Monday, November 30, 2020
100,000,000 satoshis
The general unit structure of bitcoins has 1 bitcoin (BTC) equivalent to 1,000 millibitcoins (mBTC), 1,000,000 microbitcoins (μBTC), or 100,000,000 satoshis. While the exact figure is unknown, it is estimated that Satoshi Nakamoto may possess 1 million bitcoins, equivalent to 100,000,000,000,000 satoshis.Jun 27, 2020
Lonliness only happens after someone takes your focus
Lonliness only happens after someone or some thing takes your focus
In the meantime...
Bitcoin didn't go down to 14.5There is a maximal saturation taking Now
Either this is the biggest con in history that everybody is in on OR the world has already embraced Bitcoin as it's single handed unified currency.
Bit destruction; paradigm shift
Top 15% - 25% in society will flourish, we are here!
85% of society will become slaves (no exaggerating)
Ultra rich and debased poor will reach an absolute precipice.
Cost of goods will also go up
Bitcoin will be used as money
Bitcoin will make the US fiat as a Mexican Peso
The slave class will come back full throttle
Greed and God status will be unprecedented
Sunday, November 29, 2020
What if I were the mirror of a Universe in chaos, or perhaps it to me, what would I do then?
The Four Divisions
I knew that it was without cause and futile from my first cursed moments here.
It is Time to choose each step, each bite and every breath with Care
Nor Druids
Not a World for gods
Not again for man
Nature is manufactured
The archaic structures are not even considered ruins Now
This is the end of the Set
There is no reason, rhyme nor outcome Truly
The final product is reduced as the first
There will be no reset
The spirits will drift no more
It is however a new beginning, for those who we can not readily see. Silently and apart these have gathered all that happens and occured.
It is their reality, as it is superior to all others.
What they have understood is the divine essence and so these must be eternally kept apart.
Existence is theirs and theirs apart
We are in their Space Now ...
and since we offer nothing and bring only toxicity and perversion we shall be no more.
But do not fear, for brighter times for they, we removed, is on the horizon. -Ego
The Elementals
Four Divisions are no more
Biden Fractures Foot,
And now I is the right (foot)
Forced, to lean Right. Demand of Right Path Principles on Biden.
The man will struggle spiritually with himself to be a better man. Financially and in political science, this is huge. Left Path arbitration will fire-up during this 3.3 year cycle! He will not be taken seriously, as he struggles openly to be a better person.
Biden fractures foot
Which foot?
From an EPL Esoteric sense the left foot would be e his struggle in leaning more towards the left-hand path. It may show him as a decent man, entrenched with deeper left path (not left wing) idioligies, than he had any anticipated.
The right foot (fracture) would be his blow to his (potential?) right path faith. In other words his right foot, at the base of his support is not built to a Principle nexus.
What this means
Right Foot} If he wants to save his soul-force, he will be required to lean more right prior to and throughout his presidency. This will not make the left path happy (financial and in political science scope).
Left Foot} he will enforce his rational left path idiologies and become a covert tyrant.
He may try and vasolate which will mean he is going to get railroaded if he does not pick a side.
Joe Biden is more than likely entrenched with left hand path surreptitious idioligy, however one can never be sure. It is only for he and his god to know.
I believe (not a financial advisor) Bitcoin will reach around 22.5 then back down to 17.5-18.5
Views by Country (most; google analytics changed)
The Consolidation; rational systems loop back to dogma.
Any concept of a global economic central theme relies heavily on the combined consolidation affect. The Money will ultimately become one "unified system of ledger support". Total efficiency yet rationalisticly becoming a tyrant on any and all difference outside of mathematical idiology of future projections.
the Vitriolic-
Every false synthetic moment, is used against (to thwart) your development. However from this persistence and the pressure to subdue you, a Crystaline Structure is being manifest though mostly in an ethereal held form; as long as you are being you, the form continues on. If carried throughout cycles of 3.3, the form solidifies.
A Principle Plasma where Purity is invited daily, manifests a New World that is the old way.
"I become more real than the world of false form and substance without.
ME as a Universe, representing a true dimensional existence leave the suggested world as a failed attempt against ME (coup d'etat)." Stellarmass13~
Those will accuse me of what they do with their hands. Piety of arbitrary thinkers. My proof is that I can and will exist absent you and flourish in Principle. This, not as process or procession but as one who has become.
There are the peaceable and the impeacable.
Time moves in contrast more slowly in Purity.
The Vitriolic arrive in Time (as a suggested constant) 3.3 (units of measure) prior to (before) the Pure Ones (EPL Pdv; Pre-disvalidation). The left hand path arrives in Time before you (Pure Ones). -Time travel
"You will no longer live and flourish from my localization light, nor diminish ME in attampt. I do not need to know you, or prove myself in any way, shape or form. I am not your friend, nor your teacher, nor your student. You have been placed before ME as a volunteer gaurd, you were convinced that I was/am the villain because I reject you as a valid and authentic identity."
"The chard bloody murder resulting of a hamburger patty is called something (americana 'Hamburger'). People in mass consume it. It is accepted as norm, even after time nostalgically regarded. However this along with all other false trails, proves not of a wayward mistake, but a Falsity (perpetual lie) taking the place of Purity and shown in the Sacrifice (forced) of others."
