
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Event~


 It is the fact of WHAT AN EVENT IS, which always speculates argument. That is, again, degree of accountability. To keep a peoples ignorant, perhaps keeps those too from rising to god like status? As in keeping the all mind awareness at bay? A fully developed person has to meet some sort of minimum standard, this we call Phi. It becomes more obvious that Phi indeed is Purity, on display. One must be able to rationalize what purity, entirely means, in the scope of each sphere, it however becomes a scary notion, raising goosebumps in fact, when we see that this all knowledge is that Luciferian vessel, both figuratively and factually, as both dimensions exist, as long as they are perpetuated to exist, with that employment of consciousness, by degree.

 So then, what is an event? Like a rape? Did you create the event first in the mind? To what extent? Are these feather weights of intricate detail, down to the last thought, surely scaled by a highest power? I personally find it more likely, that we are pressed to this self development within the sphere of our position, where we are, where we end up. In the end, feeling guiltless, and completely innocent is the goal, but no due of vagrant brain motion. One must in fact take full responsibility first, self persecute, walk as a prophet, fully vested, then to realize, that that first tainted act, of self preservation did not begin with you, you are after all just a child placed on the ride, are you not? These could be the very words of the devil, don't you think, at least in piety, for it is the all experience one must know, Gnosis, in order to fully know "who you are" and thus to become what you are.

 This is why measure is taken to such importance. I often come to the realization, that one must take on serious efforts, with total focus, then to look forward to the day, when it becomes common place. Imagine a much higher state or stage of consciousness becoming "old hat"? and to be of the awareness of all stages thus, we would be filled with such an empowering surge, we would have a hard time not becoming excited, even fanatic about the prospect of rule, only to find that we are thus back at the beginning, again. An event must take place, we are pressed towards it, but only when we are on review with the first council, our very dimensional superiors, or Lord's. We must pass through the same halls, our perspective be all that is varied. If this can be manipulated in any way, it would be to tamper with the seal of that persons very mentalism and awareness. In fact placing them within a false society, with false universal laws, and ever changing language, custom and rules. More to induce frequency wants, thus to shape the person into a child, who must return, to be ruled over, Lorded, another life time/day.

 We must press the event, force it even, so that we do not remain stuck in the perpetual loop. This is why it all comes falling down again and again, only to begin again. Full exposure was not your doing, nor what you were exposed to. The tools of judgement were given you falsely too, so that, these experiences did not amount to build a soul. So now you know those areas displayed in the EPL logos are in fact the spheres which will drive you to completion. Regarding the ways of the left or right, on must see these must be experienced with three basic first abilities or visions.


These are all feelings, which ushered forth senses. I believe that when even the pursuit be applied fully to a piece of paper, the event is taking place, as in what do you see when you look at a blank piece of paper, through these varied mental mind states? Does this brings in alchemy as a method to induce ever higher mind states, that is, the drug? The fact that we are always in purity, and only see ourselves impure due to shame, is again, not our doing but a planted thought. Much of the Bible, I believe, is meant this way, as to create a statement of fact, in the question of such an "event", IE it has been  said, so it is? I do not agree, and challenge the challenger, that is, the Jew, as to say, no it's not, now prove it. It seems that the proof, Biblically speaking, rarely matches, the initial question, instead a miracle of fantastic magical effort then leads to assumption, or, is this again but fear? I would like to see what happens when this total mind awareness is utilized fully as a  token of peace for all, leaving no one out, with capitalism, money and sex left far in the past, when we awaken with celestial eyes and know fully who we are again, never to lose grip on the knowing.

