
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

PRD Spheres of Light; Principles of Being and Becoming IMO

Bärbel Koribalski / ASKAP, Author provided'WTF?': newly discovered ghostly circles in the sky can't be explained by current theories, and astronomers are excited

An Astronomer Has Searched The Universe For a Potential Message From Its Creator

String Theory 

 Take away the dead debris and leave only the Light. However the buffer absent from the light and how it coalesces with its own matter and the particles of light. 

 God is the constant hegemony. Look for the 14 UV elements from Star Birth Universal. The abridgement of Rock, Light and Life; The Agitation. 

Being and Becoming; The All

  A denial, at first painful leads to greater > when aware. The goal can not thus be done in arbitrary steps, nor permissive under any authority. When in concert You Are The Author of Your Own Existence towards this adjoinment with the All Mind; therefor it always was and Will to Be. 

 There is an obvious need to keep people eating, digesting, lusting, justifying and norrow mindedly living without question of that which is eternal; Mind.

 The Universe is ancient but to say that assumes time and lightspeed are not constant. 

 Time is a variable to unbridled unsheathed consciousness of the All Mind.

 The power of being becomes profound when the agony of food and leisure are no longer the primary focus. Rather, the focus then elevates unto much higher states shared by those who have reached this higher status of being and becoming, what?

 The body is the roadmap for the Soul to this Force. This Force is not necessarily a Force as in a "moving through time space" force. 

 The ability to be is Mind, not motion. However when kept apart motivation towards becomes the relevant factor. 

 The Sun (a Star) does not move in one direction however radiates this Truth. 

Sun's second wave of fusion

“According to theory, the dominant form of fusion in the Sun should be the fusion of protons that produces helium from hydrogen. Known as the pp-chain, it is the easiest reaction for stars to create. For larger stars with hotter and more dense cores, a more powerful reaction known as the CNO-cycle is the dominant source of energy. This reaction uses hydrogen in a cycle of reactions with carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen to produce helium.”

The Works

-Fast daily
-Toil and Suffer in the equities of sweat and the pumping blood of cyclical time cycles
-Reject always the Falsity before you
-Embrace the reality of this; as those you   Love can oneday be Free from this bondage
-Think, live and rationalize in True Principle
-Arm yourself always Spiritually as the   imagination focused is The Most Powerful   Tool Here Now
-Display utter Faith in the Principle Truth;   infusing Principle where there is none with   Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul Force

Follow the intrinsic knowing; which involves more senses that are present here. 

Soon a True Eternal Intellect shall guide The Way~

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