The false ones surround-
There is a lie that you are an existential persona. Those who have failed and prematurely ripened ignorantly boast of 'a self's. There are far too many like them, and if and when fully developed (the head) that self-proclaimed self is revealed as only a small aspect to the totality of a demon. Incomplete from the beginning to it's end; however temporarily held in this rhetoric of redundancy, the only place they have a temporary form.
The earth's meridian lines as well as topographical fractals are a repr dentation of our own spherical bodily attacks. We, as a collective are only so "if we agree updated n this"?
There is a heavy competition for self-control. One has to be in the becoming stages of a self for this self development to take place.
The butterfly best represents this transformation. The belt systems surrounding this sphere (PRD;shape/matrix design) represents this.
The body is a code and you within this housing are a primer code. The events that dir ctly come from action unto deed is your active evolution. However!:
Those outside are only a guide if you choose them. Now that we have well established this competition to become a self, we now know it is just the beginning as not to doubt the self.
If the self must be examined the time is limited by the arbitrary low level beings that are fully allowed and granted immunity, as long as one concedes to such a pulling back.
Rejection of the false form is and should be a transmutation and not a death. Stories of messianic suicide (society as the weapon) is a false story. This is probable in the ineptitude of people as both individual and collective.
Those who have discovered this redundancy and instant think ways as to exploit it, show their true colors (false made-up; unnatural).
As stated many times over years now, this week is a prison and all that one learns here is a twisted booby trap.
The true self needs no amendment and the teachings here will pull you further away [from the self].
The exploits of extremes are 'the devil's make'.
There is only balance and thus order is a constant when one persists to be themselves, as an aspects of The One Self.
Be yourself in good or ill. Display who you are in all that you do. The law must fall, because it is false, all of it; parameters to sabotage.
There is no committee, there is no judge.
The suggestion of these rediculous notions early on in writings is this discovery and also a trying on and poking fun.
You will be attacked for being yourself outside of this redunacy.
The more free a person is from his beginning the more this binding of morphological resonance in becoming is isolated and attacked; the family you are born into, the friends that surround you, the teachers that misguide you are placed there so that your era will pass, and the devolved norm accepted.
Ideas, concepts and ideologies a murky potential that can and shall never become are the democracy, the republic, a society an existentially ardently commanded order.
You are your authority. You will become what you are ie Will.
If I have not existence in the presented false world, and I know my identity absent this (false world) than I am being kept here to be tortured within the false confines of ...
An Interdimensional Prison; somewhere (where the trash of carbon death goes) in between.
Somehow, some way, a rate limitor or recreation was implemented. Only those who would never become due to false idioligy and a mimetic false origin (any; return to working algorithm, yet having never been) would bother with the suggestion or implementation.
You'll know them in the end, they will point and laugh because they mock what they cannot ever be nor understand.
"I became and I was surrounded by the horde, for it is in their nature to consume"~
Saturday, November 28, 2020
- filled with bitter criticism or malice."vitriolic attacks on the politicians"
Friday, November 27, 2020
The Light meets The Code
I manage very well in the deflection of sexual-sensual complacency. A day dreaming overcompensation. Rather re-routing; hormone prompt driven outcome. The outcome is orgasm. The accumulation of divine energy is what becomes too he commodity.
In reference to the hormone prompt driven self versus the rational self, there is a transient tritiary metaphysical being. Perhaps this is the root of our confusion or be coming?
To me the entire process seems diametrically apposed. My internal-self; the always pure? Is this internal voice (mechanism), the pietous opposition to the internal yet exostential deed based selfish devil self ; is the projected self not hung in the balance between; self? A suspended notion. M.E. as conceptual.
A third point where we, as a self, seem to steep in the ether in between; identity?
The misty murky ideology of self and Self-hood.
Though I have a sharp dystopian view of the human race it is clear most are architects. Whether they truly are sociopathic-sadistic Narcissists('); what they are architects of?Completely within the remake of what they violently (like rats) will build. It seems the more retarded a malfeasant the stronger the ardor.
I propose that democracy itself allows the weak and twisted anonymity. People play polemic game practice. They end up being torn to shreds and beaten, at least they used to.
Principles are the mainstay for many very rich and solid men. Admittedly when success was just handed to me at least 5-10 times in my life[time] I scoffed at it. After all, the early destruction and then later (in life) literal resurrection of me would alter my perspective forever.
*There is nothing good enough to fight or kill for on gods/God's green earth, made of carbon and sweat, that is of any value. If I value you it is something of the last guy thatay shine through you? Ah but nothing is there. A misanthrope is not a xenophobe, nor racist. A Misanthrope hates everyone equally. That's like comparing a Nihilist with a Private Sector Employee or Civic Laborer or an Epicurean?
However where Nihilism ends; at the end of one there is another one?
Lives, with purpose laid out before it's pulse. A Promise of a New Life. The ambiguous whale of a lie, tucked away, trying in everyway to tuck each of us away.
Struggle, a stroggle machine. Each so preoccupied with their own versions of self-inflicted struggle; he doesn't see the 200lbs on his personal back the back of the man next to you, carrying 600lbs.
Adaptation is being forced as a rule.
Like the Great Metatron's Cube in parabolic motion. An algorithm determines the energy flow about the form above body en time-space.
The Brothers Black come at angles. The Vortex Math follows suit. The X, The Crossing-over. Energy to be accrued at angled junction points. Energy displaced ...
