
Sunday, May 10, 2015

God seems to be saying "Fix your own problems"?


 Animals are those contained forms, which have been conclusively adulterated by there manufacture. They are thus not in breach, when they are Pure to their phenotype. Animals set the very projection and continence of that perpetuated mind state, as it projects animals needs, unto animals "appointed" environment. As these "animals" are being killed away, so too, their projection of mind onto environment or ecosystem. Humans are both beast/animal and energy beings, the infusion. To will an explanation in pure Mathematics is to miss the entire point. So to express in terms of math, one can only reveal the abstract theoretical construct of "the universe", thus the debunking of the universe, must be taken then into that realm of spiritual assertion, as to project then, onto that now blank slate, that of the higher mind, or mind in motion, which is this math or substance of what is, culminate into spiritual force, or that culminated mind of thought progression "I have all experience, as these experiences relate to the same mathematical construct, in their reduction, so too I must place my will into the forging of this reduced form, IE purity in motion, mind in motion techniques".

 A debunking must first take place. Then, as these now separated "aperture" be revealed, we must will into them what we collectively and finally have asserted as purity into motion, thus the mind in motion techniques used in EPL One Mind Principle. It is thus found, as expressed of Fermion, as the blank slate unit "that aperture resting upon will to fill or shape them/give reason/ratio/way/sign", that there are but 6, and truly 8 spheres, which must work together, in harmony, universally. When this can be achieved, time itself will bend to the will of Man, as his own trusted Master. Thus "Free will", as in, fix your own problems."

 "This interplay of minds, common enough, yet separate enough, is a delicate balance."

The dictionary states that current and emergent truth "what is", sometimes startlingly ahead of "time"~

determiner & pronoun
  1. 1.
    as much or as many as required.
    "too much work and not enough people to do it"
    synonyms:sufficientplenty, a sufficient amount, an adequate amount, as much as necessary; 
  1. 1.
    to the required degree or extent (used after an adjective, adverb, or verb); adequately.
    "before he was old enough to shave"
  2. 2.
    to a moderate degree; fairly.
    "he can get there easily enough"
  1. 1.
    used to express an impatient desire for the cessation of undesirable behavior or speech.
    "Enough! After six years of your arguing, I've had it!"


#7. Pythagoras, Greek Mathematician, around 575 -500 B.C.

#6. Lord Byron, English Poet, 1788-1824

#5. Tycho Brahe, Danish Astronomer, 1546-1601

#4. Michelangelo, Italian Renaissance Painter, 1475-1564



It's obvious that we are living in a Principle based universe, and that we are being subjected to breaching these principles, with the utilization of Anti-Principles, perpetuating the dynamics of magnetism. By the time this is proved, it will be the last moment before a great and final purge cycle. All collective information, and knowledge, expressed convey this single fact time immemorial, Purity is Salvation/100% test reliable. Hence the Anti-Principle is creating a critical state, where a purge of impurity has become inevitable. That is all, for now, at least all I see, from within the confines of this limited scope, which I might add, I did not and do not elect myself towards this participation nor do I except the box of imprisonment for which I personally have been abducted and entered into absent my consent. I reject the name and the title(s) I am given. The impure have no law over me, and no basis to judge, me. I live inside an impure system, and though I can only speculate what purity as rule may be, I see that it is undeniably a superior module.

Stellar Mass~

Statement by Stellar Mass~


 To say, "I am the messenger" is truly to say, "I see a good portion of the truth, and express it, this does not make me one to follow, but rather one who simply delivers this information" IE Messenger of God, as to conveyed, the Pure Truth of Purity, as Principle...that's all. No one's asking for you check or money order. I personally did my best, and there are no perfect constructs. However I conveyed, by way of current available means, the best that I could offer, in the "times". ~

Stellar Mass



I mean time, space, individuality, as held placements, or markers of potential. Further that an inevitable purge be upon us? See it how you can, for there are many "types" of thinkers. So the process is out in the open now, near to fully. It is found in the ways of Science now, to be concurrent with the Truth found in the Bible, spoken primarily in Jesus teachings to "the peasant masses" as well as esoterically. The conclusions are the same, through and through. I have created a model or universal construct which I believe bridges the science, fusing it with religion, showing these are not separate, but viable vistas as interpreted by the left or right brain, or ability to understand what is taking place is being conveyed from multifarious viewpoints and perspectives.

