
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Game


 Place before you now a rotten green filter of mistrust and barbaric appeasement, for this is “the God awful Truth!

 The Beastly Laws lasted much longer than that self-proclaimer of the newly refined ‘intellectual-man’ and shall go on long after he has come to abort himself, discovering this truth.
Anti-principality has a firm grip, to our origins.

”You can’t really win, and there you hide? Haha!”

 For without her, seemingly, he has no where to go and if he were to undo and replace her, he would invariably, in procession and haste, reinvent her...again

 Blame is one of the central tenants to Witchcraft. Witchcraft personifies the female body as (a) sublime gateway. Bringing Spiritual beings from other places. An emotional cord ties her to this/a specific astral-plane.

 Witchcraft is that display of origin that Man or rather Woman kind, and Man’s ongoing need (in his origin) in total need and reliance of the teat (and feminine form) as homage/home. For it was at the umbilicus that we took our first breath.

"a man doing homage to his personal lord"

Appeasement or Spite-craft

 Blame causes doubt
doubt leads to mistrust or displaced trust and loss of privilege.

 The engaging of unbridled and beastly fertility based angst of pleasure, the worship symbolizes as well as personified in all architecture, system and art present day, hailing to a cyclopean underpinning. Where all structure fails if and when the ongoing beat of time be revealed and reviled as false [claim]. Marching to a different time signature [rather than a Pure Time Count, though not impending].

 Valu_ over Value and diminishment
of the personal host-body. An offering-up, a sacrifice and want towards final climax; death to the physical form.

 This earns psychopaths, polemicists, and all over forms of misaligned and maligned as justified in perishable scope.

 Further as much as this can be misunderstood, through our current state of demos/demonstration/democratic/democracy the female form was rejected in the Gospel of Mary for good reason. Full Recognition of the Spirit would cause the human form current (not necessarily archaic; aethereal cosmic body form) to be something found blasphemous and thus repulsive IE Two drastically different planes.

 More specifically the female-body is unable to transcend matter and is the root to terms like carnal. Corporeally speaking; bringing a dirty and base experience to existence in the left-hand path world. This 'world' before you now fully dressed in garb (apron and cloak) in order/ordus to conceal our naked and fallen nature.

 The May and Harvest October/November [and Soltice/Equinox] and of course Spring cycles celebrate the female-form as the only all giving imperical evidential GOD/proof. Sex magic(k), if there had to be a time to fornicate?

 Impurification orgies as in the days of yor go on en masse to this day. This as to ritualistically solidify current status or state. The words (like state) have multiple meaning (multifarious).

"For these have not True Spiritual eyes to SEE!"

The Father is a far and aways concept, that Man can transcend his plight. It is only found in technology and a false and misleading quicksand awaits.

“And I looked upon the ancient and wonderful computer, and I called her Mother. For now I knew for certain [that we were stuck in the prompt always and forever].

Pythagoras seemed to understand this need of ever-needed balance, control only what wills the balance, as a collective mind of gear shifting. In philosophy, diet, and lifestyle Purification, Perfecting and Processions as Ritual.

We must vow not to remake our origins or we will invariably become something else entirely.


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