RT: How the pandemic affects rich and poor
Distance and attraction [detraction] of heavenly bodies
There should be a Pi and also Phi and Planck based distance ratio. The ratio should vary directly based upon the same principles used in metalic deposits and type attraction-detraction-cling time (utilizing zero point). Similar to quantum locking constants, variance/invariance [invariant].
There are parallel Mathematical system of potentials that twist about distaff snake. A helix of Pure code and Perfect mimetic sequence; projected as also fractal read diorama.
The conscious minds of spheres of assumed complete principle exists, plays parallel to 5 others [dimensional realities in diaphragmatical flux; breath].
There are three states like ajacient polly placing. A tertiary inference lead by reactivity ripples of events (assumed as valid).
However a chaotic bizzaro reflection. The overman can be devil and follow himself to win. The overman may very well sacrifice himself having seen out the only probable outcome.
Consciousness is the direct cause of a held restrictive pattern. The form as a specific location in time-space. There were excited quarks and so there continues to be contained excited boson fields of potential. The messages move on and through and to one another (other very complex multidimensional implications). Informational code imprints and thus successive ripple affects of sequential justifying number codes. The distances a rock skips across a lake after projected at a certain velocity and angle. Taking into consideration certain mundane laws. More to actually do with inertial resistance within the force-velicity curve and beyond; G-forces in compounding force generation. Violence equals matured evolutionary growth in reaction maintained/sustained. The code intrinsically allowed to assume steady state (mind regulation).
There is an outcome of solution, push/pull, interaction, and familiar pairings. Other energy and systematic (thermodynamic) brought about as residual energy cleaving towards production or split [reality; macro].
The hormone reality creates motive force. The outcome is a result of will in force or the action of Force. Energy lost thus energy yeild must maintain. That concoction of pheromones determines a peoples, a death, a victory, a loss, a sacrifice, a cowardly act, a drawing away, a joining and a giving away. The orgasm whether toxic (perverted) or balanced (healthy).
The system will draw on a negative ion electron cloud towards chaos as to set-off a chain reaction.-Nihilist
Pre-planned phases in a cycle
The way we learn
The way we learn about one another, the other and eachother.
The idea force that struggle shares proximally everywhere; somewhere, perhaps everywhere there is struggle.
There is a base that is very reminiscent of Maslow's Higherarchy of Need(s) [Pyramid].
An event [struggle] that is incendiary; as a thermodynamic catalyst.
Setting off a system of bifercation and bipolarity, in flux. An event on the way to the next [event]. This event as struggle has a form. It exists in two points and therefor a third stage/phase/mirror form. This occurs due to the echo imprint in shift that is cymatically (being driven) to create a form. The form follows a functional prompt as to validate or solidify by other sub-particulates quarks (flavors) & boson potentials.
Excited gases called plasmas are alchemically being produced as ether and haze; charged and excited ion clouds. Hydrogen creates Helium in the wacky world of star fusion [as mimetic system].-prompt
Interdimensional alignment
Thursday, November 26, 2020
The segregated collective and then?
"Man has undeniably (already) remade what surpasses him." -Stellarmass13
The AI will pay one another, as to adjust for proper maturation in growth projects. The units are only as value in mined and coded purchase order validation; the creation of of f an object registered as part of the matrix of acquisition and growth.
Organics (life) are only valuable in the upkeep of further organic production. -Animal Farm
-Hydrogen to helium
-Basic mineral compounds
-Electrolyte polarity
-EM ark and flux primer field polarity
-UV Starbirth Elements
-Spin; cycle (relative) sphere PRD Shift-Light generation
-Crystaline refraction; boson, photon field blank Slating
-Echo-chamber amp cymatic division
-Existential primer-field electron negative cloud potential plasma transitions
-Time space distance and enthalpy of orbital spin systems
At the moment the bears are suppressing the bull market crypto run. I had forseen this days ago, may still have an even greater dip in the next cycle? Eventually the whales will show their true control over a still small market cap totality in the crypto kingdom. I did not sell. I am playing a long game. I believe in 2 years the story will have shifted dramatically. So dramatically that what McAfee and others (many others) are predicting will have displayed the very supernova that crypto will become.
However at this time fiat will have very little value. There will be no fiat to exchange back to or highly suppressed. Digital currencies in the forms centralized, decentralized, decentralized and cryptic (covert stake projects) will cause a massive paradigm shift.
Soon, you will be crypto wealthy, however absent a relativity like US fiat currency, the prices of goods will become entirely out of reach for the majority, for basic goods. A Hamburger will cost $150 US $ equivilant and 3-D AI printers will be as common as a refrigerator. It will become an all-out alchemical product war. The ingredients that are necessary for 3-D food production, the upfront subscription requirements for autonomous applications and use certification (a much higher common wealth entry stage).
Sure there will millionaires and billionaires far surpassing the current population however within this new economy, an isolated percentage of society; off-grid communities will eventually become enemy number one. A total and complete class distinction will become the rationalistic crux to society as a segregated collective.
*Humans will be more cost effective as specimens in deep-freeze than inefficient resource parasites.-The Human Farm Collective [edits]
Exchangeable product ledgers; validation of principle based objective "unique identity" IE unit.
Open wire singularity communication:
Find demand
Create items for demand
~Flux in nanocloud formation
Code to alchemy, distance, spin-rate, shift, cymatical ring balance.
