
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Paradox of Pain~


"Nephilim" Stellar Mass 1/2 done work 2015

 "It is not that God and Satan do not exist, but that these are gods pulled to Lord over that main sect, of forcebot driven humanity, in Abrahamic tradition."

While the struggle between dark and light, good and evil, take place within rules zones of spheres, there are greater and more exclusive events that take place, with those who have realized, perpetuate, thus to become a part of a greater force or understanding. Some, most, struggle against this Principality, as they demand freedom, in an exclusive member only club, or organization.

This becomes a statement, the rebellion, towards those who have ascended above this limited mind. The pleasure is undeniable. The cults, which arise, are planned, one and all. Those who through a particular belief system around, claiming affiliation, yet not understanding it's origins, will ultimately be defaulted into a "sacrificial system or belief".

The argument of God, in existence, keeps a certain type of person, of a certain mind "set" (as in the god, don't be fooled by lexicon, it is very planned). Thus for most who adopt an ideal or idea of Christianity, do so with an indoctrination of "what this sentence, parable or passage/message" may mean. When this is done, the omnipotent mind, which be free to all, for each individuals development, to affiliate to a larger group or energy force, which dominates. We are thus a single soul, the spirit is a far lesser, more localized event (a tree, a witch). It is thus more yielding, to the larger majority, which rules, to not waste time, which be actually effort, or impact to event, in timeless space, with those who are predispose, as mart of a weave/web or lower/carbon/physical dimensional based spirit form. The spirit of an event (Football, Church), is something we are told (indoctrinated with), and thus to join a simple rally, that seems fun, you are now a part of the frenzy.

I higher, more intellectually based affiliation is thus in order. These "orders" have been around since the dawn of time, what ever that is? Simply stated, as Time is again, bent light, traveling about a sphere or affiliation of it's own, so is but a fabric, to the will or purity, depending on what the sphere be made up of, or filled in with, the very substance. It all seems quite simple, when I explain it, and I seem to have a total grasp on it, even when I use fill in placements myself, for that which I do not excel in, but should and will to know.

When  this higher level mind force is thus entered into, by the natural, they can come and go as they please. Yet, there are no rewards for the understanding, or rather, there has been no barter of the accomplishments value, because the natural observer, is now looking onto that next level, or phase, or at the greater sphere, and is thus not bound to formula. Many do not realize when they have used anthers franchised information, as this information or knowledge, has taken the form of illusion, but is in fact indoctrination of a specific corporate in incorporated as in affiliated franchise system, which ties as ritual to the source, IE what the brand, product or system came from, and was intended for.

We begin to see the frustration instantly with physical life, in that absent of over eating, sexual pleasuring, entertainment, boast of superior methods or means, thus to be absent the statement "I am" as in, I am god, the world become a boring place. Most however are incapable to ascend to this higher level of awareness, as they are but spirit forms of those 3 divisions.

God's are not liked in society, not true god's. Those who call themselves god's or use the term, as an ascension, are in fact overtaken, or forcebot run, by malevolent spirit beings, who, out of jealousy, killed those Kings, and Rulers. Capitalism, is thus, a celebration of the destruction of those god's. Jesus hanging on the Cross, I see, from my many studies, is a warning, as to not shine brightly, if you indeed hold affiliated, to this religious affiliation as source of higher transcended force.

I often think "what are these people reading this for?", if you have read, then you are indoctrinated by my superior concepts. These places of achievement, took place, due to spiritual victory, over having to chose, not one side nor the other, but to see the long standing futility, of this multi-dimensional civil unrest. Stories of old, just as seeming fresh stories, are the same stories, and the same forces. There was, I am inclined to believe, a fall, very long ago, which the Bible discloses, in large part anyway, as to an event so impacting, that the repeat, of such, as a rippling effect, shaped space/time, as we know it.

