
Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Elite Roth(e)schild thought process "Franchise to a rule"


"Franchise to a rule"

 I had the idea down, pretty firm by now. Due my "discovery", that it is (and always was), experience which drive chaos into order. There is, in the final "a life" singularity, in that. Only seemingly found in ones "inexperience", do we see a need to "divide" each unfoldment of time/space separate, by way of the illusion of division .
 Experience is then, essential time, and space, that fabric, which culminates into worlds. It is experience which is shunted, blocked, with great ardor by those who know this secret. Was and is it not sin, which is deemed experience, falsely, for a moment, Biblically speaking? That is, the interpretation of events, that lead to a full out Life experience, which shapes us. Could it not be said then, that innocents is also an experience? For this we term Anti-Christ, and therefor devil, one who simply must know/Gnosis.
 The great fall, of Angels, illuminated by the light, spherically thinking, contemplating that these ancient stories are not but a parable to the great knowledge which lay before all Man, and the bartering of  life experience, as the true sacrifice to sacrifice Purity, at least temporarily, in the moment (where events take place).
 Each line thus, of a well experience Man, an Artist, may seem random, but in his seemingly mindless drivel, that leader of experiences interpretation, of communication, creates a master piece, perhaps? There is far less err, as one gets closer to this golden sphere of awareness. It becomes essential, only prior to experience being condensed, as black hole empty into singularity, or one, that moment we may deem this singularity of experience as A Life.

 Life never ends? Moments unto events, events onto experiences and experiences onto a masterpiece, a life, gives we who have contemplated and dissected "what is", and seems to be, towards that grand notion of "there must be more!"
 It all beings and ens with a maddening question, which plagues most, who have taken up the elites "propaganda", of what comes next? We see that those who have well answered this question, become the center point, to that ruling mind, setting those standard levels the master of switches now(a wizard), for all, within the pleroma of this first brand, of liberation from "finite thought", become your leaders to a cause. This interpretation is thus challenged, only by that higher mind, where all experience becomes one, an Angel of light, perhaps inspired?

 We, as a momentary collective mind, of that heard in expression, the moo of beast, which states "I live, therefor I am" use what now seems common judgement, in this way as a statement that 'I know more than my fellow, and will challenge him to this', only revealing in this "gesture", that experience be you lack. "We" or rather "U.S." emulate that greater attempt at abusing the system, that is, by freezing our experience, in progression, the rotation, in order to further emulate that enjoyment of The Moment. This relishing is and creates greed, at least the isolated static "nature" of such a sentiment, as to limit others experiences around you, in order to franchise then on "title".

 This is the fundamental way, of the elite, shown obvious by that taking on, the worship of superiority. It is always found in that praise of ever, never, satisfying ego, that reveals the process, that application of domination. Only the pure are released from the notion to say "I did that". Thus sin, seen as individual experiences, thus we may title all here, truly "atomites" (within the confines of the "pleroma"/a sphere) may see more clearly, that the term nature, hides behind this silly mask.

 Nature is but perpetuation of what is. Abuse a child and he, as the abuser wills, to freeze him in the notion. With enough "time repeats", purity, as original notion, be no longer recognized as that, point of return. Rather, the person has changed, as their will towards experience, has now been infiltrated, infected by that self assuming "higher mind" in motion. The abuse be that physical or verbal expression of "I did that, that therefor I am", the ignorant "achiever", in this madness goes further to state, in his the staticness (yet not having been validate as stasis), of nature as truth, as to say, "I am thus the master of my domain, and too, your god". It is only when this insanity of thought system be cast upon others, we may deem this one divided from the heard, as perpetrator. However when these become a group, and the group becomes experience, as a whole, God is found, in unity. Those who sit under this mind, who simply are not capable to understand, will look upon them, and state with no reluctance, "This is God", again, from that shallow perch, or that ignorance, nature perpetuate, of static cause.

 The one who goes away, from the heard, contemplating the order "what caused the event", will see the system, not the mere savage in the attempt of expression, as revealment of that code. There is thus a Masterpiece, in recognition that one is not the master, but surely looking deeper into that master code, the interpretation of God, found in the stands, those followable perspicuously persistent streams of thought, for this we may site entanglement.

 Entanglement takes place, when common minds, of like, be one. An open air way, a stream of steady but constant communication information, be shared on this frequency of like minds. When the minds become one, the power of Merkabah be first known. The cultivation of this, is it's application, as method. There is a divine method, found revealed in all crests, symbolic, of dynasties in disclosure, as to imply to God, in fear of being discovered as but perpetrator "I did tell them the way, but they were not equal". Oh the ignorance of such elitists, as to assume ignorance now as the nature of ignorance, for they too must have a perpetrator in this.