Look, this is all part of the "P.L.A.N.ed gamed".
Do you think Google is going to let the Pure Truth come out? How about the Global Government. Look, when the fear is pressed to it's ultimate, and the "climate" changes, significant enough, there will be no need to expand the thoughts of the Peoples of the world, because the are simply, reductively, incapable of assert Purity within them.

 Admitting that you are trapped in a bio suit. That you have looked at porn, do more to programming and not that true expression of your hearts yearning. Admitting all the slights you have done, as a that very default prompted combative measure, simply by asserting yourself "against" the resistance, first placed upon you. This Universal Model could be a beautiful life, a beautiful expression, yet sadly, your neighbor can and will NOT change, they are incapable, for it is not the energy for which they were made. In other words, these are in large, if not all, people who are made manifest from light or purity in it's borrowed, diminished, altered and degraded state. We impose our systems of belief upon the world's view, yet are bound by our own intent of purpose, control, money, sex, in short power. It is always the same conclusion, we, ALL OF US, are incapable of asserting any true standard model of "Purity as ideal", in that it takes control to set ideals, as standard.

 A mass mental mind rejection must take place. Rejection of a universal module, that is not consistent with what we know to be pure truth IE The Me Anti-Principle. We want to fix things, yet faced with the only fact, found ultimately in all spherical representations of reality of the field, we can not bypass ourselves, an illusion. We are being called to except Christ, meaning, rejecting the world as a absolute thus valid construct, thereby being dejected from the Universe. I think the problem arises from this massive indoctrination, which implies that there very well is not a permanent after life, or eternal life, away from these other characters. Further that main denial that we are avoiding the inevitable singularity, and that we should be making preparations, because this ship is about to sail it's final voyage.~

The Pure have only one evident choice in "the moment", reject the world, as it rejects you for all the Purity in you, simple, reduced~


The "Sensationalists" are playing the fridge. Reporting of a world, which is quickly being debunked, yet to still believe in it's existence enough, to benefit. I would say Alex Jones, is that representative of that modern day Christian, who claims with his soul, I assume "Jesus was the only pure Son, thus who am I to be pure?" this, the Capitalist begins his Hindu (karmic wheel) work, cast upon the Christian world.

"It seems quite rational, now that I understand these Principles in opposition, create the illusion, of that very substance, a static in constant movement, in order to justify time, thus itself....that the very Christian would be in truth the mind of Anti-Christ, for the re-reading of the Bible states that Christ can not exist within us, as Pure Son, hence the Christian is forgiven for all sins? The Christian misses the point entirely as the true code reads, exercise the Pure Son, within you, and you have thus transformed. Now pure, you are no longer connected to the past, you are on a different road, one that leads towards this pure source, GOD, The Father"

 commented on a video on YouTube.
Shared publicly  -  
I watch this disinformation because it's the new information. When people realize that their collective thoughts truly, instantly shape their world, no one like this would be getting fatter and richer by simply reporting closer to the truth, which is "what is" not what will be. This stuff keeps people in a negative mind state, buy a water filter and change your life. You talk about money corrupting in essence yet you brag over and over about how "big your getting", you are getting bigger/fatter, feeding off of are the problem, the new face of capitalism. If the world is still here in 8 years, I guarantee Alex Jones will be running for some office. He is still around because he isn't a threat, many stations are being targeted, this is not one of them...LOUD MOUTH, I know you type, pushing, insistent, that guy who gets every where way to early, missing the actual event, LIFE, Purity. An on and off GMO Christian, the new white meat ~

12:29 AM
+EPL Esoteric Principles of Light He already ran for office and failed miserably. Infowars was his next attempt at being something effectual other than a coke-sniffing dentist's kid that bagged college-aged chicks when he was just thirteen.
Read more

EPL Esoteric Principles of Light (ROKbodhi123)
10:42 AM
Sad to say, as I have seen it before, as we all have, (subjected to this "fixed system" of default personalities)...Info Wars would progress better without him. Funny how we can not escape our true intentions, for Alex it was never about the Purity in Truth, it was about being rich, excepted and noticed. The look on his face says "I would rather be home collecting the money, but alas my name is attached to this thing, and I am not old enough to use retirement as a means" I don't think he even believe any of this is really going on, rather, he is the same sensationalst, as all the rest, only different times.

Definition, for clarification, as I am sure you know

Sensationalism is a type of editorial bias in mass media in which events and topics in news stories and pieces are over-hyped to increase viewership or readership numbers.

