
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Time, distance...separation~


 It was the concept of good and evil which contaminated your brain from the start. When you fully embrace a concept, set into motion you will mostly believe, and the "universe" will do the rest. "The secret" or truly "Master Key" is thus that next ready step towards readying yourself toward total service. You were created as a fixed program, whether you except it or not, is also part of that programming. All that need take place, is a routine energy transfer, to "light up" that area in the sphere. You think that it is a moment to moment choice, as you feel struggle, but the struggle only shows your placing as a suitable figure in the moment, to be the personality/fixed program, which serves the outcome/loop.

 In this, truth does not set on free, but rather further shows the reality of the suffering, but still, total truth revealed? At who's hands? You will surely never know, for your eyes are incapable to look upon the reality of reality.

 I do not know why I can control such aspects in the sphere, perhaps just another potential Messiah to lead personalities willing development to a prime cause, only to be met by an equal expression of negativity? This is why I chose to be Neutral in my impacting statements, that I do not embrace, nor believe in God, Devil, good nor evil, for the precise reason that I have divinely experienced these artificial concepts...the experience alone showed the culprit...a, many.

 Hell would be entirely preconceived, assuming the false notion that we have an actual will. We will what we are exposed to will, through the tools that are allotted us. These tools already presuppose the outcome, thus do not believe it when you see it. Heaven be the same, there is no worthy person here, for all assistance to others is self affirming, self serving...there is however magnetic competence, which is that one thing which we compete for. The harder we work, the further we get? No way, the more self serving we are, the more we are rewarded...dollars are nothing more than cookies for children who pretend to be Lord's (of Fly's/Flies). Who we are is what force we accept and are entirely taken over by, this is not will, but a compliant program at work, the genius of the maker. Genius is neither universal, in that, there are different types of gift, one must surrender to one aspect of "the gift" be useful at all. We see then that genius is but an entanglement or collapsing of superposition, in that, the hub or agent has been activated to influence the masses, in a time, an era, documenting a stage of the era's influence, over that direction of Man, in his quest. What is the quest? Different for each "competitor". Was Buddha a competitor, or Jesus, or but an expression of the best that Principle can offer, through perception of the time. Well, then, that is what I do here, not claiming any divine ability, except that with great effort I can make things happen, but to say, that all religions should be looked at as not separate, but the means to this energy flow, of sorts. EPL is more important that myself, as I will shrivel up like my bizzaro's and likes, only leaving the extreme stamp of Stellar Mass, who I have become, but not in my highest stage, the illusion I must chose, as all religions allude to "never stop seeking". What part of me would be left? I have exhausted my mind and efforts, to report what I write here, only to find emptiness and vacancy in the truth, on all levels, with no reward. I watch as those who seek competition as a means, as to force the impression of self upon the world, as sick demented children move foreword "look these are my boobs" "This is my junk", but in reality it is not interesting without the illusion of seduction...hence Baphomet and his talking ass...ultimate pleasure would thus be eating the fat from the lactating breasts, slicing up the Phallus for raw for consumption and kissing the lips of a sick demonic anus as it shits into your mouth. This may sound disgusting, but all your acts only balance on the rim of such notion. I find sex to be an invention, along with the sexes, which does not hold, in Principle based reality...which as said, does not exist here, on the simple contention that no one practices them. I do not create these disgusting truths, but only state what degree shall bring you...for all things must be taken to finality/extreme degree...all things.

 The only Neutrality, is balance, where good and evil do not exist. Thus the only heaven is to non-exist, the sad truth? Well, before you existed, there was no you therefore no struggle to know this, thus the arrivement to such, is to truly win? This is a matter of perpetuated combined thought reality, again. All have never, and will never chose the Principle quality as expression, so there will be no collective heaven, because heaven is in the moment. The more we understand, the further from heaven we truly are. I would esteem heaven as a never ending ability to resources where I could be forever creative in systematic order of producing. So we see, that is where we are, just that, we get to this place, with and through sin. This leads to a depression, that those JPM toting Christian's, who play the fence always, and use the spiritual currency of deeds, will actually make it to heaven? That would be no place I would like to be/reside eternal.

