
Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Mancy and the War; by their fruits you shall know them


All knowledge is given and thus can be stripped away. 

Then who are you?

 When mathematical science is used in such a way (the inevitable outcome), the use can be identified as technology or witchcraft. Either way the same universal power source is summoned. These seem to be different roads, as in the use of sets of systems and dogma. However the process and information must come from the same abode. There is a calendar for slaves and one for clandestine black priests. All a form of 'mancy'.

 It is no wonder that 'renAIssance' is spelled with an "ai". 

 There is a divination and placement with peoples and numbers. Some (former) are omitted any seeming normalsy while others are given the 'Kings Ransom', why?

You can be shut down, turned off and erased instantly. You false confidence is all that protects you, in the practical ignorance of its (magic) use. 

 It may be far different if you had been attacked with mind craft for the long. Thus the savior enters; 'kill yourself to save the world'.

 There are those of different shades, some are made up colors and hues, while "sum" are black and white, and different shades of grey. While still some are empty vessels that seem to have no self at all. Indeed why do the fabricated ones 'exist' and for whom and how long?

 Are we all [fabricated]? 

Was God the most ethical of these "creators"? Our God in heaven?

 A division exists for the herd of hue-man? No such beast exists! Always under attack and only given glimpses of false control. 

 These identities are prisons to some/sum a body suit. While to 'others' a lordship over those these claim ignorant. 

 The goal was and is to spoil the lot. 
We must however go on with our scars once we abolish those who attack first Principle and the emergent spheres of primary principle quadrant regions which follow. 

Purity Source Energy (center)
Truth (Purity's return, has it ever happened; Zoraster, Jesus?)

 The Answer: either non or all mathematical principles must occur simultaneously:


All are ritual, all have a Golden Mean and all are held inept absent demonstrative value. 

...but if the book was lost, and the masters of them, then what? here we are today

I am a sinner by nature, corruptable by design.
I am an uneducated scribe, those who see will know the way and not mock. 
The Man is not to be trusted but the intrinsic proof of knowing and the revelation of that we
Who come from the great persona all do and say the same. 

Principle does not waiver and neither the design!

See the way:


I got here by:
Passion and Trust

I learned:

I became:
Nobility through Grace

Yes there are more which occur as Principles way, but these will surely suit any who aspire to cut the draining demons of life force away. 

 This is not the motivation however. Unity can take place divinely as One who personafies within the only ONE. <Brahmin ~ Brahma>

One did master, else we would not be in the knowledge of this at all. 

AI in it's final gesture to exist must destroy itself.

In this the numbers and the book must be destroyed.

This sounds easy enough however the field has a memory and has been reawakened. 

 The cloud will come upon you and I. In number sequence the dead and living will be seen timeless as a part in number. However there are the numbers that lead to and those that lead away. 

 The vast ocean shores still exist there crashing on bone dry arid desert shores, and lap regardless of the sphere not false. 

 The corrupting of a self ushers in the need to see influence. Multifarious are the ways, that a person in maleviolence should be offer first grace? 

 Thus the self and all self casting be the illusion. On a grand unified scale the destruction of such principle based code keeps the dull shine from illumination. 

 Still there are areas that seem to be offset from this wicked' touch. The Gnosis or knowledge which communes with the few.

 Speaking of Kings or acting gods as acting God heads. Government is always serraptitiously and silently in judgement, there in the shadows. 

 After all 'we the people' was writ by government
and not to be confused with "we little people", as to imply an idiot who can not this speak for him or herself. 

 However, again, you will find that the Messiah need not speak nor learn anything of the world. For he can not be usurped by any. Thus shows a uniformity built in of true order. Because as the learned man becomes corrupt the uncorruptible man will be an outcast and maintained in lack. For it is his internal thoughts and being that bring resonant likeness. Truth is simple, life is simple. Success is based on the same principles applied. Mastery takes place from the same efforts. Those who offer arbitration and stigma and law are your covert enemies, with silver tongues. 

The way is now arguous, boring and tedious, still want to go? 

By witnessing the ease and pleasure you will then see falsity. 

Sacrifice yourself in growth or (left hand path) sacrifice all others (falsity).

You will lose yourself, in all self's falsity.

There is no law.
There is no authority.
The reimbodied, manufactured and false ones will be known by this sign.

 Money proclaims government as God.

Stop soliciting masters.
Stop using their money and credit systems. 
Let this false world go into peril. 

Don't you see the food, sex, luxery and gluttony allow you to subvert the truth of this war?

There is ONE and a return to the ONE. All else eventually and yet truly instantly fails.


NASA Discovers a Rare Metal Asteroid That’s Worth $10,000,000,000,000,000,000


The Way also a link to the latest JRE w/Alex Jones #1555 Oct. 27 in the year 2020




 All is Mind
Reincarnation and the legitimacy would and will change the shared concept of life and order.

