
Friday, April 24, 2015

Defeat of the Straw Man~


 Some of my posts, which are turning into a massive statement to the all, an archive of the lost, searching, as I see it, have been read thousands of times. However I do not write to gain the attention of the masses. In finally choosing, recognizing and serving my duty, to Uber Gott, I forever stand outside the gates of Hell. I fully except and praise Jesus as the pure Son, for if he is proven to be a Masonic invention, then I will instantly charge those, with taking Principle as their own, a lie. In other words, even as ideal, or concept, Jesus Christ is alive, because he is Principle in motion. In my want to denounce the pain, of Jesus Christ as Lord, in his constant observance of Principles in motion, and the manifestation these truly offer, when embraced by but 12 or more, the Merkabah spins to that Lord, that selfless shell, fully vested and inhabited by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is my teacher. You may find that the Jesus you know, reveals more so, what you are. You may trust facts, here now, which are always disproven, and are in fact, in their ardent scope of belief, not as choice but law, manifest from this first Holy Source, as Force.

 I am blown away by the notion, that law and therefor sin does not exist. Jesus, in the EPL main doctrine of text/codex, speaks freely about this fact in that statement, which says "There is no sin, but the nature of adultery", one can thus, only sin against oneself, and thus that ripple out, as to effect the field. In that end, I gasp, all were right, correct to the degree, for which their motivation asserted the cause. I may sound intelligent to you, but am in fact, unable to bridge this Gnosis, towards any worldly application, I have tried, a life time in fact, and the strength, regrettably in my statement of honesty and weakness, be that the sway of the Brain steadfast on experience, will, as the method, I become darker than anything you would chose to bare. I must then place my service towards these practical applications, which unlock the Pure and full Truth before you now, as a means in pressing forth, naked, as to my true form, existing seemingly simultaneously, in concert, with you dear reader, on this same field. The information, as all information of Truth, outside that limitation of franchise, by way of intended fractals, by degree of franchise form (Capitalizing as a plan), belongs to ALL, always all the time/space/dimension thus. Any can except the Holy Spirit, and is fully vested in choosing a forgery, bound by the barbs of their many excuses 'well I can't just meditate all day long, like this guy, some of us have to work!', and so, their works become a part of the supportive fabric of this (yes) evil franchise, where experience in time, are captured and owned moments of repeat, within the falsity of this synthetic pleroma.

 This heart/head balancing in advancement, leaves only the conclusion of the True Artist as means. Those who live in fantasy, we thus shall esteem as the commercial artist, which serve the Elite, as a job. Those who can culminate their pain, and it's expression, "like" these words I write here now, reveal that greater mind at work, and the total abandonment of ego, in any falsified form. In this statement "I have already won", that Black Magic(k), occultist should kill you to prove that this statement breeds no empirical proof, that is, to state 'If you indeed have won, thus channeling the dark forces of dark matter, or zero point energy, to bend to your will, then prove it now, before this sword, which Solomon did wield!". The never ending journey of freedom has begun, on the very premise of dejection, from sin as law (love is lust of *valu's to the anti-principle believers, along with forgeries in all other terms ). Here we see that Jesus, possibly as also the example, of that fall, retold, of that last Son of God, who was placed by the Holy Spirit, to press those pre-chosen, to that point of dejection, is fully validated. You can not live by the rules of the world, knowledge, sin, thus SELF ACTUALIZING WILL IN MOTION, then to say upon dejection, 'you have pushed away, thus cast away the pure and perfect Man!', this would be false, and labors Jesus Statement, 'Man can not serve two Master's'. *Side note; I often realize that Man is not a term of homogeneous, but is more so, a statement of Universal Being, a singularity, a oneness, if you will.

