
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Event~


 It is the fact of WHAT AN EVENT IS, which always speculates argument. That is, again, degree of accountability. To keep a peoples ignorant, perhaps keeps those too from rising to god like status? As in keeping the all mind awareness at bay? A fully developed person has to meet some sort of minimum standard, this we call Phi. It becomes more obvious that Phi indeed is Purity, on display. One must be able to rationalize what purity, entirely means, in the scope of each sphere, it however becomes a scary notion, raising goosebumps in fact, when we see that this all knowledge is that Luciferian vessel, both figuratively and factually, as both dimensions exist, as long as they are perpetuated to exist, with that employment of consciousness, by degree.

 So then, what is an event? Like a rape? Did you create the event first in the mind? To what extent? Are these feather weights of intricate detail, down to the last thought, surely scaled by a highest power? I personally find it more likely, that we are pressed to this self development within the sphere of our position, where we are, where we end up. In the end, feeling guiltless, and completely innocent is the goal, but no due of vagrant brain motion. One must in fact take full responsibility first, self persecute, walk as a prophet, fully vested, then to realize, that that first tainted act, of self preservation did not begin with you, you are after all just a child placed on the ride, are you not? These could be the very words of the devil, don't you think, at least in piety, for it is the all experience one must know, Gnosis, in order to fully know "who you are" and thus to become what you are.

 This is why measure is taken to such importance. I often come to the realization, that one must take on serious efforts, with total focus, then to look forward to the day, when it becomes common place. Imagine a much higher state or stage of consciousness becoming "old hat"? and to be of the awareness of all stages thus, we would be filled with such an empowering surge, we would have a hard time not becoming excited, even fanatic about the prospect of rule, only to find that we are thus back at the beginning, again. An event must take place, we are pressed towards it, but only when we are on review with the first council, our very dimensional superiors, or Lord's. We must pass through the same halls, our perspective be all that is varied. If this can be manipulated in any way, it would be to tamper with the seal of that persons very mentalism and awareness. In fact placing them within a false society, with false universal laws, and ever changing language, custom and rules. More to induce frequency wants, thus to shape the person into a child, who must return, to be ruled over, Lorded, another life time/day.

 We must press the event, force it even, so that we do not remain stuck in the perpetual loop. This is why it all comes falling down again and again, only to begin again. Full exposure was not your doing, nor what you were exposed to. The tools of judgement were given you falsely too, so that, these experiences did not amount to build a soul. So now you know those areas displayed in the EPL logos are in fact the spheres which will drive you to completion. Regarding the ways of the left or right, on must see these must be experienced with three basic first abilities or visions.


These are all feelings, which ushered forth senses. I believe that when even the pursuit be applied fully to a piece of paper, the event is taking place, as in what do you see when you look at a blank piece of paper, through these varied mental mind states? Does this brings in alchemy as a method to induce ever higher mind states, that is, the drug? The fact that we are always in purity, and only see ourselves impure due to shame, is again, not our doing but a planted thought. Much of the Bible, I believe, is meant this way, as to create a statement of fact, in the question of such an "event", IE it has been  said, so it is? I do not agree, and challenge the challenger, that is, the Jew, as to say, no it's not, now prove it. It seems that the proof, Biblically speaking, rarely matches, the initial question, instead a miracle of fantastic magical effort then leads to assumption, or, is this again but fear? I would like to see what happens when this total mind awareness is utilized fully as a  token of peace for all, leaving no one out, with capitalism, money and sex left far in the past, when we awaken with celestial eyes and know fully who we are again, never to lose grip on the knowing.

 And so, I set the event at 61.8%, this is the measure of all aspects, or spheres. Together, we press forth to complete these in a life, then to know what life is meant for. Those who see this, in times passed, become removed and are then considered a tribe. The tribes have been absorbed now, so that we do not remember who we truly are. The only way to do this, is to do this as a unit of one, whoever now we see the agenda emerge with the population making this near to impossible...however, an event could make anything possible, as in another biblical miracle?~

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