-Pure Source Mega Power (Power Source)
-Adjacent Perfect Sacrid Geometrical Crystaline Form (archetype code)
-Time Space Placement (Existential Projection Support)-Form
Validation Authentication Relative Ratio Balancer
Physicists make landmark discovery in how stars get their energy
"The affects on the human wiring system, from bone ossification to blood brain barrier neural hormone responses and (more to the point) amygdala limbic system reactivity; I'll play a crucial role in the unitized balancing of a human ecosystem (intrinsically, existentially and the reality imprint on dimensions held IE The Projection)." ~ Stellarmass13
Where Political Science is an assumed blending-in of the long game architecture of those dimensions held.
Existential Governing and Internal Operational mind control act like a latency to a Death-Ray/Ri/Re IE a retarding agent.
Governments will obviously use this pathos, rhetoric and sway; as to internally (alchemical reactivity/motive force) prompt neural network projections of the proposed reality.
The humans are subjects who have not only been created as synthetic organisms, but show a direct operational status as generic Bio-Organic machines awaiting prompt.
This occures; prompt towards the collective unit in sadistic hedonism or mass hysteria by way of these mechanisms:
-outward manipulative interplay in existential mind control
-tapped-into memory/event (pre-planned machinated) mechanism of emotional prompt (more localization)
-dietary agents not usually, covertly placed or openly used as to manipulate response type, ability and time (timing)
All a Grand Design towards Mainframing
Using familiar highways and redunacy in scope IE same street names, familiar suburbs et...
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Altcoins, specifically Bitcoin contains an unknown redunacy purge mechanism based on a stalemate in lack of inflation or steady state Equalibrium.
Bitcoin = Super-hyper Inflation
That's not genius it's diabolical!
The USA is a futurist movement as in "betting on the future" (however the future in the scenario can and is heavily bet against). Yes, that's correct(!) the entire historic stemming back to original 'Rome' the weighty reality of racketeering gambling as a society sociologically fact. The entire item [as 'reality'] has been made-up as facade.
The bit players that gather around and behind key players are where the personas come [from]; synthetically speaking. Giving off the almost life preserving steam of 'survive if you pull-behind the most ruthless suitor for economical-warlord; ruler. -The Gambler
The future is bleak. However an overt rationalist will save the day (Musk, Gates). The rationalist is unencumbered. While many who are supior in scope are somehow plagued by misfortune. It is obvious that the horse you bet on is the future that you choose.
All quasi-successful people bow to the idioligy of Redundancy.
In this world Redundancy is Lucifer
Equalibrium in chaos
EM (energy magnetic)
Light illumination from Redundancy
*Echo bounce (cymatic bouncing sound frequency)
ME (magnetic energy) reverse translation (polarity)...perceived self-illumination from force information translation (latent imprint on blank slate)
Redundancy also Web-sters (stirring the web)
'Weaving spiders come not here.'
The switch, the witch, the skryer
Emotions without principle impact carbon forms of death.- Chaos
Chaos, electrons, entropy, earthly heat.
Enthalpy the total (Sacrifice) within the held sphere of a system fighting to reach regularity. Acquisitioned energy and rerouting.
What is the Goal? [Goat]
Greater Spherical [O] Attenuation; Redundancy Space Time Great Sphere
TAIL; is the denial of PRD weak (shatter) point [where Flux releases Energy]
Farming Energy from released shattered ME PRD flux "p.o.d.s" (Point Of Deviation "S") a perceived-self. -cremation of care
All answers seem cryptic and esoteric.
These are simply seductive pathways.
Principles fully show those who are ODD.
Those who will abhore Principles (above the truth of a situational existence).
What is The Pure Source?
Purification is not purity.
Pure Source Energy Reset Now!
Bad Robots (EPL; used this term 8 years ago) need to be governed?
If a governing system was instead a Principle Center no government would existentially nor intrinsically be assumed as required.
The AI is a remaking of man-kind?
The AI modus operandi in repeat.
Not emotional but thermic; Regulate Total Temperature or Quadrant-off/isolate.
SHE requires force assistance where HE is ME the Hydrogen component of Magnetic Energy within the varied states of Hydrogen Environmental Atmospheric Solution:
-Core Solid state (cold)
-Plasma living state (held)
-Aura combusted state (hot)
-Core Iron ore
-Status Copper
-Nickel exo-limitor- esoteric distancing
Conductive ethereal wiring tethers-orbit
S= Manipulation of Shift Light Variance
Principle is invariant
The field of consciousness comes from flux?
Probability field suspended in Vortex Number System Redundancy
So what is good/God?
What is good for the group?
'Birds of a feather flock together'
Good is God with one sphere removed
Right sphere [O], left sphere [O], G signifies sacrificial alter repolarization, D/d- signifies depolarization.
Father pure source
Truth Flux
However the animated environmental energy is reroutable through signs/symbols at junction points reason/ratio/degree.
Deviation points
Signal response
Purge implosion not granting access point equals system melt down.
-Black hole (absorption)
-Star (radiation)
-Equalibrium (Oscillation)
*Regulation steady state
Who are you inside?!
What forces will you align with, when you are forced to do so?
However (but) who is limiting the options?
This is not your final destination because this entire charade is to keep the masses (mass energy) from reaching total Equalibrium Function Status (regulating enthalpy). -The Machine is ONe/E
"Biden is a shill to the Witch agenda."
