims in garb "Midsummer sets us free!", saying it more than once?
 There are thus rituals, etched, and burned into the current matrix, that of pronouncing with the head and heart, a statement, that be heartfelt, and having gone over this too, intellectually with the brain, thus the mind, to the ALL MIND, a statement. It is thus, a game of leveraging, a teeter, ballast which maintains a certain middle point. To be a "do gooder" by day, a middle ground by Night, and full blown evil in systematic and phasically planned stages, which are the crux to the Jewish Law, by which the world seems to be unfairly bound. Within the crux of Jewish based religions, thus truly all religion, which employs any since of ownership or power. How long has this been going on? I state over and over again.
  We see that these men, these son's, are doing bad, yet have we thus thought of the solution. That instead of money, there be free trade, that instead of a corruptible human leader, there be an community adjusted system, where there are simple guide lines and not consequential law, regarding, ill behavior, which just be the total avoidance of chaos.
 Yet comes the argument, the treatise, is the universe not construct of first chaos? Is death not an original part of it? The books say no, that life, lived in purity, does not breed towards death. Would that pure one, who was mislead, then not be, after his full petition, placed in an advantageous position, which would place him on center stage, to go through trials, and thus either be elevated above other men, the pack or placed into a place of persecution. Having been through this, I can say, there is a center point, which I only notice, after having been truly forced into these extremes, first by ill parentage, then by corrupted educators, then by greedy self serving employers, and vampire acquaintances, life sucking chaotic girl friends as well as spouses, who all have proven they time and time again, that they bow to craft, to preserve the ailing self.
 I am thus able to be but a man, or rise further, and have this God given power, another or higher default (?), to judge, thus teach by truly knowing, or to live again, to show the balance, without the submission by those I trusted then from my purity, but this time, be granted chaos less, frictionless advancement, to test the Principles to which I return. Returning to them, after slight failure, as apposed to my past total collapse of esteem, which by way of degree, was bound to happen. Thus to show, I have built a realistic, non abrasive system, an alleviation towards living not in total sin, nor bowing to a Faustian deal, but simply "a not perfect test score", as to show the need for a return, trip that be, to earth? Possibly to this time? One would not face the persecution quite so intensely then. Is this not sin? Is this not the Devils rhetoric, his very pathos and play, the sway of dialectic? As to open the door but a little bit?
 When one see god, and shows an aptitude for perfection, yet to be far from it, by way of human ailment, the small brain, the damaged self esteem, the effected motor and nervous system responses, is one not slightly off the hook? That is, again, as to employ the concept of first craft?
 This is the leverage the Jews have used, for long periods now. This is what the money lenders, at the very top, those inventors of money, and war, seem to use, as an elite race, who be there to test, instruct, and yet to painfully live in total luxury, yet not to fully embrace nor enjoy it? More and more, this theme emerges, which unfairly takes of the "good, intelligent peoples time", and yet seems to give more time to the down right sinners, who "play to stupid, as to know". It is thus, again, a bargaining between the heart, and the head, the very trick those whore, thieves and liars use. To keep a money racket scheme some who going, such as a church system, containing at least a slightly better "mixture" of good and evil, than that of most "peoples" personal moral etiquette. To give on Sundays, yet to sin on Some planned Saturdays. Found there, the same in the statement prior mentioned by those of the Bohemian Club "Mid-summer sets us free", held of the same accord, in the first chapter, and basic over view of  LaVey's version of the Satanic Bible, when again, talking about as a child playing music for the same Men, he would witness cheating and cavorting with whores on Saturday, and hours later, to play music in Christian Church for on Sunday.
 There is thus a balance, of enjoyment, and suffering, a truly discovered count, a mathematical there, as pondered, and advanced in Crowley's math, where he too, searching for an out, a certain theme of consistency. That balance between the barbarian beast, which was on the brink of knowing, and the rising man, who thus did know. Are we judged then as a whole, one soul, from that grand macro place of both of God's eyes? Or is it but the one eye, that of the right, as it be portrayed, the right witnessing the left's actions, which one be the ruling factor. Where then is that balance, to show the beast has been tamed, and that justices then lives within the man? It seems the more intelligent, get away with much more, lacking wisdom and thus intellect. The intellect can be thus faked, by the intelligent. It seems the wise, the intellectual, those leading with the heart, the right brain, have a burden to carry. The main theme, so ostracizing, and isolating, upon inflection, seems to point to the one who has sought for, and found the balance, through sin and error, has thus passed a certain point, that he would live to regret. That point where the right and left, heart, and brain, thus the mind, is witnessed and seen, by all. "This is the goal, is it not?" he would say, as it seemed God's judgement laid heavier on he, for making such a life effort as to learn to be a good, balanced and perfect man, whilst those sinners, who knowingly avoid the truth, and thus purity, playing the fence of successful, but ignorant, the god gifted left brain intelligent, be let off the hook, as to cavort, and falander. Leaving again, the superior man, holding the paint brush, as those say "cover for us, we are going to the bar for two hours, we will be back before the boss returns", does the responsible, the knowing, not then realize, that he will be the one, to paint all the walls? This is the plight of knowledge, of knowing, of having unlimited power. One would thus, according to this lopsided plan, this strange imbalance to the gyroscope of exist, soon choose to be the balance, that place in between good and evil, right and wrong, to serve no master, yet to simply see what is before you, not allowing the heart to absorb the knowledge, of that hairy, black clawed hand, which aids to feed you as a pup, unknowing, not wanting to know, wanting to thus forget. It is after all, your war? I am after all, a finite being, witnessing two parents argue, you Father, exposed me to a Mother, left me with her, as to build a trust, for this Debauchery in motion? How long was I suppose to deduct, whiles being so blind from starvation, deprivation, that is, being the victim of FIRST CRAFT

There must thus be a new religion, which aids not in the concealment of this "information", giving information to the masses? I think not, and this is why this information comes at a hefty price. The intellectual, and thus balanced intelligent legislater of this knowledge, the knower, has thus to spread the word to the few, who are in a similar position, this of course being a frequency like. It is thus the goal of all initiates, to enjoy, to have and life in total bliss, and thus is the goal, and the goals, as well as the means to the goal, must be laid CLEAR, DEFINATE, IE The Way.

 "It is as if, we are higher level beings, exist, within a beast, and are entrusted to lead this beast, by it's limited understanding towards a better place?"

Barry Dean, Founder EPL

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