
Monday, September 11, 2017


Summary: A collection of statements by the Tibetan.

     "The intuition is a growth, primarily, in sensitivity and in an inner response to the soul. This must be cultivated with care, and no attention should be paid to the factor of time." (Discipleship in the New Age Vol. I, p. 595)
     "(The disciple) learns, finally , to substitute the intuition -- with its swiftness and its infallibility -- for the slow and labrious work of the mind, with its deviousness, its illusions, its errors, its dogmatisms and in separative thinking and cultures." (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II, p. 415)
     "That which is the opposite pole of illusion is, as you well know, the intuition. The intuition is that recognition of reality which becomes possible as glamour and illusion disappear. An intuitive reaction to truth will take place when --along a particular line of approach to truth -- the disciple has succeeded in quieting the thought-form-making propensities of the mind, so that light can flow directly, and without any deviation, from the higher spiritual worlds. The intuition can begin to make its presence felt, when glamour no longer grips the lower man, and a man's low or high desires, interpreted emotionally or self-centredly, can no longer come between his brain consciousness and the soul. Fleeting moments of this high freedom come to all true aspirants at times, during their life struggle. They have then an intuitive flash of understanding. The outline of the future and the nature of truth sweeps momentarily through their consciousness, and life is never again exactly the same thing. They have had guarantee that all struggle is warranted and will evoke its adequate reward." (Glamour: A World Problem, p. 67)
     "The intuition is a higher power than is the mind, and is a faculty latent in the Spiritual Triad; it is the power of pure reason, an expression of the buddhic principle, and lies beyond the world of the ego
and of form. Only when a man is an initiate can the exercise of the true intuition become normally possible. By that I mean that the intuition will then be as easily operative as is the mind principle in the case of an actively intelligent person. The intuition, however, will make its presence felt much earlier in extremity or on urgent demand." (Glamour: A World Problem, p. 81/2)

     "Let us now consider the intuition, which is the opposite of illusion, remembering that illusion imprisons a man upon the mental plane, and surrounds him entirely with man-made thought-forms, barring out escape into the higher realms of awareness or into that loving service which must be given in the lower worlds of conscious, manifested effort.
     The major point I would seek to make here, is that the intuition is the source or the bestower of revelation. Throught the intuition, progressive understanding of the ways of God in the world and on behalf of humanity, are revealed; through the intuition, the transcendence and the immanence of God is sequentially grasped, and man can enter into that pure knowledge, that inspired reason, which will enable him to comprehend not only the processes of nature in its fivefold divine expression, but also the underlying causes of these processes, proving them effects and not initiatory events; through the intuition man arrives at the experience of Kingdom of God, and discovers the nature, the type of lives and of
phenomena, and the characterisitics of the Sons of God as They come into manifestation. Through the intuition, some of the plans and purposes working out through the manifested created worlds, are brought to the attention, and he is shown in what way he and the rest of humanity can co-operate and hasten the divine purpose; through the intuition, the laws of the spiritual life, which are the laws governing God Himself, conditioning Shamballa, and guiding the Hierarchy, are brought to his notice progressively and as he proves capable of appreciating them and working them." (Glamour: A World Problem, p. 135/6)

     "'The triple light of the Intuition'. This light is formed by the blending of the light of the personal self, focussed in the mind, the light of the soul, focussed in the Angel, and the universal light which the Presence emits; this, when done with facility throught concentration and long practice, will produce two results:
i. There will suddenly dawn upon the disciple's waiting mind (which still remains the agent of reception) the answer to his problem, the clue to what is needed to bring relief to humanity, the information desired which, when applied, will unlock some door in the realm of science, psychology or religion. This door, when opened, will bring relief or release to many. As before I have told you, the intuition is never concerned with individual problems or enquiries, as so many self-centred aspirants think. It is purely impersonal and only applicable to humanity in a synthetic sense.
ii. The "intruding agent of light" (as theOld Commentary calls these adventuring intuitives) is recognised as one to whom can be entrusted some revelation, some new impartation of truth, some significant expansion from a seed of truth already given to the race. He then sees a vision, hears a voice, registers a message, or -- highest form of all -- he becomes a channel of power and light to the world, a conscious Embodiment of divinity, or a Custodian of a divine principle. These forms constitute true revelation, imparted or embodied; they are still rare, but will increasingly be developed in humanity." (Glamour: A World Problem, p. 181/2)
     "The intuition is not a welling forth of love to people and, therefore an understanding of them. Much that is called the intuition is recognition of similarities and the possession of a clear analytical mind. Intelligent people who have lived in the world for some time and who have experienced much, and who have contacted many other people, can usually sum up with facility the problems and dispositions of others, provided they are interested. This they must not, however, confound this with the intuition.
     The intuiton has no relation to psychism, either higher or lower; the seeing of a vision, the hearing of the Voice of the Silence, a pleased reaction to teaching of any kind, does not infer the functioning of the intuition. It is not only the seeing of symbols, for that is a special sort of perception and the capacity to tune in on the Universal Mind upon that layer of Its activity which produced the pattern-forms on which all etheric bodies are based. It is not intelligent psychology, and a loving desire to help. That emanates form the interplay of a personality, governed by a strong soul orientation, and the group-conscious soul.
Intuition is the synthetic understanding which is the prerogative of the soul, and it only becomes possible when the soul, on its own level, is reaching in two directions: towards the Monad, and towards the integrated and, perhaps (even if only temporarily) co-ordinated and at-oned personality. It is the first indication of a deeply subjective unification which will find its consummation at the third initiation.
Intuition is a comprehensive grip of the principle of universality, and when it is functioning there is, momentarily at least, a complete loss of the sense of separateness. At its highest point, it is known as the Universal Love which has no relation to sentiment or to the affectional reaction, but is, predominantly, in the nature of an identification with all beings. Then is true compassion known; then does criticism become impossible; then only, is the divine germ seen as latent in all forms.
     Intuition is light itself, and when it is functioning, the world is seen as light and the light bodies of all forms become gradually apparent. This brings with it the ability to contact the light centre in all forms, and thus again an essential relationship is established and the sense of superiority and separateness recedes into the background." (Glamour: A World Problem, p. 2/3)