 I except the Holy Spirit as the total Purity, that Will of the greatest force, thus knowledge. I leave however, that final description of God up to his children, which emulate him through this Purity as Principle. If I were placed under the supposed scrutiny of the Politician greedily running for "higher" forms of office, in the so called scheme of investigation (which is a ploy to gain that persons homage, to their very soul and the souls it misleads), then I would fail (no cover up demanded, nor needed). I disclose you now, as I have prior, that I, as you, have sinned, and experienced things, which taught me, painfully, the ways. The knowledge of will alone, brings forth the very demons to battle, now in the mind, not needed in dimensional reality, beyond the scope of that internal war (the heart and head in choosing it's cause). Finally, unlike the misleading icons, which are always torn down before the masses, as charades of personality, I am a sinner of the greatest magnitude, because it too this degree or this much to influence that struggle of belonging. The Holy Spirit holds no piety, but this joining means that those portions which you initially taken as self, upon entering this self induction of justification, THIS PERSONALITY SHALL DIE, AND THUS REMAIN HERE, AS A BUT A PART OF THIS FORCE, WITH THE UN-LIVING, THOSE WHO FULLY CHOSE, OR ARE THUS BATTLING WITH, THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE AS A FINAL MEANS~

Constantly award now, I see that will applied, should lead any to the outcome of their choosing. It becomes a game of *Pure Sacrifice, in that final application of how far your Will, should be en-Forced, by way of that degree of extent. The truth is, you never need lay eyes, on this place or it's lost people again. This is world ultimate of Blood shed, that feeds soul, in the name of those Purity slain, who shall always have true providence and rule over this sad sick dimension, that only sits on the fringe of exist. Our current, ongoing state/status, which has not and thus will not prove to elevate to that greater cause, this would thus someplace else, on inception of the this most Holy Form.~

Stellar Mass
The Book of Times

*You wait for the EPL book? Does this volume not cover the Many? How involve are in the mass pursuit of such distinction?

The initiate shall one day meditate daily at such times, as laid out in audio and video demonstration, which shall one day soon, by rote.

They EPL symbol shall hang on the neck, as that combination of Geometry, The Cross, the Mind towards upward absolution.

The doctrine shall be turned to books, edited but no changed nor altered, as to introduce the Purity Seeker to such methods, which I lay out here, for you now.

The EPL Temple, as laid out prior, in all methods of current media has three crosses, each demonstrating further, the point of perception, which be combined to make a Whole, that is we/U.S. in that singularity of unity.

The EPL intitiate relies on the Holy Spirit, and so you may think of EPL as that place in time/space, where the Holy Spirit will, in these next end times, invite those who seek, who are the few. I place this text on a medium now, that makes it possible for nearly any, who have access to such public domain, to be introduced. I hand you my heart, by pain, my belonging, my willful and pure want, for all those who seek Purity, shall find. I place Jesus, as not another icon, but put him in the mix with other ideals, as a standard, and say, "Look at what Purity can render within you also, but as a one".

 The struggle goes on, that daily grind. Together groups such as this find solution, in their making and manufacture of such survival implementation, that may sustain a living body to this Church. I say, listen to those aspects of the Jewish Bible, which Jesus fought against as Principality, that only harmonize with Jesus, as this very personality of Purity in Purity's distinction, as contrasted, set against Men of the world/the knowledge absent full Gnosis (no purity). I leave you with the reality that like the Elite, if worldly riches be your final goal (experience to it's extreme in degree), you too will be required to destroy, kill and ultimately bring to that now call satanic/pagan/cyclopean Alter, a Pure Soul, for Sacrifice. The trees thus, that you deem beautiful, the false sky, and Moon, all those things which you say render the Earth Beautiful, are in truth, manifestations of the propaganda of this false form.

 My combined Wisdom comes partly (admittedly) from reading those brilliant minds, of Men, that offer the pathos of heart/head realization, this we call physcial wisdom met with the Pure True Wisdom from Purity. We carry the torch of True Liberty in this way. These are my words, a stumbling reflection of/from a soul, aspiring always and forever, found in the sentiment of such statements, as to reflect fully this Purity in display, as a form. ~

May God, Uber Gott, and all this Holy Spirit commands, be with you now my Brother's and Sister's who aspire towards Purity, from wherever this world has taken you, no piety exists here, those who take on this Pure, True and final journey, have chosen, thus your like shall choose you. Yet, in this, what be said of being saved by the Holy Spirit, I do not agree and call these not heretics but those who have taken the Faustian deal, that is, to serve two Master (in Truth).

