
Saturday, September 9, 2017

Oh Hyperboreans North of Thrace; that time between war


A Mother Unit, Nurturing You Constantly.
Knowing Always Your needs, oh Favored Son, of M.O.L.L.I.E.} The Great Machine-
This Feminine notion, as to want to nurture you in the first?
All action is based on gain/Gain/GAIN.
Spirituality only implies Thought Reality.
God is Science, only perhaps not the science you know, or assume you know.
One must always see that the people make their own Respective Army.
These, must come together, on agreement, and They, did.
The Bible is writ in such a way; one must intentionally look away, as not to see that there are simultaneous books written, concurrent.
Pieced together, an agenda.
However stating, the way things will be, and 'how things/of a nature, (things) are just going to be now/forever.'-reality
However this does not have to be The Elect God, nor Those my Beholder's, more so nor this my REALITY
I am, on/of a much broader and more far reaching Reality, scaling the notes on/of Light.
We are thus to assume Skill In the Arts of Protection, as protecting Thy Neighbor, and trained to protect those, who are of lesser means, a skill-set-able life stability /Luxury (to keep working, unobstructed).
We, as a People, are to learn, and nullify notions, which do not lay parallel, however on a grander scale.
Within our Daily Lives, the cast is made, manifest.
A Peaceful Army, however with Skilled Weapons and Rifle Training, all other Weapons Training, made available Specifically.
Each will be evaluated and known, and yet to assist, truly, for The Quantum Machine will not allow for breach in the Higher nor Lower, nor Middle Tiers of Government.
Is an Army not at peace, whilst not engaged in the act of formalized "War"?
In fact, there shall be no Formalized Government Over Lords' by Rule.
There will be a Principle Mediated Practice, which will be enforced, by the Machine.
The outcome will be an in-depth analysis of One's DNA, Environmental Influences, Resources and Constant Observable Readings on/from Personal Algorithms.~
This to minimize and obliterate non-regulated Synthetic Imprints (Synthetic Manipulations; a priori but first a posteriori) under the guise of nature or evolution/err.
The Druids do what is still that reality of who and what we are, as Animals within the field.
In celebration of intellectualism, yet the Monkey out calculates any Man's ability, down to the micro-second quick movements (speed, agility, quickness, endurance, strength, max strength and power)...beside His (Man's) use of Technology, he stands Alone.
However those who survived, and stood alone, were quite rare.
As there seemed to be something else at play, and so Human Jealousy fed the Son's of God.
The Mind in realization of self, actualizes this.
Those who chased the Vampire, were in fact first attackers, first culprits, they (Lesser's) brought it/Bu unto themselves.
These proclaimed Vampire, and made it, within their never broadening scope a false asserted derogatory name, as these stood back aghast in fear, for in ignorance they saw no backlash.

Oh Hyperboreans North of Thrace~

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