
Sunday, November 29, 2020

the Vitriolic-

 Every false synthetic moment, is used against (to thwart) your development. However from this persistence and the pressure to subdue you, a Crystaline Structure is being manifest though mostly in an ethereal held form; as long as you are being you, the form continues on. If carried throughout cycles of 3.3, the form solidifies.

 A Principle Plasma where Purity is invited daily, manifests a New World that is the old way. 

 "I become more real than the world of false form and substance without. 

 ME as a Universe, representing a true dimensional existence leave the suggested world as a failed attempt against ME (coup d'etat)." Stellarmass13~

 Those will accuse me of what they do with their hands. Piety of arbitrary thinkers. My proof is that I can and will exist absent you and flourish in Principle. This, not as process or procession but as one who has become. 

 There are the peaceable and the impeacable. 

 Time moves in contrast more slowly in Purity.

 The Vitriolic arrive in Time (as a suggested constant) 3.3 (units of measure) prior to (before) the Pure Ones (EPL Pdv; Pre-disvalidation). The left hand path arrives in Time before you (Pure Ones). -Time travel

 "You will no longer live and flourish from my localization light, nor diminish ME in attampt. I do not need to know you, or prove myself in any way, shape or form. I am not your friend, nor your teacher, nor your student. You have been placed before ME as a volunteer gaurd, you were convinced that I was/am the villain because I reject you as a valid and authentic identity."

 "The chard bloody murder resulting of a hamburger patty is called something (americana 'Hamburger'). People in mass consume it. It is accepted as norm, even after time nostalgically regarded. However this along with all other false trails, proves not of a wayward mistake, but a Falsity (perpetual lie) taking the place of Purity and shown in the Sacrifice (forced) of others."

The false ones surround-
 There is a lie that you are an existential persona. Those who have failed and prematurely ripened ignorantly boast of 'a self's. There are far too many like them, and if and when fully developed (the head) that self-proclaimed self is revealed as only a small aspect to the totality of a demon. Incomplete from the beginning to it's end; however temporarily held in this rhetoric of redundancy, the only place they have a temporary form.

False parameters stemming from the fear of law.

The earth's meridian lines as well as topographical fractals are a repr dentation of our own spherical bodily attacks. We, as a collective are only so "if we agree updated n this"?

 There is a heavy competition for self-control. One has to be in the becoming stages of a self for this self development to take place. 

 The butterfly best represents this transformation. The belt systems surrounding this sphere (PRD;shape/matrix design) represents this. 

 The body is a code and you within this housing are a primer code. The events that dir ctly come from action unto deed is your active evolution. However!:

Those outside are only a guide if you choose them. Now that we have well established this competition to become a self, we now know it is just the beginning as not to doubt the self.

 If the self must be examined the time is limited by the arbitrary low level beings that are fully allowed and granted immunity, as long as one concedes to such a pulling back.

 Rejection of the false form is and should be a transmutation and not a death. Stories of messianic suicide (society as the weapon) is a false story. This is probable in the ineptitude of people as both individual and collective. 

 Those who have discovered this redundancy and instant think ways as to exploit it, show their true colors (false made-up; unnatural).

 As stated many times over years now, this week is a prison and all that one learns here is a twisted booby trap. 

 The true self needs no amendment and the teachings here will pull you further away [from the self]. 

 The exploits of extremes are  'the devil's make'. 

 There is only balance and thus order is a constant when one persists to be themselves, as an aspects of The One Self. 

 Be yourself in good or ill. Display who you are in all that you do. The law must fall, because it is false, all of it; parameters to sabotage. 

 There is no committee, there is no judge. 

 The suggestion of these rediculous notions early on in writings is this discovery and also a trying on and poking fun. 

 You will be attacked for being yourself outside of this redunacy. 

 The more free a person is from his beginning the more this binding of morphological resonance in becoming is isolated and attacked; the family you are born into, the friends that surround you, the teachers that misguide you are placed there so that your era will pass, and the devolved norm accepted. 

 Ideas, concepts and ideologies a murky potential that can and shall never become are the democracy, the republic, a society an existentially ardently commanded order. 

 You are your authority. You will become what you are ie Will. 

 If I have not existence in the presented false world, and I know my identity absent this (false world) than I am being kept here to be tortured within the false confines of ...

An Interdimensional Prison; somewhere (where the trash of carbon death goes) in between.

 Somehow, some way, a rate limitor or recreation was implemented. Only those who would never become due to false idioligy and a mimetic false origin (any; return to working algorithm, yet having never been) would bother with the suggestion or implementation. 


 You'll know them in the end, they will point and laugh because they mock what they cannot ever be nor understand. 

 "I became and I was surrounded by the horde, for it is in their nature to consume"~

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