 An Evil Man once asked me, several times, 'What do you want Barry?', at the time, I did not need to answer, because it was not he, but his Master who asked. I can thus, being fully vested, time travel to that event, now making claim, to my higher mind condition, which ponders take more relative time, towards fully discourse. My answer, in and outside relative time would be all the words, displayed by way my heart, head and the mind of Affiliation...ALL THE WORDS HERE, PLACED WITHIN THEIR PROPER CONTEXT AND MEANING. As to say, that if you do not understand my answer, then you have not eyes for such, and have, in you sentence of me, truly sentence yourself, in lack of/to understanding. In short, am not held to answer you, or to you, in you demand, you have only revealed a defiant will, that your assumed experience, which far to many Men have ventured (why the current seems strong, as undertow) be truly a statement of your generic servitude towards a lower Master, than the ranks I have reached, through the Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit should pleasing to me, fully inhabit and obliterate the Man I once was. Thus what do I want from you world "EVERYTHING AND/OR NOTHING, FOR WHICH I WOULD AMEND IT/BURN IT'S ORIGINS CLEAN", THUS, WHAT DO I WANT IN THAT DIMENSION OF PURITY, ALL IT HAS TO OFFER, IN THAT BREAKDOWN OF REMINDER OF THIS WORLD, AND WHAT IT REPRESENTS. I do not require answering anyone, not even the current Lord of the Day, for in alliance with the Holy Spirit, I deem this world unsuitable, a hazard, towards Purity, and so aim for it's destruction.

However the world is always destroyed, and reaches it's cycle thus, the purge. So my final statement, that I readily say, in what I WANT, and not by choice of your demand of knowing be this in final

"I want the killing and sacrifice of the pure, to never be something anywhere, at anytime, as to occur again!"

"Sacrifice of Purity Abolished!"

In Expansion (the contraction) I say;
"Rule of Purity over all worlds, places, and dimensional zones!"

Yet, what then reveals this Purity, but pain?

 Thus the knowledge, experience, into it's own form of will, brought forth this dichotomy, which, does not exist in the Purity of Truth, for all those who read this now, and the words of Jesus Christ as Principle of Purity in Man. The mind of Purity lies quite separate from all you see here, so to reveal a majority. These are the eras, and stages of Man. This work, when fully edited, should act as a great work, which cost the needed toll for it's deliverance, deemed so by both sides. This work, is an earned work, as it took unity to deliver. As said, and it should be said fully now, no one works nor acts alone, we are pressed to affiliate, else we have not corner stone, no structure of support, no persona which displays the right, in the act the cause of self expression. Those, who are not vested, are merely borrowing another Man's words, and way, and know nothing of his true intentions, seen to you only, solely, as notion or inclination.

 The strawman, as default thus lies scattered in it's remains, as that false Golem, which you made such haste, as to prove all Men could be inhabited by Alien invaders, which carried this same syllogistic Pi based, false force! You lose, The Holy Spirit Wins, every single time, thus time as a constant, broken by you, in the revelry of technospiritual superiority over such aspiring souls, shall to brake the bonds of time, in this era of broken time, those who were bound by you, shall be free to take up arms with the Holy Spirit, granted they maintain this distinct and total compliance to the interest of;

"Rule of Purity, over all worlds, places, and dimensional zones, Amen!"

This, we may call Victory, to/for out Lord, now seen/known/felt discovered,  as Holy Spirit~

Infinitum Secretiore, onward, to the great and final division! Where, the source which powers evil, the only source of power always and ever more, shall throw that dark world into only the illumination of it's generators, that false Sun above us now.~

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