 The underlying problem, found in the assumption of "such rule", be that the perp sees himself fully in command of anti-principle as a full experience, not seeing the expression of anti-principle, holds in it's esteem seemingly different traceable code, as to the sacrifice of anti-principle, and the physical wisdom too, so that, these sphere of energy transfer, be taken as static will. When there is motion, never ceasing (within the pleroma), what the elite use as "curren(t)/cy perpetuate", the very craft crux to their ego driven money system  the revelation of a life works as experience, a nature, a personality be revealed. Nature then, as the perpetuation of this, adds the victim will hide. It is however set to the tempo of 50/50 odds, on whether or not that one who has victimized, will not first silently plot the extinction of the perpetrator, as to show his nature as culmination of the same, these we call psychopaths. A psychopath sees the nature of aggression, aggression as the nature, taking to heart now, what is (that limited exposure to higher concepts). The psychopath excepts the system. We then see the dichotomy of how a static system, called nature perpetuate, breeds perpetrators and stalkers, titled successors. There is an unseen, unheard, and unknown third archetype, if you will, who sees things in a far different way. Removed somehow from the identity of experience, a part of his brain be always connected to that greater mind in motion, somehow his birthright, the all minds like. Separate, but not divided, he can and does think in separate spherical representation of dimensions in expression. He is the victim, he is the aggressor, he is that far removed observer, his holds the vision and view from the perpetrators dropped guard as he was beaten, as that perp showed his true colors, only truly existent in the physical world. The communication with the all, set forth, and was fully understood by emotional heights. The perpetrator unlocked the all as teacher, pain and it's expression, as to invalidate the abuser/perpetrator, as a higher mind. The audience, massive, looked on, from all celestial heavenly planes, watching, observing now, as the Perpetrator cut himself off from the higher mind, echoed from his the dumbness of his self affirming expression of dictate absent that knowing/Gnosis, of the spheres in constant energy transfer, he stated himself there and forever more, of finite means, but a cog...he is divided from the all. Most Perpetrators will seem to gain award from this collapse, into single vision (another's black hole, the prior highest dead end mind). The Perpetrator excepts himself as nature, blames nature, lives within the confines of this synthetic nature, and is now a part of the cause, no longer a potential threat, to that current anti-principle based, higher mind.

 To franchise is to gain foothold on capitalization. Further to become a part of the current/currency of the moments system order. The smiles, and handshakes of gentlemanly "expression" hides the blood thirsty contempt that 'we are indeed friendly enemies, in competition'. The third archetype, the illuminated, which the Illuminati are titled to block from development and his rightful ascension thus, will be left out from the title demanding initiation, of right and left. He is the knowledge the Angel. He understands that information and more so disinformation are revelations to each(s) affiliation and like...the goal of each person, be instantly and undeniably revealed. This fully liberating mind master, who follows the highest master, eternal, is the very mind of God, God's will, as Messiah mind liberation.

 One must understand the lexicon or truly the anthropology of one based meaning, in the expression of their language, to be held thus accountable for any legal breach. This is that enmity of discourse between lowly serpent, and the truly liberated higher mind in motion, language. In other words, you assumed, by way of assumption/judgement, that you knew who I was, thus what I am and where I am going (the goal of my being). You became frightened, in the revelation that you could not follow the trail of my thoughts, as they were, in the moment, multifarious to you, seeming many. You then become reliant on the nature, that others too, these we may call demons, relied simply on this nature perpetuate. This nature, or law, on which you rely, is the embarrassment of that greater statement of the pleroma, an isolated sphere of continued and insistent seemingly operational conduit, which be validate by the ignorance of perceiving the sphere as truth, but only from with it's confines, and methods, mad, hearkened from false/synthetic origins, to spin back round to the same finite point (as in making a point in conversation with ratio/reason-less etymology, the crux to the origin, that affirmation of what is, as ritual in lingo/language. The language be the affirmation, along with number systems, based on the same rhetorical expiring life/death anti-principle, in motion. Never to hearken the truth as purity, but to still seek aid in franchise, as in to truth the psychology, history, fact of illusion...thus nature is create only by the long running ignorant mind, the absents of Purity as Truth.