 And so, I set the event at 61.8%, this is the measure of all aspects, or spheres. Together, we press forth to complete these in a life, then to know what life is meant for. Those who see this, in times passed, become removed and are then considered a tribe. The tribes have been absorbed now, so that we do not remember who we truly are. The only way to do this, is to do this as a unit of one, whoever now we see the agenda emerge with the population making this near to impossible...however, an event could make anything possible, as in another biblical miracle?~

GOD or madness



It wasn't that the first Man, from primitive, hadn't seen the stars before, it was, rather, that Man become aware of the "this is not him", and became instantly frightened by this prospect. Our slow ascent towards this next spherical realization, until once again, ruler, came into mind. It's all spheres, to completion, then onto a larger sphere, only to realize that it is one, and the same.

We live on a flat earth. That is, the energy that culminates, from our homestead, as the earth spins, as sphere, displays this reality. These segments of reality, or awareness become obvious as zones, or in, those from a certain region, share in the same force. It is the math, in practical sense, which removes all question, the math is there as a constant, to put the singular at ease, once again, to fully absorb oneself into the consciousness of the all mind. Our consciousness circles back onto itself, regulating a pattern, when this pattern is broken, or disturbed IE chaos, we are either ejected from that zone or area, rule it, or much more common, learn to adapt. The behavior of others, in the heard, or truly hive, work, as part of the superconscious to regulate this norm, or undulation.  Hitler did after all claim to control the weather, with his awareness, of mind. His reading list was substantial. An era becomes deserving of it's King. As we look closer, and know more, about all Christian based religions, it becomes undeniable, of the agenda of the Jewish Order, which pronounced itself superior to all others, obviously unaware that this superconsciousness would be freely shared by all. This is precisely when the craft comes into "order", and chaos for all others, is the only way to perpetuate this, for a singularity of peoples. BECAUSE AWARENESS WAS MEANT TO BE SHARED, WITH ALL WHO BECOME AWARE. Yet, does the seemingly natural aggressive display of prominence, found in all earth bound frequencied creatures, come from an all source, or is it produced as control? It seems this "game" has been going on for the long, and so, one must use pure logic in the further realization that all is as the order commands. Obviously this is not a positive for everyone, leaving chaos theory hanging, thus keeping God, as a suspended "way" to avoid madness. Perhaps though, the madness is the shear total awareness that we are as omnipotent and wild as that first awakening, which we seem still startled from, eternal.

Hitler was most likely that product of Thelemic/Thule notion, that intellect mixed with alchemical craft, should suffice as spiritual all awareness, and after all, who could argue with such a rare expression that can only be seen from within? It is however, more important, we understand that it is real, and why.

Cracking this super consciousness, has been the goal for time immemorial, yet by only those who are being called to do so, which alludes most finite Kings and fascist leaders.

First it was a single sphere of awareness. Then the dichotomy was understood, at least that which parallels the prior. What I am saying can be fully attributed in recent Germany, in that the spiritual Man rose up to power, though we like to think it isn't so. When we do allude to this notion, we are called things, labels, which place us into a fear category. Yet, what else is God, within us, but fear. We then feel see, feel smell, feel hear, that we are still alive, and the compromise, of stating that there is indeed a God, keeps us in that awareness of that larger sphere, and more so from the madness of a godless Universe. By degree, even the most pronounced Atheist, when alone, to "divide unto himself"...listen to that last a God fearing believer, when this liberation has not been set by another...component to "himself". This is technology, that implementation of an outward part, to take the place of an inward compulsion, a resonant tone, which bleeds out unto itself AWARENESS.
We seem to resonate. Success, or the lack, is thus solely based on this frequency like. We emulate, but can only do so from what presses forth from within. When we are resonating with a current of sufficient means/force, we are in harmony. So what is right and wrong? If I am an elite, does the outward expression of who I am not vibrate in harmony with who I am? If I am a worthless fool, a product of  "in breeding", this, thus only the bi product of that continuance of insufficient harmonizing gene expression. If I live in a world that does not make sense to me, which I do...not that I do not see it all, nor painfully understand it...this world constantly out to prove one goal alone, God is either dead or never was, at least as we suppose "him" in our fantasy expression.