P.B.U. Expanded view "The S.I.S.E. Model"


The "S.I.S.E." Model

 With my module P.B.U., I explain how these "blanks slates" as particles, as spheres are but filled up with "A" thought projection. I would like to thus further the notion to that this only represents the method of sustaining the field,  but that I believe the field to be within a contained mechanized unit. Further, that much like any experiment "we" may perform, to further embed the notion globally that we are existent in a stable construct of fact based "reality". We do not, we have never.

 The better question remains, where this energy force comes from, how it gets within these bio-body suits is becoming more qualified, in my opinion, as well as more obvious, by the day. We are not at all the same, though many, most seem to share similarities. I am not referring to the zodiacal influence, as this too is but a large part of the inbuilt control/diversionary mechanism, further separated into specific spherical or quadrant control means within the greater sphere that is "the machine".

 Our inevitable outcome is one of what we would current terms "A Schizophrenic Inevitable State of Existence" or S.I.S.E.

 The "Sise" model shows, how collectively we have first projected, our reactory influence onto the world, this is our "Base expression/conclusion". Each Energy contained within biosphere's most base instinctual impression of the contained field, is now represented as our Planet. In that there was once several "worlds", as the Jesus in the Bible alludes to.  In other words a world is a Specific unified band/field, which re-represents a "shift" or color/energy/wave representation, based on mind singularity, or the one mind's end product or final expression. Time, overlapping and on repeat, yet the machine creating locational difference gives the illusion that time and space are one singular construct, yet it could not be further from the truth. We are being set up, in a sense to have hung our selves, the consequence is that we are not prisoners but now deem ourselves, by way our own collective or superior impact of the thought as hopelessly trapped. I have no evidence that we are not in fact, trapped. Why anything or anyone would go to such lengths is a mystery.

 Sise demonstrates that we are now in yet another stage of expanded mind consciousness, as this greater representation of the color shift sphere representation of our own collective mind thought projection has seemed to "dilate" out, in a greater "stratosphere", so to speak.* We however have been pressed into the fabric of a unit, where several energies simply can not thrive and do not hold similarity with that greater sphere mind consciousness.

From another perspective, which does not disvalidates but only supports my theory, as these perspectives must be based also on this shift or Fermion units of separation, or contained fields of their own, divided by an electromagnetic hold, due from inversion, reversal projection, then reflection
IE The magnetic zone, or also seen more locally as the magnetosphere. Further to go on with my prior speculation.

*It thus seems that there are energies brought into the sphere,/as world, in order that these energies, as ingredient, would somehow change or alter the present world sphere. It does not appear that mistakes are made. It seems there is complete and total Lordship, a mastery, of how the machine works, with pinpoint accuracy the machine as experiment is constantly expressing precise anomaly or reaction which validates the moment within that contained field. Of course we all like to think that there is a way out, or that our lives will some how amount to something greater. Our hope is invaluable towards the progression of movement, or unfixed space to created these time based flash projections. However even this is completely within the Overlord's master control, and thus can be altered. Since time does not exist, and existence is a time machine, the impressions flash projected within the fabric of the greater sphere, are so precise, as to the moment of impact or positional accuracy, that the space will dictate the time, in other words, go back to the specific positional space, as it relates to those specific positions as a whole, the entire contained field or the machine, and the moment of potentials is but "replayed". One would think, by the increased visitations, and magnetic anomaly seeming to become ever more frequent, that a certain level or degree of control had been suspended or lost.

 In order to arrive here, I was thrown off the grid of default, which most are not ever going to "wake up from". This due to the fact, if there are indeed any facts aside from the Purity Principle, that these energies are compatible to the hose, or bio-body suit.

 The Purity Principle is our only true hope, in that there has been an obvious breach with this specific Principle, which you may see as law (conditioning). This "law", which I HATE, to use the term, but for your current understanding. Purity dictates that a purge shall take place. Purity is essential with the success of any experimental process, anywhere. When it is not, there is but a storehouse of mixtures of gasses, which are brought about by decay, which is why time exists, in order to maintain a freshness factor. It seems that destruction is always inevitable, and that time as locational switch and transfer, dictates that we do not reach the same point ever twice, as probabilities. There is thus a maximum number of efforts. There thus seems to be a forced minute change anomaly, in the introduction of energies that are other wise not compatible to the system. I believe myself to be one of these energies, which is tethered to that ever greater representation, as well as ever more minute, for remember, the illusion is division, and therefor this entire process can only have one outcome, TO AVOID  TOTAL SINGULARITY, or A.T.S..