 There is a polarity shift occurring, everyone knows it. However upon further review, this has created a spiritual and universal friction if you will, that has force an awakening/expansion/higher level demand of affiliation. I was never happy, always under attack, but had excepted there were certain things I would avoid, not unlock. The quadrants of understanding were set upon me, and thus I was force to ascend. There are spiritual leaders awakened now, in that, they are leading that newer and higher from of perception of what ascension means, on an ever larger scale or degree.

 The rationality of God, as said, is irrelevant, in that I needed be pressed to discount, not affirm God's existence, else this would be the most pressing thing, Man quests towards. It may seem that we are doing this, that is battling this concept out, but the truth be, that we are battling a preconstucted game, if you will, of this indoctrination IE the whole thing was orchestrated, and was someone Else's idea or ideal. For one to thus jump to, I hate God, does not see, that we have only been told, to believe, that God is suppose to be responsible, for aspects of our lives, inner thoughts and actions, which are mundane and expected in those actions of undeveloped beings. Once we assert towards our ascension, to this higher mind, we then see that we are believed in, thus we too, can believe. This reveals more and more the intellectual thirst and direction of the initiate. The term initiate thus be simply that once, who ventures forth, towards that place beyond life and corporeal death, then that place where one is but a part of that greater but very small and isolated spiritual force, as sphere or earth. One thus ascends towards a higher service, through that struggle of multiple perspective, and thus more and more, reveals their own inner workings or a  more pronounces scale/degree. We are now, nearly exclusively a part of one of those main energy segments of force, which we see manifest, in our interpretation of our own perspective or reaction, toward events, their meaning, as well as impact (Masteller Impact Force). We are now thinking exclusively in Mathematical or Philosophic terms or both, which apply directly towards understanding these Principalities, as a massive entity force rule or what is.

The EPL Principles free one from the bog of getting sucked down into mere Principalities, or those which called themselves Principles, only to set up a sort of rule or democracy or autocracy, yet where one aspect of the total substance has been changed, thus all which pertain to these 3 dimensions, are thus existing, a matrix, within a certain color, frequency, light spectrum and spherical representation, truly a projection of this mind.

 The Pentagram is what is, because it be offered to the Americanized public, as 5 points of rule, where the ego of this autocracy is hailed. This energy locks the people into a very small intellectual affiliation of arrivement.

Pain is undeniably the greatest, and only teacher. The truth of why we like sex, has to do with a death excitement. The pain of friction, of wanting but not wanting, of pulse and stretch the towards other natural phenomenon, where if continued, two forms of flesh would invariably consume one another. The female does not stop after the act has been done. She as witch as an earth spirit form, is succubus. She will feed off the living, as she is named as that daughter who learned to weave, webs, wrapping Man, in the matrix of false franchised space/time, a spiders web, if you will. He has been caught, as to validate, that which was never truly an event of impact or importance, she piggybacks on Man's will to learn all ways, only perverted by her sense of sustaining a community, which justifies her theft, as now represented as the teeter totter between good deeds, yet to play both sides. She was created for such a purpose, for she is he, in lesser secondary form, man incarnate within this Faustian perpetuated mental mind set, of limitation and far lesser degrees, hence the Pentagram does not signify womb-mans ability or number but the force or spirit she serves, in order, that she may receive pleasure and validation of existence, when she does not, in the grand field, where energy of Pure form, rules the celestial heavens.

All this is meant to distract you, from your true mission, NOT, to pronounce that you are God, which be also irrational, but to know that Rule or destruction be eminent. This, if used in carnal existence only, would be Marxist, but with Purity, becomes the factor of separation from such ideology, of autocratic means, the fascist.

I am, however, impressed, at what Man knows, what he reveals, and how the laws are laid out for all to understand, now only to gain the vision, to understand. We pray truly to see, be able to have the skill set to understand, our level of consciousness or awareness be essential to our experience. We are thus always praying for more power, yet to pray for the Principle, that be delivering this enlightened and energized state of being, as a constant flow of force. From the Pure source this is the Holy Spirit, all that we need to rationalize and to thus have Faith. We now that this Holy Spirit must function about an even greater level of awareness, and so this concept of Uber Got emerges, fully undeniable, yet irrational to waste time worrying about validation of existence, for this power runs us, and believes in us, when we follow these Principles. The evidence, will only be respected, long after the goal be won, and the order of true purity be established.

