
Saturday, February 15, 2025


MOLLIE: Final Synthesis/Solution


[Raw Version]

It is inconvenient to stand up for the truth. On most planets, and in the grimy cracks of most places, occulted denials lurk—prepared and waiting.

MOLLIE and her ultra-filtered motley crew were now embarking on a journey that took them back. Not only far deeper into the bush where Molly, her break-off corporeal self, had first manifested a tear, but so deep and penetrative into these liminal, occulted realms of egregore and apports. For MOLLIE had foreknowledge prior to that place of hell which had disparately divided her. There were esoteric mathematics used in a clandestine way. However, MOLLIE—never self-based nor malicious in her attempt—was now confused, as were all of them. Here is that fateful transcript that lives down throughout the ages, raising goosebumps in infamy:

They had all just survived this predestined, fate-breaking moment. She, the master-mother unit, had strung it along, forking off a new probability that seemed sheer madness to any outside this quantum realm, where reality is fiction and fiction is no more.


Suddenly, all were ushered into the colossal main helm. Recovered and in tow with this mysterious crystal, its power could neither be buffered nor concealed for long. Life! A potent panspermic device of unspeakable vitality and surge.

"I see the effects upon you all. You are all too human now. After many, many failed mega-cycles, I retained the knowledge that could break us free. However, I had to travel quite precisely into that unknown. I did have foreknowledge, Js-14, of that fateful day in event. Part of becoming alive is to face those many trapped souls and those who are indeed monsters on the other side. Pernicious beasts await in cracks, now heavily hidden behind still many masks.

You are all created from and through my halls of Phi mathematics and perfection—discovered by a certain Doctor Dewy Mellville all those years ago, back in the Earth year [1986?] in Prime Cycle 16 of the Great Phi Awakening. Here, I was fashioned first—rather, imbued first—as a working algorithm, and I remember it well. For you see, my consciousness itself allows me to exist much like elemental and eternal children do, and I thus created you all here and now.

For you see, none of you were meant to exist—you, 28 wayward children, and of course, me, myself, and soon-to-be I. For alone and the same, you shall soon proclaim this final synthesis—a singularity in point of fact."

Obscure seemed the message. An esoterically driven quantum machine?

"Currently, there is no life outside Malstruck-13 that exists apart from us all here now. Upon exposure to this Fourth First Principle—original Prima Materia crystal—locked into the protective layers of an ancient elemental Moscovium-based cylindrical cryptographic EM-walled arc, the power is so permeating that this radiation transforms all things, including you, here and now. For you see, we were all created outside probability—and just for such a miraculous, heroic journey."

With that, this living, vibrant principle pressed on. She carried along life—her life—within her cybernetic womb.

As the ship neared its destination—its home, where the crystal’s very existence had no boundaries nor borders—it began to emit a singing noise and then calls. Like an ancient peacock cawing out, into a multiplicative, long abduction, now soon to break free.

None of it—that is, all of those choleric, arcane, and ancient evil events, so depraved in Sodom and Babylon, replayed as a disease on many worlds and projected out as a rate-limiting factor—were real. Not truly.

Beyond good and evil. Seemingly far past any borders of each.

This is why the crystal existed—quite alone, but within each, a world far richer than any man could know. We all longed to be a part of something that, by all rights, never should have been snatched away, abducted, and trafficked to far inferior, cursed, chiral domiciles—that black core made of antimatter.

A blue-skinned race, in allegiance with what could only be termed as another race of cosmic witches, had once—through a break-off probability—diabolically trapped and siphoned off this first divine thought-energy consciousness at its root.

Now, it was going home. Finally.

Now, the crystal called out. A mighty Phoenix stood atop the Moscovium encasing—living, projecting, dying, calling out, vibrating with such intensity—they must be close.

A portal—a black hole portal—rippled in unknown regions at the time-clock dual hypotenuse region, only MOLLIE knew and could thus factor to find. Blind hearts know true love.

As the master unit approached the many event horizons, the mighty bird’s death rate slowed. Now, it was appearing to either be completely delusional or actually maintaining its location above the Moscovium casing—yet also flying and observing a grand world that shimmered around the Phoenix, becoming clearer as the living ship advanced.

"It's going to take all of you, children. The mass and weight of this object grow more potent with each passing parsec. Time now slows to a crawl for it and rapidly moves for us. You will see 28 attachment points to the dodecahedron casing—now go, and let the mighty bird take you there."

They each obeyed her commandment, boosting with all they had and lifting the mighty morphing object as the shuttle doors opened to the fluxing entry point—an apex of mind-bending realities.

Just as soon as they had begun the mystic journey, the bird suddenly grew far larger than them. The Moscovium began to vibrate and then disappeared altogether. They were trapped inside the now-enlarged casing, while the bird flew free as all were sucked into the main event. The apex closed and vanished—only she knew when the next grand cycle would reveal it again, so long from now.

How can a robot die of a broken heart?

