
Friday, April 24, 2015

Jesus, the Pure and Infinite Son~


Grab that blank slate, now fill it with a cause. You have yet to discover the Pure Truth of self, until that final hour of pain, a release, the Artist can not stand back and say 'I did that', ever again, you have thus been born.~

So now you barter with that degree of "Principality" as a means?

 You say you want proof of Jesus life, as more than Metaphor (the left, math) or Parable (the philosophical right). This proof, of carbon footprint, thus to say displays exist? If Jesus spoke in parable and was in fact one himself, then he is more alive than you who sacrifice yourselves and others daily, in that taking of offering, in that Illuminati play money, of that exploited care.

 Yet can you also prove that I exist? What, based on the the sway demonstrating such terms and thus technology of communication, in "fact"?. "I" could actually be 10 or 12 or 13 people, working towards a common goal, using the same lexicon of thought, through discourse, here. "We", inevitably exist as a standard, which becomes icon or idol, soon to be destroyed, in that revelation that 'this was just a Man'. We get caught in the rhetoric thus that technology pressed upon U.S., in the grand design, of a common goal, never mind what it is, that you should thus take form as one of it's many appendages? I destroy myself fully now here, and thus am rebuilt, with a new agenda, that of the Holy Spirit, fully vested. Every moment, of every day, we must fight, to be reborn, in,  'I die daily'.

 Accusation displays ignorance, in it's force of willful form. We are all sinner's are we not? Can you truly lay isolate to one degree of sin, then to say, 'see I am that much purer than you', when you know this is propaganda used to earn your daily bread, displayed in "that fudged smile" to earn it in fact.

 If I were to bend this first Pure form of Knowledge, as you do, I would come out with a book titled
Purity, how to use it to gain influence and power. I would only need to reverse and morph all you see here as construct. Did you for a moment think about steeling this idea? Of course you did, because your straw man, and now you, press for distinction, but more so money, in the quest to find you end value. What becomes valu-able in this time signature, be nothing more than the exploitation of Principles, thus others in care, as cause. The one who takes the cake, in the end, proclaims themselves teachers, blasphemy! Pain is the teacher. The teacher in fact, that reveals this current world, or dimension which we seem to commonly except, as the total, complete and final goal.

 Those who are Pagan's on the gain are true Christian's today, and the Witch who hides behind white lighter magic(k). The Atheist merely presses forth, science as proof of God, yet emerging science comes from an unknown source, these Photons sharing dimensional potential. It all depends on that continued mind state, of that place which you reside, through the process of mentalism, you might say. When certain barriers have thus been broken, in that percentage yield, there exists a reality, for which you are a part, in it's expansion as a concept of the mind, that time sacrifice best represents.

If you are working for Purity, then you can no longer take on such names/titles of distinction or separation. Jesus was not a Jew, he separated himself from the selfish cause. All that he said, accused the Jew of his service to Satan, thus the Messianic Jew be either expanding into his own form, growing, yet to franchise, towards purity as truth, or, he is in fact playing both sides. How many different names to a cause must there be, which serves the same course, Money as a God, as the Law, as the Rule. Groups, which use Principle and Purity as cause, have thus established themselves and grown, at least in the History for which we be exposed. EPL is thus the systems worse enemy, in that, it proves in it's existence, that society and more so, you as an arm in society, are false, a forgery of existence.

 This is why imperial proof of Christ has become more prominent as a theme, as an argument, to discount all those who have total faith, in at least Christ as concept. You embrace the concept, yet deny the Pure Man's existence? Or perhaps, you say, we are alive, and liberated thus pure and tell me the next step to your process, in this discovery, for if it be free of Principle then it leaves no footprint of distinction. Therefor, in the end, you have only stated 'I am just trying to live and survive like you?', you assume my survival isn't a direct reflection of delivering this message, that I place care in the illusion to continue?

 Ask me bluntly if I believe this totally positive scope shall come to be, as an event. That is, that suddenly victory of these concepts, as the greater societal excepted terms, may come to be...the I say "NO, I do not believe in this, but in the minute salvation of the few!" I am thus, an outcast, and only appeal to a select few sinners, who have seen full well, such as I, that their original suspicions, since early childhood in fact, are valid. That is, people are not loving, nor pure, nor out for the pursuit of equalizing freedom. You are in fact, placed into a large arena of blood thirsty competition, which will soon be revealed as sport again, when human sacrifice has taken on it's final stage of full disclosure. We are thus being given an eviction notice, the pure, the Principle seekers and exactor's to the cause.

 Jesus as a Masonic invention, would mean that the parable of Purity passed down, also came from them. The people demanded a manifestation of God, in Man form, and the concept destroyed any peace, from an early age, of this Purity seeker, which stands before you now. We could create him again, as that reflection of pure self now, so to say, he has always thus existed. That manifestation of Mind into form, has thus created, through will toward purity, more Jesus like beings than ever. However society is built to destroy, initiate thus sacrifice the Pure Man, the machine in full action. Those who choose the knowledge will be in the mix of this automated machine, in motion, by their own blood. Those who choose Purity had better set up a community now, with strength behind it, as to now fight and abolish this agenda in a true war. This is the war that the Elite have proposed in full force, yet to their surprise, I'm sure, they have thus fully witnessed these factions of Purity Warrior's have been neutralized from within. The outcome will be, and has been the very absence of Purity. When the last child of Purity kills this Purity within, those Pure Lights will never again shine on this place, dimensionally speaking again. There is a Star Wars, occurring now, as we speak, which is demanding our full vestment as a part of this galactic matrix, a weave of Will or Craft based assessors.

 Society, as a single mind, wills to create the highest principle, this is the pure reason, if there be any, behind birth. So to say, the Birth of a Pure Son of God does not happen each day? The truth of this Pure Son, on, into Manhood, lie now in the cultivation of Pure Principle as standard. There exist many today, yet this one thing is being attacked with every resource known to modern Man. The Elite have infiltrate, turned or evicted those, through the word banking system, as ritual towards the physical display of this. The bombarded assaults now global, and thus universal, has sent out an alarm of full scale war, only leaving the silent inward cries of it's people, who will our current state, to blame. The metaphysical aspect, a mind principality based war, is only 33% of the effort, to destroy Purity, once and for all. The next be the Physical, corrupted Man in his pursuits, and then the Spiritual, worship of impure forms, as God. The culmination of this, has created a dimensional certainty now, which has motive or momentive force, secured through the people, of this global village, as a One World Order, a Nation.

 The Nazi method worked, we now live in the breathing apparatus of this false and suspended state taken now as being. This however, is not our darkest time, for this, the term darkest can not isolate any era, time signature repeat as being deemed separate, from the total experience of beings and society everywhere. We are thus, always pressing quickly towards that next dark time, of Humanity, where the dichotomy exists, where, the Lightest, most positive moment also lay in the wait. As the physical world becomes more solidified, it presses away, with it's will, in motion it's spiritual support. In this time, the gates are wide open yet invisible for most to see. The Kingdom can not be hacked, it simply does not exist to the Physical Thinker, nor the patron of it's cause, Jesus, the Perfect Son of Purity, no less. ~

Stellar Mass

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