Many people have gone "insane" under the scope and scrutiny of God, as fact, along with all other hosts from "the book". The Book was created, and worked, for the unintelligent masses, as in solar deity, which provided the food from the seasons. These prayers, produced something called faith, which has scientific fact based Placebo effect, it's lack proves towards insanity, which does not exist when faith be present (faith as a separate constant that is). Whether God be real, those other hosts, which come by way of rationality, cause and effect, up and down, good and evil, right and left.

 That which we assume then as spirituality, is assumed thus, as cord connected to this concept of God. I will not go further, as to support an atheist view, because all you have to do, is go on any valid atheist site, to educate yourself on this. I find this measure to be important, as a valid argument of equal or neutralization, thus to leave a dial there, of current extreme, which demonstrates much more so, what is going on "out there", in this knowledge is power. That is, the knowledge of why things seem so insane, when insanity does not exist, but is create from conflicting final solutions.

 This is primarily why EPL stands superior, scientifically as capable of at least allowing one to gain back their primary focus, with mental mind application, on the multifariousness which does exist, the sphere, in motion. The fact that this table is black, before me, can be disproven, when getting closer, very close, to the table, when color no longer exists, or when the light which reveals the table, be somehow filtered or altered. These together, still prove my original hypothesis, that the table, dimensionally speaking, as a constant, for the past 10 years I have seen it, is in fact black, though by way of degree of it's color when exposed to this scrutiny.

 What I am saying to you quite candidly, is that proving God, to exist, is in fact not relevant, and is the cruel trick, placed on that sect of society, which can not escape this in born irrationality, thus producing a breakdown, insanity, when faced with those degrees of internal relevance. In other words, production is far more important than rationalizing God, in that the Bible was primarily produced, to keep the people looked down at their work, without being "polluted" by that unfortunately intelligent family member or co-laborer, which extended this Knowledge, onto the people, as valid argument.

 The argument will thus remain in your head. The argument will nag and pull at you, until you begin to hear voices, that are quite simply not there, based on the validity that they are not physically present to anyone, but you. You are arguing out rationality and the only things that are truly relevant or  rational are the very topic as Principle of higher command, which keep you going, towards a long fruitful life.

 Religion or dogma based Christianity proves itself as a killer of the gods of intellect, within you. However!...this does not discount a pure and perfect Son of a Creator, for in his actions he proved to be all that he seemed and claimed. It is just that the same rational argument we thus discovered to Father, applies to Son in that "The existence of God, and thus Jesus, are not rational, but to say that the Principles they teach, as aspects of self, within, and that greater morality, which should thus exist in others, outside of you head, are in fact held to these Principles". This does not mean that these are Universal laws, because they are not. Now whether or not our Universe is a person, planet, solar system, galaxy or Universe, is thus irrelevant, in the fact that the arrivement of this does not effect our physical science, in the immediate vicinity of need. Only when we ponder Light, and it's speed, and other degrees of this constant, which is bent, does this claim towards rationality or irrationality, come into play...through that application, of technology.

 God has never, not once, appeared. I have never seen Angels, or evidence that they appear, other than to appear as scary aliens, or other dimensional Overlord's, the documentation and evidence on this is such a large stack, a government disclosure be based around it. The problem arises, that we always must rely on the reports of other capitalists to validate what God said, or what occurred in their own lives. I have personally witnessed events, which would cause fundamental questioning, but only in light of taking that dogma of very early life brainwashing and education, as a means to totalitarian control. If God were in need of being rationalized he would thus appear. If Angels were what they are purported to be, messengers of God, they would appear. Now we have the unfortuneateness of technology to now cause fakery, around this vision/appearance based fact to the masses. Here we can thus only rely rationally on science currently as we call it, to once again validate the facts, by closer inspection of these scientific based fact Principles, EPL.

