
Monday, April 20, 2015

Future scope~


 The Elite, quite simply, are not ignorant nor dishonest, at any moment, of their true wants and desires to themselves, and family, mostly. While the word follows laws, the elite follow but a code. Things like, 'if you keep something dear, keep it away from me', become honest and true statements, as to reveal a Man who denies himself nothing. So it is denial that is coached to the nation. That one should succumb finally, driven by "natural" impulses, towards giving into his passions, to set the course of his life, it is just that this Man be forcibly kept ignorant, as to realize himself, his true wants and desires. Only the self regulating, self generating, self reliant Man can get to this place, when the mind finally be free. The higher mind calls on a cast of people, found in types, pre-conceived as math certainty, to be active or held static as a back, up, each person active or relatively inactive, within the machine. This world, this sphere is a near flawless product, doing exactly what the perpetuating frequency of mind project to us all daily, as sub-frequency as well as blatant mind control always,. Those many visits to the past, placed a false flag on certain entry points, if not all, in portal time travel development. We have reached such dimensional certainty, to have locked down this singularity, into the emerging future, which we have fully entered into now, for a 9 year repeat of such events, which shall take place now and on. Certain legislative sections must be offered, by higher powers above, dimensionally superior, must take action when entering into a time signature change. We reached the pinnacle together, and the singularity of mind has been set, we have ascended as a peoples, and the Elite have equipment, and are aware. This is the last chance they have to restore order, I believe these are desperate times for the Elite, desperate times, desperate measures. They no longer have that intellectually superior control, now that purity is being actively seeked, by the masses, growing.

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