
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Choice before you Now~


Purity must be made capable of becoming a supported current of force, over a nine year cycle, to become the constant, perpetuated ruling factor, to set the time repeat cycle, and thus, to download this data, into the emerging Purity, divided from the dimension now shared.

Any who truly seek Purity are invited into the intellectual sharing of this Movement. EPL is a direct result of this choice before me, 26 months ago. I was sent through a series of other worldly experiences, and events, which laid the course before me. I can not abuse the way, and have thus realized myself, awoken, and not just in the stroking of ego to say so, for it is a hard thing to digest. There are peaces of information, which I use only "cashing chips" now, to keep their place. When the factual qualities, be revealed, as such, the truth will then become undeniable to all. I see the world, that is to become again pure, as separating from it's former alliance. Not existing to cast a shadow, thus a copy, of itself. but to exist outside the laws of space/time fabrication,  an illusion cast before us all. The voice of total Purity, as Truth, comes to us, at such times. For this, by way of contrast, do we see good and evil. When the personage, a token, can be placed entirely separate from the true event, positions and places must be undeniably taken up, as in formation. The battle is thus now, as the separation wills to take all to the left, and the right, only offers purity, as a source to be it's common force of Purities like. So the choice lay here, undeniably before you, and that it. A community who can discus real issues, like what to do with the sexual energy discharge, that is the reason we have been turned to batteries, is more pressing to all issues, for which outcome positive, would instantly answer the question to the problem of countless expense driven legislation dilemmas. the root cause has been answered, and crime simply does not exist, and is not supported in the construct of this mind,of Purity, as ruling force, culminated and made real, as an extremely powerful Purifying presents, the Holy Spirit in All his Glory, a form to behold, the Pure and True Father, who is actually real my friends. I give you full conjecture here, on this blog, things you may very well not have considered, thus to fast foreword the event through time, and say "the choice is before you now", you have yet to chose. Only one from the Right would reveal this, the left, many know, and keep the knowledge hidden, in this, they have revealed themselves as thieves to others, known to be Capitalists by their friend and Colleagues

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