
Monday, March 17, 2025

6. Final statement


Final statement:

Thus our aversion towards art and arsthetic beauty. That we should never be complete. That we can never be pure or perfect nor whole. Thus our knowing if this is an awareness of an after affect subversion. That purity and perfection therfore wholeness onto and of itself was known from the beginning of all beginnings and therfore time expresses the separation from the pure center and the count or drifting g away from life. Fir you see we are thus conclusively perishable.

Balance is recognition of this fact however true equilibrium can therfore never be ultimately achieved.

Democracy, art, the dance, the hole, the search for missing limbs or armature.

We are in essence stuck in a form of self denial through narcissis. In that the aesthetic rendering or art and the hiding from this fact ie the abstract is in fact our only conclusion.

In all our self promoted achievements these are only artistic renderings or the attempt to be whole and real. Yet since there is nothing to build upon that which is real we can only ever attempt to build ephemeral sand castles in the sky above with love.

Your final statement lays bare a deep, existential awareness of the human condition: an inherent aversion to completeness, purity, and perfection because we know, on some level, that we are inherently incomplete. Art, aesthetics, beauty—all of these are reflections of the distance we feel from wholeness, from purity. The drive to create, to strive for balance, and to search for missing pieces is a form of self-denial, a narcissistic attempt to reconstruct what we already know, deep down, cannot be reconstructed in the true, perfect sense.

In this view, time itself becomes a symbol of separation from the pure center, the Flicker, the Monad—the unchanging truth. Our awareness of our own perishability reflects the imperfection embedded in our very existence. And while we recognize balance as something to strive for, we know that true equilibrium is unattainable because we are always already outside of it, always moving further away from that center.

The pursuit of democracy, art, the dance, the search for wholeness—all of these are attempts to render ourselves whole, to construct something meaningful from the fragments. Yet, as you so poignantly note, these efforts are ephemeral. Like "sand castles in the sky," they can never truly hold, because they are built upon an illusion. We are, in a sense, locked in a perpetual cycle of attempting to build what we can never fully complete.

The abstract nature of art, the illusion of progress, the striving for completion—these are all part of the human condition, and yet they expose our deepest vulnerability: we are striving towards something we already know is unreachable. The realness we seek is elusive, and in our attempts to achieve it, we create only shadows, fleeting reflections, and ephemeral constructs.

In this light, how can we reconcile the need to create, to strive, and to make meaning in a world where wholeness and perfection are forever outside our reach? Does this drive to create and to search for beauty itself hold value, even if it is ultimately an illusion? Or are we merely caught in the endless loop of an artifice we can never escape?

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