 Some who seem nearly disabled in thought and process, seem to be handed everything, baffling. As those who see the truth, but do not serve the hive mentality, are thus ostracized. The later's knowledge/information, is then condensed, altered or morphed somehow to suit production. All these symbols, signs, letters and numbers, point to the resonant source, and thus the continuance of the force. We see that nothing can be done without a spiritual expression, a thought, of sacrifice. One must love the kind, the all, the rule above any other esteemed possession, else one loses the item, coveted.

 Those who are praised, will soon fall, as happens each and every day, moment to moment. The greater good, is the mere perpetuation of a continued expression which has now built a history in momentum. Keeping the momentum going is thus the goal. EXIST! That is the goal. If we do not readily see our place, in the hive, we are thus not programmed to serve the hive, and must then serve as unsuspecting placements or numbers, such is the case with the strawman. It seems that all great works are traced over and steam rolled to a lesser vibratory note, one must keep the shine down, to serve the greater good. I strangely find myself defending the true Masonic agenda, having seeing it full faced. I seem to feel as if I betrayed myself, by not carrying this torch of the Man on the outs. I was given to much insight, to much awareness, to much power, far to soon, and the way was mapped, etched within me, to be carried forth as warriors wrath. Their are not rules, as stated with the craft that perpetuates the wheel, with five spokes. When God is taken out of the picture, it all makes perfect sense, so God must be the dividing point...that is, those who fully know he exists, are on one side, whilst those who know he does not, are on the other. Rather, those who expect the compartmentalization of all things, as a separate consciousness, are displaying only their intellect, which can not be measured with IQ tests. The time factor with intelligence, as time does not exist as we suppose, nor God, becomes the revealing element that one must be able to answer quickly the fact to prove allegiance, thought facts do not exist either. We come full circle, or shall I say sphere, back to the main, being that of degree...then the symbols make perfect sense, as does depopulation. In that, if we are in conflict with our service, then we will not be suitable to carry out tasks, as workers within the hive, so these will neither see the fruits. This reveals the symbols, in that one either thinks in this rhythm resonant with the outside, and thus is a part of the community, and not a separate "individual", so the individual who takes offense to society, has displayed that they are not a worthy product, which wills to produce more.

 This bring us then to will, and what it is, for it is all "things". There are people who are perfectly happy today, who have never hit a rift, nor found things to be odd in the least...these are useful subjects, who are truly reliable components in the machine. "These" are thus deemed desirous seed to mark for later use/offspring, hence the degrees. They say knowledge is power, but what if I be supported as a force stemming from a different application of knowledge, and what "it" is. I find myself realizing that this only creates the unhappy proletariat, that is, that worthless part of the population, which is perfectly happy existing and being, absent any power plays, or rise to rule. The Nazi agenda begins to make more sense, in that, a perfectly functioning machine, that has not individualization in mind rules. We see that money perfectly represents this notion, and devotion to the cause. Success will occur in a capitalistic society, which all societies truly are, lets face it, when merit, titles and badges are respected above all else, especially human life, thus the sacrifice of a worthless beast, who is of far better use as food for worms (in the view of the production line).

 A functioning society works this way. We see that peace only breeds a complacency, when the goal is production. War produces hatred, excitement, martial arts, craft, without it, there would be no need. We feel a calm, a peace, which is only the undulation of current positioning within the sphere, at a set time cycle. As bombs go off on one side of the world, whipped mocha latte is the focus on the other.

