
Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Shame Game: Mudding the Pool


The Shame Game: Mudding the Pool

A contaminated psychic pool? From a mathematical [codified] set perspective, perhaps—forks in analytics that are not supported, flowing, nor analogous to the original set directive?

Were we that broke the cage or at least attempted to set-up as it were as our fellow captures turned on us ---this violence as to conserve a culture in trauma bonding? 

Our thoughts, actions, and deeds—a matrix held under a preset alliance of understanding?

The lessers among us, given titles and falsely proclaimed as heads of this motley crew [for the long?], only held under that false light of verisimilitude? That which only appears to be true.

To break free is not only to deny the past but to reject the false markers of culture that now [begin to] lay in waste. Living a lie. We bonded—with our ancestors long dead, archive upon archive [the other man; that which we became] destroyed by those among us in heritage, commissioned under the promise of false power and support.

What is not true shall not stand in or as truth? Surely this must be an aspect of the all? For none could foreseeably nor conceivably move forward in a universe that could be blank-slated into lies and deceit. Surely, a false algorithm of anti-principle could not simply be slated into principle—or, more accurately, into a principality?

Who will step up? Who can right the order? Perhaps this one or those held underwater, placed under the greatest scrutiny and constant barrage of attack?

What happens when we break protocol—or if we were to break free from this normative system of unwritten laws and rules, which we were invited to solidify and recite, though heavily directed yet quite intentionally made to appear as if under our own collective cognizance?

Those who have attempted to break free with progressively aggressive tactics, under the direct guise of aetheric/mathematical procedural analytics, are thus blamed for the entire folly—now a complete mess.

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