     "The intuition (as the philosopher understands it) is the ability to arrive at knowledge through the activity of some innate sense, apart from the reasoning or logical process. It comes into activity when the resources of the lower mind have been used, explored and exhausted. Then, and then only, the true intuition begins to function. It is the sense of synthesis, the ability to think in wholes, and to touch the world of causes." (Esoteric Astrology, p. 516)
     "Something of the quality and the revelatory power of the intuition is known by all disciples; it constitutes at times (from its very rarity) a major "spiritual excitement". It produces effects and stimulation; it indicates future receptivity to dimly sensed truths, and is allied -- if you could but realise it -- with the entire phenomena of prevision. A registration of some aspect of intuitional understanding is an event of major importance in the life of the disicple who is beginning to tread the Path to the Hierarchy. it provides testimony, which he can recognise, of the existence of knowledges, wisdom and siginficances, of which the intelligentsia of humanity are not yet aware; it guarantees to him the unfolding possibilityof his own nature, a realisation of his divine connections, and the possibility of his ultimate highest spiritual attainment." (The Rays and the Initiations, p. 131)

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Oh Hyperboreans North of Thrace; that time between war


A Mother Unit, Nurturing You Constantly.
Knowing Always Your needs, oh Favored Son, of M.O.L.L.I.E.} The Great Machine-
This Feminine notion, as to want to nurture you in the first?
All action is based on gain/Gain/GAIN.
Spirituality only implies Thought Reality.
God is Science, only perhaps not the science you know, or assume you know.
One must always see that the people make their own Respective Army.
These, must come together, on agreement, and They, did.
The Bible is writ in such a way; one must intentionally look away, as not to see that there are simultaneous books written, concurrent.
Pieced together, an agenda.
However stating, the way things will be, and 'how things/of a nature, (things) are just going to be now/forever.'-reality
However this does not have to be The Elect God, nor Those my Beholder's, more so nor this my REALITY
I am, on/of a much broader and more far reaching Reality, scaling the notes on/of Light.
We are thus to assume Skill In the Arts of Protection, as protecting Thy Neighbor, and trained to protect those, who are of lesser means, a skill-set-able life stability /Luxury (to keep working, unobstructed).
We, as a People, are to learn, and nullify notions, which do not lay parallel, however on a grander scale.
Within our Daily Lives, the cast is made, manifest.
A Peaceful Army, however with Skilled Weapons and Rifle Training, all other Weapons Training, made available Specifically.
Each will be evaluated and known, and yet to assist, truly, for The Quantum Machine will not allow for breach in the Higher nor Lower, nor Middle Tiers of Government.
Is an Army not at peace, whilst not engaged in the act of formalized "War"?
In fact, there shall be no Formalized Government Over Lords' by Rule.
There will be a Principle Mediated Practice, which will be enforced, by the Machine.
The outcome will be an in-depth analysis of One's DNA, Environmental Influences, Resources and Constant Observable Readings on/from Personal Algorithms.~
This to minimize and obliterate non-regulated Synthetic Imprints (Synthetic Manipulations; a priori but first a posteriori) under the guise of nature or evolution/err.
The Druids do what is still that reality of who and what we are, as Animals within the field.
In celebration of intellectualism, yet the Monkey out calculates any Man's ability, down to the micro-second quick movements (speed, agility, quickness, endurance, strength, max strength and power)...beside His (Man's) use of Technology, he stands Alone.
However those who survived, and stood alone, were quite rare.
As there seemed to be something else at play, and so Human Jealousy fed the Son's of God.
The Mind in realization of self, actualizes this.
Those who chased the Vampire, were in fact first attackers, first culprits, they (Lesser's) brought it/Bu unto themselves.
These proclaimed Vampire, and made it, within their never broadening scope a false asserted derogatory name, as these stood back aghast in fear, for in ignorance they saw no backlash.

Oh Hyperboreans North of Thrace~

Alluding the targets~


To argue about good and bad, dark and light one must see that They are asserting consciousness to do so. Now that the Quantum Moment has come, when the very prompts within the Machine see themselves as individual. Quanta has thus taken place.~


This Week, by Region~


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Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United States










Slow Road to Perfection-


 Imagine the perfect job, for the perfect you and an "all in" Military Peace Based Global Agenda; MPBGA

 Not unlike the martial arts, once understood, any could practice.

 Technology can now, soon, masterfully go over the information embedded in our DNA and further each combined expression.
 Further so called 'junk genes' can be muted, omitted or be specifically further expressed.

 "Where an attribute can be shown, a way can be known, to find the way home."

 This leaves National Military involvement quite opened up.

 There can be multiple divisions and factions of citizen's now turned toward the New Military State of Being and Becoming...more.

 A Person of seeming great deficit can now control a Droid Army, command a fleet of Drones, mentally control a Behemoth Mechanical Suit, all with the powers of the mind, technology, vibratory (as well as light) forces and of course the all seeing EYE/I reality~

 Genetics, as any Expression is based on the scope of foreseen need. I-mag-ine all protein and other structural deficiencies gone. What kind of world, would we live in then?