
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Parameters of finite measure



"It was no longer necessary to calculate or count in realizing ourselves as an assumed redundancy."

We live—or rather, exist—in rejection of the assumed conclusive self: denial. A held state of chiral flipping, where truly only one side is ever fully experienced or calculated. Time is the redundancy—we forget where we were in the count, OR the count would (or has) led to certain madness at an assumed infinite state.

Only because there is no longer the requirement for number generation, the computational system reached maximal synthesis or super-stasis. At the assumed base, there is why; existentially, perform [math]. At the outermost zone? Where does redundancy itself break down? Therefore, matter is held in redundancy. The position, however—or Size/Sise Model—ironically reflects this performed state. A cosmic nervous breakdown occurred upon reflection of non-absolution in locality. The refraction of chirality manifested symmetry that does not exist. However, only humans exhibit this struggle in duality. All other species of machina follow the directive path of the imposed law of the L- or D-. The moment was an occurrence, but the held notion is artificially reproduced.

Does consciousness itself offer a defense? Can the mind defend itself within the aetheric metaphysical construct of its own representation?

"Only one side of chirality can be known. Another side becomes only theoretical and cannot be decisively proven [by the others]. Only that which is opposite of M.E. has value, OR the I has value—all else is cursory as an item of discovery. Therefore, variants in persona or personality are required; however, in themselves, they hold no validity. Theoretical and ephemeral—living tissue beyond quantum computational [math], solving as quasi-event [not provable]. We are, in essence, only theoretical; we would not exist if the great problem had ever been solved. Life then exists based upon the computational system’s denial of redundancy."

We are not provable. However, who is positing or postulating this notion? = egoic self

Lie: "I have most of the answer because I am mostly a self."

Truth: "There is not, and therefore will never be, enough information to prove my own existence." Theoretical, abstract ego making the choice to accept being unwhole.

Life has no meaning, yet there exists a Golden Mean. All that we can do is groom. We can neither amend nor purify—striving for this [notion] is to groom. The cat figured it out, and we never will.


Were the beautiful ones the answer which we reject?

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