 Good and evil is create as that magnetic dichotomy. If you have not placed yourself on that pedestal of one polar extreme, you simply do not matter. Balance is thus to make one inactive, feeling for a moment the light bulb which ultimately burns the moth, in it's final arrivement at "the truth". Some would esteem burning the body away as first step to nirvana, whilst others would see it as the ultimate let down, pain was at "the end" is thus this held thought, of finality, which is also part of the program, which flips back onto itself, time and again. If there were truly the concept of ultimate good, or Principle as the ruling factor in the "great beyond", instantly all would melt to it's superiority, as with ultimate evil. Time is no different. I do not believe in carbon dating as an accurate means to identify age/time. I am under the belief that all is recreated within a reset program, living under borrowed earth, shuffled and recombined, to suit the needs of the hive. The hive is what be occurring outside of our perception, for we only emulate, as program, the greater hive. Each effort ends the same, the moment was not truly owned by you, and all expression becomes futile in the truth of any finality or impacting event, which are all planned, war is simply the tug of force movement and transfer, the concept induced of opposition.

 Character(s) assumed, based on expression, yet character can only be manifest, from Principle. I am not saying that Principle will certainly free you, I am however stating that Principle is the highest set of order within the program, of which we are all a part. The competition is to either largely become an automated program, benefiting as an identified fully developed illusion of personality, serving a cause, the celebrity, who dies as empty cocaine ridden shell OR to ascend, even as a program, to that higher stage of fulfillment, not based on popularity...but I am only observing all available information thus...I have only seen benefit from employment of the opposing, yet could not bare the feeling of decay, and loss of self, in the pursuit of such anti-principle embracement.

 The balanced mind does not seek affirmation, but instead instantly arrives at the acceptance of death. This is perplexing. For it was never balance thus health and wellness which was demanded, but ultimate sacrifice, and so I point out the order of those steps.

 In the end, you will find, whilst sifting through this chronicle/blog in it's entirety, that good and evil be you choice, or rather, what you were ultimately designed to do. The struggle be to gain passed your other selves, found in the grid, pulling and harnessing the "response ability", into you, as that grid pinpoint positional center, the destination of fully realized good or evil and it's character expression, we call magnetism, as you become your ultimate "self", no longer however enjoying the ignorance which you truly seek, as in Shambhala/Shangri-la (I use all terms of spelling for this foe heaven), or Heaven...left or right. It was always up to you to see conflict or opposition as a worthy fight, a mere happenstance or a method/conspiracy to further break you down, this turned on the operating system, in sequence, the steps would thus be geographically/hub designated to you as a "program in development".

 All is correct, based on perspective or perception. We only have flavors thus, to understand all flavor or no flavor. "We", thus agree on these degrees as a means to ward off madness or total power and awareness= true responsibility ( response able capable). If we were thus taught to factor each thought, action and reaction, most would either chose to not make a move at all, or to go full out into the unknown (earth time physical learners)...rare would it be, that one of this "program" would in fact take on that "response ability", as to become a worker, and aid to the greater cause...we are thus incapable, as we are not made up of the stuff that can aid the greater all. We tend to thus fantasize on the notion of an ultimate transcendent form, yet are only capable to service lesser beings, what we are create to aid.  `

 Have you ever stopped to think, which you unfortunately must do to think, as you have been conditioned, as you have been told, that time simply does not exist?

 So, you assume you know my Son, the very embodiment of his Father? Further you minimized him, you say with your heart mind, feel center this act be due of your limitations IE you say it is so?

 There is no abstraction, nor separation. Therefor the superiority, you now kill to possess, is a higher stage of thought into action, the intent is more pure, more focused, simpler. To many road blocks, to go against the grain. But he does not go against the grain due to rebellion, though it appears so. He goes against the norm, the "standard" because the standard is set in direct opposition to him. Thus society be create, all of this, to destroy one Man, that Son, of the awakened mind.

 You set a law, and measure the distance. You convince the stupid, greedy, lowly that they too can be Kings, and so here we are, each a King of their own illusion. When the body is gone, the falsity too, which the body truly be, what will you be? This world is barbaric, hell in fact. Have you walked the distance that you drive each day? Have you suffered the Sun's burning rays of decay? Have you killed the cow or pig you eat? You would surely only survive if you killed, stole, and seduced with this very illusion, you say with your heart.