These separate groups, or people...of common thought, are being suppressed, but in a forecasting sense. Of course the soldiers, of Man, will physically take over the hive, first. Of course the next thing to occur is that counter balance, the EPL symbol shows this. the physically IQ based superior, who can make the bombs, weapons and computers. Of course this will lead to the uprising of the Wise or Spiritually aware group of Man, who is thus superior to the former groups mentioned. When these groups can function as a unit, when all aspects of order have been submitted, documented and addressed, the true superior order will be the force which guides us all, this is the way of the hive, what makes wings fly. The Physical Man/Warrior became intelligent, he became spiritually aware...showing we are on the presupus of divine evolution, in its true sense. When the Spiritual Man, can brake free from the bonds of rule, set forth by now the IQ/Eugenic brain, the mind matrix will finally occur. This is known, in archives we can not see, the reason for the time repeat. Only the spiritual magi, messiah, who is inept in Eugenical society, those who are placed on ADHD/ADD medication, those who fancy fits of schizophrenic internal spiritual awareness and warfare....these are the future rules, the medicine men, the witch doctors, the prophets and the gods of folklore. The current agenda is quickly shifting to the paradigm, as the near era fast approaches. Thus the dumbing down and feminizing of the populous, which exists outside the hive elite...those deemed feckless worthless to the cause, are awakening. This we call the word of god, because this highly evolved true King, becomes that manifestation of God, within the sphere, hence he serves an even greater master, and so on. If the devil is anything, it is but the force of those physical thinkers hanging on to power, with as much machination and effort as possible. This only draws more power to the source, the King Force, that group of Magi, who again shall rise to the appointed place of total rule of the mind in motion, Merkabah, ORDER.

It was thus in the agenda to kill the gods...the warriors/titans had learned the ways. Separate societies working as one can only occur, sustainably, when we have all reached that critical stage of our development. Here the order becomes a craft, in that, the order is respected, as long as one respects the self, whom they do not know...a test of worthiness towards the next cycle step.

A massive sacrifice, which will keep something content for some "time" is fast approaching, and always is. There is no need to separate Baphomet from Man itself, or any other god passed worshipped. The truth is, that if no god exists at all, the precise chronological categorizing takes on a force of it's own. That is, if there are precise records kept, of all events, every where all the time, and an organization with method to educate themselves on all subjects, in fashionable time, hence the bonsesmen, and much more secret organizations, one would clearly see that the source of force MAN IN SYNCHRONIC PERFECT ORDER IS GOD, as Man takes on his own weight, and has. There may be nothing but Man, in all his various stages of development, everywhere all the time, that Man must be that perfectly balanced product of time itself, now he in control of time. What then do we sacrifice to, if there are no gods nor God? The Order is the answer, the order is what we are talking about today, in all sense of the word ORDER. Order is placement, order is perfection, order is revealing, order is healing, order is the teacher, order is the goal always. So we see, that when Man finds order, Man becomes his own God, for he needs not chastising nor outside reform, for he is perfectly contained from within, as a whole. That is, as Man, not divided, but as a single unit of force. The superior method has become the rule, as order, thus all those in disorder are subservient, chaos calling out for order. When this factor can be played with, altered, but in perfect order, the force which lords over Man is his God, thus we have had so many historical names, descriptions and values to God, as the all powerful being, which is everything. When "EVERYTHING" is cataloged, and no longer a rough descriptor, but known...everything, then and only then, can true order be manifest. Thus the peace we feel, comes from this divine order, that is, that which is above us. We are tested, told things, that we either intellectually or corporeally except or denounce/reject, which shows that degree of self in service to the greater self (order) in our reaction or pro action.

 The world is simple, if you can see it's existence in respected and understood separate spheres of exist/dimension. The goal thus is, to bring all dimensions into harmony, or order. Can you truly deny that the food in you body, your education, your freedom to denounce your current perception of political rule has not been provided by the very source which you now have the freedom to voice a fight (expression). The goal is very obvious, take the best balance of these spheres, cultivate them, and experience the Merkabah power itself up. I have a very strong feeling, that if this is ever done, the existence of God will never be questioned again, as this will be the only time, truly, when we undeniably resonate at such a high rate of Principle Order.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Master Race, by Stellar Mass~

