
Sunday, June 14, 2015

That final Statement, better collect "yourself", quickly, for The Event~


 Everyone wants power. If you were to ask a person why they need it, or what they would do with "power", you will always get a canned answer. If people were not divided from the truth of who they are, they would shock you, if you could read their minds. The impulse of how they feel is sent out, into field? If you can certainly tell me where the field begins and ends, we could then empirically go from there. The field doesn't end however, and so division and limitation set forth, as in the fact that a person somehow can not will themselves to become better. as in more well equipped. People will argue all day about this, yet when they no longer have youth, and the alien hosts pressing their buttons from within, each elderly person, is a vacant shell, longing for the past, at least in that projection of who they are in the scope of this illusion, called 2015.

 I will have a difficult time doing a radio show. I have something to say at nearly any time of any given day, however due to the people in my life, as it has always been, I am unable to speak into a mic, for any extended period of time, absent psychotic yelling, and strange shifts of mood, towards attack. Why does this and why has this been constant throughout my entire life time? Simply due to the fact that I have something to say, something real to say.

 I watch this little dog, "little bear" eat. He skips the food that was kicked over onto the floor by my mentally vacant Son, and goes towards the pure food source. I am reminded of the base of life, and further that manipulation, which has thwarted me, from earning degrees and becoming the academic I was placed here to be in the first, I am just a probability, one to be dealt with harshly, ardently, as to muffle the clear truth of vision, that has destroyed any reward the default may give me, for my compliance.

 I do not comply. Further I now do not hold one person worthy of life, liberty or justice, on any level. I see them for who they are, their potential. At this point, your typical "feel good" person, will put this writing down, and say "I am not reading this crap", instead turning towards sensationalized media, fantasy, or over indulgence, in the guest of food, drink, sex or drug. I give it to you straight, I am straight, and I see things straight, always have.

 I never cared about popularity, I have had it, and it is a prison, within a prison. Fans place you in a certain track of thinking, interacting and being. I like to express myself, and feel that if I express a higher Principle, it isn't me talking, in order to gain affluence/fame, but that hard to express concept, which be always misinterpreted.


 When it comes down to it, people could never answer "why they are alive"


What is your primary directive? What do you do all day? What would you do, if you could do anything? Most would continue to gain, eat, hoard (I use horde in the same fashion, as a crowd of useless people, are too but that collection of objects).


 and as soon as I express this, a very high frequency comes about my left brain amygdala, just NOW.

 Every impulse, every communication, is connected to the great fiber optic, which is, that substance of EM projection, a suspended state.

 I further find, that when no one is aware of me, suddenly there is peace, tranquility even. I have reached this state, and built my personal force to such measure, as to realize the moment now as eternally peaceful, truth is I always had this. Jealousy, envy, greed and all Anti-Principle string, rule society, however can not even touch the true moment, consciousness, awareness.

 People want empirical evidence, however, like "the UFO", proof can be right before you, and your infected brain, that thing keeping you from all awareness, that superconsciouseness, will deny the items at face value, in that, their own personal value, has been stripped. The problem is not the moment, of the perceiver, infecting the moment.

 So now, I am unlearning everything I have been "taught". I say taught, yet I never asked to, nor wanted to learn, I wanted my own peace filled place, where I could think, reason, collect and express, in all multifarious measure of, the spheres.

 I do not believe spheres, despite how often I speak of them. I see them as little prisons of the very 0's and 1's, the number, which comprises my carnal body, extending out, onto a vast plane of the same. Where is that freedom? How far would I indeed need to travel, to get away from such ignorant and assumed concepts, such as God and Devil.

 There is absolutely no way, I could ever partake in your ideal of God, in that, you are the same "person" of such ignorance, who has degraded society, towards such a measure.

 I have thought, experienced, on such deep and esoteric levels (meaning rare, the few), that I have certainly come to conclusions. You, would argue with me, about such arrivement, no matter the trail I blazed or the impact I made onto the excited field before you. STOP BEING AMAZED! You only show a grand ignorance in your "reaction".

