
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

An event to remember, the event, or abuse train/cycle~


I write as if it were my last moment, because it always be, the last moment. outside of drama entirely. This world is completely backwards, flipped. It has nothing and everything to do with the myriad of reasons why, as in the polarity switch, but in fact, it always come down to one thing, a massive political projection, by the people, for the people. The people are needed to react, as fuel, to any situation. The mind of the people, is likened to being able to harness the very horse power, in every cattle head around the club, yet in every dimensional aspect of the higher mind, and spiritual rule of force. It is painful to have arrived, and be preaching to the brain dead masses, which will largely discount all that you say. It be ever the more of a grievance to know, ahead of time, that there is not one I truly like, no one I really ever would want to save, that we are enduring this pain, alone, so that it will uplift us, to the status to but endure the pain, as a norm or constant. Anyone could have it all, any dope on the street, as in the celebrity. Yet, a very private corporation, which has been running the earth now for quite some time, does not see it fit, that one Man, due his own "God" given ability, should advance based on this promise.

 I had this promise, and it was my reason for this reduction into nothing, as it were. The blessing be the curse. This turns good Men, especially in times of war, to killing with the base intent of a beast. There is a teaching here, that no one should give nor receive kind mercy. More so, that Love and Hate are but two manifestations which are created from extreme. Funny how the world is so soft and quiet, absent people. Yet it is what the people are being told, which makes them all the more annoying. We hate one another, and hate putting on this show. No one is thus charismatic, now do they thus have a personality. We pick up on family traits, these become cruxed by way of familiarity and DNA meeting and unlocking, in those heightened times of elation, whether positive or negative. This sets the dial, on pretty much every aspect of you life, there out. Whether this be thought, as copacetic to the masses or not, that is excepted by the masses as palatable, be on a slightly different scale of social engineering.

 Just as, these thoughts, which I convey, would be considered extreme in the 60's, they are but a Man, seen on a cyber soap box, spouting out his mass build up of information and social injustice. Funny how only craft, seems to permeate the mix. There is a code, a sequence, when these three levels of establishing "what is" be done with the proper alchemical mix of blood, emotion and will, there it happens, the event.

 How many last Love letters, can a Man, write, when only a sentence understood be sufficient. In times past, not even the spoken word was expected, no this was strictly used in ritual and at last means. The silent, and focused peoples true, had their fair share to bitch about, but the gripe was different, far from universal injustice. The people will need to demonstrate, but only during a celestial event. The people will need to charge their social keepers, under the occult lit heavens. The people will need to take an action, as a unit, that knocks the World Government to it's knees. The rally of support must occur now, truly long ago, as the backlash of marshal law, is always declared each day. The uprising could occur any time, which is why the meter stays on alert. We are causing the Elite problems, hurting them, as they see it, separate, as species, we are not being good pets, food nor cattle, despite our idiocy to wait till another day, then another, in order that we should get this job done.

 People have no common ground, and thus united in nothing. Groups are nothing more than pleasure seekers, living as if it be their last day, always, and not in a positive way. Upon that realization, that a person in proper substance can and will live eternal, would you then become incited with anger, as to knowing finally, what you had lost. How about genius, being actually common among people, yet to discover there be technology, of the highest "order" employed for the specific purpose, to block you genius? How about if you saw the plan, right there before you, being used, with dates, events and outcomes, already having been written, such as 911, that was hundreds of years old? The point be, that this has become known, all of the evidence is there, yet people still fail, to stand united. One is busy and only places, oh, so much interest in the subject, no one cares, or rather places care, into anything but their own needs. Yet, as the Masonic Master Key points out, from the beginning, "people are ignorant of their own true wants, desires and thus needs". We need what we are told to need, that is all.

The solution be always that antithesis to the problem. To many Babies, stop having sex, to much corruption? Begin to implement Principle into schools, government, absent the religious hate. It would not matter so much what people believed in, if there were a manual, a code, to the the human condition, and there is. The EPL Principles, when applied for all their truth, can sustain a government that ironically works for the people. We as children, always waited to see if a grown up would smile, this indicated a happy and welcoming state, we were wrong, grossly. We learned that a smile is most often, if not always, a cover up, to a condition of manipulative will, this is why when you see a coworker, unawares of you, they rarely smile, if at all privy to the greater event, taking place now. People always play both sides, they play stupid, then are insulted, when you regard them as such. The one who spouts off the loudest, yet smiles a tells jokes, is now deemed interesting and eccentric, all based on the degree of costume to match the spirit, toward authenticity. "I am entertaining but false, still love me, as I am that whore of Babylon, the charismatic abuser". I knew from day 1 how this would play out, but like most buried my head, and waited till the frenzy would simply go away, and it seemed to, though in cycles, this is abuse.

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