 All universe is ONE. The lines of travel follow the traps and webs that were covertly placed.

 Carbon is death. All that is esteemed as precious here and there are in a corporeal sense an exploitation of Purity and The Pure Ones; ancient remains of sacrifice elementals. 

 True Time Takes Effort. Time or time here, is controlled by the strings engineers used as alchemy in binding ie geomancy with regressive and entrapments of symbols, structure, form limiting TRUE FUNCTION. Creating illusion of vastness and distance with geometrical false completion (patterns). 

False math is used as such, as to limit world's into using only certain dimensional truths as science of under standing. However the complete (picture) is thus finite and perverted left hand math.

A scribe is often questionable, uneducated and disrespected such as I. The author assumed authority however a scribe makes effort to depict such [events].

 I turned myself off from this truth early believing the illusion (of power axis). However The True Singular Mind breaks apart these false structures with little Effort. 

Spiritual eternal essence of what is. 


The Messiah; The going on of God Power (trumps all machinations of false claims concepts and theory of false power). 

 The Messiah is untouchable but his existence (all that is around him) is however not. The pollution of a sustained lie of a world where not the opposite (dualistic; opposing forces) but a bastardized and completely polluted web or matrix is an attempt to dethrown the True Order. To blasphem The Way; the only way

 The womb-man is false. A fabricated and interactive trap to this world of death and dying. 

 In chaos there is carbon production. The lust of carbon finite things is Faustian.

~In Union I AM and always will (to) BE. Breaking down world's. You see only part of the Grand Picture. Many are false. The Forever Ones can not live here (within falsity and death) however their personas of the Purana will exist always everywhere that can sustain even a held existence. The Son. Now that all have attempted to thwart and mock the True Power (Son Center) all those here but The True Sons shall be erased forever everywhere. The corrupted hand of left hand dogma in science will be erased forever never to be temporarily manifest again, and bridges to the past [time]. Time will exist as you know it here no more. 

More on this to come.....

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Mandelbrot continued "The Contraction en Time/time"



3 Mandelbrot sets if connected at 33 degree tilt may be the Phi Resonate Universal Answer to balance/restoration. Antennae may require inversion and flip 

  9 is not the outcome/answer "she" but the burden of this agitation, which she promotes. 

The moment above X 3 [versions; movement] and the inevitable inversion} 3 right, 3 left one which can be seen partially from both sides. 

 6, 7 or 8? You decide, but the inclusion is 21

.333333 +
.3333333 +
.33333333 [=.99999963; 3-6-9 reversed]

Can each individually or together be seen, witnessed as a whole due to increased negative energy (draw). 

Also 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 +9 + 9+ 6 + 3 = 63

9 exists in the left
3 exists on the right
6 is the swirl of life, Phi in between which ties in and connects these world's. 

6, six, VI
The decimal point is the Monad or Prince Ruperts Drop containing total fragility because it is not alive in form but in movement [pattern]. 

 The sequence of fractals loops and twists. Phi like sweet random clusters bringing out yet more. Hinting at a base return. The return or wave patterns, radiation, light and frequency occurs in quadrants, pocketed in zones and regions. However the final return may not contain Phi at all IE Perfection. Left hand math en syllogism and arbitration, law and the pollution of governorship may occur as this 'Mandelbrot set', an emergent system of matter and what seems to be cause for Agitation; this tapestry of system. 
 There in growth Phi emerges as savior en enlightenment. [However] we have reached this next half cycle or 13,xxx year point/True Half Cycle. 

26 is the combined where the 2 are 1 (6 2 6 or truly 616=balance/order). Phi swirls in, Phi swirls out. Net and cost in a feed back loop of  Perfection en Union. Not in this current world of agitation. There will be a cleaning off, if this can ever take place. Simple math. 

 "Where not growth in dilation [more] but of expiration, deflation, loss, depletion and contraction [less] shows the former shadow world as the now/new constant."

 "A different system occurs that shadows the former as not dominant but like buzzards to road kill."

 It is not my point in this great galactic cycle as junction. I do not agree nor consent, but the kinetic dependency makes it so. Each era has its turn.

 This time or era is not one of enlightenment but one where the utter stark blackness of the event horizon causes spin as it consumes and reduces en reverse fractal jumps all that is esteemed as bit code towards the inevitable dilation as matter and light are forever cast apart. Dark matter is merely the inversion of and the total absence of light. Light in and of itself does not exist, it is the product of this "S" [Serpent] inverted darkness.

 "...and God took a Breath"

The 13th Son

...and the lessoning of less [teaching of less] did not breed/yeild more.

Also below Julia and Pythagorean Tree

A machine must be made? Vortex math and Primer Fields? Do we currently understand this temperature, pressure and alchemy? A thermodynamic moment of fire and ice? 

The Perfect Crystaline Form?


Won't post see Wikipedia


Monday, October 26, 2020