 Yet, there are communities now, and have always been, which rely only on the Father, only on Peace. When they have forgotten, soon, time turns against them as well.

 Time? A 3.3 second, minute, hour and day, a repeat, of the same. You live within a franchise of thought matrix, someone else's pre-conceived machination against you. You relent without question, from your fist breath, unto your last. Your thoughts and actions are on a default track, within a grid of over lapping time repeats of Phi, 13 to be exact, the 6, the opposing 6 and the 1. You count a number from this franchise, further to embed the notion, and say the number is pure. You fail to see, that there is no number higher that it's peak, 13 is the peak, of undulation, 21 is death, the bottom...yet, have you found the bottom, now that you search for the top, for they are the same.

 The undulation is the illusion of exist. The issue here at hand be quite simple, believe it to be, and it is. Yet the justification of "reality" that sustainable measure be found in whether or not continuance... rather perpetual motion is achieved from this thought matrix, for which you are a strand.

 Motion implies distance, distance needs time to travel, yet we now know, without question time is bent, an arch, and undulation.

 101 on the way up, 101 on the way, as to assume there be distance, time, thus up and a down? The point is, you end up in the same space, never having moved at all. As you consciousness gathers to relax, you always realize this, so the sphere be the greatest illusion of all, but built, as pleroma, to create separation.

So time is separation, but why? Quite simply because you believe in separation.

 The EPL term Infinitum Secretiore states the longing for the eternal separation, from this madness and idiocy.

 I knew all things things from the beginning, and was, in this beginning, quite angry I had to go through it at all. I saw my life unfold before me, the set that it was, and remains to be today. You will, in your lifetime cycle, witness things you never thought could be so. You will not be able to comprehend the truth of it all, for you thought matrix will separate you from the purity and simplicity of truth. You say you can play both sides, but it is impossible, you body would thus have the capacity to stretch across the expanse of the universe thus time and space.

 Most do not exist, and will not, as these have not built themselves up, but rather build strong holds to which only aid to break down your fellow. Each time you do this, a false reward be given, for you are serving death itself, black jack 21. You chose to look into the mirror of illusion/allusion, as it is more reassuring that rebellion has company, so it is not rebellion now but the "norm"?

 I failed to follow the truth, from within, else I would not be here today. This world will eject those who oppose the notion.

 The power elite here are your very tribal leaders, who sold you with a smile. Those who were picked on yesterday, due to their purity, are the afflictor's today. It becomes black magic thus, for those to stay in power position. Many sacrifices must be made, to make it appear as though their people are ill set, murdered and challenged just to oppression. The sell out comes always from within, always an inside job. If you are being attacked, look to your left, then to your right, whilst at home, you will see the faces of those who have sold you out, for their own gain. Act like you do not know, act like this is only one possibility, but one potential, as you support this false society, which is but a veil you chose to hide behind, until you time, is longer an illusion of separation will remain.

 So there are two side to the undulation, for now, an up, and a down, a north and a south, which move, spin and turn. Stop chasing the illusion, does not mean those to the right (up) and to the left (down) will do so. It was the flaw of the sperm to swim to that false light, where there was not the Father, but only the egg, within the spiders belly, now trapped in her web of lies and doom. Sucking up all she feels as a vacuum, consuming herself, until there be no more left to consume. The truth about it all, is that carbon should instantly rot, outside this false protection of spheres, and it will. The mind must be free and works without relent in the eternal moment, where there be no time. Freedom comes from the realization that I don't exist, however we do.

 This realization should not further crux one to community of our time, but rather the worthy will come together as one mind, as the Merkabah melts the falsity away with flame. This is the coercion of the five pointed pentacle, to live in this place, where the Merkabah does not actively spin, nor aid those outside the one mind. The acceptance of evil is to pass through a grid of impulse towards excepting that what we are, no longer striving but living to pamper the self, perpetuating the self in won, there is no further attempt needed. Now sit on your thrown, as the thrown be soon carried off the stage, as a prop, in a play that no longer serves fanship in the "moment"

And so I say that all you see before you, all history and knowledge of which you are "aware" is ~

 If time and distance are not real, then what can be said of work? Work employs time and distance, as it's mantra or belief system. Work is using the available force to move objects through time/distance within a set measure, at least as we are accustomed to the notion "today". Thus power, as in horse power, be also simply that measure of work. So it could be said that the active support for this illusion is work itself, or at least our idea or truly "ideal" of this "standard model of measure".