 We rationally have sphere as a unit before us, around us and within us, things we can see, and can not see, as displayed in fields. We can at least call Pi and irrational number, and thus see that movement, as a constant, only validates Pi, in dilation, or undulation with yield (as in orbital rotation about a body, as to produce a detectable and foreseeable outcome, as energy).

 Those of us stuck between these scientific understanding and thus the lexicon, or truly slang, of the time (when the Bible and other Holy books were written), must see that this was the science available to the time and masses, as food for thought, or scientific rational understanding. This all leads to mass hysteria in the end, because the masses now, those workers of lesser intellectual ability, are thus be educated and validated by schools, universities, based about irrational conclusions or means. As in the case of Psychology. in that personal alchemy, is all that can truly aid the individual from this madness, upon arrival of that application of rational thought. Thus psychology as a viable occupation, is madness in itself, leading towards one rabbit hole of assumption, in the way that people commonly work, when this as a practical means, hold no more validity that God being proven or disproven, is irrational. we have only again, to walk away with the Principles. A healthy diet, life style, and fact based conclusions, which support the modern trend, become our sphere in it's current form of dilated understanding.

What becomes obvious, which leads me to push this publicatoin away...deem it as near enough to done, to thus prove it's undeniable superiority and capacity, is that the whole things loops back round. God, to us, currently, is the Elite group which made us, governs and monitors us and thus cultivates the form. We are thus both being killed, molested and destroyed, yet only by way of the extent of that bondage of mental mind state, which we ourselves asserted to and chose. In this, painful even to say, as victim, for which we all are, is that pain be the course to total developement and expression. That there can be no murder nor death, because the gift is karma or life in succession, with the promise, only if discovered, of that ascention, to ever higher forms, where there is indeed a place of the most high, that is to be found through only struggle. The lesson is there, in all those things we do. That one who understands that success of any persuit, comes only by way of total involvement, which causes what is then terms as first a breakdown, or insanity, which is overload to the system. The form is not valid, and thus the crises simply be that realization that all that you thought you knew, was such a limited aspect or part of that total strain.

 What I discus here, if spoken with math as language, would held  genius, in the wake of Physiques, yet dangerous in the way of theocracy, in that, it threatens all threads, stemming back to the great deception, or franchise on human suffering. To say that all knowledge is thus yours, yet that the perversion of playing within one excrment is thus, to perform a statement, of ritual act, which takes the initiate back to a place, which is lower in developement, we then leave a track, or trace trail, of our very thougt. action. deeds.

Apha, Theta, Beta, Delta, Gamma wave patterns, can better destribe the pure form of these thought messenger affiliations, and how we become one force of the other, then onto owning the very zeropoint energy in that, I am the higher mind, of that which permiates and enters all things, spaces, times, zones and regions. I am that Stellar Mass, that is, until I have deemed, by way of degree, all that be held rational, as lesser to that final cause. Thus it is irrational to prove/disprove God, you do not have the tools, so a wasted life. Yet, it is entirely relavant, to chase and expand on ever higher mind concepts, which places you into that madness catagory, in that, you must now ascend by way of all possible spherical representation, becoming the best possible version of the self, in all ways. The law stands against you, as principality. The matrix is quite real, and this substance is part of a massive ever expanding awarenes, where we can only ever ask as a child, yet grown, meaning, we now know there are no facts, but ports, and while we remain, we are prompted to know that Pain will teach us, to soon move on, or become a fixture, as in carbon, to a dead and dying past dimensional represention, a reflectoin/projection of the self. So one could assert fully, that we are indeed, a projection that one self, only to place in our limiteless will, favor and privillage to that one which we call the Father, yet to be known as Uber Gott, the ever expanding God, to magnificent to rationally claim, for Uber Gott, is a term for everything (All that exists as the One Force)

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