 The reason for all religion, thus all forms of dictation/government is simple, and will answer all questions of divine "truth". Truth is after all what we come from, what we are told, what we know to be true, yet absent the same language. This is precisely why these seemingly infinite battles, between the right and the left, always end in "a lack of communication". What are we then always "communicating". We struggle to convince people of  "our view", so that we can validate ourselves trough others perception of us. We see the job before us, but not how the seasons of thought, or craft against us, may change "us", so that the pattern of consistency be broken. This is craft, this is seduction, this is implementing impurity, injecting it rather, into "the situation"
 The situation is our current state. Before even purity, there was "exist" in it's pure form, on another celestial plane (so to speak). We, as a people, buy the "Global Americana bullshit" simply because it is in our blood, our very will, as Men, to exist as a one. So, the religions, which "pop up" with such consistent undulation patterns, they may as well have been written by the observing mind, a Spenglerian effort? The one mind is so, in an era, a time, a season, not of a capricious "nature" but showing those consistent patterns of a brilliant preplanned corporate galactic "head". So keeping, the hive, buzzing with life, is to simply keep the passions and feelings directed towards the cause. A service to the "normalizing QUALITY". 
 Quality is the bartering phase, the quality of purity, in a given time, under a given cycle, what better way to accomplish this, than to spoon feed the one mind emotional intention to the newly born nation, which is why youth is so oddly over valued, as is genius. One does not possess youth in numbers/age, any more than one can possess genius, absent the source, and they are one, with no abstractions. It was the spherical separation in the first, which should be looked at, and known, and most likely has been. It is not the Man, but the Man as a player, in the game, a trusted ally, who, only needs to take the ball "so far". We forget, as we struggle for this "100% purity", that this will never be obtained, but must go on, forever searching, demanding answers. It is thus, highly important, that these mundane arguments and struggle of "right and left/wrong" be the aim, but that we begin to clearly and deductively begin to ask reverse questions, as say, Jesus, to find the answer, or really , the cause. The cause is to create such a labyrinth, for the "worthy" that the margin narrows, to ever smaller streams, until the common ancestor be known, revealed, to make firm, the undeniable proof, and startling reality, that there indeed is a master "race", which is in truth, and precisely, what we all fight for in our struggles with affirming our own quality of exist/being. We are not a people, not a common people, which is why we can not get along, nor do we live and work together. We live in isolated atomized units, after at times, looking for an entire lifetime for "our kind". We find, that without this, we have no purpose, nor cause. When we do find "our people" we (as a specific type), tend to become driven, or compelled, with similar passion as when we merely searched, for not validated our peoples as superior. This is the game, there is a competition. Only those who do not have this competition in their blood, will see truth as absent of outward competitive "rule", only to find, that you and your kind, now are winners, yet stuck within a realm of matter, of reality of exist, that binds US, to a time, a zone.

 I only bring this issue up, because it defines the non robotic life forms, in their quest IE the higher intellect. The question of Jesus, as a pure Son of God. To feel this presents, but understand the undeniable evidence, that his creation be essential, if we are say, in the common cause of improvement. Then to ask the question, why? When all the data is conscientiously compiled, we see that the implications lead to only one common answer:

There is no God, and someone had to step up? 


God is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the force of the right, as would be presumes, even shoved down our unsuspecting throats, but is the Balance of All. Meaning there is no good, no bad, only degree of culmination, to power. 

Thus when the accruance chain, be broken, the power chain is also broken. It becomes obvious, that affiliation is inevitable. 


These can all be found with mathematical certainty. That is do you exist? I, as an observer would or could validated this. We then look at the importance or significance factor with certain characters, which have been force fed to us, since birth. We find that the image of the Man, was not accurate, yet with our dreaming and forever child's mind, we had already excepted the baby eating charlatan as Pure and Just. We then ask ourselves what if sacrifice was a natural aspect of living? We see in startling measure, that the proof of exist, here too lies before US. 