 I am not held to become "excited" about anything you deem worthy of, further fractionating the all mind. Humans are the evil. I know there are beings, by the many, watching, waiting, however I can look into a Man's heart, which you will deny, no matter, and I will see within him, nothing but desolation and denial, emotion, run haphazard.


 I find it comical, until the assault towards my very personage causes me to now flee, for fear I may indeed have to kill someone, and suffer the life limiting knowledge, that I just took an inferiors life, and could not die on a cross for his ignorance. I find it interesting how this is the ultimate conclusion. That is, all life, has three choices before it, and this is seen as "that budding of personality, a priori:

-Stay in the illusion, of default, where true wisdom and intellect be a curse. A blessing is thus a curse, in that, those who can fathom the depths of such inequity, are not thus limited to where this application be set. So as to say, wherever that illumination be pointed/directed, the 0's and 1's show the same revelatory process of burgeoning, as a flower with 6 petals, perhaps better two flowers side by side, with one large "bud" in the middle.

-Deny the illusion before you. See all as false. Then to chose Life or Death, in the way by which you compromise yourself. You will then chose Christ, on the contingency that you can not become pure, and are thus not worthy, yet will recognize that only a superhuman god Man ever did, or could, though your Bible, be full of proofs, long standing, that many were of this superior quality. Those who are gifted, and have thus a name, are forever writ onto the fabric before you, which is why the purge becomes inevitable.

-Rise or Fall. One who begins to rule, sees the truth. You, as a superior representative of that higher mind, will, either be attacked, or go into attack. You will be rejected as strange, dangerous, and worse if you chose illumination, outside affiliation, and thus mandates on how illuminated you may become, and more so, what this illumination will be used for/towards. You will be faced with the final and most extreme level of arrivement, which be there always, you will Kill or be Killed.

 It isn't so much, that you will in fact murder them, but to sift through their wide spread lies and weaving of such lies, though commonality be what these "hide behind". You will find them inept, feckless and ultimately cease to trust EVERYONE, as they are the majority.

 The first thing those who awaken do, is go on a massive search, as if to send probes out to other planetary bodies, now searching in desperation, of Life Outside the Default.

 I smoke weed, at times, for the reason of escaping illumination. I know that for 3-4 days post "a smoke session", my entire being, will be sedated, and thus disconnected from the alert consciousness of truth.

 For this reason, I find comedians to be the biggest hypocrites, ironic, due to the fact, that they are but making effort to survive, and keep the balance, if they are wise ones. Yet they franchise from ignorance, ultimately, as they are now confined, to topics of negativity, which be the only draw by masses.

 The lie is, that people are indeed indoctrinated. Prior to this explosion of information, now abused, those worked as common folk, for the most part, shaped around the drama. They love the life, the death, the drama. To speak truth is boring to the listener. There is only a peace filled suspended state or that undulation of chaos and order, to avoid madness. Those who do not avoid the madness, are the infection into the blank slate, our current state.

 Hang on a cross? Show me one person worthy of such a gesture. You may argue, yet then your actions proclaim this sudden impulse towards emotional care, an outburst of empathy, was done as deed, with payment later expected, in order to balance out the ledger, of your own justification, towards exist.

 More and more, I am on the Elites side. Not the fagots who seem to run the world, as in the Bilderbergs and such misleading groups, as organization, but the true Elite, those who shuffle the world about, in order the few, if any, might wake up.


 I was attacked by those in society, and if given more perceived power, they would have killed me long ago for my superior shine. Share a thought and you are placing yourself on the verge of certain castration.

 I have objection to the Pharm control. However it was the small Man, the Hoarding Jew in fact, who first developed them, now holding the masses infertile.

 I don't believe anything, not even the explainable astral, environmental nor physiological, seeming, "constants". Change on aspect of the ether before you, and the entire item at hand will serve a far different purpose. People can be shut off like a light switch, in this way, sent towards the killing, fucking barbarity, for which they crave, innately speaking.

