
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Train to Tranny~


 There is a tiny, Hispanic Transgender named "BamBam" in the community, if we may call Occupy Sacramento City Hall such? She/He reminds me, as does the Trans sitting next to me, and others I see around frequently in Sac Towne, that the very structural component of who we are, through posturing and corralling, has thus altered our collective path, in immeasurable ways, another dimension?

 Quite certainly~

MASTELLER PT: My goal is simple, I want to maintain who I am, fo...

MASTELLER PT: My goal is simple, I want to maintain who I am, fo...: My goal is simple, I want to maintain who I am, forever, in my complete state of being. Yet somehow, this equals superiority, greatness...a...

MASTELLER PT: A physcial display, Nature=Nurture

MASTELLER PT: A physcial display, Nature=Nurture:  Always to marry Philosophy and Math, such is life, that homeostatic driven perpetuated state of equilibrium=LIFE Here I am 46 years old....

In haste to gain~


 I love no one, but my Two Son's. Love also comes by way of the left. We who have died, in one way or another, know this, to be true. We protect a Purity.

 Duty and Honor are thus to intensify the color spectrum, this fatal err, as in Ahriman, allows for a greater spectrum. This balance of good and evil, right and wrong, and so too, that creation of it, by means...creates God's.

 It is always that final product, that end value, as it were, so where do you plan to go with it.

 Those set on a short band, with small goals, of acquisition, get there first, for they only see the prize.

However...but back stepping they would surely be pressed to do, and to erase each ill got foot step, in haste to gain.


God is Love, my favorite color? Purity~


 People, as it were, are quite expectant. Entitled, deserving, in a self appreciating manor or virtu.

 I watched the Police come in droves, hailing upon the few homeless left over. Those who have left, for the most part, are the more intelligent of the "species".

 A town of children, who feed on false light. Light, which be echoed forth, as a synthetic emanation of things passed, and things to come, by way, mimetic sequencing. Chaos, Children of Chaos.

 People assume that your feelings, your thoughts, and yes your very disposition and manor, reflect them, as a self abasing statement of ego, a self expression, of the left.

 I can't take Loaves and Fishes anymore, the madness. Just as I can not spend one more solitary night, away from my now grown Son, I hold him as a God, The God, within my very heart, and mind, he is the center to my meditations.

 For those who can not understand this notion, there is no way these, all who I have met, in this day, can understand the concept of God.

 God is Love, and manifests in many forms. 

 Thus Satan is Hate. So those who harm the One You Love, receive, in proportion to your Love...Hate. To mute this, is to mute the self. How then can one proclaim a self, as in the integer, if one has not the means, nor thus, the Golden Mean, from which to stem, a burgeoning forth, so to say?

 Ironic, the movement starting at City Hall, on the 8th December, when I was looking for a place to be. I do not agree wholly with occupy, but somehow I keep getting sucked back in. Just as I do not feel good about giving, however when a fellow comes across my path, and I have, for some reason or another, gotten more than I need to eat, I will share. It seems to be a code, that I can not thus, live out.

 My thoughts are indeed scattered, but clearer than ever. My thoughts, concepts and ideas do overlap, as spheres, they, separate, on in perspective, but always a part, of the whole.

 Walking passed "X" street, I came across that Shriner's Hospital, again.

Image result for picture of shriners hospital sacramento

 There is a large sculpture to the rear, which is not picture on the internet, at least from what I can find. That sculpture depicts cancer survivors, those who made it through, those wanting to enter the "windows", which open as Phi fractals, or probability patterns, and those who are within the matrix, or interem of the network. Occupation, and character are heavily displayed.

 Did you ever ponder on us/U.S. being stuck here, in this "reality", as it were? Then would a quest to save a life, or even more, to prevent to death, until a latter date, not be control over the very flow, an out pour, of life itself. This organization is God, as it controls all aspects of life.

 Try to think around it, but Money is that means, which allows, for cause, and by cause all means. One can not achieve thus, that heavily chalaced Golden Mean, absent the tools, set forth, by way of occupation, or monetary absolute.

 If I am to endeavor, toward, through, any pursuit, I will naturally have to project myself forth, to and through a full time cycle, in order that I may render an end product or result, which is value.

 Those patrons of the Light, are also the regulators of it's offering, to all. That Masonic Stamp, a pyramid, and symbols, locks the user, into a binding agreement, that this Dollar Bill before me, an in my hand, must be used for rightful purpose, and good cause. When I merry the fractal perfection, of say, a Great Temple (Solomon), to the form, and to employ those great Mason's thus, in it's endeavor, I will have projected it's production, application and use, to a higher moral frequency, and how frequently it may be thus used, and by whom (be worthy).