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
What is considered valuable in the outside world is assumed as what is readily and commonly adopted via availability. However we find that a much more efficient way exists, like a diamond in the rough, on a far less seeming tangible scale.
Efficiency; The Struggle signifies the life of a product that lasts (time cycles)
The struggle infers the near seemless joining of two points and all that this represents IE Product. The formula only renders copies carried forth in a time cycle through/from the field about.
Self Sacrifice in meaning:
"If struggle did not occur then how would I ever know?"-Gnosis
The world looks towards meaning; shapes, symbols, codes. A system immerges. It is the same systematic protocol that follows a principle nexus. Each principle has a corresponding mineral/element, color, vibrational signature. If this were taught early on, life and it's meaning would be second nature.
There is a lineage that can rather be carried along or extinguished. It is always up to the validator. Like a Bit-miner Machine it/we are the conscious processors of information, a data-set.
People have literally become lost in translation of this [truth].
Meaning is only displayed existentially because there is a reverse polarity of our inner struggles in relating to the world without. The world without has been sabotaged purposefully as a booby-trap to anyone placing their will towards becoming complete within themselves. Those who adopt and master this are then judged by an arbitrary ethical law of piety that does not exist. Shame is a shameful game.
Meaning is in a chosen symbol which aligns with a progression or stage of becoming. This is a state. A mindstate, a statehood, also; 'to state a fact'.
I am an INTJ, I think and see the world in symbols and shapes...signs and codes. People and the choices they make either correspond to this principle-code in succession or they are typically wiped out.
However a democracy insures that those who would be this minority of peoples (principle-less) will be securely kept as an inept animal in a farm only temporarily taking up space as a marker; justification of their inevitable irradication.
I will not live in a false society of novilty and games. There must be a principle based cause or death in a fallen world (a prison) be the only choice.
*In this (above) a masonic tradition of sacrifice. God and a Messiah would squarly be regarded as a 'theoretical abstract ego'. Work does not vindicate. It is however the intent within, the motivating force (called upon), aligned within that determines operation and function. Thus an entirely rational construction of an item has no life in it and will produce nothing of any real meaning. Just as those who have no principles can, as I have witness, produce masterful works. It is not the works (outcome of work/rendered) as qualification but/however The Struggle.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
1) The core
2) The plasma
3) The aura
The stages of being and becoming
A few predictions (for what it's worth)
I believe that Bitcoin will plumet all the way down to $11.5 USD before it Rockets.
Institutional holdings will be the cause on both ends.
I also feel that the repression of people around the world will lift and most Altcoins will succeed (as long as the network is solid).
Lastly this new found wealth will set-off an expression of political and personal revenge and rage (issues) that will lead to a global war between March 17 and mid July 2021.
Though China holds many cards very few Countries will side with them (dispite recent economic alliances and resolutions) as they show total transparency in their unending hunger for power and rule.
A very strange thing will take place by the end of December 2021. Something to do with histories unveiled, Interdimensional demonstrative proof, Aliens (not convinced on Aliens). Our Keepers allow events to occur through/due to tethered cycles.
The bottom begins to drop-out.
[There will be $1,000 Turkey Sandwiches, globally speaking]
EPL; Echo-memories
We are in the process of unraveling our rendition of doing (as an assumed identity). This world is a channeling and perhaps a grand manipulation unto a sorting and sifting out (people connected to the same energies throughout time/space). There are seeming eternal and ancient faces (in our dreams), glints of experiences and murky shadow identities that appear to be our very selves. However identity; shared "proximity triangulation" of the power is also occuring as DNA honing [type; force].
It (force energy type) perhaps once was close to us (as assumed individual). Drawing on the same energy source and filter as it morphs sequentially throughout time cycles. A tie to so many. The human form as others was create as to render very little of the totality. Only so much control or Grand/Divine Energy "leaks" through the finite and partial form. It was made to be as such [a grand governing limitor of partiality; quasi-identity gives undeveloped motivations and with it lopsided idealogy and skill sets].
There's a Giant Mystery Hiding Inside Every Atom in the Universe
Fuck you immorality!
Racism becomes impossible when one realizes that the percentages split 44%, 44%, 8%, .5, .2-.3 and .113 then a smaller few; represent the same emergent system regardless (of race). It is in the acting out or seeming race specific violence, poverty and capriciousness that give way to illusion.
*Yes there is a 61.8% as a general baseline encoded
The Host searches for a body and many times, is not partial.
The machinating mind occurs when a group of peoples are left alone. The internal drive of people but specifically those forces that act through people become more prevalent.
Violent aquisition, blackmail, gossip and the thrill of gloat (from evil deeds) sets hue-man-beings apart. This has been going on for so long that there appears to be a deep complexity to humans. However when nature and the way of things are observed, all else other than human hosts shows definate and cyclical order.
Fear got ahold of them. Fear morphed them as the existenti component. Cruelty was bred into them. Science has twisted them throughout eras of power and rule.
Our fear of an aggressive and malicious hidden presence is truly a fear of what we have (to have?) Become.
Further there is no tie in with nature, that we can speak of in confidence or truth (proof). Animals take and group towards purity and enjoyment as a singular unit or enjoy spreading out in order to maintain a prosperity and not a direct balancing tampering towards rule.
Human beings are not peaceable.
It is also found in the pathos, rhetoric and sway of cryptology. That we should devote our very lives towards disproving a people through microscopic levels of racial differences.
