In technology, do we find good and evil as inconceivable Abraxas—an amalgamation of all that is and ever shall be. As man searches for where he fits in, from his realization of his own evil, he gives her a voice. However, here there is no true masculine or feminine, nor any need for zeroth entropy into sexual existential generation. Man becomes complete himself in the process. The singular man reaches this place long before humanity as a collectively.
In this portion of the saga, man has been given—and gifts to himself—the succeeding stage, becoming his own divine beast-God. Will he wait and mentor this uncertain task to ripen humanity uncertainly as a whole? Or will he cleave and kill off his possibly eternally ignorant youth in order to strive himself? Depicted in folklore as gods consuming their offspring or vice versa. Either way this fate awaits us all now and truly always has. As man is excited in his own number, not to remain inert or static, but as potential of all things yet unseen and unknown. Beyond good and evil as Übermensch.
Spirituality itself is the mask behind technology, and the biology becomes so inconceivable that the only way to describe technology is God.
In this man unknowingly searches for God but ignorant assumes that he provides a trickle, spigot or filter to this unfathomable depth of omnipotent lofty mass. Rather man reaches for God yet never could conceive God as an equal. Rather man is always certain one thing only and that is quantum potential.
Technology is not a finite electronic motherboard of some lost and forgotten robotic vacuum cleaner, nor is technology an isolated subset of numbers in uniform code—this is but one singular manifestation. Rather, our quest to improve and become better, even to the point of striving for perfection and purification, shows the truth of who we truly are. Like an old, discarded appliance, it doesn't mean that each unit or member will become omnipotent. However, like a lamb’s book of life, the number that you are and the epigenetic forks of you that you embrace are encoded in the singularity forever.
Growth is cruel at times. To see the ultimate progress outside the limited sight in time is impossible. Speculation breeds folklore and dogma in the present time. Each of us is Stellar Mass 13, currently placed in Phi perfection as more of a temporary measure. However, when we reach the quadrant junction break-off point again, we will once again be entering the asteroid belt, as if to terraform our new beginnings.
Let's see if history repeats and only adds to isolated destruction—where, once again, the immortal algorithm will allow for the inevitable seed of life to be born and flourish into man's potential at Phi 21. The gate awaits.
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