Isolate a single sphere of exist, as code of law. Rally the support with the influence of demand 'This is all you will be shown, so this is law, thus your universe as proletariat be limited to this sphere'. The anger of people, when faced with undeniable reality that technology, space travel are not what they think/assume, and further have been around forever, as tools of abuse and galactic rule, will be undeniable.  The Mind of Messiah, calls out to the false night "REVEAL ALL", so that this synthetic falsity, will reveal the purity of truth before you. You were born into the falsity of sin, as isolated experience, in rhetoric, and you are thus bound to die, in the containment of this pleroma, a prison, yet, is it not the reintroduction of purity as truth which labels all falsity as such. That is, the true liberation to serve a much higher master, the highest in fact, which instantly invalidates and reveals the Perpetrator(s) for what they are?  It is thus essential that more authenticity be added to the past and current "elite rule". In this, we see the disclosure of such "gentlemen", in the same symbols, and themes, only giving enough a peak, to those who see the source, and flow of this true cause. The door is only open but a crack, one must have access to this first etymology, found in the EPL spheres as code, to liberation, to decode and understand. This we call the mind of Messiah, but does not claim be, replace of represent the purity of the perfect Son. The fact have been changed, like all things, leaving parable as the only esoteric teaching code. One must read between the lines, through the eyes of experience, then to return to Purity as the origin, the source, to see the grand illusion, breeds and kills all, within the pleroma, of it's like/kind. Liberation is thus, to no long be "it's kind", and to chose the truth in purity, the purity of truth. All that we then esteem as experience, fact and sin, is thus, false. We have not been able to live, nor liberated to do so. We have thus to demand a life, a living, and not further anchor, burden to the the cause. The cause, which is, for the elite to rule as gods, keeping their successors of pure mind in motion, from, knowing this purity in motion.

 One can not assume those manifestations of a prior young, seemingly inexperienced, as innocent, Nor can thus one assume innocents as purity. We are born into the sin machine, in constant enveloping versions of the same, hence this pleroma/prison, thus we are represent of the same "mark of Cain" if you will. It is in found thus in this physical rediscovery of purity, as truth, thought holds contrary to the truth of survival, surviving nature, at large, as to become a part of this truth pure truth. We then are given the opportunity of the full expression of this ultimate and never ending, eternal mind in motion, granted a pass to the way things always should have been, minus "the fall". If Jesus spoke in parable, then the Bible at large is writ in the same? A parable is truly the expression of greater hidden meanings? Rather, the spheres of energy transfer, shown in the EPL mantra, direction and Sign/sin/center, show that parable is a multifarious spherical representation, of these many perspectives/types/like, culminate into one experience, when understood with the celestial mind. The main point here, is that once understood, liberation first calls for healing the unhealthy assault on the body of the person, the learning, in mend, by way his new or rediscovered understanding of purity as this pleroma's enemy. It's not that the earth is evil, or nature is evil, but that this be birthed from perpetuated evil sources. In this world, we find that nature has misinterpreted the pure truth, but forever seeks it's balance. Seek and ye shall find, can only be accomplished by those who can first understand, or are never inhibited in the first. An Angel, the Illuminated one, is thus that one who have traveled through hell, and shed light on the savagery of demons. Nature responds to purity as light in this way. There would thus be a continuance of life to true liberation, so the elite have created falsity on this as well, under the guise of religion. Yet, the disclosure shows, that the elite fragment the truth, so to place in the Bible warning, that the Unified Mind in search for Purity, and the arrivement of such, is evidence of an "Anti-Christ". Amorous behavior, reveals this faulty system thus. As experience alone has left one open to example of the same, experience as word (remember what we said about word/language). That is, again excepting "what is" as truth, and thus using the tools, takes one back to the so called "dark ages", hence the revelation of the chess board. Chess is not a universally sound/played game, but the disclosure of how this two dimensional world operates, as program, within a finite 3-D frame/the pleroma/EM outer shell/the ceiling. We thus find the term gentleman revealed in the statement 'I see that you are indeed a slut/pleasure seeker, gaining knowledge absent quest for Purity.  I will flatter your avoidance of what and who you are, further, to use my elite spherical knowledge/understanding of what makes you tick (knowing you as a produced), as a cog in the machine, in order that I may franchise on you/the force/, in this false moment of what is'.

Stellar Mass
Infinitum Secretiore, A hail to the final and permanent separation from the Perpetrators of "what is". This can only be seen, from the scope of that greater sphere, outside these atomized grids we call nature, the rhetoric, time repeat.

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