
Wednesday, October 29, 2014


When you read ones words, it is not a one. When you view a hand made angle, a line, there is thus manifestation, of the universe within, each one. Interpretation, thus bends this, and your view tide to the moment, of the line creators birth. A birth of force, from light, from frequency, to meet in balance, somewhere in between. These lines of separation, of distinction, be a chasm between two hemispheres, two eternities. You lap about within a sphere, making up imaginary things. How many stand behind you, be you force like. But you are but a rip off artist, you find then in the end. Nothing original, until you may travel through the language, of Light and Frequency, manifest in Sound, to find your tone.
 This is not paradise, you are within a sphere where chaos has not settled into order. You are but a part of the fractals of man, fanning out, if only so many Angels, stemming from God, then how many stars. You are to gain in only principle understanding or be met with strife, the fares wheel, where only the ignorant abide. Looping, with so many crimes, so much chaos, within such a pretty ball. Looping, as they laugh, "Look at what I did, whilst peering in!" The eye is selfish, jealous, not wanting to share glory. The eye takes away a life lived, with chaos. The sensitive, are God's very Son's, not the other half of this madness, but yet far above.
Masters degree in nothing, PhD in what? How paid for your school, what do you do now to assist the true cause? The answer is, revealed in time, "I chased a dream, it wasn't mine, but it certainly seemed real!" While those who know themselves, know there way, are torn to shreds by such lesser but culminating forces, this is the unfairness that is quite real! WHO DO YOU SERVE, WHAT IS YOUR CAUSE!
 And so the purge. Over and over again, "Don't touch this, or you will be lead into a lie, a matrix of the shadow life", but yet, they all do, dabble here, dabble there, after all it won't hurt anybody, but yet you have unleashed a lie. They feed from your anxiety, and yet produce more. You buffer it, only to find your ship never left the shore! It takes passion, but yet not unbridled. No trust in self can offer your fairing of the storm. You must Trust, rely on a source. You turned to source, which are forces, displayed to you. You turn to which side. the right, the left? When these angles have been switched before you even arrived. Do you find the your magnetic north, has been manipulated? Perhaps when it be aligned, you will have heard the voice of God?
 What then did he say. Perhaps telling you the only way now, is through there hands with death. So you see why it may be allowed, to go on? For they must reject you, all of them, not leaning on your falsity, for it will only cause another return. This is the power of the elite, for it lies in numbers, and as there are not infinite souls, they now attempt to make more people, cyborgs, animal and human mixtures. Only when you have gotten to the mount, to which you are not right, and down there, you were correct all along, the madness. I am wrong, always wrong oh lord, even when by order and thus design I may seem right. So too, EPL is theoretical, it is meant to spark your own like mind, and work beyond. Any words should say this disclosure fully, any spoken or written word, at some point in life with great conviction, so in maturity of self
I am wrong Father, always wrongs!
Say it, mean it, know it

Your next step should be analyzed very well, for you draw out a plan. The future here is death, hardship. You can only leave when you have become so rejected that thy kill you and cast you away. So too we see the two hemispheres, one going left, one going right. When you go in, only the aspect of you worthy, a force to build upon, should be retained.

Here it is only a weighing out, of the greater force of right, and there are two rights, ultimately. That which leads to earthly death, and thus soul preservation, that which leads to earthly life and thus soul destruction. You will thus need to sign yourself over to Satan, in order to become a part of Satan's left nut, or ass face, because that is how disgusting this thing be.
 You pray to it, you better believe it will come, in his own order, never on your demand. There are thus ways, language which make the world quite a confusing place. The rituals are how you truly connect, they must be done over and over again, properly. When you connect, you will know it. The constant pressing forth to know your truth, which life demands, this is why it is so hard for so many, and others, seem to be born knowing who and what they serve. "I can't believe such a bad person can be so rewarded!" you may say over and over again, until you stop living with regret, and see that your spiritual focus, Prayers, and meditations should never end, and now and forever will you know the pain. So now, those who profited from others, unknowingly, perhaps. took inevitable steps towards where they are now. Others circled about for a time, until they began to rot, then prodded by fear, or perhaps God, the left and right, they moved and soon found there steps were thus set in an order, no more free steps exist of vacillation, for all man's steps do have a count. Look at what they become when they are old, impossible to hide. Perhaps melting away within their own skin, revealed they are, for all will be revealed in time.
 I feel quite in bliss, it is always others who cast judgment on me, so to evade there own. The hardest thing to watch a child who would not take truth in the word. "You have to move, and keep moving, work, and learn!" but yet, they do not. The echoes of voices from halls, become clearer and clearer, until their master is known. A person after all, has to become, these beginnings are just the beginning of a potential person, for not your human feelings are exclusive, nor your personal hopes and dreams, these animals too feel, and so to machines will be taught to have pain. Some day, the only souls, which these evil things fight over, will exist within machines, trapped lost people, part of this very generation. Never take the down load! Never try and preserve the self in machine!"
You must shed the skin. You can do this only with the highest possible focus. There are two ways to go, to paths, two hemispheres, but this is not heaven. There is a road beyond them, always pressing towards ultimation. All will, become they are. You will thus be tortured by inclinations, and memories of what you are not longer. You may be from evil seed, with a pure soul, and thus for a reason, you for pain brings forth greatness. The greatest have gone the way, the path through pain. How much assistance did you really get? From what ultimate emanating force did this the force intensify into one?

