
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Are we hated prior to our birth?


Are we hated prior to our birth? Watched and stalked since birth? Modified and controlled, even engineered to seek a semi-calibrating escapism? Maybe an entire world or solar system can be made freely and discarded at will? What is real? What is time and space really?

 Perhaps we here lost a war long ago or perhaps our ancestors DNA was isolated and commissioned as property? Not unlike how Australia came to be annexed as a Prison land.

Perhaps placing marks on our bodies (birth marks) that represent the sins of _______ practitioners—or marking us using technology—suggests we are hybrid, real-life products they may have even designed? Perhaps this process keeps an aspect of those practitioners alive in some way, using our bodies as avatars? If every aspect of our lives is controlled, does this mean the world itself is a simulation? Or another dimension? Perhaps it is simply technology from another world, capable of imposing itself onto our sphere at will.

Could several of these 'UAPs' actually be stationed on another planet? Appearing to fly about as if here? Perhaps not only other planets and moons, but even the sun itself is not what we think—or what we are led to believe?

If a future prison could lock people away into another dimension entirely, wouldn't this technology inevitably be exploited for capitalistic gain? Maybe our projected future evolution happened already long ago, making us like nebulous vapor? Dont you feel like greyish vapor? Maybe they too can visit us with technology without really getting their hands dirty as real to life holograms? 

I believe there is possibly a business at play—one of genetic design and layered technology, where human lives do not seem to matter. These tormentors may not be ghosts or demons in the traditional sense, but privileged individuals using advanced technology. Are we merely their property, subjected to use, abuse, and control because we are seen as flawed or inferior?

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