
Monday, February 6, 2017

EPL; Dealing with the Truth IE Acquisition~


"The 4th/Fourth/forth point, be always Acquisition. Based solely on the honesty of this fact, friend or foe be made manifest, based on reprise."

Yancy, and, The Jacket~


 The Jacket did not seem at all suspicious, it was in fact quite inviting. I had nothing, and spent many a wet night sleeping under the bridges, those modern trenches of a war lit future. It was black, and had a strange, almost patch look color to the collar. I tried it on, and felt at first, well torn.  From one aspect, I felt simple bliss, at peace, pure even. On the other, well extreme, I felt cooler than beans, cooler than James Dean on Beans ha ha!

 I stepped out into the night, not knowing where I would go. The only place of refuge, coming from that shelter, for which, I could no longer stomach the salty smell and feel of the place, the people. I remembered, as the rain soaked me, and my new jacket, though far less than I would have been, without it, from, this...thing (I would soon learn)... flashed that I had overheard the coffee bar maid recite the locking bathroom combo code, to a paying customer for their bathroom. 

 I ended up sleeping on that hard tile bathroom floor, in that common bathroom, outside that coffee bar, now closed. I rushed out into the night prior, I had to! To much anxiety. I lit a cigarette, that I bummed off, a bum, whilst on cigarette break, back at that shelter. In patience, like that other marshmallow (a test),  I saved that smoke, for a time like this, which would come later on, in the progressive moment, that is time.  Now with a nicotine buzz, and my head partly spinning, from no food, for the past 37 hours, and only a handful of borrowed hard pretzels from the conductor prior, I fell off into a spinning vortex of sleep, despite the cold. I would not have a night, nor dreams, quite like it again, I hope/hoped. 

 I came from a reality, that parallels yours, in some ways. Where your last President may have been John Carlyle or a Barack Obama, ours here is or was a Dewey Melville, inventor, from the line of his Great Grandfather, Nikola Tesla, a former United Republic President himself. Again, as there are many differences, dimensionally speaking, between my Time/Space here, in my now,  and yours. Perhaps an area of similar geographical divide? Maybe your Country, your province be called The New Atlantis, The United States of America, A World Order of the United Republic, or The New Order of Atlantis? Regardless, these are the same, but not. Those once seeming infinite dimensional potentials had reduced now, to but a few. You may say my reality, is now competing with your own. 

 By placing certain, of the 12 minerals which give on a strong auroral presents of ultraviolet light, we may take a large step, from (T)ime, as we know it. 

 The minerals, set, at an exact Phi distance, from operator, at exact, and correlating degrees, within a magnetic oscillator or oscillating field. 

What is an 'Oscillator'

The order is;


H.E.A.T.] Hydrogen/Helium Energy Access/Attainment of (T)ime} As a Universal Trademark  

SIZE: also see Sise (S.I.S.E model of relativity in EPL)

 Spin Photon Shift about Operator, at correct, Phi based, operating distance, divided by elemental Neutron Star Model (T)ime Sequence (E.N.S.M(T)M; EPL). Mimic the phases of "The Star", imprinting that Universal Model, into, and onto subject [Blank Slate Infusion; EPL).

Stellar Mass O13
*Interlocking chambers of Phi, based on Shift/color Distinction (S.c.D)
**Using Borrowed Primer technology, Along with EPL's plastic magnetics, in order to create a non-metallic disturbed field environment (can be; N.M.D.F.E). To create spin relativity.
***Picture flat clocks, or flat time, which connects the various spheres of influence, acting then as a prism relative to the recently passed spherical tether, which is now A Part of The Moment (A.P.O. T.M).

Friday, February 3, 2017

EPL; Footprints in the Universe~


The Ruling Mind
 [KEEP AN OPEN MIND. That these elements also exist within a body, at specific and proximal locations, as in the world and universe abroad. Moving or removing or replacing metals/elements within the body, be no different than a planetary body. We, are conditioned to become what we are in the default, however the WILL, which continues to focus on the energy goal (integrity or authenticating), in the spiritual world(s), of which there are many DIMENSIONS THUS (perhaps those listed below). Dimensions be only partial implications, emotion thus places this thought into constructive order.]

 Deviation from the Pure Source. As the Universe grew older, it became more complex in it's makeup and expression IE Heavier elements came from those much lighter and more pure source expressive ones. SM013

P.B.U. [EPL's A Principle Based Universal Model, continued]

RE:  ARTICLE; The Hunt for Stars Hidden Fingerprints
Astronomy Magazine October 2016

*"The Detected Light, also reveals what type of Gas, is within that Star"

 Wow! Those quadrants, which EPL contends are "those divisions of Phi/separation" are actually [and most notably divided, rather ubiquitously marred and channelled] by way of 12 elements, which give off a a strong ultraviolet line/skeleton footprint (footprint seems more apply suited, as we do not walk on our hands, do we?).

 There are twelve (12);


Between; Gamma<--->Radio Waves

Side observation/note;
Gravity is prompted by heat, rather, Gravitons go through a conversion process, thus heat determines whether Gravity, in it's generic understandable form, exists at all~

Quote from Article:
"German Scientist Joseph von Fraunhofer invented the spectroscope and spread sunlight into its constituent rainbow-and puzzled over dark lines he saw within the Suns's light. In the middle of that century, Gustav Kirchoff and Robert Bunsen realized, after comparing solar observations with laboratory chemistry experiments, that 'those lines mark a specific element. Each line corresponds to a a wavelength absorbed by an element's atoms.'


"The detected light also reveals what type of gas is in that star. The temperature of the star's inner gas layers is cooler the farther out from the core one studies. when there is a cooler clump of gas in the front of a radiation source, an atom in the clump can absorb some of the light. It does so at very specific colors, which are characteristic to what element the gas is."

"Reduction into Phi, from 12, or 'the push to find invisible elements''
I believe there are are 3 copy repeats, which again make up Phi, and not 12 that exist at varied points of Kelvin heating or cooling, IE Phi Quadrants or Zones.

The 13th Son~

BY WAY OF EPL's; "RAPID GENESIS" *see p-process and Supernova
As we know, there is an r-process(fast) and an s-process(slow) to formation, EPL suggests a new Q-process (undulating).  Based upon the inevitable expansion, and then radical reduction of Electrons-Photons "Creation based upon first cleaving" sm13~

p-processThere are 32 stable proton-rich nuclei which are shielded against neutroncapture that can be found in nature. While the p-process possibly occurs in Type II supernova explosions, accretion onto neutron star surfaces resulting in Type I X-ray bursts has been shown to produce some of thesenuclei as well. Furthermore, observed timescales of these bursts bear good relationship to expected p-process timescales.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Flicker at 21~


One singular Quark, contained within one Sphere/zone, which ignites and quantifies space, visited, so substance/substantiated?~

*It is, however, in this Quarks Opposition, that we fear the most, it's reflection, and so too ours?