
Monday, March 28, 2022

The brotherhood no longer exists 

The sisterhood no longer exists 

The gods are cast aways

Man is fallen

There is only the Purity on all aspects of endeavor 


"I don't want this kind of fame however because I see it [this] it is my Duty [to bring it out]."


'Conscientious Objector'

 There isn't a benevolent God at the highest rung of why this World [seems] to exist. The True Purity of God [First Creation proto to all life everywhere] is an untouchable concept of perpetual transmutation [morphology] of Purity. Though this God [EPL Uber Gott] has an original form. There was no one before therefor no speculative Observer [no *Conscientious Objector]  When you experience Purity in Truth you experience this most real Spiritual Force.

 So the God of Law, Places, Times, Peoples, Languages and Events [as well as Math outside the sequence of Perfection For All] is but an elected [once upon a time] and chosen Titleship. 

 In this respect there is not God within the playground of Rot [all that you see here and all that is connected to it]. 

 If someone says that there is a God of this World outside elected Titleship they are only evading the inevitable truth; that this world is in error and that we are all mistakes. 

*The Conscientious Objector is in all regards Frederick Wilhelm Nietzsche's Christian of today [cult]. The personage proclaiming to know God believes then in a lesser more attainable God..this de-elevating Man for Woman's aspiration; it/he is attainable 
 There in the nervous anxiousness of non-work, there you will find the root and reason for your lack in success. As success must lead towards succession. 


EPL Curse of The Spider Witch

Riding the Goat [EPL reference]; riding the Female/carbon-birth/life:death[sex] cycle. 

Truly there is no male nor female. So all nature is a lie. That which is [create] can not be uncreate. 

"If you meet Buddha on the road kill him" or Kill your mother/father or denounce the world [as progenitor]. Therefor denounce all aspersions that 'you know ME'.

Here [in this World/stage] Man is minimized [if he does not express his lowest most base common denomator]. 

 Man will praise the planted and limited witch-bot as the goddess; life/death cycle or maya. Or Man will be ridiculed and made a wandering [wolken/walking] displaced fool. 

 However this multiverse mimetic quasi-reality is extremely unstable because it is not and can not be tied to a stable form [of reality]. This [Earth] multiverse mimetic [quasi-reality] suggestion lacks Principle from its base [5 star inverted pentagram; egoless Man lacking Purity]. 

 NO GOD HEAD [She sits in his/Man's place as Pope sits in for God]. Antichrist or impure-Man is the trifecta [3rd] expression create of this paradoxical attempt. However both 3 and Expression go against their/Witches code. This infers a God Head unknown or seen. I feel that this 'God Head' is an archaic artificial one [limiter] and presses towards Scientific Technology of Yor. 

-He fell because he wanted to [She]?
-Seduction made me do it [He]?
-I was only expressing the nature of the field that I seem to exist within [Conditions].

Two heads are better than one?

 The excuse people use in plagiarizing my documentation here and thus cancel culturing ME/this work is [at the crux] my view on how Witches work in Craft and why this reality takes place [Maya, Karma, Dharma IE life death cycle]; exclusively due to the human female being used as an arbitrator [Democratic Ductillio lesser mind in sequence of quasi-command] as to control outcome. However She never is [in control] yet is designed to crave and yearn for ultimate control; the Disturance/Agitation. 

 This Non-Democratic view makes me quite unpopular, but without it [this information] IE Witch-bots [forcing amygdala reaction and glandular excretion through seduction] this reality has no value base or lack therefor. 

 You can't skirt around the nature of this illusive and sadistic reality any longer. 

 When sex ceases to exist the Purity of reality becomes ever present. All the shame, violence and excuses all at once cease to exist. You are quite literally Being and not becoming [Then]. 

 This sets up the interplay of a Mathematical algorithm of codified sequence as event. All the wonders of the physical mind connected with astrotheology are at once expressed through vortex Mathematics [Metatrons Cube] bypassing the negative Electron ionization and in perfect harmonics and solfeggio concert; Phi in/en Expression. 

Low level frequency undertones. What your subconscious processes is what we become. 

 When your heart yearns for this Purity in knowledge and Truth a New Reality All at once becomes resoundingly present. 

 To fast, meditate and BE, that is The Way toward True Higher Consciousness. 

*This doesn't admonish harming females, on the contrary it should be viewed more as a test or filter. We all fail because the ugliness of her true spiritual form in the shade of darkness is something everyone fears and hides from. 

 The female should make effort here as to forget herself and become Principle based and non-corporeal in nature, as with us all. 

 Stop the perpetuation of this lie!

The root and nexus is from another place. 

-The Spider Witch-


Error Codes; You are error [never to be validated nor complete]. The lesser reality is Now more real than You [are].