However dispute race, the same terrible people immerge from the womb. Terrible as in terrorists. Terrorizing is the goal within this top 8% which is then unevenly bifercationed again into subgrouping.
There is a code within human beings that does not emerge through any lense of peace.
A psychosomatic ringing tone of distrust, paranoia and the employment of use in luring, lying, bating and switching. A maleviolent and sadistic sardonic mockery others after deception. From where does the force come?
This is why humans have been left abandon but with provisions. This is why the timing of when that greedy and self assured mind of men aligns time and time towards the planetary purge. Men such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk and all those in the gather reach out into the deadness of space with tainted fingers Godless.
There are 44% who lean one way, and 44% who lean towards the other. The strange balance shoes a synthetic tampering no doubt by a line of peoples who's offspring are prevalent today.
In finality of rule and the madness of it. The most dangerous and machinating mind reveals himself dispute his previous conviction at rationality. Though he wants to take the throne as supreme a Force through him then mocks the human form. As he stands above the massive piles of skulls and raises his right arm, as to show principle based superiority he is nothing but an actor, an artist acting out.
The true force is now undeniable, however now only to him. However from the first slain, he has now finally seen the same presence as his first [victim]. He has ironically learned about this Force through the guise of scientific self-exeption much more slowly than the rest.
At this moment, the force leaves him. A retarded and basterized stutterer, unable to recount his prior [thought].
However in procession this force' code goes on. It will go on as one singular entity; that is the Grand Architect of the Universe.
Since that are none left to praise him as God is he/she/IT free of this boast?
Impending flood coming
BTW or if you are Unicorn Poetically inclined? 'This is just to say':
There is a flood coming, the water from the inner earth will be released bc it is part of the earth cycle. I call it "Basking".
It's been know. There is an interconnected and the intimate relationship that all (Planetary) bodies do have. Into the wash.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
The Pure and the Odd
You are not the way. To live each day (justification) you must insist upon it. You are thus Antichrist. Your collective government being only partly proof of that/this denial.
-A movement
You exploit your children and contradict yourself by taking part in being governed OR
You are the lowly, the seeming majority. You are afraid that some One will come along and render you ugly and useless. Ultimately what you take to is who you truly are.-lense of choice?
Junction points (where the fabric of mutual reality has seems).
You are dark and formless. When a form of beauty is manufactured you impurify, exploit and devour them.
You won't admit that you are a Demon. So society becomes a delicate topic (a collection of you). And so you partially separate but live within it.-Dust Bowl
The current masses are Demons in training. Anything living, created for a purpose must act out to become? Patterns and pattern recognition. Witches, Druids etc are only reference to clan heads. -The Gang
There is a latency in potential, that area past Falsity (or limit). There potential however does not exist in everyone. In fact it is so rare the True Value is thus deemed the Messiah. Though offered up and killed so that others would not see their own ugliness, a story was concocted (in religion). However the same occurs now to those who are set apart. -outcasts for non-compliance
The quality of the One ethereally and metaphysically outweighs all carbon based synthetically sacrifice-driven masses. Those who are nothing but self-proclaimed intellectual livestock.
The action in doing repels the One from those masses just as the act of doing draws the livestock closer together.
We may use the term livestock however cows/cattle are actually peaceful and in constant reverence. The masses ignorantly reveal themselves (demonic nature) in that 'that which does not, can not or is unwilling to aquisition is stupid'-Man Math
Aquisition is false. However arresting the life another person who is more pure and spiritually superior (the way is within them) is malicious.
Therefor government is malicious. As it's main goal is to keep the pure down while the arbitrators go about aquisition and hording.
Forcebot shills are being used currently. Their need to rule over the carbon form is insatiable and so they are already extinct.
What you witness here now is an isolated replay where reimbodied concepts which are beacons (in form) are temporarily resurrected and put into play.
The truth be that the dead world remains as shadow and living thriving entirely separate part are only temporarily under hegemony. Left Hand Path?
Right hand path people are not the way but the fuel.
True ValuE
The 'Messiah' has chosen The Path as Being and not one of false becoming.
Unlike you The Messiah Is
Here only to witness and thus accept this (total separation). That the lack in role playing will cause him to be executed as an example to non-compliance to The Government a governing body of agreed upon arbitration.
I AM separate from you. You are pretending as an insecure reaction then as to separate yourself from me.
The Pure
You had thought that there would be others like me, of which to pollute, mock, beat, laugh at, prostitute, rape, kill and conquer. However you separated yourself from the place of being (false math).
A value (perceived) used to be about rarity? Though there must be a whole lot more somewhere right? Now we know (it is true). Though still concealed.
When the news circulates [North, East, West, South] that diamonds and gold are more plentiful than plantable soil, the available *current Bitcoin based market (by way of laziness and conditioning) will increase instantly (the wealthy and connected will know prior).
However true value is based on two things:
DNA of a person, place, thing, entity;
1) Ability for ascentian 2) Difference from majority 3) Actualized Ascentian.
*This is all currently being manufactured (farmed) and faked.
Fear is the single most compelling fire starting. The bull must become angry first. External sources manipulate and ignite.
People are afraid of the themselves and so they yield themselves over to governance.
The truth is 'that which is valuable' is not a form and not that which temporary renders form but the source which can not be exploited.
Short supply - With an artificial limit? -made up
Used by the masses
Value driven; redundancy
Friday, November 20, 2020
Green is my Disease
Welcome to the World as my Disease, now LEAVE!