 The Bible is writ, in such a way, as to thwart those who can not understand it's true meaning, from using the knowledge, which it freely gives, whilst using the EPL method. So too the symbols, letters, words and meanings of all things, times and places.

 Those who ask me my favorite color, I say Purity is my favorite color, as it is pure, clear, yet to encompass all Light, as a means, as to speed up, or slow down time itself, as shift comes into play.~

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Sphere of Now~


My friend left, he calling me  Feyd-Rautha ironic as he worked on the original matrix, that reoccurring theme, I indeed am the One, to break the matrix code, that burden upon me for long now, to break the machine until I AM FREE TO LOVE, AND TO LOVE FREELY.

 He pushes his buddy, who may have another leg amputated from improper insulin use, as told to him by his very Doctors. They do not know of the ROKbodhi way, though if they listened, for long, I would convey. They, all of them, that I meet, do not know of the Food Pyramids machination, at birth, a wayward bus indeed.

 I have been sleep under the stars, in 21 degree weather, it's been cold. Worse, is the air quality. My throat never clears out. I managed, however, to go on low carb eating, with an EBT, items from the nearest 7/11, and G.A. (general assistance funds of $117).

 I practice all that I have written so extensively about, and know this to be a saving grace. I meet people each day that should not be diabetic, and see the agenda. Long acting esters kill the people. I tell them about Dr Alberto Viau's  method, in basic. That is, to only use acute or short acting insulin, in very minute and small doses. Testing is the main goal, to keep the insulin at relatively very low blood sugar/glucose levels. Most do not lesson, however I try.

 I jump in, and have learned from the Masonic heads, a hierarchy. I am still angry, but respect the teachings. These are those Principle card holders, God's to be sure, those who shape and plan us/U.S. ALL.

Far to much happens each day, to even report, I try and capture it, but find an Obama phone does not allow room for battery power, to fuel the inept little camera.

 I am awoken early in the a.m., most days, and find that if I simply go into 90 degree hip flexion, I have met the demand of the state. I find this to be a recurring theme, they will let you sit up, in the warming center, but not lie down. Our right to rest is the very thing to be assaulted, and the most important items, for sure, for smooth operation, motor control and daily function, at the base.

Always 7 points, and an 8th which is also 0 on the return, in each endeavor, each and every motion of the kata, of life, and living.

 I feed the people, as in the dinner project. I clean the streets, as those who simply do not care, or are to high to care, throw the discards of their free items about.

I keep a low profile, but practice EPL. I feel all Christ figures, a tether, that pulls me strongly, and know/gnosis, my fight against them, against the default always, against the machine, has earned my name, a name, somewhere. I DEEPLY LOVE MY SON, and am confused, as all efforts to simply just raise him, my Light, My Life, are and have been constantly thwarted.

Well, I Love you Son (both my Son's). You gave me the right, the right to fight, the reason for the season, and Love to press Principle unto the very substance of the Sphere, an Energy in Motion.

 My methods are just being and becoming digested, in the ether of the substance. Those I meet, some how express to me, now exhausted from the constant notion, a motion, the very Principles I demanded unto and upon the spheres substance, that Field of Unity.

 America, a wayward group of entitled assholes. America, a place where Principle eludes, all I have ever met. Many embrace me, and my Light, not understanding their ego, be all that keep them from achieving a realization, of what I truly am. I changed the sphere, and do each day, at such a cost, I will be on disability in the coming weeks. This, my only and last option, as I fight for the right to rest, to work, to prosper, walking miles each day, going about that ferris wheel, an oligarchy control mechanism, so that I can never rise, in a life time, with these Principles as means. But to show, that these Principles are the means, the light and that Purity, from which, all substance comes forth, of this corporeal state, a being.~

Better than Occupy, a warn out and bygone theme, of intent to purpose?


 I experienced a madman, knocking over the items so carefully and thoughtfully place on the free table, adorned with contributions, by those that CARE. He was then held down, after waking up the 20 some odd people, occupying the side portion of Sacramento City Hall.

 They say don't call the police, two friends, allies really, left Occupy, or truly "Occupational effort", on account of this law, a flaw, or fatal err?

 Well, until there be a suitable replacement, yes. Is this not the state we are all currently in? That is, biding our time, whilst we pause, a long pregnant pause, as to allow, and even embrace, an inferior moral democracy? This we call the world of Politics.

 When we all do our part, the machine, as in it's natural Merkabah reliant state, of being, places the fermion, into order.

We are tribe, we are one people~