
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Mandelbrot continued "The Contraction en Time/time"



3 Mandelbrot sets if connected at 33 degree tilt may be the Phi Resonate Universal Answer to balance/restoration. Antennae may require inversion and flip 

  9 is not the outcome/answer "she" but the burden of this agitation, which she promotes. 

The moment above X 3 [versions; movement] and the inevitable inversion} 3 right, 3 left one which can be seen partially from both sides. 

 6, 7 or 8? You decide, but the inclusion is 21

.333333 +
.3333333 +
.33333333 [=.99999963; 3-6-9 reversed]

Can each individually or together be seen, witnessed as a whole due to increased negative energy (draw). 

Also 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 +9 + 9+ 6 + 3 = 63

9 exists in the left
3 exists on the right
6 is the swirl of life, Phi in between which ties in and connects these world's. 

6, six, VI
The decimal point is the Monad or Prince Ruperts Drop containing total fragility because it is not alive in form but in movement [pattern]. 

 The sequence of fractals loops and twists. Phi like sweet random clusters bringing out yet more. Hinting at a base return. The return or wave patterns, radiation, light and frequency occurs in quadrants, pocketed in zones and regions. However the final return may not contain Phi at all IE Perfection. Left hand math en syllogism and arbitration, law and the pollution of governorship may occur as this 'Mandelbrot set', an emergent system of matter and what seems to be cause for Agitation; this tapestry of system. 
 There in growth Phi emerges as savior en enlightenment. [However] we have reached this next half cycle or 13,xxx year point/True Half Cycle. 

26 is the combined where the 2 are 1 (6 2 6 or truly 616=balance/order). Phi swirls in, Phi swirls out. Net and cost in a feed back loop of  Perfection en Union. Not in this current world of agitation. There will be a cleaning off, if this can ever take place. Simple math. 

 "Where not growth in dilation [more] but of expiration, deflation, loss, depletion and contraction [less] shows the former shadow world as the now/new constant."

 "A different system occurs that shadows the former as not dominant but like buzzards to road kill."

 It is not my point in this great galactic cycle as junction. I do not agree nor consent, but the kinetic dependency makes it so. Each era has its turn.

 This time or era is not one of enlightenment but one where the utter stark blackness of the event horizon causes spin as it consumes and reduces en reverse fractal jumps all that is esteemed as bit code towards the inevitable dilation as matter and light are forever cast apart. Dark matter is merely the inversion of and the total absence of light. Light in and of itself does not exist, it is the product of this "S" [Serpent] inverted darkness.

 "...and God took a Breath"

The 13th Son

...and the lessoning of less [teaching of less] did not breed/yeild more.

Also below Julia and Pythagorean Tree

A machine must be made? Vortex math and Primer Fields? Do we currently understand this temperature, pressure and alchemy? A thermodynamic moment of fire and ice? 

The Perfect Crystaline Form?


Won't post see Wikipedia

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