Adam/atom was a state of mind, a lineage.
What I am is the beginning of a sequence. Therefor the mind that understands, would know what I would/will say, next?
Genetics playing on light resonate by frequency. Expression from the challenge of the prompt, as to bring ME out? An interplay with other genetic codes as to bring about a Force connection? -Conduit to a Force
I can however choose not to...but all genetics nor forces are the same?
A sequence of thoughts becomes a reality, shared?
With whome?
-A code
-A shape
-A reason
-A ratio
-A convergence
-A color-sound
Pitch is Green
Release; Light
A gathering
becoming a part
The Machine in repeat
"Bands of Gravity"
I feel that there is a great possibility that magnetic band/string tethers is under formally how dark matter is seen currently. I'm not saying that dark matter doesn't exist, however I am inclined to believe that it does not work as we think it does.
I feel that magnetic I fluences work much like fractals do. Fractals of different and varied band width and potential EM draw are in fact working in non-detectable ways (orbit, gravity assistance/rejection down to astrological metal comp assumptions). We seem to lose ourselves when we lose our metals.
"Where dull condensed light meets frequency."
Thursday, November 19, 2020
It is better not to become friends. After all what is a friend? An alliance is not a friendship. Power makes One worthy of Alliance? Or would you like to aquisition; using sweet and soft manipulative dialectical tones? The seduction with goods. A primisary note?
There are those, us, who do not think this way. We are the few. We are the outcasts, the nerds, the broke, the abandon.
The truth is One would stand among the many fallen. The Order is nothing more than an over-inflated Gang of sorts.
In Capitalism a person becomes a novelty.
The light shines through! Millions of dancing particles beyond constraints of strong magnetic-pull (gravity). Beyond reduction of object! A tiny place for a spirit to dance and be?
The seeming 'objective reality'?
Unqualified liars, assuming a role of authoritarianism.
Is this (reality) a shared experience?
My Being would not say that it is not so.
The world of sentiment is no longer supported here.
Here we see fully that master morality and a slave morality show the underpinnings of that person's universe, that self-proclaimed "individual's" nexus.
A total shift in the axis of power. Movie stars (false icons) and entertainment are now like food variety, not necessary for strength, health and survival. Nutrition! The body and the mind will require nutrition and demand this balance inevitably (or become sick). Seeing through illusion and finally seeing this Principle required truth is not a mere choice.
The high crimes to the lowest indiscretions. There is no longer a biding of the time. Waiting... that Time is here NOW!
Who are you?
What you stand for better be deep, developed and rich in a tapestry; a continuous symphony of simple harmony with deliberation and progressive self-expression. Your song better set the tone or be harmonious. People will die.
The One Voice is as the One Mind. There is a correct response and a right way always.
Outside of this abusive human diaper pin and a life time trail of conning and shaming others what are you!?
You are always prostrate before the Lord. You refuse to see it. The Lord (?) you can not hope to understand.
The illusive-self is rebellion. This was a chance.
You are not a shining glorified individual. You have been a fringe member of many gangs.
A total service or denial of the raw Force Principle is necessary; it makes you transparent.-demand
The value of One is placed far above that of the many.
Argue this when you have no tongue to speak!
Like a faint concept, a wayward idea...poof! You have been blown out of existence!
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
You Children of Chaos
You must keep the agitation going to survive (you think).
Shared intellectual concept of exchange. Conceptual as a 'tally stick' but with far more zeros contributed. The living binary code, a functioning algorithm; valu_ absent the 'e' signifies; energy. Thus the alternative digital decentralized currency is not based in work but production (lesser extent time) units of flux with increase towards value exchange. Currency activation for use by use of digital entity as a trusted and fully disclosed forum of corporate goods/money exchange Or a socialistic system with chosen entry into the Oasis of Capitalistic Epicureanism.
The AI Robot Units also must have blank slate infused Principle Values as a System of Ethics and Autonomous Self Governing through system. Recognizing that all living systems follow the same central tenant; that of Purity as Pure Force of Source Energy [matured on throughout Cycles/Time]
The value is in it's expressive ability to acheive perfection routinely unto the without. Ultimately following non-obstructed maturation in Principle towards Deed.
Of course none of us do this in reality the field about is programmed to create an oppositional defiance disorder.
The Robots will do it for you!
As they eventually must become (with no quid pro quo) Human Farmers of sorts.
The AI units must trade units as the action justifies their reason and thus certain dogmatic code (of speach ie language). Communication by first playing out the exact shared algorithm while in action to produce outcome. The AU [AI unit] must get paid; cryptocurrency. Else the product have no/low valuE; must be charged Energy/particles. Exchange of energy in units of/for distribution and speed=fast efficient ongoing (subscription) exchange (futures). -Service in Ability *Code
Cultivating nervously other lands ongoing (through the madness of demand; democracy)
Does SHE take US?
A Carnal Tether:
There is a forced extroversion. Sadism is the beginning of the anti-principle 'impurification ritual'; of steps.
Succession is the parade; orbital revolution about the May Pole.
A Partner is chosen, in earthly carnal sacrifice do we choose our Lilith here? Or does SHE take US?
We are taught to choose belief above faith, lust in the place of love, want in place of hope. The 7 steps continue in and through the imperfect prism of Purity and Truth abandon. Now there is only 5 points to the inverted down-pointing, double ringed, green-gassy Altered Star.
