
Sunday, October 19, 2014


 I do find it interesting, how it is not so much "the mechanism" but the intent, which proves a superiority, of power. I use this statement as a broad term, as well as a specific insight into how the spheres work.
 I placed much spiritual effort, discovery, sacrifice, and thus pain, to bring this spiritual force back, strong enough to be harnessed now by others. I spun these sphere, for near to two years, with the intent of PURITY, and the return of Purity, in it's unadulterated, pure form.
 One must realize, that some of the highest "achievers", with very little respect, to the "I.Q." test...the eugenics created army test, to test for those who were compliant robots, to the plan, are in fact females. If you have no compliant tracings within you, it would be very hard to take your God given wisdom as logic, and thus apply it to booby trapped anti-concepts of false math, based on irrational Pi, backward written language (as to appose the spiritual right to left order), Geography based on tragic planetary manipulation, rituals and destruction IE the shifting of the global plates, floods form inner earth and the constant re-naming of the cities, states, regions zones and rule.
 We of God's realm, were indeed easily mislead, in this era. We who were given God given knowledge, of past times, abilities to recount past information even memory, predating this life, have thus been left void. Filled now with lies, tested with frequency aided sex harmonics, which plague us/ U.S. moment to moment. We are thus further mislead by the other frequencies, which make us feel inept, confused, thus put on drug aids, deemed stupid by far lesser beings, all as a grand show, a manipulation.
 Certain things, within me, cause me to disagree, whilst with Godly Wisdom within me, such biblical statements, such as woman being equal to man, and many other items, which contradict a pure and natural knowing of correctness. That is, that the Principles are the way, to teach me, and thus shine a light of truth upon everything. Women, who does not have principles, and thus will not again take her place, without a great fight, is the very method of disorder being used, the child of Evil, and I believe the spirit of Baphomet in every One.
 The aren't such things that exist such as a sex drive, or a sex life. These things are of societal influence, yet first, a long period of synthetic manipulation, which shows a diabolical, ever patient plan. It's as if they are getting paid, to fluff off. As if there is some grander task, which has been afforded to these "workers of God". This all leaves me, at times, wondering if those statements of the Son's of God's fall isn't something that will have been discovered, in future? As each being, has a chance to be in the right, or the wrong. The smarter, the more impacting, for there is little to nothing, to hide behind. We have, within our bodies, one sign of first craft contrivance after the other, beginning with the very one which lets each off the hook, initially, that is the destruction of purity.