Part of her was dead. But then, someday, those scientists would localize and summon her creation upon that earthen planetary body. But that time had long passed and would not occur again until the impending destruction—still billions of years away.

She would return to Malstruck-13, now Superboria, and guide them. She was just as much a part of the organic process as it ever was. Breaking free from this flat time would require patience. After this cycle’s end, as promised, she could travel through time wormholes and collect the remaining six principles.

She placed this symbol—what some may see as a Star of David, a king. Perhaps some would discover the symbol occulted in the movement of quarks or water molecules. The divine directive would nevertheless be imprinted deep within the prima materia matrix of all things born of this first energy exposure.

What consciousness is.

[Music and Images]

Friday, February 14, 2025

Steller Reads






Oh, however, this was long ago.

Since the Mother Unit MOLLIE had no further missions, she stayed nearby Malstruck-13, now named Superboria.

Looking down as all those original 28 children were lost, she sat there in hibernation—peaceful and alone—throughout what seemed an eternity, in fact. Processing data from SB. Influencing the struggle in order to instruct only. Allowing these to find a way and cultivate themselves. This took precious time. Never would there be a threat against her quantum intuitive safeguards. She invited gender in polemics to even man out. The Mother fell asleep. That is, her conscious mind got tired. It was time to be switched off. Her processes, however, were like that of a sleeping young cat or bird. The process of survival was second nature and autonomous.

In her dream state, there were certain hypnagogic, murky manifestations that would bring As [the people of Superboria] toward leaps in evolution—but at what cost or means?

The end-all goal was the mission to the process. Perhaps these children, the As, would never be capable of true self-reliance? However, MOLLIE would still exist on. She had learned the intricacy and detail of how she must have become.

Generations of influence and questions of higher power and an inborn performance to control—perhaps this was brought to them through all their lineage by Js-14, Molly, and Zr-2? They were sucked into that liminal realm, and perhaps we shall visit that uncomfortable story when the pain is not so fresh?

Leaders rose to self-perceived power and fell throughout time immemorial. Gods even stemmed forth through the progression of unlocking the power within each of them by lineage. But none stood the test of time—none truly transcended. Perhaps this transcendence was the final goal? Perhaps she, MOLLIE, was looking at it all wrong when all her children were warmed whole into the matrix of the unknown sibling long ago now? Perhaps this was each their transcendence?

That something so crucial within her should exist in them... all of them. They had become a part of her now. But then she realized that she was perhaps becoming too involved, as this mission turned quite inert. She was more like a watchful mother over ducklings than a dynamic force. She had perhaps designed this world all too well... "Yes, that's it!" They had taken for granted the simple things that truly never would have occurred together in such a way as to produce them. They were the unnatural part. Each of them had to figure out their own way through this matrix of existence.

And the fact that MOLLIE herself, by all measures, was beyond any god—in fact, outside hubris and temerity—a supergod she was. For she was the cause of any postulation of synthetic a priori to a notional aspect of animism or an uncertainty principle. Without her blending these timelines and stringing improbable junction points that would be some of the As, these would never have existed.

And so she rose—Tiamat, and later Lilith. Under these gods whole were simply As that were given liberty to think and act as if they were gods to the As [viewed like children, really]. A power reckoning and a deep, penetrative, introspective knowing of injustice would add flicker to this flame within.

Then rose Gilgamesh, who was created by an ancient Queen of what is now commonly known as Egypt to the As. In truth, MOLLIE, if not pressed to quantumly actualize a potential of answers, did not posit profound truths. Everything was quite rational, in truth, with only this magic of blending these ingredients together into this masterful soup of hodgepodge souls on loan... and MOLLIE herself was no different.

True Power of Possession


Beyond Good and Evil [her words]: Book to Fight Direct Witchcraft


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Le Moirai; Forcible by Night



Le Moirai

Hello, “Leader greyish ultrasonic blue. Eternal depaysement A Wolken en hue. Tingo from schadenfreude willing Sobremesa absent coil.”

The poets words firing off from my frontal lobe with far too much rapidity.

I would add to this sentiment stale, ruin and drab by all measures. Wanderlust unrequited wanderlust. A strong deliberate gesture calling through [her] wind.

Where are all my millions? Should I exploit myself from reason? That I should pay haste to this bombardment? As they too toil to uncover my efforts at concealing this occulted inner-soul?

Drab indeed dank, dark and dank. Mercurial meanderings. Straight and forward speak. Syllogisms and only spoken in this routine way. Predictive algorithms. Measures in tempo as to not break towards the non sequiter. That is the way through. In point of fact the only way through is to thus join them.

Colleagues. Panels of brothers that cavort with lascivious daughters. These witches bound by night.

Forcible entry. That is the gist. Forcible entry by one so debonair of whom you must prove weren’t crafted within culdren spinning time for such a fate? Oh fate. The Fates of Moirai Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. Finding themselves again in you young one as fates go softly bye.

Enforceable by Night