 It was the people, always the people, who voted, hated, and placed frenzy towards that ether before you.

 The freedom must indeed be death, as much as it is in that chosen freedom towards deception, and spite. The problem is, this world is of the so called living, at least in this dimensional plane of exist, and so we have not the luxury, current, as to empirically prove that death must yield a different brand of being, contrary to the living, which is, that illusion of balance, in chaos and order.

 If I kill, the concept of capitalism, which is what we all are, truly, as we eat, shit, inhale, exhale, we make no marked improvement, toward the field, however rely on the illusion of many eyes, as to say in the end "he was a great Man", they certainly did not see the deeds you balance in you ledger. So to kill the concept, means that I now proclaim, that you indeed are capable of Principle in the first, which I do not...this is EMPIRICAL, EVIDENTIAL, MORE THAN ANY OTHER ITEM HERE, ON DISPLAY AND ALWAYS.

 Funny how you can judge a clean peace of toilet paper, yet can not judge the cleanliness of self?

 In this we certainly see, on that adornment of suppository, that female gesture.

 So if you ask me point blank, whilst in society, candidly. I hate people, and see no hope in them. Further I do not trust a single on. I love life, but am being always blocked from actually living it, as I watch the stupid, ironic, mundane chose what they call life, which is but a that work from hard sell to soft sell.

 Most who are considered of upper intelligence, are but Trained Monkeys, several generations in, in fact, who will give the appropriate answer. One must then be connected or tethered to what "that appropriate action be?"

The appropriate action is to go along with it, except fact as fact, word as truth, life now as it has always been, is this not ignorance?

 See through the eyes of that Rock, which has existed on the shores of distant Worlds, now shuffled about, believe it or don't (that manufacture). See the tribes rising and falling, of those many beings, spilling blood. That Rock absorbing the light, of Many Moons. Further, shape shifting, as the frequency and shift light, unlock that code of what "rock be", as you have no chose in that morphing of status, nor form.

 At some point, does that inanimate object, in it's very expression of said principle, within a given field, not intelligently express itself, as to now be divined the perfect Phi angles? Are we not that expression, a collection, of those once seeming, inanimate objects, as mineral, and substance, now given that forum to express that current interpretation of "the conscious mind"?

 Each molecular generation of such code, has to be given it's fair shot, in order that the field may transmute, with prior understanding, that representation of  "life in expression".

 I this find more Principle in the Rock, that I do within you. You live in fear. Further the hunt of pleasure is your main goal. You assume me as my common look, or point of dress as apparel might give you further inclination, as to what this mind is all about? This mind, never rests, this mind never buys you shit, though I may smile before you, even seem patient. I relish the days when you are awakened, even to have placed wish as will, towards this being a peace filled event. However I see full well, that burning, sadness, disorder, destruction, tears are all that bring out anything even close towards that want of purity, from within. You soon return back, to the same prior state of "being", an abuser, a user, a pleasure seeker, a hoarder, a destroyer of Purity found within any given Son

 There are thus several races, of alien beings, set now within Man, as a suit. IMAN, was a noble development, as to see if the very fabric of ether before you, which once was but a microcosm unto itself, could and would stand, or share a common voice.

 Television, even still, the show, paints a picture of Man, as having Principle always in daily life. Much of the time, for the simple fact of omitting the controversial life quest of sex, money and power, the Christian/Satanic mind, as these are not divided. If you think I put Christ down this statement, then you show your full ignorance. Place these two halves together, and see the Jewish way emerge, the full application of dark and light, as craft, a theft.

 To live simple, simply does not exist. as all are in quest for and towards this power trip.

One thing is for sure, you are being hard pressed to make that statement, a final discourse, of affiliation, as to be taking up the flock, as harvest, for the fruits of becoming. You are indeed forced, now, to serve that final master, which is that final end product, a statement, of who and what YOU are, within the field.~

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