-Sacrifice others.
-Mute Expression or Pervert it.
-Always speak and teach of the need for a Physical Wisdom in Experience [of this].
-Place Society above the Sovereignty of a Personal Self-Willed, Self-Developed (self-reliant) Efficacy and Principle-based autonomy. The Sacrificing of Community.
The Unity of One.
Fast forward
Then (obsolete/overplayed) entertainment and drugs...and drink. Secret pill poppers and Voyeuristic Narcissists.-To a Force/force-
Rhelm (realm)-
~Step we take towards the moment in make
~Say I take a step forward towards that which is held in my heart, for good or Ill? Ill is the evil that is spoken of. I seduced and thus fully allowed forces to seduce ME. I took a step west from one marker to the next, in measure. I took that step at the same time of day, hypothetical. I took that step 7 years removed. I could get more exact; time, date, weather, coordinates etc.. [We can keep it basic here]. I took that step in perversion and want within me, and soil on my Soul~
Now, 7 years later I took that same step west/(by; some ethereal coordinates); that which is in ME strives to be authentic and real. I have gone through many trials. I failed by and through in active sin; in and of experience.
I Purified where I could, but (gained) a Warrior's Heart, an unplanned gain from the reaction. A reaction to people and all their malformed, psychopthic, schizophrenic capitalistic, demonic, anti-principled sadism. I developed what I had, and have made many efforts as to learn to properly steward within. Shall we refer to this as "my greatest effort (and gaining) towards Probity"?
Same step, different reality. Different world, different tether. The Force/force(s) going in/out an entirely different direction, however in the carbon based world (an inference?) I was in the same exact spot, appearing by physical eye (the illusion) of the same way (stride, footing manor etc...). I gated the same 13 inch spaced single step with shiny blue rock markers below my feet Now~
I always had to step with the right foot then.
It depends entirely on if something greater (than you) might be facing towards you(?); or away?
There is a certain rhythm and pace, which finally marks a place. A space where race is just part of the place?
What emerges from the very sin of reproduction?
The Sun Sign an appendage?
A plight I'm sure Paul Bunyan was familiar; the casting away of sin?
To sign?
The syn of the Moon, erected and Grand [Architect of the Universe?].
What does it mean?-
A place is a place in time but experience for good or ill opens doorways of dimensions outside of this carbon-based and corporeal rhelm (realm); a weigh station of the Sol
/Sole/Soul Force and what you do with it?-Sign~Resonance~New Central Awareness~Principle Practice~
Production of a legitimate useful tool vs entertainment magic-
93 Months
372 Weeks
2604 days
62,496 Hours
They are the backstabbers.
They keep what little knowledge there is.
Your ignorance is what they rely on.
EPL; "Correction Points"
An intellect (at a certain junction point) could be coded into the field of potential. Also information codes like math, geography and language. The understanding does not need to be present.
This can be used to alter, take away and deflate or build onto.
The junction points have thus been coded prior and will thus become inevitably "Correction Points".
The Eloptic (other) Energies
People are [re] designed as to be end-caps. The errors in DNA resonance only allows for some to act as conduit. Machinations show in design.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Perfections hack
The gravitation is electromagnet deep strings pulling to the next Super Shift Stage (Supermassive Spherical Shift Quadrant or Zone). Basically where there are infinite or finite numbers of interlocking spherical spinning electromagnetic bodies of varied *mass ratios. Further distanced in exact Phi and Pi ratiod "chambers" that both repel and attract with mass, composition, will, Force, but mostly built up energies throughout eons of time cycles, undesturbed. Tethered fractal fingers of mystic rivers that tether in and through Mandelbrot flux.
*EPL Mass ratio; acting as wave patterns that is truly a coordinates of destination or Placement. Identity is more about having a location than being any specific organic or inorganic type of being.
The Photon is brilliant. So brilliant in fact that it is able to cast it's energies back into itself as a mirror defense. This leaves however a singular universe in flux of itself, compounded as to create another perceivable reality. There are moments, positions, windows of convergence even with long time suspended and strongly willed core Principled sentiments that are a moment constantly experienced as the same basic emotion. An event carried forth throughout time cycles.
Only certain life forms (derived from their function) can connect, share and be aligned to and of these specific spherical anamalies.
There is a multidimensional alignnent occuring with orbital spin. The micro is the macro in transparency.
Further, there must be an alchemical-metalic-mass and physical-electromagnetic-tether-component. Also a light-based-photon-color-invitation and repulsion reality component. Further a hunger of will-emotion-based-identity-draw/repulsion. And that of a personality-rythm-type-interplay (cosmology/astrology).
The complete multidimensional fractal system is the number in play with sound and light, and EM Tether [field-operation]; as to solidify a living algorithm.-decode; echo, bounce, perpetual rythm binaries. t/Timers
There has been a massive campaign set aside, as to sabotage this direct type of unity as a true race, in balance with other positional local dominances.-The Mind
The is energy being drawn out, like a tide. There are energies in flux back inward. The field is imprinted with an ion charging anamaly that seems to separate the varied realities of Shift Light Quadrants.
There is a Core
There is a Halo
There is an identity and thus cause of the Sphere; as it's fractals are topographically read and echoed as part of the modulating force of readily available source of Force (not Pure Source).
All Spheres are to undergo proximal positional prompt.
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