
Thursday, April 23, 2015

The progression into regression~


There are those occupations, which force the subject, to exist within a synthetic environment, 24 hours per day.

At first you say 'it makes no sense', that 'there is simply no way this can be real!', then you go on with the notion, that the reduction into survival, into the knowledge, will always uplift you, with due diligence. In this, you have been boxed, and soon corner into your like. The only way you could support the family, aid you ego, and balance all things laid before you, which you think you chose, is to reduce to the worship of money.

 Yet, when the cycle comes to it's dip, as cycle in this unsteady dimensional world do, and are seen and planned as such, the money simply no longer exists. Now that the money is gone, along with the money, in that money system, false title. nothing you know applies to the truth, which you are now beyond your very elbows in.

 You did, after all, jump onto the recruitment wagon, like a good little girl, or boy, long ago. taking the protection of law, as a suitable means for you, as it were for you "guardians".

 Now that you are trying to wrap you head around this money-less system, you find that you again, that you will not be able to apply any of that past rational career based strategy in this world, in which you are now but a sacrifice. That is of course, unless you chose to work against the people who suffer around you. Then you become the self serving brute, people truly are inside, when conquest be revealed as the only system of belief, for all those who wish to survive now.

 You say you are god, that you are in total control of all that happens in your world. You fail to see that the imagination cast, and supported, now as reality, was after all, of and by way of a general consensus by the people, who were however mislead into fantasising upon such notions. No one ever said, think and become anything you will, but that it must contain a balance of purity, as this soon to be self regulating is now powered by the Holy Spirit. The rituals of dichotomy are being done now as we speak, at least upon that next astrological event, as precession moves a motion, about the sphere, which contains all our thoughts, imaginations, wills thus wants and desires. How much Purity be supported, regulated and taught as the peoples way, is now forgotten with that desperate task based survival 'mode', which you created within in hopes to gain favor over you fellow.

 As in the case, of young couples, doing what they have been told to do, migrating through these synthetic pastures of "life", each has a program task, thus displaying a locking on device or mechanism, which keeps hold of a stock, a generation, to strict purpose as task, for their group. We pretend that we actually enjoy being a part of any sub-group, still seeing ourselves as individual, but this is where all those thought machinations first be born, and come into play, for you must support the nation, and it's King, and only seem to work with the people, in your sub-class, for common cause or purpose.

 Genius and self, be taught whilst given the task to perfect the information on a single blank sheet of paper. The job, is to spend an entire week, working for at least 8-16 hours per day, on perfecting and creating some sort of Art, that personal expression of all thoughts into one sheet of paper. The truth is, a single sheet of paper, is all that is needed, when that reduction of genius, be your only task. We find genius to be of this frequency supported grouping, of the hive. The genius quite exists without, and is more so found in similarity, within, which is how the harmony begins. There is then a familiar notion which occurs, (family/familiar). You then begin to smell, see and sense when the genius is being called upon, by inner self. Rare, outside childhood, will the genius, as Angel, awaken you, with the feeling of sound into charge to motion. You become excited, in pure form, and it is then whether or not the toddler's discovery of source, into force, will be supported or destroyed. This is the world, and what takes place, a Baby purity wrecking machine.

 Here in this moment is when "God", be excepted or pushed away, that is, the Holy Spirit willed, by knowledge, to be the higher force agent, in this child's life potentials. When an event takes place, within this containment field, it will effect, by way of that greater percentage we shall call "what is", which becomes womb-man, the aspiring Man. We, on this planet are given an order, which we may call nature, as that mind supported perpetuated, by the elite cause. For the long, it was found that the homeostatic balance, must be the goal, in that it be so seemingly difficult to observe. It was later discovered, which unlocked the conspiracy reality, that this mind of balance, is being attacked, by those who call themselves teachers, guardians thus gods, to the aspiring form, which is ironically more than complete at birth. You see, it was always found in the constant and not broken relishing of "Baby", as all that ever be needed, the pure truth lay before us still.

 Yet you say 'what can a baby teach me of money and title?", this spoken by all, and ironically spoken by that first greedy witch, that first laid her hands on Baby in his pure form with total will as the guiding force, to unlock all worldly wants already within her. The world thus ends, moment to moment, and especially during events, which do not support the world, as reality, of which we now know it. The imagination and will of the people, is what keeps the world stepping to some seeming like mode. Getting what you want, is your goal. Purity as Principle however involves letting go of what you want, in order to separate yourself from the greater agenda. Partial Purity wont do. When a massive shift, of consciousness has thrown off what balance is, the form as a event, a species, will no longer have the same center point, nor it's extremes of degree remain the same.This, taking place now is the progression into regression, un-deniable.

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