 A.I.T.S. is the very reason I write this now. A.I.T.S. or Avoid Total "Individual" Singularity, demonstrates the localized need to control each specific spherical representation, which is based on priority. Priority increases as those relative non-compatible additions to the collective zone or world, require specific methods/quantity of control. For you see, when the new force is no longer contained, a purge will take place. In this, each new force is an inconsistency to the machine, they simply do not belong with the contained field. They are only controllable to a certain point. This brings about a chaos theory, but in fact, chaos is not the true natural state.

 In this purity, causing destruction, due inevitable purge, creates the falsehood that it is goodness, or purity that is foreign to the machine, when without source, represented as new force the machine would not be valid, it would not stay alive, for it follows only law, and all law is false, there must be a source, and the only source is Pure Source.

 This Theory, as I have stated, is the The True Theory of everything, as it validates all viable religion, science, and expression, in that we are working within the field, making great effort to see the field from an outside perspective, yet have no collective idea (as ideal construct, hence false physics), what "life" is like outside the machine.~

 I stay entirely within the scope of the bible, as this New Force, as representation of the Source, in it's most impressive expression of purifying by purging the field, is in fact Jesus. So whether this information is all a scientific parable, using religion to express this to the masses, is not known, yet requires faith. Scientists, specifically Tesla saw this, but stuck with what he called pure science. Most likely never rationalizing the faith aspect in his works, for he could not have gone on to every "higher" experiments without faith.

I guess what I have done here, is bridge what seems the obvious, to me anyways. In that I have jump passed the Einstein fabrication and brain wash, with current science, and looked towards emerging science as that greater representation of fact.

 Emerging science seeing that there indeed can be a flat Earth, in the sense that these are contained fields, and must get away from the construct of reality as carbon form. The carbon form is merely that influenced placed on the one mind, as to further project this comfort zone of "what is" back onto the world, with each passing space/time moment, of separation. The Hollow Earth also be existent, in the fact that within the Earth, there is not assumable occupied mind space. This leaves Hallow Earth as a viable "clear zone" in that there is always a place to travel to and from, which is not occupied by the greater or onemind. We are both in control, and completely not in control. "We", are rather, projecting our influence onto the wold, filling up these magnetic spinning Fermion with the information which we have been prompted to project.

 The only answer is to reset the entire system, which is done over and over again, however the greater sphere measure by way of degree, AND ALL MEASUREMENTS OF DEGREE, AT THE BASE, ONLY MEASURE THOSE CONSISTENT DEGREES OF PURITY WITHIN THE FIELD (micro and macro representations). Change one sphere of containment, hold it steady throughout a specific period of time cycles, as Mind Projection, and it only takes one human or consciousness to reflect this inconsistency back to the greater sphere, as all spheres as said are merely seemingly reproduction of the same event. Picture is like a movie projector. The film is quite small, yet the light projected, casts the image forth onto a blank slate or wall. The purer the wall, the more clarity to the spectator. Yet in this model of "reality" the film is being manifest in that same moment of projection. The more we rely on the default, the more that set image of default, that machine holding of placement, will cast this most likely probability to sustain the field, be employed.

 This machine is a source extractor. It extracts Pure Source Energy, to perpetuate similar base life structures either outside the machine, or that the machine, in a specific dimensional zone, is where these beings live, who are desperately applying their seemingly superior knowledge, through their laws of mentalism and other immutable law, which they have imposed, as they think in the construct of facts or absolutes. It is no wonder, that these concepts of being "kicked out of heaven" are applicable. In the sense that the impure was rejected from purity, as pure source, is a more universally acceptable way to view this "event" of a fall from grace.

To me this does not seem complex, yet is hard to explain, simply because I feel I owe you no explanation. This is written for a very select few, who will internalize and understand that Science and Spiritual themes are one and the same. Tesla bashed Einstein with such a statement, however I believe it was Einstein who represented Science as a the false dead end thought process or "what is" projection, he was in short, a mathematical thinker, who wanted to impress the world, or belong. Tesla was tapped into this genius, as tether or specific frequency thought strand. In other words it was Tesla who adopted spiritual themes. Yet, Tesla wrote on it, applied this understanding to development un-needed technologies, in the avoidance of his own personal application, as pure mind projected onto the world, at least in his so called "productive years". He was not projecting this genius as spiritual rule and authentication, with the very mental mind techniques he had uncovered.

"Within Jesus Mind, there exists all genius, which is instantly reduced to Purity, in reduction, to that point within, without zero, as in the decimal point marks the spot, so to eliminate the number (for it does not exist absent division).~