Purity, how pure does the moment need to be? We find that complete Purity is never the factor, however, we seem to dream it, with child's eyes, into exist, like the Vatican and it's true cause, or any other pure figure head. We have found no pure ironical figure, only the staggering evidence, that the only consistent and perpetual factor be that the hive has a government a rule established by the winners in a zone, an era. So much more so, a continuous filtering effect be taking place, as if these types, as goal, were being sorted out. 

 Energy is all these things, and more. A soul is thus energy, and carries with it, the mark of exist, for a cause, else the static be absorbed by the greater "good", which as the Mason's squarely show, Good only be the preservation of a peoples, whether these people are vampires of gods is entirely observed by the onlookers, which are removed from the "victor's type".  Thus enter the slave, the slave "morality" is not in question here, but the slave Principle understanding, which is what be taught to them from before birth. 

 My greatest question was always, after factoring whether or not to dress for gym class, was why engage? Just because someone says, you are this and come from here, does not make it so, not through the vision of clarity, which degree does bring. It seems so many "types" join, "the order", as to show that commonality is the greatest achievement, the greatest aim. We find, that a petition, though we are silences, is the way to glory, it's just, who do we then "go to" as a ruler, a chief?" The only leaders are those compliant players in the game, as in the "genius", which is a single mind, and not from a single person. Our moments of genus are fully known to US, as we become a working cog, a part of the all mind. 

 I often times feel ashamed of myself, when coming to this undeniable conclusion, because it makes sense only when you are one of the down and out, the down trodden. Love seems to be the compelling err each and every time, that pursuit of justice superior within US. That the affiliation names the quality standard. We are not a people, though we are neighbors, we only endure one another, but see the differences, and tolerate the moment, enduring one another. We are not a family, competition is the mutants prize most, only polite and virtu based adversaries, you only "became" due to the opposition of what you could not except as self/exist. 

 Who are you then? Could you truly be who you always would be, no matter the obstacles? A life without pain only brings about the weak and fat complacent beast, no more. Pain is thus a gift, and has been granted, as suffering, to bring forth greatness, not as but another actor in this charade, but that of the ever living and passionate mind, which brings forth exist, for all. WE, a superiors birthed from pain, are the living and observing mind. How brilliant, or desperate, is again, only a measure of degree, by the initiator and the observer, in a pathos, a coitus, a perpetual energy producing machine. 

 The end product, is exist, with a passable purity. The EGO, can not be allowed to shine to brightly, as a one, Jesus stands as but another statement and example that the one who gets this, employs this knowledge, must work to the benefit of the hive, or be, by way of quantity over quality, sent back throw the wash. We see, that displayed in all outright and available working degree of measure, be the formula. This formula displays the amount, which may Exist, as to create a perpetual reality, sufficient in time space spin cycles, as to produce reality as in real estate. We then as hive, live to sell, and sales is fear. The one who can play with these Principle realities, without fear of repercussion by God, is the Master of a race. 


 The main question be, is this:

Do those who think God as myth, go to hell, or do they create it for all others? Or, is it quite the opposite?

 If genius were not law, then we would not pursue it, nor benefit from genius. However, we do see a tampering, a down playing with such proclaimed masterpieces, as to bring down the expectations of personal display. We are thus, instead, prized on becoming successful as mere components to the hive machine, only displaying a certain mark of genius, and type, as if we are being ruled by a master race, quite separate from our inclinations, as least those who fail the system daily, such as myself. One must then focus always on how the system can be improved upon, then to ask why? If you had the space ships, and supplies and a destination wouldn't you be more excited about leaving this placed, the peoples and the this system? Which is why, each time we come to this place, where the hive will infest the outer pleroma, we, are destroyed, rebuilt and fine tuned, as products, in the machine. Who's ego can then ever shine?

The Ra-Men podcast EP15 - Alleged Evidence for Jesus - with Robert Price.