 You will thus need to understand what unwork be, or what is thought to be laziness in our culture, in order to fully grasp work. When people do this, they become separated from society, those who return, from this undulation, never settling in, society breeds fear around the "notion" (to stop working). Better not stop working else all catastrophe will hit, and it does, yet this only due of money.

 Money becomes the barter to the valuing system. That is, you are paid of the presupposition that you will devalue others in your work. That is, outwork the next. Yet we see that space and time have not been altered do to your work, neither the speed at which you work. There is a set speed and power band to your very nervous system, and mechanical vector and scalar relationship, set in Phi, which pre-determine you output capacity. Society is thus set on the demand that you press beyond this, hence the notion of Darwinian evolution, which is now proven completely false, as a Eugenic tool of further enslavement, for, there is always a Galton to a Darwin, those dichotomies which do the work for "nature" (fabricated time signatures of up and down, polarity).

 So if we have disproven the money system, disproven work as a needed unit of measure, unveiled time, space thus distance IE work, and the opposing "notion", all that is left be exist. So it could be said, that our awareness of existence is the very thing being blocked by society, what society was created for. We have further discovered that society be "create" to destroy the emerging Son, which is sets the beta frequency or tempo, spiritually speaking. So society must be in perpetual "blockage", as to allow only the physical display of life to occur for most. Further having to go through a labyrinth of initiate tasks or units having been pre-fabricated for the higher mind, for that of intellectual pursuit.

 We see instantly an unfairness being create, which we are entirely lied to from day 1 about. That is, work value is different for people based on where they be/reside within geographic regions and zones, thus reward. I have earned over $100 in an hours "work", and also been paid $7 for the same time. I worked harder earning the $7, than I did the plus $100. So the illusion is an END VALUE, bring forth competition, to further illusion/allusion.

 My value or work is not based on ability, but on the community deciding my worth. We are all thus brain washed judges of one another, and are inflicting these actions, as policing agents, in fact casting JPM law onto one another, simply because no other way be available, in thought construct, plan or order. Yet we only support a specific end point to energy transfer, as in the celebrity, not aiding a true superior value. It becomes depression in fact, to realize this point, that who ever the "people" pick, in a time, and era, becomes that which is "right/true/correct". Emotional violence of volatility as you may see it current, is thus supported...our dysfunction and need to come to the source of emotional pleasure, an alter, is supported universally speaking, within this sphere (hence the law of attraction, to stay a pleasure seeking beast/program, in our highest stages of "development/competition). The most barbaric, money seeking "win", as the most thoughtful, aware and healthy are deprived and destroyed. This leads to those notions, the ideal/ideas of "the world is evil". The truth is that the machine will no longer magnetically function, with only positive force of power, so the greater your effort, the greater opposition there be... until those titled "great men", are but the recipients, given the knowledge without the ability to fully understand it, from birth, showing the master control we "live" under always. Yet who placed these great man/Elite in such a post?

 Who sold out the Africans to the slave trade? The African Elite
Who sold out the American Indians to European "settlers"? The American Indian Elite

The same is true on all levels, it is always an inside job.

 We want to stop doing noble works, an expression of the one mind. We want to serve ourselves, but it never turns out.

 I have plunged a tactical knife into my hand, dull, and ground it in, but did it truly hurt? It is our perception of destruction or support, which creates it, when the mind becomes all suspended, that is, all assumed and excepted aspects of character, reality and exist are no more harbored, the system would lie static. The active plan however, can only and always be attributed to available source, or information.

 When we serve others we have been set up, duped and become jaded as "response". The way we are taught is to demand a certain rate for our time, thus placing ourselves in a zone or geographical region, where we can be among the elite. We then stand as oppressors to the majority, working now as agents to what we first began to free ourselves from?

 Work being a quantifiable measure of space time distance and speed...force, is not real, but directed motion. This be proven by the illusion which work serves.

 We are incapable of rising above this Spherical Prison's highest thought form, that of the never ending search and quest for instant gratification. All we do, is set into motion, as such, in search of this constantly.~

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