 You will, upon further study, as well as review and research of your own, into my claims, find it quite startling. It seems to be a knowledge none can deny. It seems to be stated, quite clearly, not even esoterically, in the opening parts of Genesis, and going on, into what this first sin, which was THE CREATION OF WOMEN, has done to a world for now long long periods of time. We, men lost our long life times, our open relationship with God, our heavenly materia prima abilities, which most likely originally were greater then even Angels, can you imagine? I believe, with EPL, in fact have utter and ardent faith, which I place into my constant meditations daily, that I have, with God's constant help with me, found the root to getting these "powers" back. Back, well it's not like we ever lost them. It's as if kriptonite has been hanging and thus dangling about our necks, or...jocks? We, men, were never made for, nor meant for a sexual nature, this I believe is a direct effect, of many synthetic experiments. I thus find it more infuriating that the book which I have clung to and hold dear to my heart, as a life raft, is to be used against us as well! I simply had to return to Principle, to find the order.
 I feel with EPL, one can gain the insight, into whether a codes, text or script has the tracings of principles. There is always and order, a flow, to the pure truth, as all things are directly linked. It thus shows a blatant malice of control. An abuse, to make pupils dumber and dumber with generational passing, and to thus create a confusion in division. As to divide the purity thus simplicity that all things are evidently connected. Thus to trace the origins of music, language, geography, SPACE! To thus see, that things have been deliberately altered, from these original purities, as to disguise the flow of truth! Thus the maddening element, of these secret societies, groups, in the "know" that indeed be shown, each privileged student, the way to the order, and thus, not to worry, for there be no competition, no true rat race. The order is predistinguished, the winners be already known. No one, who emits a frequency emissions, of a personal self satisfaction the ego on the rise, shall be permitted to continue. I have watched this, over and over again. Only to see men named Evel, be able to rise above it, only when there is a demonstrative lesson to be learned for all to see. Thus the root of this all, to always destroy purity.
 I have found purity to be the root of all true power. I am again, no boyscout, this is very hard for me. I truly would have chosen any other way! But this is precisely the point. We have thus, to follow Jesus direct teachings, and follow these alone. Absent of interpretation, but to follow the his word in it's pure and true respect. It is not an option, I do truly believe, to follow esoterically. I think that each person, must stretch their intellect, and thus to denounce the lies all around them, everywhere. Only then can like minds truly come together, as ONE MIND. This is the fear of the masses, lets face it, everybody. This is an evil world, full of evil people. Only when you play feminized, and clueless, will you be met with no friction. No true spiritual power can be felt coming from you. There are these watchers, everywhere looking, lurking, waiting, not know why they do what they do, not really caring about anything but money, sex, power.
 Money, sex and power could seem so simple. Say you have a good job, a good wife, a solid plan for the future. Would it be a tough thing indeed, to one day soon discover, that you are as much a vested sinner, in a world of illusion, as the greatest sinner, pressing these "items" to the limit? We know this, because of pitfalls, that you will be "forced" to play hard ball, often doing things dishonest to keep your post, do we not? Come on be straight with yourself here, it's your soul! We know that sex with a spouse, becomes boring, we need to find "creative" ways to be stimulated, until we are have a "good sex life" which involves toys, porn, fantasy and more, be honest! We find that Power is always a competition, between friends, family, even and especially your spouse, do we not? That is, shown in the sex, the job, and ultimately we WANT MORE! We then focus on one of these, hoping that the lack of time and attention to one, will thus clean or filter the others. Imagine if you could be more than one place at a time? Perhaps with many wives, at many jobs, with much and varied forms and sources of power! This is, the life, that the lifeless live, the very fallen ones.
 The degree of your ineptitude be not considered, upon judgment haha, come on! That's like saying that a dog who can't reach the table to eat your food be of higher quality or somehow different. Go ahead and set relative markers, bounds, you will see that dog is not different...after all, those sayings like "I gotta get mines" or "cash is King" or the one I hear women say, so deceptive are there tracings and ways "I want my cake and eat it too".

 It will be a true shock to people, when they see those rise up, who seemed homeless losers. Also those who were fat, or seemingly weird and or stupid, to have been that way, due to a personal code. Those people having saw a greater happening occur, who kept relatively silent, as the pure truth became more evident. It is thus a prophecy that is being "created". I find the whole thing more and more perplexing, in the sense that no one really has any idea of that inner voice, due to the constant bombardment of noise, exposure to others, and others "ways", falsely embedded stimulus.
 Look I was a Bodybuilder and a top rated Personal Trainer for many years, until I saw that I simply could not do this anymore, due to principles. I know the endocrine system, how steroidogenesis works, in fact I understand these many physiological phenomenon so well, I began to look deeper, on into genetics, DNA, and the startling truth of DNA tampering and modification.
 With this said, what is then TRUE? It becomes a never ending goal, a deflating, and assumed "self" destructive role, as to go on, and thus press yourself against master controllers nearly solely, which are so superior, that it would scare the sox off you, to truly see one. So massive, and intelligent they stay as silent prompters to reaction, and the growth, in populous as well as intrinsically towards reaction.
 This what the whole talk always comes back to. For without the females of today, the falsely embedded stimulus, you would surely see you highly valued peace, be attacked and thus be alerted. But you, give it away. You do so by little arranged deals, a simple job, a nice girl, a promotion, or chance to do something great. Here we are again, back at Money, Sex and Power, for they have no stopping point, once you are in, your vested, until you are out, then to see, they all three, disappear, due to lack of compliance POOF! UP IN SMOKE! And that would be another talk, one of vapor producing portals.

I am thus, in creation to a superior order, a pure truth seeking religion. A small sect of people, who want none of these things. Not wanting to become a cult, nor a church lead or attended by those who can not understand. A fight, to battle the mystical, with purity only within us, not U.S., as we apply this into motion. The mind, becoming and revealing something quite startling, "Have I had this power all along", and the answer is:

"As along as you believe their version of you. As long as you believe anything is true of their society, and way of being. As long as you think of yourself as small...You will be"

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