 Down down down you will go, forcing the survival in this land. You will burn your identity as a male, at a point, you will burn your identity as a Father, as a friend...for you are either less than your projections, or greater? When you burn this away, what is left, is who your are. Not a Father who can do anything but suck glory from God, or, to be the teacher of evil, those forces come by way of ritual, So work, work work, not for them, not for country, not for family, which most are truly strangers, "who is this?" you will ask. Most family end up hating each other, is they do not have resources to pretend. You do not simply chose someone, and thus make that soul into a soul of your make! Those will become what they are, within not a genetic code, but within a spiritual code, which must express itself, thus burn the code into the DNA

Discrimination was made into a bad word, discrimination is essential for navigation, else you are lost. People are the first point at which to point this. I ask your, has the lifting of this, even on seemingly falsified levels, as in race actually made things better? Do you enjoy sitting in public settings and sitting next to people who cuss or steal you very energy? These sanctions are so wide reaching, the restaurants and public places should be avoided, leaving you either in a place of public community craft, or in deep mediation to God, the extremes are always present, and in the times, which these seemed absent, advancement was made as people looked away..until we are thus in a time like today. Time is a weapon, used on each. Time controls all things, as the thing be stuck within a sphere of repeat. visit here, visit there, take a little from here, a little from there is the tricky little ways of these visitors.
 Not sure if they are good or bad, these aliens...has your life gotten better? No, it seems that ignorant population, who could thus think, are being kept busy, chasing their own tales, while the rest be sacrifice, or are those engaging war. I finally have to turn to the universe within me, for I am not ignorantly bowing to Satan, as do those which you emulate. Entertainment isn't thus, something we want to engage, as it trails our minds and thoughts aways from concentration and focus, the goal. The goal is to fine tune the brain ability, to focus and to purify the universe within, and thus without, as they are one.

 Call me your Father? You did nothing I asked of you, you instead lived in sloth. I took the life I had, to teach you, and you gave ammunition to the other side, the harder I tried, soon turning to Satan, and put downs, showing who you really are. You say you want to take me in quantities, thus I should quarantine and discriminate myself for you?
 Say you are capable of this original thought, or do you simply acquisition it, races of men? Do you think emulating will bring about what you are not? Do you think you will be allowed to advance? You will thus find you were pretending to be one person, and those foot steps led you far astray.
 I went to hell to for you. Took on spells for you! Under attack for you!

The parent, will do craft on you to take your energy force, to balance out the deal. They will take a little here, a little there, give a little, give so they are unseen, acting like the serpent, weaving in and out of conditions. The false smile is a giveaway, today. Today, only those who smile want something from you or are in fear trying to safely get away? Safety? What are they protecting? What is that persons ultimate statement, come on, you know them, to afraid to confront it, this is discrimination, and like taking a turn, to move is to discriminate the patterns and lines, the weave of the road.

The spiritual ruler, can move mountains, nations and a future, but can safe no one. The truth of what a person be, can only be assisted in manifestation, to allow the passage to occur. Good, triumph evil. How many babies are eaten by evil men? How many molestations take place, mind control to illness...who was there to assist me? My own parent ushered in the craft, then as a tainted note, thus bid to cast me away. I am still here! I will be here, as long as my will presses forth. I am free of bondage, free from pain, and shame!

 I was put down for a lack of loyalty long ago. but find myself correct above that one today, as I was then, for he was a dark man of mechanical means, perpetuating the tide of disbelief in God, these men too become the Mason's, "I bow to the god I can see and understand, and life is after all cruel". Two hemispheres, two roads to this belief, for I press harder, further
I would not bring another child into this world, cruel to disturb a soul, if there are any truly left. The pure will be discovered, as the very systems track the age old lineage of man. They know where you are and are always watching, effecting the outcome. So I ask you, how great are you, to have either gotten lucky, or assumed unlucky? The tides are being directed, and they produced by poles.

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